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Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post)

10-03-2019 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Someone in the Polk live stream chat said they called the CGCB and was told they and/or the DOJ were already investigating.
Technically it's not them that really handles these matters, it's the enforcement bureau of another dept. I'm not living in the USA right now, but if someone wants to call in and punch a complaint (especially someone who has played vs Mike Pustule would be optimal, but not necessary), call the following number, and ask for the enforcement bureau and complaints department.

1 916 830 1700.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
The vibrations need to be near your ear for you to hear it. Your inner ear picks up the vibrations and turns it into sounds you can hear like speech. Vibrating your foot wouldn't do that unless you were using morse code or something.
You could certainly feel something. And there's no reason why they couldn't both learn morse code. We used to communicate entire newspaper articles and letters that way.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I looked at some hands in that. It didn't appear that he was cheating (no weird body language) in the tournament. He didn't play trash hands and folded the best hand pre-flop at least once.

In a word, yes. I could have posted this 24 hrs ago just after the stream got cancelled, but a possible explanation for why Justin was silent yesterday is the boss of the room called him into the office and said words to the effect of "WTF is going on in your live show? We have a situation here with very serious accusations."
I would imagine the bosses quizzed him about various allegations and if they had any suspicion that Justin was involved, they would likely suspend him, and/or tell him to get a lawyer. It was presumably the overall room manager that made an executive decision to cancel last night's stream while they presumably grilled Justin further.
Whoever runs that room has a really big problem right now, but they can't let Justin carry on as normal. If I was the boss, he wouldn't be allowed on the premises, pending further inquiries.
Except Justin Kuraitis personal twitter and StonesLive poker twitter accounts tweeted the same thing about the show being suspended pending further investiagtion. It would appear that Justin is somehow still in charge of the StonesLive twitter account.

Doesn't this scumbag have a boss and why has he not been suspended or fired yet?? Who is Justin Kuraitis's boss?

Originally Posted by suzzer99
You could certainly feel something. And there's no reason why they couldn't both learn morse code. We used to communicate entire newspaper articles and letters that way.
Why bother learning morse code (not easy) when you could just get the bone conduction speakers though??? They obviously don't care and aren't sophisticated enough to really try and hide the cheating.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
"Won the most at seat 2" is bs, he just plays the most games from seat 2 so of course he wins the most from seat 2.
And why does he prefers seat 2? Because it's the one seat where his crotch doesn't show up on both top cameras.

Notice how nervous Mike is whenever someone walks behind him.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bad Beat Bill
the hand where he puts in 120 BB preflop with 95o, then open shoves 600 BB more into an empty side pot after flopping middle pair, then says "oh ****" when the all-in player picks up a gutshot on the turn despite not having flipped his cards up yet definitely qualifies
Then when the second 7 appears on the river and he is all relieved, like one 7 is "oh ****" but a pair of 7s is cool. THEN the other player flips his cards.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:40 PM
I haven't been involved in poker for a while, but I've played live in Sacramento for 20 years. I have a selfie of Jaman and myself from his first Stones appearance.

Maybe I can give some background re: questions about "why didn't Stones this or that to tighten security?"

The room is comprised of the licenses from two older local rooms (Lucky Derby and Phoenix). Stones ownership group took two blah rooms and turned them into one nicer, bigger room. It was a boon to Sac poker imo.

But, still super local. People still working at Stones who were at the older places. It's a friendly neighborhood vibe in there.

Stones has never been strict about table rules because most of the players don't care that much. No phone conversation during a hand at the table was the main enforced rule. Floor would let players work out their own disputes as much as possible.

Then the stream started and Stones 'moves uptown'. Becomes known.

I think the environment being so casual at Stones, combined with a stream, newer people coming in for/because of that.... It was easy for shenanigans to start, because at heart Stones isn't a casino the way people think of one. It's a neighborhood California card room that got too big for its britches and now is being burned.

Breaks my heart to see.

Nobody need worry about Veronica. She's brilliant, has career, I believe her involvement in Stones was more social than anything.

And hats off to her.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:40 PM
For the record, I can think of multiple ways to hack the system. If I can, others can:
1. Use a raspberry pi through the USB port to install a fake Ethernet device. This creates a backdoor. System doesn’t even need to be logged in, simply on. And it works on Mac, Linux and windows.
2. Install VNC Server, open a reverse proxy. You can now see everything on that system.
3. Install a camera with Bluetooth and connect.
4. Get the Twitch Key.
5. Install a raspberry pi can packet sniff.
6. RFID reader. Typically speaking, the RFID devices aren’t encrypted, so after enough time you should figure out which ID equals which card.
7. Have a confederate help you. Such as installing the USB key with software when they are there, but pull it when they aren’t.
8. Install any other type of backdoor into the system
9. Hack the RFID reader firmware, add a dongle for Bluetooth.

I assume multiple cameras would be of limited use. I assume he didn’t have access during the installation of the RFID hardware.

Some of these would require help on the inside. Some would leave bigger forensic footprints (installing a virtual ethernet driver, network traffic analysis, logs, registry for installed and removed applications) than others (twitch key, however that could be found in the logs of twitch to get the IP address and client information).

In the case of Twitch, there’s likely some good information there. The logs should be be able to determine the public IP address for the client (public casino wifi vs wired/wireless casino internal network). But more importantly client information. Was it a phone app versus a desktop web browser? Or mobile browser? Etc. In fact, it could potentially give you the computer or phone name on the twitch logs.

So, if I were looking to see if there were shenanigans, I would be looking at all of those areas and more. If he was on casino wifi, that traffic metadata would be logged, as well.

If you wanted to focus on collusion, then there’s phone level forensics, detailing when and were you were, text messages, etc. Take two people’s phones, download the information. Did they meet at any point in time during hours surrounding the events? Did I mention that the phone only needs to be turned on? What about common credit card transactions (going to a restaurant, bar, but paying separate)? Phone calls metadata. Etc. Lots and lots of ways for a good investigator.

Last edited by chipset; 10-03-2019 at 04:45 PM.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Except Justin Kuraitis personal twitter and StonesLive poker twitter accounts tweeted the same thing about the show being suspended pending further investiagtion. It would appear that Justin is somehow still in charge of the StonesLive twitter account.

Doesn't this scumbag have a boss and why has he not been suspended or fired yet?? Who is Justin Kuraitis's boss?

Why bother learning morse code (not easy) when you could just get the bone conduction speakers though???
Art Van Loon is the general manager at Stones, he's JK's boss.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You could certainly feel something. And there's no reason why they couldn't both learn morse code. We used to communicate entire newspaper articles and letters that way.
They could learn morse code and use something less obvious cheating strategy, but they went for constant crotch looking ja hat stuffing. Because they are lazy and stupid, like most who would cheat at small stakes live streams.

These are not some criminal master minds, but one struggling small stakes live pro and most likely one drink addict wanting to earn some easy money.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You could certainly feel something. And there's no reason why they couldn't both learn morse code. We used to communicate entire newspaper articles and letters that way.
Yeah. I'm going to go with it is more likely Postle was just lucky then this learn morse code thing.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Why bother learning morse code (not easy) when you could just get the bone conduction speakers though??? They obviously don't care and aren't sophisticated enough to really try and hide the cheating.
Because you can hide something in your shoe or up your butt a lot easier.

And how much morse code does it take to transmit 2 cards?
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by IQofTwoPlusTwo
Yeah. I'm going to go with it is more likely Postle was just lucky then this learn morse code thing.
Kids these days.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You could certainly feel something. And there's no reason why they couldn't both learn morse code. We used to communicate entire newspaper articles and letters that way.
Sure, I suppose they could have done all sorts of things. Still it seems silly to waste time learning how to use technology that is nearly 200 years old when you can literally just use cutting edge technology which allows you to hear an entire conversation without an ear piece.

Originally Posted by pocketshades
So, is he a cheater 100%? After 76 pages of "he's a cheater 100%" I'm still not sure
Dude likes to check call rivers with boats, raise rivers with straights on paired boards, and ship rivers for double pot with top pair. I'm sure you can figure it out.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by WFKS
Here is hand that he fold KK vs AA pre
What in the actual F is going on with this hand? First off, lol to the guy who called a $410 4-bet with 84o with the original raiser still to act after him. That guy plays as bad as Postle, but without the opponent's hand info.

Secondly, I believe Postle is cheating, but if he knows the guy has AA why would he 4-bet if he knows he's folding to the inevitable 5-bet? If he's trying to not look suspicious it sure seems like flatting there is less suspicious than folding KK pre. I'm confused about this hand unless he somehow didn't get the info on the AA until after his 4-bet or something.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by chipset
For the record, I can think of multiple ways to hack the system. If I can, others can:
1. Use a raspberry pi through the USB port to install a fake Ethernet device. This creates a backdoor. System doesn’t even need to be logged in, simply on. And it works on Mac, Linux and windows.
2. Install VNC Server, open a reverse proxy. You can now see everything on that system.
3. Install a camera with Bluetooth and connect.
4. Get the Twitch Key.
5. Install a raspberry pi can packet sniff.
6. RFID reader. Typically speaking, the RFID devices aren’t encrypted, so after enough time you should figure out which ID equals which card.
7. Have a confederate help you. Such as installing the USB key with software when they are there, but pull it when they aren’t.
8. Install any other type of backdoor into the system
9. Hack the RFID reader firmware, add a dongle for Bluetooth.

I assume multiple cameras would be of limited use. I assume he didn’t have access during the installation of the RFID hardware.

Some of these would require help on the inside. Some would leave bigger forensic footprints (installing a virtual ethernet driver, network traffic analysis, logs, registry for installed and removed applications) than others (twitch key, however that could be found in the logs of twitch to get the IP address and client information).

In the case of Twitch, there’s likely some good information there. The logs should be be able to determine the public IP address for the client (public casino wifi vs wired/wireless casino internal network). But more importantly client information. Was it a phone app versus a desktop web browser? Or mobile browser? Etc. In fact, it could potentially give you the computer or phone name on the twitch logs.

So, if I were looking to see if there were shenanigans, I would be looking at all of those areas and more. If he was on casino wifi, that traffic metadata would be logged, as well.

If you wanted to focus on collusion, then there’s phone level forensics, detailing when and were you were, text messages, etc. Take two people’s phones, download the information. Did they meet at any point in time during hours surrounding the events? Did I mention that the phone only needs to be turned on? What about common credit card transactions (going to a restaurant, bar, but paying separate)? Phone calls metadata. Etc. Lots and lots of ways for a good investigator.

Occam's razor bro. Most likely it was just an insider.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
So now you can't question the mob in the thread? How is calling someone stupid significantly worse than posting someone's picture and trying to start an irl trainwrecking because they have an opinion?

At this point I hope he's cheating just to save everyone from abject embarrassment
A poster can play the devil’s advocate all they want. Just don’t be a douchebag when doing it. And there was more than just the stupid comment.

If you want to complain about moderation of this thread do it in the NVG mod thread.

Also if there is a post you don't like report, it so we can give consideration to the proper action.

Last edited by R*R; 10-03-2019 at 05:25 PM.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Chaos_ult
Occam's razor bro. Most likely it was just an insider.

Bam bam double wham

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by soapdodger
there's quite a few examples though when he's fiddling with his hat and also has the phone in his lap, and conspicuously looking down. possibly a back-up, or bluetooth problems?

also, the phone ban in response to the 'investigation' has been mentioned quite a few times - but it also seems like it was not really enforced, or slipped very soon afterwards. Does anyone have a time line for the supposed ban? the 'investigation' was in March this year?

Stepped up from table for a few seconds to do something on the phone here, then makes a great play with TPSD vs Marle made straight. Thoughts on him exiting an app when someone approaches (Berkey comes in right before this to his left), then he has to reopen it?
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Telly33
What in the actual F is going on with this hand? First off, lol to the guy who called a $410 4-bet with 84o with the original raiser still to act after him. That guy plays as bad as Postle, but without the opponent's hand info.

Secondly, I believe Postle is cheating, but if he knows the guy has AA why would he 4-bet if he knows he's folding to the inevitable 5-bet? If he's trying to not look suspicious it sure seems like flatting there is less suspicious than folding KK pre. I'm confused about this hand unless he somehow didn't get the info on the AA until after his 4-bet or something.
Because if he flats the 3bet. He is going to look way worse folding postflop if the board is 22793 and he could be forced to get stacked.

By 4 betting small, he knows his opponent is likely to just 5 bet, and then he can SICK READ fold and he ends up losing less than if he just flatted the 3bet.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Sure, I suppose they could have done all sorts of things. Still it seems silly to waste time learning how to use technology that is nearly 200 years old when you can literally just use cutting edge technology which allows you to hear an entire conversation without an ear piece.
It's a lot easier to transmit morse code w/o being detected. Unless they make a habit of verbally announcing all cards in the booth - which would seem weird since you're looking at it on the screen - presumably Justin would have to either awkwardly announce cards and try to seem natural - or sneak off somewhere and whisper into an microphone.

A device in his shoe to tap something out would be much easier to avoid detection.

I feel like some of you don't understand how easy morse code is to learn - especially the highly abbreviated version you'd need to convey hole cards. I bet they could get it working with a couple hours of practice. You could even make up your own code.

Tap out the first card of the villain in question. Pause. Tap out the second card. You're telling me that's hard to learn?

Last edited by suzzer99; 10-03-2019 at 05:07 PM.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:02 PM
Justin showing his natural self

Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:04 PM
IMO, he's doing it with a combination of methods. His phone likely has something to do with it, but I don't think it does in all cases. He likely has access to the raw feed in real-time on his phone, but it's too cumbersome, obvious, and unnecessary to do it that way all the time. I think he mostly uses his phone in the big multi-way raised pots where he needs to know exact holdings in order to know how to proceed, for example the massive pre-flop raise he called with 45o. He's really studying the phone in that hand because I'll bet unless you have an incredible memory it's reasonably difficult to memorize the exact holdings of 4-5 other players on the fly like that. I think most of the time though he's using either a vibration device of some sort that just gives him basic directions on how to proceed or a bone induction headset (the massive bulge on the side of his hat) where he can get exact feedback from his buddy in the control room. I hope someone is getting law enforcement or gaming authorities involved because it's pretty obvious Stones isn't going to do anything about considering they're directly involved in the scheme.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:04 PM
This guy is such scum. Rubs his opponent's face in it by flipping after the hand
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by redirkulous
Because if he flats the 3bet. He is going to look way worse folding postflop if the board is 22793 and he could be forced to get stacked.

By 4 betting small, he knows his opponent is likely to just 5 bet, and then he can SICK READ fold and he ends up losing less than if he just flatted the 3bet.
True, that makes sense.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:06 PM
morse code? dafuq are you guys talking about?! whod use morse code to cheat at poker in 2019? hes using his phone and something is stuffed in his hat only when hes god mode. keys are always on the table for some reason.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
