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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

04-19-2013 , 12:33 PM
Tbh, if you are complaining about not beating the 1/2 games because of the rake, you shouldn't be playing for a living. Games should be so easy for you that you barely care about the rake. It obviously makes a difference, but it wont turn you from a breakeven player to a player making 20$/h.

I would say don't play for a living unless you are very solid at 1/2 or play 2/5.

Originally Posted by dreamchaser
For those of you that regularly make the trip to the wsop every year What percentage of your bankrolls do usually bring out to grind with? Or do you just bring the lot?
Also curious as what ppl think about that. I plan on taking about 4-5k of my 40k roll and play a bit higher than usual, but not crazy high. Only there for 10 days tho.
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04-19-2013 , 01:19 PM
Something to note about 1/2 NLH games in LA: minimum buy in is $40 and max buy in is $40. LOL. There is also a 1/1 game where the min is $20 and max is $20, LOL.
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04-19-2013 , 01:20 PM
if you have a 40k roll what do you consider "higher?" 2/5?

I'd bring 10k and shot take 5/T
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04-19-2013 , 01:33 PM
Subtle brag IMO.
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04-19-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by flybine_03
Also curious as what ppl think about that. I plan on taking about 4-5k of my 40k roll and play a bit higher than usual, but not crazy high. Only there for 10 days tho.
Isn't this why man invented bank accounts and wire transfers?
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04-19-2013 , 02:42 PM
I just throw my cash in an envelope, put it in a backpack, and put it through the scanner. If they ask, I'm flying to Vegas so wtf do they expect.
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04-19-2013 , 03:05 PM
I buy big denomination Vegas chips from out-of-towners that play locally.
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04-19-2013 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
I buy big denomination Vegas chips from out-of-towners that play locally.

I bring a fair amount of cash, but I probably wouldn't carry 5,000 on me. If I need more I use a national banking chain that has an ATM in Caesar's Palace.

You can also join an online bank like Schwab that has no ATM fees.

If the goal is how to get $$$ there outside of the banking system, that's not really my speciality.
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04-19-2013 , 07:17 PM
hi rounders.. first of all please i am sorry about my english.. i create this post because i have a question but before to ask the experts i need to make a litlle introduction... i am from argentina.. i play nl holdem cash games at casino 5 10 limit..this is the lower limit then we have 10 20 and 25 50 pesos 5 10 are a lot of bad regulars a lot of fish and a lot of gumblers.. the open raises pre flop are 10x and the people like to call preflop very loose...genereal passive players that put all the stack with toppair and call all the stack to make a flush..if you play tigth agrresive and make the correct table selection you will have a goof profit...its similar than 1 2 2 5 in eeuu ..i read in the foro that 20 nuyins bankrool is good..but i beliebe thay lose 10 buyins because the variance is posible so my question is you think that 20 buyins is correct poiint to start? you dont think you can lose 5 or 10 buyins because the variance and have a 10buyin bankrool so you enter in dangerous zone? playing this level with 10 buyins bankrool after a downswing is a crazy idea? thanks and expect the experts to answer me.
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04-19-2013 , 08:25 PM
^1st post ITT
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04-19-2013 , 09:03 PM
Read the whole post to find a question to answer, but didnt find a single question in there that I understood.

Sorry ..
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04-19-2013 , 11:55 PM
20 buyins is good if each buyin is 100bb and you have 6 months of expenses saved too.
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04-20-2013 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by flybine_03
Read the whole post to find a question to answer, but didnt find a single question in there that I understood.

Sorry ..
the questions is that in the post the people said that if you lost 20 buyins sure dont be cause of variance and that 20 buyins is good point of start to question is that if you start with 20buyins and lost 10 buyins because a downswing(i think is possible that **** happens) and is the lower limit in the room and you have 10 buyins is a good situation?a normal situation?you have to continue playing or the bankrool situation is very dangerous?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
04-20-2013 , 12:54 PM
If you have 20 BI bankroll and lost 10 of them, of course it's a cause for concern.

20 BI is the minimum recommended BR for a winning player, and it doesn't mean that you should spend everything above 20 BI because 20 is all you need.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
04-20-2013 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
If you have 20 BI bankroll and lost 10 of them, of course it's a cause for concern.

20 BI is the minimum recommended BR for a winning player, and it doesn't mean that you should spend everything above 20 BI because 20 is all you need.
ty for your answer... in your opinion playing with 20 buyins 8 hrs sesions in a bad sesion how many buyins max you can lose?
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04-20-2013 , 01:14 PM
I would recommend that you play in a game that you're comfortable playing.

If the game is very wild and loose and I have limited BR, after losing 2 or 3 BIs, I would consider getting up and finding a different table.
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04-20-2013 , 01:25 PM
Huh? If the game is wild and loose there is no reason to get up from the table. The option should be going home but never getting up from said table.
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04-20-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by serio562
Huh? If the game is wild and loose there is no reason to get up from the table. The option should be going home but never getting up from said table.
Professional poker players often forget the importance of minimizing risk of ruin. If you are playing on a short roll you're first objective should be to build it as conservatively as possible. Sure you are giving up $/hr by avoiding a wild and loose game, but you are increasing your chances of survival drastically.

Unless you have another source of income, I'd recommend grinding out day games for a while until your BR can handle swings-especially with only 20 buy ins and no living expenses saved up.

If you just can't resist the wild game, set yourself a stop loss of 1-2 buy ins and don't allow yourself to have a catastrophic losing session.

If you want to do this professionally, always assessing your risk of ruin is an important task. Eventually you will have 6-12 months living expenses in the bank and a 40-50 buy in bankroll where your risk of ruin will basically be zero while playing the biggest game in the room.
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04-20-2013 , 02:48 PM
Cbayly nailed it. From my own experience, playing 2/5 became a lot more comfortable after I secured a 30bi roll. Not having to be worried about a bad run leaving me under-rolled and/or forcing me to drop down did wonders for my mindset.
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04-20-2013 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by dreamchaser
For those of you that regularly make the trip to the wsop every year What percentage of your bankrolls do usually bring out to grind with? Or do you just bring the lot?
I usually carry 10k to the series though I play several mtts each year too. Had years where I had to make a morning run to BOA and years where I have had a lot more cash on me flying home than I feel comfortable with. Fwiw I usually play 2/5 PLO and 2/5 or 5/10 nl while at series.
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04-21-2013 , 12:12 AM
Today brought a real obvious game selection leak to my attention... my worst results have happened between noon-5pm. Don't see myself putting in an early session for a good while
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04-21-2013 , 12:28 AM
Why is it your worst hours? Perhaps the lack of action magnifies your leaks?
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04-21-2013 , 02:08 AM
Something like that. I typically run into trouble barreling too much and opening too wide too often from CO/BTN, because I think the game's tighter, only to find out my villains flopped the nuts and decided to check/call the whole way.

My turn play has just been atrocious of late in general. I'm betting when I should be pot controlling, I'm checking back when a double barrel would have won it... I can't guess correctly. My brain needs a few days off, today was my first D-game session in 4 months.
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04-21-2013 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by Illiterate
Today brought a real obvious game selection leak to my attention... my worst results have happened between noon-5pm. Don't see myself putting in an early session for a good while
yeah I haven't played an early session in a long long time.

I do notice whenever I get to the room in the evening though there's one mega grinder who's almost always sitting on 3k-5k (table max is 1.5). Dude's playing on his tablet the whole time just waiting for cards.

So I guess there is money to be made early but you gotta be a professional grinder to get it. And grinding takes as much skill as whatever you want to call not-grinding, if it were that easy everyone would do it.
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04-21-2013 , 05:43 AM
Currently running like god...had 4c6c on a 57Q two spade flop on button, BB bets 15, CO calls, I call, bink a nonspade 8 which gives CO's 78 two pair, get all in running twice, win both. Although he and I did get all in preflop for 44 apiece, I with AQ and he with A7, ran it twice, he hit a 7 both times.

In BB with KK, raise it to 18, EP and LP call, flop 994, get all in with EP for 165, who has J9, I river the K.

Have 44 on 45J flop with 25 pot, turn T river 5, and along the way manage to get AQ to put in $57, he even called 25 on the river.

+550 for the night.

Oh, and I randomly found 360 in the pocket of the pants I put on today. Only poker players, right? Lolawesomeday
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