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Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated) Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated)

04-16-2011 , 11:57 AM
Let me tell you something. Nobody goes to jail unless they want to. Unless they make themselves get caught. They don't have things organized.
04-16-2011 , 11:58 AM
Most of Poker Stars money is not on deposit in US banks. If you cash out you will probably be sent a check drawn on a european bank. You can deposit it in your bank just as you would any other check but there will be a delay in accesing the funds until the check clears.
04-16-2011 , 11:58 AM
We can send letters to our representatives to voice our concerns.
04-16-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
I recieved this e-mail from stars support via the .EU site this morning, and I didnt ask for this email it was just sent from them. It states clearly I should still be able to cashout. So the fact that they offered this information on their own to me means I am going to go ahead and withdraw now.

"Hello ******,

Thank you for contacting us.

We regret to inform you that in light of recent developments, PokerStars is no longer offering real money play to US residents.

We are currently assessing the situation, and will communicate with all of our players as soon as possible.

Please be informed that you should be able to request a cashout.
We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing.


PokerStars Support Team"

I'm not a big player so only have $500ish online, but after reading this, I did request a withdrawal via paper check this morning and can only wait to see what happens now. My bigger concern is whether the check issued will still be good 7-15 days after issue. My hope is the banks who were seized in the initial sweep are gonna be the only ones for the time being, and some money will flow from others. I am nearly certain the banks frozen were only a fraction of there actual banks. Will keep you posted of anything interesting along the way if you want.
You're saying you didn't e-mail them first, even though their e-mail says "Thank you for contacting us."?
04-16-2011 , 12:00 PM
We can send letters to our representatives to voice our concerns.
04-16-2011 , 12:01 PM
Now its over in VA too

Can we play on CARBON or CAKE is the question
04-16-2011 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by dj32
You're saying you didn't e-mail them first, even though their e-mail says "Thank you for contacting us."?
I did not e-mail them about cashing out, I e-mailed them yesterday afternoon when the games went down asking about it. Then they sent that 24 hours later, included with it, the cashout piece.
04-16-2011 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by aplatfl
Your check would of bounced, the accounts used by PS are frozen
why would stars allow their withdrawal requests to be approved if the checks would have bounced?
04-16-2011 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Throkk
What is Preet Bharara's angle in all this and why does every action of this type originate from the Southern District of NY?

Btw, US players can still play overseas by going through a proxy, preferably a commercial one. So far as foreign bank accounts go, some paperwork hassle but no real obstacle there either. If you really, really want to play, get set up with a foreign bank account. It's a good insurance policy anyway, there are people who did this in the weeks following UIGEA.

****ing SDNY...
Now this guy is Thinking!!! How can we find out if FTP and Stars are on board to allow US player with off shore, or Canada, bank acounts, play?
04-16-2011 , 12:02 PM
After awhile, it got to be all normal. None of it seemed like crime. It was more like Durrrr was enterprising, and that he and the guys were making a few bucks hustling, while all the other guys were sitting on their asses, waiting for fish. Our sweat partners weren't brain surgeons, they were blue-collar guys. The only way they could make extra money, real extra money, was to go out and cut a few corners.
04-16-2011 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by The Commuter
Im sure some of yall poker players are republican or tea zealots crying about the defecit. Well dang they just seized a few billion, that should be your cup of tea. Ban me because i disagree with most of the posters. I hope online poker comes back strong just legalized and not losing money with ewallet seizures and crap like that
Thanks for the temp-ban. I am sick and tired of this guys bullsh it
04-16-2011 , 12:11 PM
Stars shut down in NC...This is an OUTRAGE!!They can't balance the budjet,they have no power over violent drug-gangs...who seem to operate with impunity,they let all of our real jobs go to China.They spend us into bankruptcy,and call it politics. "From time to time,the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tryants" Thomas Jefferson. This government is out of control...unless you are rich.They can't catch real cyber-criminals,so they go after us. And they refuse to legalize us,and take the tax dollars that we are trying so hard to give them.And then cry and tell us that we all have to sacrifice...that we are in a financial mess,and we all have to accept cuts and more taxes. The system of government we have is the best in the world,bar none. Its the people in it that are evil,selfish,and dishonest to the core.I think it was one of these religious nuts in the last election that came up with the quote"If the ballots don't work,bullets will".All of the current batch of cheating,lying,theiving politicans need to go.We have one more 17 months. Maybe now we will wake up to the fact that it isn't just the religious and the working people who need to "Take Back America"....its ever single one of us.These people who populate government have,over the years,grown into tryanny.That is unacceptable in this country. Thank you
04-16-2011 , 12:11 PM
Also I have a question to you all. Is there any possibility a thread like this could be bad for us? Any possibilty the fed's have people lurking such a well known site/forum in the poker world like this? Certainly divulging too much information in a public place could in some ways not be a good thing, right or wrong?
04-16-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
Also I have a question to you all. Is there any possibility a thread like this could be bad for us? Any possibilty the fed's have people lurking such a well known site/forum in the poker world like this? Certainly divulging to much information in public could in some ways not be a good thing, right or wrong?
I don't think anyone can answer this with any real authority. I will say that players have never been targets (at least not that I know of). I wouldn't worry about it, especially if you've been paying your taxes correctly. At least that's how I feel, but again, there's no "real" basis behind this.
04-16-2011 , 12:24 PM
I understand I might be the biggest pussy on the earth, but do you think if your a US player it would be even 'safe' to login right now? Because I re-downloaded from the UK Full Tilt website.

The biggest appreciation ever for someone who answers, thanks~
04-16-2011 , 12:24 PM
It won't update for me either, and I'm Canadian.
04-16-2011 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by dj32
I don't think anyone can answer this with any real authority. I will say that players have never been targets (at least not that I know of). I wouldn't worry about it, especially if you've been paying your taxes correctly. At least that's how I feel, but again, there's no "real" basis behind this.
I was thinking more along the lines of how a thread like this could have people confirming that they recieved funds etc. There are more then a few threads similar to this I have seen in other sub-forums. Could the DOJ be lurking to get an accurate guage on whether or not money is flowing via these sites still, by seeing players here confirm and comment on how they have recieved money in the coming days/weeks.

In return they could then make another move to seize, all just specualtion on my part, but doesn't seem too far a stretch of the imagination given there is an actual indictment and case now. That's more what I was thinking, how this site could be in some ways furthering the fed's case accidentally.
04-16-2011 , 12:25 PM
online poker is HERE TO STAY.

phase 1) clean up house
phase 2) allow nevada to host online gambling sites
04-16-2011 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by CallMeUgly
OMG, ****! That's what I do all day - although we call them 'meetings'.
Thanks for the laugh
04-16-2011 , 12:26 PM
I'm licking my wounds and feeling sorry for myself. nearly 2 years of hard work and hours of study down the f**king drain. (not to mention my roll). Perhaps I should study the same amount of hours and put in the same amount of work directed at destroying gov't websites and bureaucrats. Maybe I'm up for starting a revolution. Anyone interested?
04-16-2011 , 12:26 PM
So everyone is concerned about funds and whether they can play again. While I am concerned about this, I am more concerned about the possibility of these agencies and the IRS coming after the players.

What are the chances something like this happens, and what can we do to cros our Ts and dot our Is to make sure we are complying legally. If we haven't filed taxes in the past should we be doing it now?

What if we are just casual players, who have never had more than 1-2k online ever
04-16-2011 , 12:29 PM
HTML Code:
I'm licking my wounds and feeling sorry for myself. nearly 2 years of hard work and hours of study down the f**king drain. (not to mention my roll). Perhaps I should study the same amount of hours and put in the same amount of work directed at destroying gov't websites and bureaucrats. Maybe I'm up for starting a revolution. Anyone interested?
Yes. Bureaucrats need to go - we literally live in a f*cking tyranny when these ******* losers can dictate our ability to enjoy something as harmless as poker! For their own self-righteous and/or pecuniary gain!

Our RULERS are FILTH and need to GO.
04-16-2011 , 12:30 PM
Holy shiat!

and I thought the crappy politicians on my country were the greediest on earth.. at least they are not proud of stating bulls*** like "The Land of the Free" well I say Free my a**! the only way you're gonna get to be free in USA its by buying the same crook law enforcement agents and everyone else that you trust your safety on.. and yet the only thing they care about is getting their pockets filled with people's money.. after all, brick and mortar casinos, lottery's, horse races, all of wich are obviously Not Illegal Gambling, (no sir, it requires a lot of skill to determine wich horse is gonna win) are being promoted by the government because they all share something $pecial with the government, oh, they call it taxes, wich in part are being used to protect you, the ones you care about, and of course your "right to be free".. but aren't you allowed to play the game that you love in the safety and comfort of your own house? oh, not anymore, not untill the goverment takes his slice off of the "online illegal gambling" pie, to keep you safe and free, lol.. isn't that hypocrite? well everything has a cost, even safety.. you just can't keep on taking it with a shrug of shoulders, you just can't..

****, they allow Wallmart stores sell bullets and guns, its blatantly obvious that they dgaf about your safety..

Ps: this wasnt wrote as an insult in anyway to USA citizens, but to their government.. wich it's disgusting greediness caused this whole f***ing mess around the globe of online poker..
04-16-2011 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Virginia_Gent
I'm licking my wounds and feeling sorry for myself. nearly 2 years of hard work and hours of study down the f**king drain. (not to mention my roll). Perhaps I should study the same amount of hours and put in the same amount of work directed at destroying gov't websites and bureaucrats. Maybe I'm up for starting a revolution. Anyone interested?
Yes. Bureaucrats need to go - we literally live in a f*cking tyranny when these ******* losers can dictate our ability to enjoy something as harmless as poker! For their own self-righteous and/or pecuniary gain!

Our RULERS are FILTH and need to GO.
04-16-2011 , 12:42 PM
It can't hurt to actually comply with the law, even retroactively. The problem is knowing how much to pay and how. Refile as a professional gambler? If not what constitutes a "Session"? Is it sufficient to pay taxes on your ring game k annual net winnings, since we all know that ring games are just one long "lifetime session"? I think its pretty clear that each tournament has to be treated as a session, and you cant net out tourney fees where you didnt cash.
