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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24

12-28-2011 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by People_Mover
shove yourself the first time to ensure full double imo
The guy that was in between us already called her raise before I acted, so I wanted to make it affordable for him to call also along with her, and if she had a boat or better then she would shove when it got back to her.

If she had anything weaker than a big flush she would not call a shove anyway likely.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-29-2011 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
The guy that was in between us already called her raise before I acted, so I wanted to make it affordable for him to call also along with her, and if she had a boat or better then she would shove when it got back to her.

If she had anything weaker than a big flush she would not call a shove anyway likely.
what stakes?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:09 AM
1/2nl, There wasn't much in the pot as she bet $6 on flop and we all checked the turn.
Then guy bet $5 on river and she made it $12, I made it $35 then she shipped $100.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-30-2011 , 02:18 PM
Parking is a zoo. Forget about it!
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-30-2011 , 02:50 PM
Chopped the $120 tourney 4 ways last night (52 runners), I got $1500, and the other 3 guys got $1000. Stacks were 160k-80k-70k-60k. Good deal, especially considering blinds were 5-10k and 4th place got $390 and first got $19xx. Top 6 payed, won QQ>AK early on, lost 60k pot with 11 people left 77<AK, won 100K pot with 8 people left 66>AK. Happy New Year!
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-30-2011 , 03:02 PM
Congrats, you certainly have to run like god in a donkament like that.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-30-2011 , 05:33 PM
Anyone know how many runners the $550 usually gets?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-30-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by 42-fletchers
Anyone know how many runners the $550 usually gets?
Its 20k guarantee so 40 players but sometimes might only get 35 or so.
So there would be a little overlay.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-30-2011 , 05:55 PM
Thx Ron
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-31-2011 , 03:58 AM
Ha chopped for first at 3am. Whaddya know.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-31-2011 , 08:32 AM
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-31-2011 , 06:06 PM
How is the action going to be tonight? If someones says its awesome ill be there. Otherwise I'm chillin at home
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
12-31-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by PokerZombie
How is the action going to be tonight? If someones says its awesome ill be there. Otherwise I'm chillin at home
I was there from about 10am to 7pm. It was mostly the regs playing; not that crowded. I left when they had to break our table (2/5nl). There wasn't any big crowd of people coming in either.

The bar/lounge area up front was just starting to get busy, but don't know how many poker players will be there.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-01-2012 , 12:59 PM
Anyone else up here now? A bit slow but not too bad.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-01-2012 , 06:09 PM
Does anyone know for sure if gas card promo starts today? If I'm at the table now my hours counting? I may just stay until noon and get it tonight...
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-01-2012 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jeff_B
Does anyone know for sure if gas card promo starts today? If I'm at the table now my hours counting? I may just stay until noon and get it tonight...
The flyer they passed out in the room said Monday-Thursday, but I got an email flyer that said Sunday-Thursday. So at this point even if you asked them you might not get the right answer.

If you or anyone you know are there today, have them log out on the table and then check the machine to see if it counts today.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-01-2012 , 06:40 PM
The gas card promo starts on Sundays. Checked my status to be sure and it is in there. Also confirmed with supervisor.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-01-2012 , 06:47 PM
Ok, cool. How busy is it up there? I would imagine by now parking is pretty slammed.

I might head down there early tomorrow and beat the crowd and try out the new breakfast buffet at fresh harvest.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-01-2012 , 11:19 PM
Slammed right now.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-02-2012 , 03:04 PM
Buffet trip report, lol.

I got there at 7:30am as it runs 7am to 10am and there was already 75 people in line.
Plenty of seating for everyone but they only had 1 cashier and were not to swift seating people.

Here it was opening day, a holiday, and they gave out a bunch of free buffets in the mail to slot players, and they have only 1 cashier.
It took about 35 min. to get seated and when I left at 8:30am there was about 150 people in line. The line went all the way back to the bathrooms.

The buffet was good, had the best omelet ever, and the other stuff was good. Hopefully they get the kinks worked out.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-02-2012 , 03:41 PM
Don't hold your breath on it getting better with seating. FH is notorious for slow service to get in but really good food. How much was it?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-02-2012 , 03:54 PM
Crazy busy down here right now with massive waiting lists.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by andymalman
Don't hold your breath on it getting better with seating. FH is notorious for slow service to get in but really good food. How much was it?
$10 including drink.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:47 PM
How is the wait list and parking now?
I saw Eddie's update but that was 2 hours ago.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-02-2012 , 06:30 PM
1-2 has a list of about 25 players I think. 2-5 is open. 1-3 has a long list too.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
