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Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated) Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated)

04-16-2011 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by dvsbmx
Well it looks like ..........I wonder if the guarantees will be adjusted.
Originally Posted by hard2tel
I'm sure they will lower the guarantees.
they already have. if he had looked at the $162 Nightly 100k (now the nightly 50K) that starts 30 min earlier, or any of the ones starting later he woulda seen they were all lower, most by about 50%.

They are still showing the Scoop's as unchanged, but I'd be surprised if they go off that way. I really couldn't care less though. apperently I aint playing em this year.
04-16-2011 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by 1up
how will us europeans manage to stack off without all the american sharks.

Im saved!

In all seriousness though, this sucks for everyone, US or otherwise.
04-16-2011 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by OoLethaLoO
Just imo...doj had to do what they did, you cant get away with bank fraud for billions and expect nothing to happen. Ive lost my way of living as many others have, OF COURSE the doj is going to make moves as they did, and you cant blame them for enforcing them. The main and underlying issue is the insane hypocracy of banning igaming in the first place. It is hypocracy on a nation wide scale and everyone knows it. Until people stand up against this hypocrisy that is allowed to continue and we get strong armed by a government that "knows whats best" is the longer we are complacent to a hypocritical, oppressive system that inches daily towards a ****ing police state. Yes, it took THIS for me to stand up and make my voice heard, after they took the food out of my mouth. Sometimes, it takes straight oppression for people to stand up against it. This is oppression and should NEVER be accepted in a country that calls itself free. This needs to be fought, not just for ipoker players but for anyone who thinks its NOT ok that our government can tell us what to do with our money. If this shut down does not induce serious revolt, then we dont ****ing deserve our own freedom.

Well put imo.. I already wrote a lengthy letter to my congressman expressing this sentiment. Not that it will actually accomplish anything, but it makes me feel a little bit better.
04-16-2011 , 05:58 AM
are this now good news, for europeans ?

i dont think they will keept the sunday million up for 1.5 Million, if yes, it will be much less players

whats about merge and cake btw.

if a us player wants to move let me know
04-16-2011 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by TheTurk80
First of all my deepest sympathies for every US poker enthusiast, specially full timers. Hopefully better days are ahead of us.

I know that nearly noone is interested about what's happening here but I wanted to write such a post after a long time (I follow 2+2 everyday but don't contribute much) because I see that many very good players that I share tables with everyday @ PokerStars low&mid stakes cash games are having a very bad day. Many of them are feeling exactly like being fired from their job. And having big respect for the time and effort they constantly put, they're completely right. But you're not alone. We all are under constant pressure from our governments and companies.

So it's really sad seeing people mocking with US citizens saying things like "land of free haha" None of us are living in the land of free. It's just a matter of time before some influential people try to take away one good thing out of our lives, being it poker or something else, being in US or somewhere else...
Thank you for your input and the update on what is happening over there. As a US player, I appreciate you taking your time to show support and inform others of what is happening in your corner of the world. No action in this war will be insignificant.
04-16-2011 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by FemFelliniLion
So what can we do to stomp on these sociopathic mouthbreathing overachieving dolts?
Well, they are basically enforcing an existing law. That's kind of their job. They have the ability to pick and choose what cases they want to file, though. However, if this guy didn't do it, somebody else would have.

The only permanent solution is to vote for enough Congressmen and Senators to change the law, and a President who won't veto it. Namely some Democrats (although not all Democrats), and libertarian-leaning Republicans (but not religious-right Republicans, which is the vast majority of them). So, at a minimum, 218 Congressman, 60 Senators (to block a filibuster) and the President, or 292 Congressmen and 67 Senators to overturn the President's veto.

Chances of this happening are quite low, especially in a "business as usual" international format as opposed to local intrastate sites, possibly run by the government itself, possibly indian or regular casinos, or possibly a multi-state site. US players playing international on line poker is almost certainly permanently dead. US players playing any type of legal on line poker (other than style with a monthly fee and then prizes) is more likely than not dead for years, likely decades, possibly permanently.
04-16-2011 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by TheTurk80
So it's really sad seeing people mocking with US citizens saying things like "land of free haha" None of us are living in the land of free. It's just a matter of time before some influential people try to take away one good thing out of our lives, being it poker or something else, being in US or somewhere else...
04-16-2011 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
Today a suicide bomber killed five coalition members in Afghanistan. Yesterday the DOJ seized the domain names of PokerStars, Full Tilt, UB and Absolute Poker; issued 11 indictments for the founder of those sites and four payment processors; and issued seizure warrants for the funds in 76 financial accounts of the sites and payment processors.

Both PS & FTP have stopped all real money play by US players.

The mythical "status quo" of Ipoker for US players has gone poof.
Yup, from the WA state debacle.
04-16-2011 , 06:16 AM
Has anyone inside or outside the us been able to withdraw funds from Full Tilt ?
04-16-2011 , 06:21 AM
And lets say that the US sanctions ipoker eventually, is there going to be another moneymaker type boom for poker again? Thoughts wanted anyways.

I want to be there for online opening up again, or all the impatient online players at the b&m.
04-16-2011 , 06:28 AM
no im not going to any live poker room we should protest B&M's after this make them hurt till we get online poker legal in the us
04-16-2011 , 06:30 AM
Compelled to write my first post, sympathy and bewilderment from the UK. A sad bad day indeed.
04-16-2011 , 06:30 AM
i didnt try , but i heard its impossible and shld be also impossible the next weeks

this is ofc frustating
04-16-2011 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by TheTurk80
First of all my deepest sympathies for every US poker enthusiast, specially full timers. Hopefully better days are ahead of us.

I'm from Turkey and for some hours, we can't log in to FullTiltPoker. The client says it needs to be updated, but when I try to do so, connection is lost. So practically FullTiltPoker isn't working at all, I wonder what's the situation outside US? As for PokerStars, it seems to work normal (aside the number of players online ofc).

I'm afraid that our government which copy-paste everything stupid from the US may do a similar thing here. We have a law since 2007, one similar to UIGEA. It's purpose was to stop online sports betting (which was very popular at that time) as local monopoly just started operating. The move was succesfull beyond our estimations. Even sites like Pinnacle froze accounts of Turks. Poker sites banning US players (Party, 888, iPoker etc.) did the same with us as well. Some of those who tried to continue betting online faced even charges. Since now, we (poker players) were lucky as we're a very small community and government didn't bother much with poker. But with FTP having 2 Turkish pro's in their roster and more&bigger tournaments organized in Cyprus, things can change in the worse way.

I know that nearly noone is interested about what's happening here but I wanted to write such a post after a long time (I follow 2+2 everyday but don't contribute much) because I see that many very good players that I share tables with everyday @ PokerStars low&mid stakes cash games are having a very bad day. Many of them are feeling exactly like being fired from their job. And having big respect for the time and effort they constantly put, they're completely right. But you're not alone. We all are under constant pressure from our governments and companies.

So it's really sad seeing people mocking with US citizens saying things like "land of free haha" None of us are living in the land of free. It's just a matter of time before some influential people try to take away one good thing out of our lives, being it poker or something else, being in US or somewhere else...

Thank you for telling fellow poker players what's going on there. You are wrong that no one probably cares what's going on in your country.
It's important to know the full context of how so many countries and politicians are trying, for a multitude of reasons, to either restrict online poker or eliminate it. It's important that we as a group are educated in how bad things have become in so many places across the globe for poker because it helps us to find new ways to seek ways to legalize and legitimize online poker.

And thank you for your compassion for what we just got dealt here in the states. A great many of us are now unemployed as a result of what took place on Friday and face one of the most unsure and scary futures we've ever had to deal with. For many of us, it will be very nearly impossible to replicate through a "real" job the income level we've had for years.

Best of luck to you in your country.
04-16-2011 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by CandyKreep
Well put imo.. I already wrote a lengthy letter to my congressman expressing this sentiment. Not that it will actually accomplish anything, but it makes me feel a little bit better.
its absolutely disgusting on so many different levels, none of them that involve ipoker getting shut down, that should have and was an inevitability,based on the US system. where the **** was the outrage when UIGEA got passed? where was the outrage when the government thought it was okay to pass legislation which is ENTIRELY based on personal opinions? the goddamn SECOND it was ok to regulate what the public did with their own funds, their should have been outrage, their wasnt. im guilty of it as well, the status quo was comfortable...and thats the hugest problem, comfortability in spots where there should be outrage if not all out ****ing revolt. the fact of the matter is it was NEVER ok to tack laws that so obviously break down the entire idea of a free democracy and induce obvious hypocrisy....ex how can ANYONE in any legislative authority explain how A) prohibition didnt work B) they fixed it by relegalizing alcohol and then C) tell me they can still ban other "vices"....really? maybe we need a bigger lobby with more money, since thats where our ENTIRE legislative system comes from. what a joke.
04-16-2011 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheTurk80
So it's really sad seeing people mocking with US citizens saying things like "land of free haha" None of us are living in the land of free. It's just a matter of time before some influential people try to take away one good thing out of our lives, being it poker or something else, being in US or somewhere else...

+1 here, as well. I'm sure France and Italy thought they were a pretty free land not so long ago during the poker boom and now they're restricted to the confines of their countries' borders for online play. There are other countries that slip my mind right now that are also dealing with the outright stripping away of freedoms when it comes to the simple and innocuous game of playing cards for monetary wagers. It is happening on a yearly basis, little by little, in every corner of the globe. Those of you lucky enough to still have relatively unhindered access to online poker for money, do not become complacent in your freedom and lower your guard; it can vanish in only a few years of political climate change in your country, too.

Such a sad day for the concept of democracy and an equally sad day for the concept of capitalism.
04-16-2011 , 06:53 AM
Has the era of online poker in the US come to a sudden end? Or will US vs PokerStars, FTP, and UB set a new precedent for legitimizing online poker?


Last edited by Rich Muny; 04-16-2011 at 05:29 PM. Reason: Deleted "thumbs up" icon
04-16-2011 , 06:58 AM
Its game over imo for now, but i beleive that the sites are working with the gov to eventually bring it legal, but the gov has to show a bit of force for the short term to keep their "image" stable hence why we seeing these .com's shut down.

thats my uneducated opinion, no us players on the major sites is a bit of a shock tho. just logged into PS and there is 100k+ players online right now, hrm doesnt seem to hurt the numbers when the US donks are blocked even lol.
04-16-2011 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by TheTurk80
I'm from Turkey and for some hours, we can't log in to FullTiltPoker. The client says it needs to be updated, but when I try to do so, connection is lost.
+1 for germany, btw sidestatus on says. "system is down due to maintanance"

pokerstars just got me this popup:
04-16-2011 , 07:42 AM
The US in the form of its military and academic institutions created the internet decades ago. They can grab a domain name without much problem. because in fact and because governments have no respect for property rights.
04-16-2011 , 08:00 AM
This was sadly inevitable. You think the feds want to allow anything that enables independece from the system? People who piss in cups aren't productive cogs in the machine.

04-16-2011 , 08:06 AM
Just tried to log on to go.....over......for now!
04-16-2011 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Scotttigger
Has anyone inside or outside the us been able to withdraw funds from Full Tilt ?
cant even update my ftp
04-16-2011 , 08:33 AM
I'm from Israel,

When I try open FT it says it needs to update and when I press OK it fails to update.

As far as I understand I should be able to play.

Am I missing something?

I have also noticed and thought I might be able to download the client updated from there. However I am scared that it is a phising site. Is it?
04-16-2011 , 08:38 AM
No way. Really?
