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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
5 5.88%
0 0%
6 7.06%
8 9.41%
15 17.65%
30 35.29%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
21 24.71%

11-03-2019 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
mike, i've never played in florida but I would be surprised if the reputation it has of snowbird games being soft and wild was incorrect

When snowbird season starts (right about now) the games get softer. No doubt about that. Its a drastic affect. They aren't really wild games though. Snowbird are all old guys. They aren't good at poker but they are mostly the type to call down 3 streets with TP weak kicker or pay off when an obvious FD hits. They dont jam chips in and play huge pots or raise blind or anything like that.

If you've played in S. Florida in the the winter and think the games are always like you saw, you're wrong. Its night and day between summer and winter. I doubt there's any place else with such a drastic change.

it seems pretty unbelievable you've only played 3 hands of 300+bb pots

are you seeing others play in pots this big?

Very very rarely. Ive seen 1 $5k pot between 2 maniacs who happened to both have flopped straights. I cant remember ever seeing another pot over $3k in 6000 hours

do you by any chance wear a hoodie and have headphones on and don't really engage with the rest of the snowbirds socially?

Almost everyone wears a jacket where I play because they keep the room very cold. Mine does happen to be a hoodie, but I dont put the hood up or anything like that. I dont have a back pack. I almost never wear headphones and contrary to what people here probably think I'm very engaging at the table and cut up with the other players.

I'm as loved in my room as I am hated here. Its a really weird thing.

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11-03-2019 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I dont buy the "how you run" argument. Not when we are talking about long term. But then I dont play in games where people dust off $5K. And people say I play in soft games in S. Florida? LOL

In 6000 hours Ive never played a 2/5 hand with a pot over $2500. Ive probably only played 3 pots over about $1800.
I assume you're playing 100bb max? And pretty nitty? Cause an $1800 pot is just KK vs AA happening pre with 200bb stacks and happens not infrequently.

I find it pretty hilarious that people think my games are soft and then I hear talk of $5000 pots and 5 sessions that account for 1/4 of a win rate.

A few days ago a guy opened 66 and ended up folding the turn to me on a J962 board when I made a huge turn check raise. We started the hand $1800 deep. Guys in my games aren't playing massive pots unless they have the nuts. Again, I dont know where you guys find guys dumping that kind of money but I guess if that's the case, then what I said isn't true. I sure dont see that kind of insanity here in S. Florida (or anywhere else Ive ever played) though and if you see that kind of craziness often enough, your win rate should be sky high and be able to absorb 1 or 2 suck outs in huge pots because you're making much more in the pots you win.
This sounds absurdly, incredibly soft. Someone is folding a set on a board with that many draws versus you, you clearly don't bluff enough (or you're crushing the game by bluffing a lot and people just never adjust). Soft doesn't just mean never folds; over folding is hugely exploitable.

On average, the game I play in is 7 nits, one loose player, and myself, and the average pot is $40. But some days it is 4 loose players, 3 nits, and myself and I get to blow up pots again and again and steal some and win some and the nits just fold and get out of the way, and the average pot size is $150, and sometimes much larger.

It may be me; I both play very loose and aggressive, and I'm a woman, and I show my bluffs, and men don't like getting bluffed. I've played 2k pots where I had a 6 high gutshot versus the nut straight, and I've played 2k pots where I called an all in with AQ versus someone's TT who got sick of my threebetting and four betting. If you aren't playing many 2k pots, and you're at a table where most people have $1000 stacks, you aren't bluffing enough.

To go directly to winrate chat: most people don't see how much variance there is in this game cause there aren't enough hours and the game moves too slow, and winrate is highly dependent on who is in the game when you sit down. I played with a guy who was raising to $100-$200 blind every hand for two hours; I won $3000, and my friend who is at least as good as me lost $7000 in those two hours. If we could sit with that guy for years we would be millionaires, but instead we only got those couple hours, and only cause we happened to be at the casino on Saturday at 9am the one time a year he shows up. I got a nice boost to my yearly winnings and my buddy got a big drop in his yearly, and it's about as random as hitting a minor BBJ.

EDIT: I want to be clear - I don't hate you at all MikeStarr. I find your posts entertaining and informative at times. I would also guess if you asked traveling pros where had the easier games - South Florida, or the Philly/AC area, they would say South Florida. I have no idea, cause I just play here, and the games seem plenty soft to me
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11-03-2019 , 01:25 PM
You've gone and made your reply unquotable. Good move, Mike.
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11-03-2019 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
"I don't use X as Y" does not equal "X cannot be used as Y." browni talked about what he personally finds important IRT winrate, and it's not dick measuring.

Mike, you have trod the edges of the "no drama in this thread" rules for a long time. This is your formal warning that any more questionable posts ITT will result in your banishment from it. I don't care if it's "not as bad as some others have posted." This is a lifetime achievement warning and if you do get banned from the thread it it will be for general tone issues, not that straw that breaks the camel's back.
If you want to ban me, then ban me. I didnt say anything about Browni's skill level. I happened to have played with him before. He doesn't know who I am but I know who he is. He's a good player for sure.

I just said that win rate absolutely is a measure of skill level and if you dont think so, you are lying to yourself. If that's ban worthy than ban away.
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11-03-2019 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by crsseyed
Hourly winrate isn't a perfect measure of ability, but it's pretty much the best we have (long term)
With the understanding that in live cash games, the long run is actually quite long, that it takes about 2000 hours before you have played enough hands for an online grinder to actually listen to you before saying, "Yeah, I'm crushing at 7bb/100 over my lifetime, and I have had downswings that lasted longer than that."
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-03-2019 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ranma4703
I assume you're playing 100bb max? And pretty nitty? Cause an $1800 pot is just KK vs AA happening pre with 200bb stacks and happens not infrequently.

This sounds absurdly, incredibly soft. Someone is folding a set on a board with that many draws versus you, you clearly don't bluff enough (or you're crushing the game by bluffing a lot and people just never adjust). Soft doesn't just mean never folds; over folding is hugely exploitable.

On average, the game I play in is 7 nits, one loose player, and myself, and the average pot is $40. But some days it is 4 loose players, 3 nits, and myself and I get to blow up pots again and again and steal some and win some and the nits just fold and get out of the way, and the average pot size is $150, and sometimes much larger.

It may be me; I both play very loose and aggressive, and I'm a woman, and I show my bluffs, and men don't like getting bluffed. I've played 2k pots where I had a 6 high gutshot versus the nut straight, and I've played 2k pots where I called an all in with AQ versus someone's TT who got sick of my threebetting and four betting. If you aren't playing many 2k pots, and you're at a table where most people have $1000 stacks, you aren't bluffing enough.

To go directly to winrate chat: most people don't see how much variance there is in this game cause there aren't enough hours and the game moves too slow, and winrate is highly dependent on who is in the game when you sit down. I played with a guy who was raising to $100-$200 blind every hand for two hours; I won $3000, and my friend who is at least as good as me lost $7000 in those two hours. If we could sit with that guy for years we would be millionaires, but instead we only got those couple hours, and only cause we happened to be at the casino on Saturday at 9am the one time a year he shows up. I got a nice boost to my yearly winnings and my buddy got a big drop in his yearly, and it's about as random as hitting a minor BBJ.

EDIT: I want to be clear - I don't hate you at all MikeStarr. I find your posts entertaining and informative at times. I would also guess if you asked traveling pros where had the easier games - South Florida, or the Philly/AC area, they would say South Florida. I have no idea, cause I just play here, and the games seem plenty soft to me
Traveling pros would most likely be traveling to S. Florida in the winter. It would make no sense to come here during the summer. The weather sucks.

Im pretty sure that is why people think the games here are soft. As Ive said before, they are much much softer during the winter.

Ive never seen a guy come in raising $100-$200 blind and playing huge pots like you describe so I guess I have no frame of reference for what that does to your win rate.

My games are 200BBs max but Id guess maybe only 10% of people buy in that deep and there are hardly any deepish stacks playing big pots against each other without nutted hands. Set over set or whatever.

People say that deeper games (for good players) are much more profitable.

Assuming that's true, your win rate will be higher if people are deeper and are willing to play bigger pots. You could have more variance but that just means "long term" may be longer for you than someone else....but "long term", win rate is still best the barometer of skill level.
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11-03-2019 , 01:47 PM

Maybe if you play in mostly nitty games but every once in a blue moon some wild guy comes in raising blind, you should separate that session out and put it in a "gambling" category. Because if you win $5K or lose $5K, that's not really a reflection of your poker skill. Its more luck, while having an obvious edge. If it skews your results that much thats what I would do.
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11-03-2019 , 01:48 PM
Talking about long term on this forum is dangerous.

It’s true that WR reflects skill on the long term, but the problem is that most live players never reach the real long term on poker.

And by that I’m talking about many and many hands... I would say that long term on Poker couldn’t be less than 200.000 hands.
Some consider that 100.000 hands are good enough of a sample for the long term, wich I disagree, but let’s make an exercise with 150.000 hands.

It would mean ~5.000h playing live (30 hands/h, that we know it could be something less).

5.000h would be 3 years of full time grind playing 138h/month, all 12 months of the year.

That’s alot and I guess we can count in one hand the number of players ITT that have such a sample.

And remember... I, personally, don’t even believe it could be called long term for Poker.

So yes.... I agree that WR is a sum of skill+how you run on our discussion.
More than many could even imagine.
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11-03-2019 , 02:07 PM
I don't see how it's controversial to say that winrate is a measure of:

WR = Skill + Game Conditions + (rungood/samplesize)

The same player with the same skill level will win different amounts in different games (or w/ and w/o snowbirds for example). While the short term rungood or runbad goes away as we collect a larger sample.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-03-2019 , 02:21 PM
Here's a graph since I feel like I contributed to a bit of a derail. Each point is a different session, 80% 2/5, 5% 5/10, 15% 5/10 PLO
$89,343 won, 1417 hours, 63.04 hourly. Pretty sure I'm running above expectation by a decent amount
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-03-2019 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Ranma4703
Here's a graph since I feel like I contributed to a bit of a derail. Each point is a different session, 80% 2/5, 5% 5/10, 15% 5/10 PLO
$89,343 won, 1417 hours, 63.04 hourly. Pretty sure I'm running above expectation by a decent amount
That's solid. Well done, Ranma.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-03-2019 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Ranma4703
Here's a graph since I feel like I contributed to a bit of a derail. Each point is a different session, 80% 2/5, 5% 5/10, 15% 5/10 PLO
$89,343 won, 1417 hours, 63.04 hourly. Pretty sure I'm running above expectation by a decent amount
How did you handle your break-even stretches/"downswings" in between the rungood?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-03-2019 , 06:11 PM
Looks like maybe (1) 200 hour and (1) 250 hours breakeven stretch? That's nothing to worry about. Also, hardly any downswings of note. Great graph, Ranma!

Personally I dont like graphs with different stakes grouped together though. Especially when things as different as 2/5 HE and 5/10 PLO are in there. That could drastically change a graph if you run really hot or cold in the bigger game.
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11-03-2019 , 07:20 PM
Not meant as a critique, just looking for input for the rest of us when our graphs inevitably begin to plateau. A big part of winning poker is coping with these stretches.
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11-03-2019 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I just said that win rate absolutely is a measure of skill level.
Nope. browni said he doesn't use winrate as a reflection of skill. You told him that he was wrong to say that winrate isn't a reflection of skill. He told you that he didn't say that it wasn't and you quoted his post which said he didn't use it that way as "proof" that he said it wasn't a reflection, which is, exactly as he had claimed, not what he said.

Not only do you have reading comprehension issues, you love to argue and love to claim that you're not. We're done with that.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-03-2019 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Nope. browni said he doesn't use winrate as a reflection of skill. You told him that he was wrong to say that winrate isn't a reflection of skill. He told you that he didn't say that it wasn't and you quoted his post which said he didn't use it that way as "proof" that he said it wasn't a reflection, which is, exactly as he had claimed, not what he said.

Not only do you have reading comprehension issues, you love to argue and love to claim that you're not. We're done with that.
Are we really going to debate "use" and "is"? Whatever. He can use whatever he wants for whatever he wants.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-03-2019 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
How did you handle your break-even stretches/"downswings" in between the rungood?
At my best? Focusing on playing my best, taking mindfulness breaks, and tightening up a bit to avoid second guessing myself in close spots.

At my worst? Saying I'm terrible at poker, not playing as much, calling bets when I shouldn't just to see how bad I'm running.

It helps to look at my current winrate and calculate how long I'd have to break even to drop down to $35/hour, which is my target number for poker to feel 'worth it' to me.

Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Looks like maybe (1) 200 hour and (1) 250 hours breakeven stretch? That's nothing to worry about. Also, hardly any downswings of note. Great graph, Ranma!

Personally I dont like graphs with different stakes grouped together though. Especially when things as different as 2/5 HE and 5/10 PLO are in there. That could drastically change a graph if you run really hot or cold in the bigger game.
IIRC I've got around 4 100-150 hour breakeven runs. I agree that having things mixed in is weird but I don't have the energy to make a better graph (it's just excel sheet). FWIW, all the 5/T PLO is at the end of the graph
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11-03-2019 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I dont buy the "how you run" argument. Not when we are talking about long term. But then I dont play in games where people dust off $5K. And people say I play in soft games in S. Florida? LOL

In 6000 hours Ive never played a 2/5 hand with a pot over $2500. Ive probably only played 3 pots over about $1800.

I find it pretty hilarious that people think my games are soft and then I hear talk of $5000 pots and 5 sessions that account for 1/4 of a win rate.

A few days ago a guy opened 66 and ended up folding the turn to me on a J962 board when I made a huge turn check raise. We started the hand $1800 deep. Guys in my games aren't playing massive pots unless they have the nuts. Again, I dont know where you guys find guys dumping that kind of money but I guess if that's the case, then what I said isn't true. I sure dont see that kind of insanity here in S. Florida (or anywhere else Ive ever played) though and if you see that kind of craziness often enough, your win rate should be sky high and be able to absorb 1 or 2 suck outs in huge pots because you're making much more in the pots you win.

This is a bizarre post.

How could you have played 6000 hours at 2/5nl and never play a pot over $2500?

I’ve played way more than you live and online, and don’t think I’ve ever seen someone fold a set to a single turn check raise on a board without str8 possibility.

And it happened to you a few days ago?

You don’t realize the insanity of someone folding 66 there?

And you’re trying to make a point that your games aren’t soft?

You made two statements that are both very hard to believe. While also disproving your statement that your games aren’t soft.

Definitely bizarre on multiple levels.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-04-2019 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Win rate is not a reflection of skill? I guess ERA is not a reflection of pitching skill either?
That's actually a great metaphor. ERA isn't at all the best reflection of pitching skill, that's why advanced pitching metrics such as xFIP exist. It throws out factors outside the pitcher's control, such as fielding, park factors, and some of the luck as well.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-04-2019 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
That's actually a great metaphor. ERA isn't at all the best reflection of pitching skill, that's why advanced pitching metrics such as xFIP exist. It throws out factors outside the pitcher's control, such as fielding, park factors, and some of the luck as well.
Very true. Some pitchers have a big advantage if they pitch in large ballparks. Looking at ERAs only in away games is a better way to compare but nobody does that.

It reminds me of everyone saying the Patriots have the best defense possibly of all time without looking at their schedule which was the easiest 8 game stretch of games Ive ever seen. They played just about every inept offensive team in the league...until tonight and they got exposed by the first good offense they played.
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11-04-2019 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by IntheNow
This is a bizarre post.

How could you have played 6000 hours at 2/5nl and never play a pot over $2500?

Dont know how, but its the truth. Maybe because I play mostly during the daytime with lots of nits? Variance is much lower but so is the avg pot size so its tough to win large amounts.

I’ve played way more than you live and online, and don’t think I’ve ever seen someone fold a set to a single turn check raise on a board without str8 possibility.

And it happened to you a few days ago?


You don’t realize the insanity of someone folding 66 there?

Yes I realize it. I couldnt believe it. I would never fold 66 in that spot

And you’re trying to make a point that your games aren’t soft?

That was one hand and I was only making a point that there there are hardly any huge pots where I play. I wasn't making any point about the games being soft. I did say they get much softer this time of year. From now until April.

You made two statements that are both very hard to believe. While also disproving your statement that your games aren’t soft.

Definitely bizarre on multiple levels.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-04-2019 , 01:23 AM
This ****ed-up way of replying inside the quote makes reasoned debate a lot harder.
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11-04-2019 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
This ****ed-up way of replying inside the quote makes reasoned debate a lot harder.
Sorry. It quicker and easier to answer multiple questions clearly that way.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
11-04-2019 , 11:01 AM

If you can put in two Bold tags, you can put in two Quote tags.
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11-04-2019 , 01:38 PM
I just played 30 hours in Vegas at 2/5 (Bellagio $500 max buyin) and I saw 5+ pots of $1800 or more. I was involved in 3 of them.

Don't most people say FL games are way better than Vegas, much less the shallower Bellagio games? Not saying you're lying, it's just shocking.
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