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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24

11-06-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by machi5
Two questions. Does anyone know if: 1) we can use our poker comps for rooms (I realize it would be $100 max and I'd owe the difference) and 2) if we can use our poker comps for a room at the Hollywood Hard Rock if said comps were accrued playing in Tampa. For the record, I have only poker comps as I don't play any other games at THR. Thanks.
As far as I am aware you can use your rewards as a partial room pay in Tampa but can not use Tampa Rewards in Hollywood.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-06-2011 , 08:50 PM
Ok guys I want to play poker in florida. Is this the place to play or what? I also notice the wpt is at jacksonville poker room so I'm guessing there will be a lot of action there too. Does the seminole have enough action to make it worth going there, then flying/driving to jacksonville room? I'm really lost here so if someone could give me some tips on this that'd be great.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-06-2011 , 09:01 PM
WPT will be here starting December 2nd. What limit do you play?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-06-2011 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
WPT will be here starting December 2nd. What limit do you play?
Is it coming to seminole and jacksonville both?

Cause I'm looking at this link here
and it says nov 18-22

I play 2-5nl, with a few shots at 5/10 if I run really good.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-07-2011 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by MrK31Canada
Where to begin? Here's a recap of an incident that happened this past Saturday night at Hard Rock:

But of course, I first need to give you the backstory. I have now had 3 (or 4) separate incidents with the dealer involved.

The first incident occurred in July of 2010. While at a $2-5 table, the dealer sat down and began to complain about "so called pros" and how little they tip. What terrible people they are, etc. I looked around the table, and quickly realized that there were no other "pros" at the table. In fact, the table was filled with complete random tourists. Right. I was pretty sure the rant was directed toward me, but I didn't say a word.

Fast forward to January(or February) of 2011. While playing at a $2-5 table, I look down at pocket Aces in the small blind. There is some action before it gets to me, and it involves some sort of raise, and action out of turn. I was not sure what had happened. I asked for the dealer to recap the action for me, since I was confused as to what had happened. Still not understanding, I asked for clarification again. I stated, "I'm not trying to be difficult, but I really don't get it. Can you explain it to me again?" The dealer was clearly miffed. I ended up re-raising and taking down the pot. I do not tip the dealer in question. Shortly after this, he moves to the next table. As he is standing behind the dealer at the next table, I hear him say "....that ****ing *******." I call out his name. He is 10 feet away, and he doesn't turn his head. Then I call out "Did you just say something about me, (dealer name)?" To which he responded "Sir. If I had something to say to you, you'd hear it." I asked for the floor, and filed a complaint. (Written)

Fast forward again to about a month ago. I go on a heater while (___) is at the table. I win several large pots, and probably go up about 1K while (___) is at the table. I make sure not to tip him.

Now, we arrive at last Friday. A discussion begins at the table about dealers the players do not like. The dealer at the table is also a part-time supervisor. I say that I have a no tip list, and it's one person long. I mention the dealer's name, and what he said to me. The dealer at the table responds "I'm not surprised to hear that."

The very next night (Saturday) I am playing $2-5 in the back of the room. I have my headphones on. However, I have the volume super low, and my right ear is half exposed. I am sitting in seat 1. I felt a dealer move in behind me, and tap the dealer to my right. There is a hand developing, but I am not involved. I distinctly hear "You're a piece of ****. You're pathetic." It was said in an even tone. It was not said at the table behind me. It was clear to me that whoever said it was standing right behind me. My initial thoughts/reaction was that the dealer pushing was joking around with the dealer at my table (deleted name *Great guy*). I turned around and saw (___). At that point, I realized that what was said was directed toward me. I asked (Dealer) to call the floor, and asked him if he had heard what was said. He did not, as he was involved in a hand.

I ended up writing up a complaint with (deleted name *If you're guessing think of the best supervisor in the room*) explaining what had happened. (Supervisor) did/could not call up security/cameras to verify my account. This is unfortunate in my opinion. I talked with (Supervisor) for a little while about the incident. I told him the back story, and how I had filed a previous complaint with (Another supervisor *gum, gum). He was sympathetic, and seemed to give my side some credit, since he noted that he sees me in the room all the time, and I am never involved with table problems/complaints about dealers. In fact, these are the only two complaints I have ever filed against a dealer. (Supervisor) promised to keep an eye out in the future, and seemed concerned. I appreciated that. At least they have one floor who seems to really care. Overall, it's a black mark. Which is unfortunate, since I really do like the majority of dealers there. I ALWAYS move to the 1 or 10 seat, so I'm used to sitting beside the dealers. Most of them are good people. I have never been treated so rudely by a dealer in all my years of playing.

That's better. I really needed to get that story off my chest.

As I have stated before there are several dealers there that should not be dealing anywhere, but I was at the table on two of those occasions with said dealer... I'm there alot and a tight player and many think that I am a poker pro... I laugh when I hear that (get a job) but I was there with several other regulars, one person that I did not know questioned the dealer about the higher stake games and the tips and he was responding. Really wasn't negative on that account either, if you are new to the hard rock, how would you know who are tourist and who are regulars much less pros? I don't believe the dealer was directing anything at you.

As far as the hand when you had aces and asked for a personal recap because you were in a conversation with the guy in seat 7, next to you, the dealer had already made three attempts to get your attention before you responded and wanted a personal recap due to your lack of attention. I wasn't even in the hand and I was irritated since this was the 4-5th hand in a row that you were not following action and talking to your neigbor... the comment you made to the new dealer, was obvious that you wanted 'your' problem dealer to hear. it was apparant you were trying to start something or evoke some kind of reaction from him, even to the point that you were still agitating him while he was at the other table behind the dealer which is more than 10 feet away. As far as the other incidents i don't know i wasn't there, but, this dealer has dealt to me since I've been going to hard rock, he's a good guy sometimes he has bad days, but still good guy and a decent dealer, if he was one of the bad dealers I would have gotten up for a cig break or a quick snack or bathroom break. I never try to find reasons not to tip since my bankroll isn't comprised of my rent money, car payment , and electric bill; my mortgage is paid in full and not from playing poker that is pathetic...

I don't usually respond to comments on here, but it urks me when people fail to tell the whole story, especially when they bad mouth someone. I do agree there are some veru bad dealers at the hard rock, but they exists at other places as well as bad clerks, waiters, bartenders, etc... it, unfortunately seems to be the american way, let's face it the service industry is in dire straights....
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
Looks like Derby Lane is giving away a Fiat 500 via drawing tickets from everyone who plays the main event. I wonder how may players are expected to play these main events? Surprised THR isn't giving away two cars, just to one-up them.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-07-2011 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by pokeher joker
As I have stated before there are several dealers there that should not be dealing anywhere, but I was at the table on two of those occasions with said dealer... I'm there alot and a tight player and many think that I am a poker pro... I laugh when I hear that (get a job) but I was there with several other regulars, one person that I did not know questioned the dealer about the higher stake games and the tips and he was responding. Really wasn't negative on that account either, if you are new to the hard rock, how would you know who are tourist and who are regulars much less pros? I don't believe the dealer was directing anything at you.

As far as the hand when you had aces and asked for a personal recap because you were in a conversation with the guy in seat 7, next to you, the dealer had already made three attempts to get your attention before you responded and wanted a personal recap due to your lack of attention. I wasn't even in the hand and I was irritated since this was the 4-5th hand in a row that you were not following action and talking to your neigbor... the comment you made to the new dealer, was obvious that you wanted 'your' problem dealer to hear. it was apparant you were trying to start something or evoke some kind of reaction from him, even to the point that you were still agitating him while he was at the other table behind the dealer which is more than 10 feet away. As far as the other incidents i don't know i wasn't there, but, this dealer has dealt to me since I've been going to hard rock, he's a good guy sometimes he has bad days, but still good guy and a decent dealer, if he was one of the bad dealers I would have gotten up for a cig break or a quick snack or bathroom break. I never try to find reasons not to tip since my bankroll isn't comprised of my rent money, car payment , and electric bill; my mortgage is paid in full and not from playing poker that is pathetic...

I don't usually respond to comments on here, but it urks me when people fail to tell the whole story, especially when they bad mouth someone. I do agree there are some veru bad dealers at the hard rock, but they exists at other places as well as bad clerks, waiters, bartenders, etc... it, unfortunately seems to be the american way, let's face it the service industry is in dire straights....
I've got to call you out on this. BS. I have stated nothing that is inaccurate.

You really remember being at my table 16 months ago when this particular dealer ranted about a lack of tips? I have heard from numerous players and dealers that he constantly complains about tips. I am sure that this incident of complaints was not isolated. However, at that time (and I still feel) it was directed toward me.

In terms of the Aces hand, I really feel like you must be mistaking me for someone else.

1. I find it hard to believe that you remember that specific situation, since it was last January or February.
2. I was sitting in seat 1. I was therefore not talking to anybody in seat 7.
3. Again, I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I would not miss the action 4 or 5 hands in a row. If you knew who I was, and played with me, you would realize that I act in turn and follow the action.
4. As for the hand in question, there was confusion regarding a raise
5. Again, I really think you're mistaking the situation (and me) for another. "the comment you made to the new dealer, was obvious that you wanted 'your' problem dealer to hear. it was apparant you were trying to start something or evoke some kind of reaction from him, even to the point that you were still agitating him while he was at the other table behind the dealer which is more than 10 feet away." After the dealer had left the table, I did not say a word to the incoming dealer. The comment I heard (that was directed toward me) came from the dealer as he waited behind the existing dealer at the next table. I therefore could not provoke something if I never said anything.

I feel like this is an attack on my credibility, and that you have truly mistaken me for someone else. If you knew who I was/had played with me, you would realize that I'm not a guy that's out of line. I don't have disagreements with dealers. I'm well liked at the table. I conduct myself in a mature and ethical manner. In short, I behave like I would expect a professional poker player act like.

I don't care how you pay for poker. I don't care how you tip. The fact is that I'm not going to tip someone that attacks me personally and disparages my profession. I don't speak ill of dealers in general. In fact, I have only complained to management twice about dealers, and in both cases, it was the dealer in question.

Again, I suspect you have these incidents mistaken with other similar incidents that may have occurred. After all, I never even mentioned the name of the dealer in question. Nor did I give any sort of description to indicate who he was.

Last edited by MrK31Canada; 11-07-2011 at 02:14 AM.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-07-2011 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by pokeher joker
As I have stated before there are several dealers there that should not be dealing anywhere, but I was at the table on two of those occasions with said dealer... I'm there alot and a tight player and many think that I am a poker pro... I laugh when I hear that (get a job) but I was there with several other regulars, one person that I did not know questioned the dealer about the higher stake games and the tips and he was responding. Really wasn't negative on that account either, if you are new to the hard rock, how would you know who are tourist and who are regulars much less pros? I don't believe the dealer was directing anything at you.

As far as the hand when you had aces and asked for a personal recap because you were in a conversation with the guy in seat 7, next to you, the dealer had already made three attempts to get your attention before you responded and wanted a personal recap due to your lack of attention. I wasn't even in the hand and I was irritated since this was the 4-5th hand in a row that you were not following action and talking to your neigbor... the comment you made to the new dealer, was obvious that you wanted 'your' problem dealer to hear. it was apparant you were trying to start something or evoke some kind of reaction from him, even to the point that you were still agitating him while he was at the other table behind the dealer which is more than 10 feet away. As far as the other incidents i don't know i wasn't there, but, this dealer has dealt to me since I've been going to hard rock, he's a good guy sometimes he has bad days, but still good guy and a decent dealer, if he was one of the bad dealers I would have gotten up for a cig break or a quick snack or bathroom break. I never try to find reasons not to tip since my bankroll isn't comprised of my rent money, car payment , and electric bill; my mortgage is paid in full and not from playing poker that is pathetic...

I don't usually respond to comments on here, but it urks me when people fail to tell the whole story, especially when they bad mouth someone. I do agree there are some veru bad dealers at the hard rock, but they exists at other places as well as bad clerks, waiters, bartenders, etc... it, unfortunately seems to be the american way, let's face it the service industry is in dire straights....
Since you were there for the tipping incident, and the Aces incident, can you verify what tables you were at? I certainly remember where I was.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by pokeher joker
many think that I am a poker pro... I laugh when I hear that (get a job)... my mortgage is paid in full and not from playing poker. that is pathetic...
So, just want to be clear... you're posting on 2+2 and insulting people who play poker for a living. Makes perfect sense.

By the way, you have some brilliant logic. It's "pathetic" to pay off one's mortgage by playing poker. So, being highly skilled and making a lot of money at one's vocation is pathetic?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:17 AM
PJ is obv the dealer in question. Please stop feeding the troll.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-08-2011 , 03:09 PM
Just a quick THR dealer story, for those in the know.

About two weeks ago was playing 1/3. Good table, though only a couple of true fish. Guy to my left won some decent pots and was leaving soon.

The down is over and in comes this one fellow. He's Asian, probably about 165 years old. Anyone who plays there knows who I am describing. He never says a word and is absurdly slow.

I set the over/under of hands for the half hour at 12. He took the under for $5. It was pretty hilarious counting them down and me getting irritated at every hand that took awhile. My competitor at one point even gratuitously dropped it to 10 hands for the down.

He got in 9. I might have pushed but for the $180 fill that of course took about 4 minutes.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-08-2011 , 03:32 PM
With competition so hard to become a dealer - and with the good money they can make... why do they employ dealers that could ever deal 9 hands in a 30 minute rotation? Disgusting.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-08-2011 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Wheatsauce
Having 1/1 and 1/2 seems almost as silly as having 1/2 and 1/3. I'm curious if people are suggesting that because they think it is best, or just because they think it is better than the current model and more likely to be attempted since it has been implemented on another Seminole property? Just eliminate 1/3 and make the 1-2 buyin 60-200 imo.
This would be awesome. It doesn't really make sense to me that they would lose customers if they did this.

It seems to me that most of the $40 players would put up the extra $20 to play in the new 1/2. Even if some of the short stacks get pissed and quit, I'm sure that would be more than made up for by new players who are attracted to a "regular" 1/2 game. I think it's an easy net positive overall.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-08-2011 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by EddieOB
With competition so hard to become a dealer - and with the good money they can make... why do they employ dealers that could ever deal 9 hands in a 30 minute rotation? Disgusting.
Because being a dealer at THR is the worst end of the stick you can get. They just keep screwing their dealers over benefits wise until all the good ones leave, just like what happened almost a year ago.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-08-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Because being a dealer at THR is the worst end of the stick you can get. They just keep screwing their dealers over benefits wise until all the good ones leave, just like what happened almost a year ago.
currently there are no benefits provided at all.

pitching cards for 40-50k a year. The dealers are doing just fine there. They are like cockroaches there..... the more you kill off, they more are waiting at the door to come in.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:45 PM
I just posted this on the Orange Park thread, but it goes a week or more with no activity, so I'll ask you guys. Hopefully some of you have played/stayed out at OP.

Any recommendations on a place to stay in Jacksonville (Orange Park)? I'm going for a couple days next week (WPT). Don't need anything special, but don't mind paying a little more to get a place that's clean and safe. Thanks.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 04:01 AM
La Quinta Inn & Suites / Jacksonville Mandarin
3199 Hartley Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Phone: 1-904-268-9999

Nice place for the price with inside rooms.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by joansing
Just a quick THR dealer story, for those in the know.

About two weeks ago was playing 1/3. Good table, though only a couple of true fish. Guy to my left won some decent pots and was leaving soon.

The down is over and in comes this one fellow. He's Asian, probably about 165 years old. Anyone who plays there knows who I am describing. He never says a word and is absurdly slow.

I set the over/under of hands for the half hour at 12. He took the under for $5. It was pretty hilarious counting them down and me getting irritated at every hand that took awhile. My competitor at one point even gratuitously dropped it to 10 hands for the down.

He got in 9. I might have pushed but for the $180 fill that of course took about 4 minutes.
Its posts like this and others on why 2+2 as a forum doesn't get taken seriously. Yes there on a bunch of pointless posts which is standard, but i'm also really surprised by the amount of gripe the regs have.

Yeah he's old and slow. But he's been around so long that he grows on you. I like him now, nothing in life is perfect even the amount of hands you get per hour.

I have spoken management about why they aren't more active on the forum. Number one reason is that they think we are a bunch of whiny bitches instead of adults who try to give constructive criticism. And from the outside looking in, it does look like that.

Do people here realize that we are like the 5% of the poker population with a clue by even logging on this forum and knowing how to utilize it in some fashion. Of course our knowledge of stuff is going to be alot more sophisticated than most. We need to start responding in more intelligent fashions than just typing up stuff on a forum. Give feedback on paper or start petitions from players to bring about changes.

Last edited by The Way; 11-09-2011 at 08:27 AM.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 08:31 AM
And yes, i know it would help if they had a clue, but they are open to feedback and willing to listen. I have a great rapport with the staff(without being a great tipper . Seems like its not the same for most here.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 09:53 AM
The way, why is it that other rooms like Hollywood HR and the Isle, management is very active in the forum and does listen to the forum and make changes?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 10:30 AM
I'm not sure why you are defending a dealer that can only get 9 hands in for every half hour at a table.... I truly don't care how nice the guy is when he is only able to deal 200 hands over a 10 hour shift...why shouldn't such a complaint be taken seriously?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 10:37 AM
The Way, I believe your (and, according to what you say they've told you, THR management's) appraisal of the situation is completely backward. At the heart of every complaint on this forum is the simple fact that we have no one who will listen to us. Do you see how absurd it is to say that management doesn't care to have an active rep on 2+2 because the forum is full of people who are upset that there is no active rep on 2+2?

When I read threads for other casinos/card rooms that have an active rep, it is almost always a very positive exchange. People will always have disagreements with policies and ideas for improvement, and that's why this forum is so beneficial. With a room rep, you have someone that you know hears your concerns. Even if they disagree with you, at least you know that you were heard, your views were considered, and you got a response. That's why we were all so excited initially by hearing from-- and are now frustrated by the subsequent disappearance of-- Jack of Rock.

Again, the point is that we aren't upset that the THR isn't perfect, and isn't run exactly the way we would like it. We are upset because we have no one who cares enough to listen.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by The Way
I have spoken management about why they aren't more active on the forum. Number one reason is that they think we are a bunch of whiny bitches instead of adults who try to give constructive criticism. And from the outside looking in, it does look like that.
Sorry, but I see that attitude as just another excuse by management to take the path of least resistance and maintain the status quo.

Were the people suggesting the changes to the 1/2 buy-in whiny bitches? I've talked to supervisors about that for over a year, since the y first went to the higher limits. Are the supervisors incapable of incorporating that feedback into their management chain unless a player writes it up for them? If they have a staff meeting (if they ever do) and the boss asks for ideas for improving the game, no one can suggest changes or mention player feedback unless the players wrote it up? BS.

Same for people talking about tournament structures and other things. Whiny bitches? Only if you have the attitude that everything is fine and nothing could be better.

Yes, I agree that we have recently had too many "let me tell you about my bad dealer" stories. But on the other hand, as a manager (and I've been a business manager at every level up to COO) you should welcome any form of feedback that tells you that you may have an issue with dealers begging for tips or being rude to non-tippers. Where there is smoke, there is fire. No decent management team would just ignore that as whining.

Why is it that we get "Jack of Rock" rather than a real name like most of the other casinos? IMO it's so that no one is actually held responsible for what "Jack" says on here, and there is no follow up. What exactly has Jack contributed on this board, other than a marketing announcement about the WPT? Has he even acknowledged any of the issues we've raised, or suggested that they will look at that issue? I don't recall that.

So in short, Jack doesn't do Jack. The management at the HR has been remarkably resistant to incorporating player feedback. They have always been the main show in town, and don't feel any particular need to be more customer friendly unless forced into it. Sure they'll smile when you give them feedback, but then that's it.

I happen to like almost all of the dealers, and feel that vast majority do a good job. But supervisors are another story. Ask 3 supervisors a ruling question, and you'll get 3 different rulings. Time and time again I've seen players get out of hand, yelling obscenities and even getting to pushing ans shoving, and the supervisors have just huddled around the brush stand for 10 minutes until finally forced to intervene.

Sorry for the rant. I agree we could do without so many bad dealer posts. But for the management to suggest that they don't do **** with our suggestions because we are "whiny bitches" is tilting. They don't do anything with this site or with suggestions because it means they might actually have to do a little more work.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:08 AM
IMO, HR Tampa does not care about the customers and what they think or want. They only care about their bottom line(revenue). In their eyes they have lots of games going and the room is profitable so no changes need to be made.

But when something affects their bottom line, they make swift changes. For example a few months ago during the gas card/visa card promos for 25 hours a week, the stud players all turned into super nits that rarely played a hand since there was no ante and they just wanted to clock their hours.

So HR immediately makes a change to the game and makes the stud game have a .50 ante from then on. That way rake will be generated. This change had nothing to do with what the customers wanted only that HR revenue in the stud game was being affected.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
