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View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.74%
0 0%
6 6.74%
8 8.99%
15 16.85%
32 35.96%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
22 24.72%

08-03-2016 , 07:43 PM
longitude/latitude or it didnt happen
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08-03-2016 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by BirdsallSa
That's not even one of the better ones. 500 Eff. Player raises to 10. Gets 3! to 35 by small blind. Flop comes 357 no spade. Sb open shoves. Other player tanks and flips over JsQs. Calls it off. Sb flips over ATo. Turn brick. River Jack. QJ guy says he called because he was "hunting that guy".
Now hes hunting for an ATM
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08-03-2016 , 08:41 PM
I was in a game last night where a guy was betting $500 blind pre and then shoving flops/turns for $10k+ (500bbs+) with any piece of the flop (ie K9 on a K77 board). In one hand a player doubled up through him by calling turn shove with 66 on JTT9 board (river blanked).
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08-03-2016 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I was in a game last night where a guy was betting $500 blind pre and then shoving flops/turns for $10k+ (500bbs+) with any piece of the flop (ie K9 on a K77 board). In one hand a player doubled up through him by calling turn shove with 66 on JTT9 board (river blanked).
[x] Cool Story Bro
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08-04-2016 , 12:22 AM
I now have 11 BI.

Once again successfully limp shoved 50BB with AAxx in RxR and held vs. two others. This is worked for me 4 times now.

It's like my only move in that game.
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08-04-2016 , 12:24 AM
I'm so jealous of everyone saying how soft and beatable their 1/2 games are... the talk at my 1/2 table (only Poker room within an hour) is how XXX casino in Alberta is super soft, or stuff like that... The people for the most part during the week are complete regs that often know each other or at least play against each other often, and I see a lot of the young ones talking strat away from the table.

I like to think of myself as a decent player, but a decent player is not going to walk in and start beating this 1/2 game...

Soooo.... I'm off to become better than decent and put together a big enough BR to handle the variance
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08-04-2016 , 01:55 AM
Given the current environment of poker, if you cannot beat bunch of regs, you cannot beat poker.
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08-04-2016 , 02:42 AM
Yeah but if 'reg' literally just means 'people who play a lot of poker', then most 'regs' I play could also be called 'fish'.
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08-04-2016 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by bodybuilder32
Not sure why posters make such a big deal about weekends but I don't think they are any more profitable than a weekday. Evenings and graveyard hours are much more significant than day of the week.

The thing about weekends is that, sure it brings more rec players, but many of these recs only buy in for small amounts and many play a weak passive style that doesn't lead to many large pots. Also, the fish are disturbed throughout many tables in the room. On a random Tuesday where there are only a few tables running, you can get 4-5 mega fish all in one table. Plus, the fact that they are at a casino on a Tuesday rather than a weekend makes them the kind of fish of the degenerate quality, and not a weekend warrior middle aged woman who sucks but plays like a nit.

Geez your local room must stink
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08-04-2016 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Pork Fri Rize
Geez your local room must stink
I said that weekends aren't any better; I didn't say they weren't highly profitable. They're still highly profitable, cus every day of the week is highly profitable if you can adjust.

I'm not potitive, but I feel like the certain posters that claim weekends as better are the type of ABC regs that are waiting to stack fish with sets versus TPTK or stacking inexperienced players with AA versus QQ preflop. Cooler situations where they make way more money from fish then a fish would against them in the same spot. Yes, playing aginst these fish are juicy, but if you go card dead then you are sh*t out of luck and the variance can be tiliting since you are limited to only playing the top 10% of hands, and you can easily go 8 hours without being dealt a premium and 50 hours without flopping a set.

The truth is, there is just as much money to be made from abc regs, especially regs who play deep. There are tons of steals that can be made in position, light 3betting, semibluffing big draws. If you are not an aggressive player than you are not capturing this money and are over reliant on playing in a game with donks who are going to pay you off when they are crushed.
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08-04-2016 , 08:17 AM
In my area it's almost all donks waiting to pay you off no matter when you play so your adjustments would get you killed. The only difference day of the week makes is % that are drunk.
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08-04-2016 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by bodybuilder32
I said that weekends aren't any better; I didn't say they weren't highly profitable. They're still highly profitable, cus every day of the week is highly profitable if you can adjust.

I'm not potitive, but I feel like the certain posters that claim weekends as better are the type of ABC regs that are waiting to stack fish with sets versus TPTK or stacking inexperienced players with AA versus QQ preflop. Cooler situations where they make way more money from fish then a fish would against them in the same spot. Yes, playing aginst these fish are juicy, but if you go card dead then you are sh*t out of luck and the variance can be tiliting since you are limited to only playing the top 10% of hands, and you can easily go 8 hours without being dealt a premium and 50 hours without flopping a set.

The truth is, there is just as much money to be made from abc regs, especially regs who play deep. There are tons of steals that can be made in position, light 3betting, semibluffing big draws. If you are not an aggressive player than you are not capturing this money and are over reliant on playing in a game with donks who are going to pay you off when they are crushed.
I think if you took a poll, the results would be that Im the most NON-ABC regular poster in the strat forums and I will say there's no doubt in my mind that weekends are softer most everywhere I play.

How can the weekends not be softer? All the normal working stiff type guys who play poker once or twice a month are playing. They are not very experienced and not very good.
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08-04-2016 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I think if you took a poll, the results would be that Im the most NON-ABC regular poster in the strat forums and I will say there's no doubt in my mind that weekends are softer most everywhere I play.

How can the weekends not be softer? All the normal working stiff type guys who play poker once or twice a month are playing. They are not very experienced and not very good.

I play a lot online on the legal US sites (a lot for someone with a job that is poker pro). I play with many players who are regulars and terrible. then I go play live at several different casinos with people who say they play online on the same sites I play on, they also are terrible.

Point of my story is that players, by in large, are just terrible, regardless of how much they play poker
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08-04-2016 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
players, by in large, are just terrible

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08-04-2016 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
I play a lot online on the legal US sites (a lot for someone with a job that is poker pro). I play with many players who are regulars and terrible. then I go play live at several different casinos with people who say they play online on the same sites I play on, they also are terrible.

Point of my story is that players, by in large, are just terrible, regardless of how much they play poker
Agreed. but there are different levels of terribleness. I have over 400 hours during the week and over 400 hours on weekends. My weekend win rate is just about exactly double my weekday win rate.

Anyone who plays only weekends and thinks they can go pro, better put in some serious weekday hours first because there's no way they will make what they think they will make playing full time if theyve only played weekends.
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08-04-2016 , 10:23 AM
Play Vegas on Tuesday. Then play on Saturday.
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08-04-2016 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyCopter
800 hour update. All 1/2 and 1/3, about half Vegas:

Total Hours |Total Profit| Hourly
798.13 | $47,995.00 | $60.13
Sick Graph!! What was your biggest downswing in this sample? I imagine you must be playing in some of the uncapped games or $500 max $1/$3?

Solid results bro. Very inspiring. Also, move up!!
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08-04-2016 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by 2013
Sick Graph!! What was your biggest downswing in this sample? I imagine you must be playing in some of the uncapped games or $500 max $1/$3?

Solid results bro. Very inspiring. Also, move up!!
Biggest downswing was about $2k. I'm always buying in $300. The biggest reason that the game I'm normally playing in plays deep is that when players go broke they generally rebuy repetitively, and winners rarely hit and run, increasing average stacks on the table.

I have about 100 marginally profitable hours at 2/5 and am down about 3k in 40 hours of 5/10.
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08-04-2016 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Agreed. but there are different levels of terribleness. I have over 400 hours during the week and over 400 hours on weekends. My weekend win rate is just about exactly double my weekday win rate.

Anyone who plays only weekends and thinks they can go pro, better put in some serious weekday hours first because there's no way they will make what they think they will make playing full time if theyve only played weekends.

I defiantly agree. Due diligence should be an important aspect of most major descisions in life

Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
I play a lot online on the legal US sites (a lot for someone with a job that is not poker pro). I play with many players who are regulars and terrible. then I go play live at several different casinos with people who say they play online on the same sites I play on, they also are terrible.

Point of my story is that players, by in large, are just terrible, regardless of how much they play poker

Fixed my own post
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08-04-2016 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
I defiantly agree. Due diligence should be an important aspect of most major descisions in life

Fixed my own post
Im glad someone else cant spell "definitely". I have to use spell check every damned time. Assuming you weren't actually being defiant when you agreed with me.
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08-04-2016 , 11:38 AM
Autocorrect is a cruel mistress

Definitely/defiantly is a common word I get F'ed on by her
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08-04-2016 , 06:50 PM
anyone keep track of hourly per day? i have a very small sample size but it shows weekends are way better -
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08-04-2016 , 07:09 PM
Yes. (Well, sort of, based on the day of the week that the session *ends* on, so a session on Friday night that runs until 2am gets counted as "Saturday".)

I'm negative on Wednesdays with only about 200 hours, break even on Mondays with 1000 hours (probably Sunday PLO skewing that).

Best days are Tues/Thurs/Friday at $10/$15/$10/hr respectively, 3-500 hours each. I think this is dominated by some insane home games.

Sat/Sun are about $9/hr over roughly 2000 combined hours (about half and half). This has a LOT of casino time from years ago.

I'm not even sure it's fair to compare these as the home games during the week are so different. I wouldn't draw any conclusions from your 180 hour total sample. One big hand either way will swing one of your days by $10/hr.
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08-04-2016 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by McSkinny
anyone keep track of hourly per day? i have a very small sample size but it shows weekends are way better -

Some tracking software has this built in. RunGood and Poker Income both do
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08-04-2016 , 10:52 PM
You can literally have 1 hand in a 180 stretch that will change your win rate by $5 an hour in a 1/2 game.

It's insane to think that anything you derive from 180 is really useful in the long term.
Unless you're down like 20bi. Then you're prolly a fish..

But other than that. Nothing really.
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