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Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated) Full Tilt, UB and Pokerstars Domains SEIZED by the FBI - Principals Indicted - (Merged/updated)

04-16-2011 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by The Commuter
Im sure some of yall poker players are republican or tea zealots crying about the defecit. Well dang they just seized a few billion, that should be your cup of tea. Ban me because i disagree with most of the posters. I hope online poker comes back strong just legalized and not losing money with ewallet seizures and crap like that
See what the father of the tea party has to say:
04-16-2011 , 12:29 AM
Hedging my bets... cashed out about 70% and left the rest in just in case.
04-16-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by slcseas
This might be the distrust I have in the government (especially sad since I'm a government employee), but should we be reading into the timing of this? The April 15th thing is likely a coincidence, but I find it interesting that billions of dollars in seizures may be occurring only days after the government budget was passed that slashed ~$34 billion.
Here's a non-poker related example of how gov't continuously SCREWS people.

Cliffs: Man exonerated of a crime for which he spent 17 years in prison can't get his pardon in NC. NC has budget problems. If pardoned, man would be entitled to $750,000 from the state.

I can only imagine that while the prosecutors involved may really believe they're right, the notion of a huge seizure is what really motivates them.

Government FTW!!!
04-16-2011 , 12:35 AM
Fellas, will ya'll please stop quoting this Commuter idiot? I have him on ignore but if you keep quoting him then he will always show up.
04-16-2011 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by pianospike
So based on latest Full Tilt statement (copied below), I went ahead and requested a premium bank wire cashout of $8k. My interpretation is that they are giving a green light for U.S. players to withdraw. I hope I'm interpreting correctly.

In light of recent events involving the freezing of certain accounts, Full Tilt Poker would like to assure all players that their funds remain safe and secure. Processing of both deposit and withdrawal requests is proceeding as normal and is still available to all of our players.

All players who were affected by the current situation have had their funds returned to their accounts and all new withdrawal requests are processing normally. We assure all players on Full Tilt Poker that your online playing experience will not change and that you will be able to both deposit and withdraw funds as needed. Your money remains safe, secure and accessible at all times.

Full Tilt Poker remains committed to the protection of our players’ security and legal rights, and will continue to provide the best and safest online poker room available worldwide.
Are you a US player?
04-16-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Zaitsev
Are you a US player?
04-16-2011 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by ljfe
this... my ex gf will be in D.C. on Monday and I'm hoping PS/FTP still allow transactions in D.C. Can any D.C. players report on their online poker status atm?

Originally Posted by dean327
See what the father of the tea party has to say:
04-16-2011 , 12:41 AM
No surprise really on what the AGAs position on this is, now they wont need a blackout to get rid of the competition

Frank Fahrenkopf, chief executive of the American Gaming Association, the commercial casino industry's main trade group, said the prosecution shows a "clear need to strengthen laws to address illegal online gambling in the U.S."

He added: "Tough law enforcement is the key to making such a system work, and the AGA supports strong enforcement against illegal online gambling activity in this country. But illegal activity - and the risk of consumer fraud, money laundering and underage gambling - will continue until the U.S. passes laws ensuring that only licensed, taxed and highly regulated companies can operate in the U.S. market."

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval said the allegations made by federal prosecutors against the three companies were of "grave concern." But he added that he remained committed to the possibility that federal legislation will eventually permit Internet gambling in a way that matches the same rigorous standards that apply to traditional gaming institutions.
04-16-2011 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by rowhousepd
I bet if I tried to deposit into my account, it would take 10 seconds.
haha this is probably 100% correct
04-16-2011 , 12:43 AM
Ron Paul is not the father of the tea party.. lol
04-16-2011 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by pianospike
04-16-2011 , 12:47 AM
Im just ganna let it sit on stars. I bet the funds will bounce/ be confiscated if you try to withdraw. Stars is a big site, and I think waiting would be the best bet.
04-16-2011 , 12:50 AM
I see this news will set Harrahs, MGM, Las Vegas Sands, and other B&Ms to set their selves into position when and if federal legislation passes. They will now without a doubt get first dibs on any internet poker legislation that passes. Unbelievable!
04-16-2011 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by bonsaltron
this... my ex gf will be in D.C. on Monday and I'm hoping PS/FTP still allow transactions in D.C. Can any D.C. players report on their online poker status atm?
Although most Americans and most other people in the world think of Washington "D.C." as being part of the US... It is as soveriegn as "The City of London" within London, England and "vatican City" is a soveriegn within Rome, IT. FTP, PS, and AP/UB are probably stopped there too, but again, the the sites involved are 'volutarily' stopping US financial activity right now, just like Party did back in 06, because right now, this is just a domain name seizure and an indictment of individual people, not the companies themselves.

The quickest and easiest way out of this is for the sites to "fire" the individuals indicted with huge "seperation packages" and continue on just like Cake and Merge networks are. Just like the banks did when they got in trouble.
04-16-2011 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by bonsaltron
this... my ex gf will be in D.C. on Monday and I'm hoping PS/FTP still allow transactions in D.C. Can any D.C. players report on their online poker status atm?

I'm in DC.. well College Park, MD like 10 minutes away and I've been playing real money all night. Didn't even know there was an issue til I got on these forums like 30 minutes ago. It's a ghost town in there though...I usually grind MTTSNGs and can't get more than 6 or 7 tables of the 45s and 90s going at once. This really sucks...why is DC allowed to play... is poker legal here or something?
04-16-2011 , 12:56 AM
wish there was a stronger government to come and liberate us from our government...
04-16-2011 , 12:57 AM
Pretty outraged by this. I am a republican and a conservative - and I really am embarrassed to admit that after this episode.

My God - how hypocritical are these f*cks...? Do we really need the government interfering in yet ANOTHER part of our lives? F*ck no!

I am livid. This has GOT to be unconstitutional...! HOW CAN THE GODDAMN GOVERNMENT CONTROL SO MUCH OF WHAT I DO!?!

We are truly living in a soft tyranny when our RULERS can shut down (instead of regulate, tax, etc) something that is a) harmless and b) something that we all love - in the name of THEIR perception of morality and/or placating THEIR lobbying interests.

Seriously, we need a constitutional revolution in this country... since our rulers trample on our rights EVERY day.
04-16-2011 , 12:58 AM
"a credible rumor says by Monday Stars & FTP will be completely shut down and unable to operate."

Something to do with the ISPs being seized by the FBI and taking 24-48 hours to update their DNS information.

Has this been confirmed?
04-16-2011 , 12:59 AM
I'm leaving mine on Stars as well. The paranoid part of my brain was screaming to cash out, but the rational, ex-banker part of my brain thinks it's probably a lot safer to have it on Stars (on paper) than trying to squeeze it out of the system through some longshot miracle during the ****-storm that's going down.

There's no chance I'll get the cash in my hands in the next few days doing it this way, but I think there's a lot less chance of the money simply disappearing in the long run leaving it on Stars.
04-16-2011 , 01:02 AM
Form your own opinion/decision but consider this:

The big 3 sites are gone (as in, they will not exist in their current form), i'd wager a huge prop bet on that outcome.
04-16-2011 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Brokepoor
Although most Americans and most other people in the world think of Washington "D.C." as being part of the US... It is as soveriegn as "The City of London" within London, England and "vatican City" is a soveriegn within Rome, IT.
lolwut? last i checked it was still funded by -- and all DC legislation has to be approved by -- the US Congress.
04-16-2011 , 01:05 AM
Are there any US sites not affected?

I hate ANY govt intervention too, but what if the allegations are true? Things are seriously sucking these days-ie $4 a gallon gas and rising
and Big O's approval rating is still at 40%
who is ****ing who up the whatever

04-16-2011 , 01:05 AM
it sounds like the sites were doing a lot of things similar to money laundering.

if they would have done their business lawfully with the banks, they probably wouldn't have gotten into this trouble.
04-16-2011 , 01:07 AM
The seizers today by the FBI have effected all poker players directly or indirectly like it or not. The next best steps now are for you to call your elected officials and let them know how disappointed you are and pay your $20 membership to the PPA.
04-16-2011 , 01:07 AM
Suggesting that there will be change resulting from this event isn't exactly a stretch.

The question is really whether you, on a personal level, believe the US Government can kill their company entirely. And I do not. But I do know for a fact they can pull a lot of **** to keep you from getting your money if it gets tangled up mid-transaction trying to cashout.

Do I know for sure I'm making the best choice? No. But I feel like I'm picking the lesser of all evils in this particular case. I don't think any of us have good options right now.
