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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

06-05-2016 , 02:57 AM
Just leave yourself enough room to split and double the max and you'll be ok.

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06-05-2016 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by VolumeKing
Can you just tell me what a BRM is. Because that's what you said

Can you explain it to me? Last time we did this you were dead wrong. Kinda hope you get the answer right this time
Here you go:

Edit: I wasn't wrong, just that what you need is a poker budget, not a roll.
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06-05-2016 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by VolumeKing
What about chopping? Will chopping make my winrate go up or down if I am an average winner? Like what if I win 5bbs winning per hr ? Should I be chopping? But what if I make alot of mistakes heads up?
If rake is not prohibitive, chopping should be based on your heads up ability relative to the player pool. If you make a lot of mistakes HU then you should chop. I doubt you make a lot of mistakes heads up though.

As for bankroll, I've found that having too large of a bankroll can affect one's play negatively as well. The key is to just play your best poker regardless.

Sent from my SM-T700 using Tapatalk
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06-05-2016 , 08:51 AM
What's the general recommended BR for 1/2 live?

I started playing seriously again and built up my roll to 15 BI's. Work full time and have savings but don't intend to put additional money from saving in to my roll in the future. I am wondering though if 15 seems like a normal sized roll I see posts all the time ranging from 5 to 50.
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06-05-2016 , 08:55 AM
15 sounds fine as a start for 1/2 broja. Especially when you work full time and then playing part time in addition to your job.

The posts advocating like 40-50 buyins for 1/2 are out of there freaking mind from my point of view. Would have taken shots at 2/5 long before that amount.
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06-05-2016 , 09:18 AM
I finally have enough hours that I can filter a little and still have a small but decent sample. I assume most of the non-pros here play mostly in the evening and on week ends since they have real jobs?

When I filter out weekday daytime hours when there are always the same regs, pros and OMCs playing, in 2016 I have 275 hrs of 2/5 play in the evening and on weekends at $70.39/hr.

64 sessions
53 wins....83%
11 losses...17%


Best streak...18 wins in a row = $8056
Worst streak...2 losses in a row = $1017

I will be limiting my weekday daytime hrs from now on. There is one room in my area that is a fish fest even during daytime weekday hrs so when I want to play those non peak hrs, I will make the longer drive and play there.
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06-05-2016 , 09:31 AM
Easiest way to calculate StDev? I'm using poker income app on iPhone.
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06-05-2016 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by brojaysimpson
Easiest way to calculate StDev? I'm using poker income app on iPhone.
I use "RunGood". It calculates it for me and Im not the math wiz like a lot of guys here so I will defer to them.
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06-05-2016 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I finally have enough hours that I can filter a little and still have a small but decent sample. I assume most of the non-pros here play mostly in the evening and on week ends since they have real jobs?

When I filter out weekday daytime hours when there are always the same regs, pros and OMCs playing, in 2016 I have 275 hrs of 2/5 play in the evening and on weekends at $70.39/hr.

64 sessions
53 wins....83%
11 losses...17%


Best streak...18 wins in a row = $8056
Worst streak...2 losses in a row = $1017

I will be limiting my weekday daytime hrs from now on. There is one room in my area that is a fish fest even during daytime weekday hrs so when I want to play those non peak hrs, I will make the longer drive and play there.
Holy heater batman.

StDev/hr of 50bb is hard to do. Are you sure that is accurate?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
06-05-2016 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by suited fours
Holy heater batman.

StDev/hr of 50bb is hard to do. Are you sure that is accurate?
He filtered weekday day games out so the stats are FUBAR IMO
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06-05-2016 , 10:03 AM
Hey Guys, looking for some insight. I currently have a $4.5k segregated poker bankroll. I don't need it or use it for anything other than poker.

My local card room spreads $1/$2($200max) and $2/$5($500max). The rake is $7 + $1 for a jackpot and they charge for drinks (bottle water $2/each). I only mention the water because it does add up and I play some long sessions where I can easily drink 5-8 bottles. Factoring waitress tips, water may add another $20 in expenses. I used to bring my own but recently heard they don't allow this anymore.

There are other cardrooms about 1.5 hours away, with a $5 + $1 rake structure and free drinks. The loosest of these options also has a $10 round trip toll associated with it. All have free water.

I'm currently debating between which card room and which stake to grind. I realize I am not rolled for $2/$5. However, I was thinking of buying in for $300 as most people do in that game and call it quits if I lose $600. If I drop to $2,500 I can just go back to $1/$2.

I know this isn't ideal and I'm not too happy with it, but having a 3 hour round trip to play is not great and I also don't think a $1/$2 with $8 rake is beatable.

Some comments on the games. My local card room's $2/$5 is pretty soft. I played one night and there were 5 3bets in 4 hours. Usual mix of players include loose passives and average to below average regs that don't want to pay an $8 rake at $1/$2.

The other cardrooms rarely spread $2/$5 except the one with the $10 round trip toll. That $2/$5 game is still beatable but not as soft and can play a little more aggressive. The only good thing with that room is on a weekend usually 7-8 tables are going of each stake so it's easy to jump from table to table.

Your comments and thoughts are appreciated.
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06-05-2016 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by brojaysimpson
Easiest way to calculate StDev? I'm using poker income app on iPhone.
Search for a post by bip! in this thread with the words "standard deviation" (or maybe one of the contractions) in it. He gives step-by-step instructions.
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06-05-2016 , 10:08 AM
I would keep grinding 1/2 until you feel comfortable losing 3 full bullets ($1500) in a single 2/5 session.
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06-05-2016 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
He filtered weekday day games out so the stats are FUBAR IMO
How is it FUBAR? The majority of people at 2+2 are playing evening and weekends because they have jobs so Im comparing apples to apples with those people. If I never played weekday daytime (and nobody knew that) and I came here and posted my win rate, I would be posting $70/hr. All I did was give full disclosure.

Dont be so jelly.

Daytime weekday games at my home poker room is filled with rocks, nits and pros and my win rate filtered out for just these games is about $25/hr. Clearly if I care about making the most money, I need to stick to evenings and weekends....or make the drive to the Hard Rock where anything goes at any time of the day or night.
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06-05-2016 , 10:18 AM
FUBAR because S4 had a question about your STDev and yours is skewed because of your small sample size and that your hours are filtered.

JFC dude are you that insecure because someone on the internet is questioning you?

TBH, I am jelly that you're obviously running hotter than the sun.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
06-05-2016 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
FUBAR because S4 had a question about your STDev and yours is skewed because of your small sample size and that your hours are filtered.

JFC dude are you that insecure because someone on the internet is questioning you?

TBH, I am jelly that you're obviously running hotter than the sun.
My STDev isnt skewed because I filtered or because of sample size. It is what it is. Will it change with a larger sample size? Probably. Does it mean anything with 275 hrs? Maybe not, but its still not skewed.

FWIW, my STDev with no filters over 700 hrs is $261/hr so I would say that throws your argument of it being skewed out the window
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06-05-2016 , 10:30 AM
I only mention the water because it does add up and I play some long sessions where I can easily drink 5-8 bottles. Factoring waitress tips, water may add another $20 in expenses. I used to bring my own but recently heard they don't allow this anymore.
Pro-tip. Get one bottle early in the session and then re-fill it whenever you take a break.
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06-05-2016 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
My STDev isnt skewed because I filtered or because of sample size. It is what it is. Will it change with a larger sample size? Probably. Does it mean anything with 275 hrs? Maybe not, but its still not skewed.

FWIW, my STDev with no filters over 700 hrs is $261/hr so I would say that throws your argument of it being skewed out the window
The point is that is a very low stddev per hour. Are you sure your software/app calculates it correctly?
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06-05-2016 , 10:51 AM

16k BR and 4.5k E fund

how much 2/5 should I be mixing in?
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06-05-2016 , 10:59 AM
Playing for a living, I would shot take 2/5 when the games look good, but wouldn't move to it full-time yet. Be aware that when the games are at their best, they are also at their swingiest, so you variance could be a bitch (or could send you on a quick heater to easy full-time 2/5ville)
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06-05-2016 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by suited fours
The point is that is a very low stddev per hour. Are you sure your software/app calculates it correctly?
No, Im not sure. So far I cant find the formula that Garick says is posted int his thread.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
06-05-2016 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh

16k BR and 4.5k E fund

how much 2/5 should I be mixing in?
Are you playing for a living with no other income?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
06-05-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Are you playing for a living with no other income?
I am playing for a living,

I have rental, spousal, and some a few others incredibly small streams of income (typically amounting to less then $100/mo)
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
06-05-2016 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
No, Im not sure. So far I cant find the formula that Garick says is posted int his thread.
Start here and read the next few dozen posts. Note that if you don't have standard dev per session either, you'll need to figure that, before you can get to sdev/hour. You can do that by entering all of your session results in to the calculator here.
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06-05-2016 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
Start here and read the next few dozen posts. Note that if you don't have standard dev per session either, you'll need to figure that, before you can get to sdev/hour. You can do that by entering all of your session results in to the calculator here.
Thx. I do have StDev/ least I have what the Apps says. Its $461.96
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