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View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

04-11-2016 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by aling
I finally realize why I never win when I play 2-5. I have a win rate close to 0 in a very small sample size. I usually play bigger. In the 2-5 game typical break even and slightly losing players generally try to play nitty but dont have the self control. I've seen it numerous times but finally realized this is why. I have a hand where I raise the button with 9T suited and a mid position limper. Limper and BB call. BB leads out 2/3 pot on A93 two clubs board I call. Turn a K of diamonds giving me a flush draw. Pot is 180 BB has 110 left he check calls my shove.

So when he checks he doesnt want to get it in. Obviously if he does the correct play is to shove first for the fold equity. But after I shove he cant resist and calls.

Anyway these 2-5 bad regs who are often short stacked know deep down how to play for the most part but lack self control. With more experience they will actually follow through on how they know they should play.

My aggression pays off in the bigger games where players are deep and make big lay downs but not in small games. Another example is how players in small games can't fold AK or QQ pre. Even though they don't want to be the one to get it in they will call off 100 BBs with it. They know they should lay it down but can't.

Anyway, it's boring to play like a nit in 2-5 and the bigger games dont run often so I've going to become a realtor.
Or maybe be more aware of a guy who is super short and most likely pretty tight/ABC. Then just fold T9 on a A93 when a guy leads for 2/3 pot with only 110

No just move up. That's the answer....
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04-11-2016 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by aling
I finally realize why I never win when I play 2-5. I have a win rate close to 0 in a very small sample size. I usually play bigger. In the 2-5 game typical break even and slightly losing players generally try to play nitty but dont have the self control. I've seen it numerous times but finally realized this is why. I have a hand where I raise the button with 9T suited and a mid position limper. Limper and BB call. BB leads out 2/3 pot on A93 two clubs board I call. Turn a K of diamonds giving me a flush draw. Pot is 180 BB has 110 left he check calls my shove.

So when he checks he doesnt want to get it in. Obviously if he does the correct play is to shove first for the fold equity. But after I shove he cant resist and calls.

Anyway these 2-5 bad regs who are often short stacked know deep down how to play for the most part but lack self control. With more experience they will actually follow through on how they know they should play.

My aggression pays off in the bigger games where players are deep and make big lay downs but not in small games. Another example is how players in small games can't fold AK or QQ pre. Even though they don't want to be the one to get it in they will call off 100 BBs with it. They know they should lay it down but can't.

Anyway, it's boring to play like a nit in 2-5 and the bigger games dont run often so I've going to become a realtor.
LOL....a good player can adjust to the other players and beat them at their game, no matter what their game is. You just cant admit that you cant make the correct adjustments so you just call the other players bad when in fact you are the one playing bad.
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04-11-2016 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by aling
I finally realize why I never win when I play 2-5. I have a win rate close to 0 in a very small sample size. I usually play bigger. In the 2-5 game typical break even and slightly losing players generally try to play nitty but dont have the self control. I've seen it numerous times but finally realized this is why. I have a hand where I raise the button with 9T suited and a mid position limper. Limper and BB call. BB leads out 2/3 pot on A93 two clubs board I call. Turn a K of diamonds giving me a flush draw. Pot is 180 BB has 110 left he check calls my shove.

So when he checks he doesnt want to get it in. Obviously if he does the correct play is to shove first for the fold equity. But after I shove he cant resist and calls.

Anyway these 2-5 bad regs who are often short stacked know deep down how to play for the most part but lack self control. With more experience they will actually follow through on how they know they should play.

My aggression pays off in the bigger games where players are deep and make big lay downs but not in small games. Another example is how players in small games can't fold AK or QQ pre. Even though they don't want to be the one to get it in they will call off 100 BBs with it. They know they should lay it down but can't.

Anyway, it's boring to play like a nit in 2-5 and the bigger games dont run often so I've going to become a realtor.
You must be the guy at the table that tries to get rec players to fold overpairs. But seriously...

Winning players don't profit by adjusting to how bad players should play. They make money by exploiting the way bad players do play.
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04-11-2016 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by aling
I have a hand where I raise the button with 9T suited and a mid position limper. Limper and BB call. BB leads out 2/3 pot on A93 two clubs board I call.
So you called with middle pair because "OMG, a pair."

Originally Posted by aling
Turn a K of diamonds giving me a flush draw. Pot is 180 BB has 110 left he check calls my shove.
Originally Posted by aling
So when he checks he doesnt want to get it in.
He obviously doesn't mind getting it in, because...he did. Maybe he knows that bigger game awesome player such as yourself is more likely to shove with a wide range than to call.

Originally Posted by aling
Obviously if he does the correct play is to shove first for the fold equity. But after I shove he cant resist and calls.
He's not the one holding T9 and turned flush draw, was he? Maybe, just maybe, he wants to get it in and doesn't want you to fold?

Originally Posted by aling
Anyway these 2-5 bad regs who are often short stacked know deep down how to play for the most part but lack self control. With more experience they will actually follow through on how they know they should play.
Are you referring to yourself in 3rd person?

Originally Posted by aling
My aggression pays off in the bigger games where players are deep and make big lay downs but not in small games.
So you win if people fold to your bets? Imagine that.

Originally Posted by aling
Another example is how players in small games can't fold AK or QQ pre. Even though they don't want to be the one to get it in they will call off 100 BBs with it. They know they should lay it down but can't.
Maybe because they actually understand that betting range is often far weaker than calling range, something you obviously don't understand.

Originally Posted by aling
Anyway, it's boring to play like a nit in 2-5 and the bigger games dont run often so I've going to become a realtor.
"Murph! Hey, come back any time. Your money's always good here."
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04-11-2016 , 01:11 PM
Yesterday I limped AJ UTG in a $2/$5 game. There was another limp and then a maniac on the button raised to $30. I called and so did the other limper. Do I normally limp AJ UTG? Absolutely not. Do I normally call a raise OOP with AJ? Absolutely not. Why did I do it this time? Because the button was a maniac who will raise and try to take control of the hand with holdings that he would fold if I raised.

Flop came J53. I check/called $55.
Turn T. I checked and he shoved all in for $255. I called. He had 64.

Would I play AJ this way against just about anyone else? Nope. I'm sure he probably thinks I suck just like "aling" thinks everyone else sucks. My guess is that "aling's" villain probably had a read that he would pull over aggressive crap just like this and that's why he check/called the turn all in.

"aling" has been posting for days about how he used to beat $10/$25NL and now the games have dried up so bad that poker players need to find a new career. He clearly isn't as good as he thinks he is and I agree that he should find a new career.
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04-11-2016 , 01:21 PM
you guys are tough, give the guy a break
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04-11-2016 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by day'n'night
you guys are tough, give the guy a break
Tough love
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04-11-2016 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Yesterday I limped AJ UTG in a $2/$5 game. There was another limp and then a maniac on the button raised to $30. I called and so did the other limper. Do I normally limp AJ UTG? Absolutely not. Do I normally call a raise OOP with AJ? Absolutely not. Why did I do it this time? Because the button was a maniac who will raise and try to take control of the hand with holdings that he would fold if I raised.

Flop came J53. I check/called $55.
Turn T. I checked and he shoved all in for $255. I called. He had 64.

Would I play AJ this way against just about anyone else? Nope. I'm sure he probably thinks I suck just like "aling" thinks everyone else sucks. My guess is that "aling's" villain probably had a read that he would pull over aggressive crap just like this and that's why he check/called the turn all in.

"aling" has been posting for days about how he used to beat $10/$25NL and now the games have dried up so bad that poker players need to find a new career. He clearly isn't as good as he thinks he is and I agree that he should find a new career.
What happens in that spot when you don't flop topsies?
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04-11-2016 , 02:26 PM
I probably give up, which is why you shouldn't limp/call a raise in EP with AJ, but against a maniac that you can bust when you hit, I would say its worth it.
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04-11-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
What happens in that spot when you don't flop topsies?
Check/call 3 streets regardless of board texture obv because V is a MANIAC and we have AJ high (aka da nutzzzzzz)

inb4 Hero checkfold 80% of board textures and loozing infinite moneyz longrun to V

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04-11-2016 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
Check/call 3 streets regardless of board texture obv because V is a MANIAC and we have AJ high (aka da nutzzzzzz)

inb4 Hero checkfold 80% of board textures and loozing infinite moneyz longrun to V

I beat you with my response just like I beat the maniac into the pot with my call
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04-11-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I probably give up, which is why you shouldn't limp/call a raise in EP with AJ, but against a maniac that you can bust when you hit, I would say its worth it.
If you had raised and he called do you still give up? It is a pretty similar spot.

x/c down on most runouts seems good against a true maniac.
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04-11-2016 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
If you had raised and he called do you still give up? It is a pretty similar spot.

x/c down on most runouts seems good against a true maniac.
First of all, I doubt he would call my UTG raise with 64. Secondly, my raising from UTG is not at all similar to me limp/calling his raise.
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04-11-2016 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
If you had raised and he called do you still give up? It is a pretty similar spot.

x/c down on most runouts seems good against a true maniac.
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
First of all, I doubt he would call my UTG raise with 64. Secondly, my raising from UTG is not at all similar to me limp/calling his raise.
Limp calling versus this villain in order to fold most flops is burning $$$.

Having a plan of "let's flop top top and print maniez" isn't really a plan at all.
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04-11-2016 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
First of all, I doubt he would call my UTG raise with 64. Secondly, my raising from UTG is not at all similar to me limp/calling his raise.
We have big range advantage in both cases. Giving up when we whiff against a range of mostly trash doesn't make sense. The only differences are who is capped, which doesn't make a huge difference when we have such a big range advantage, and who has initiative. Initiative is strictly a metagame concept and if anything I would guess it would affect the maniac by making him feel compelled to c-bet way, way more often than he should be.

IMO, we should actually be less inclined to give up post-flop when we limp/call compared to when we raise and get called.
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04-11-2016 , 03:31 PM
Yeah dude but how do we call w/out toptop?????
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04-11-2016 , 04:14 PM
Giving up when we whiff is fine.

No point making it harder to play against us, let maniac fish enjoy the win.
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04-11-2016 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Giving up when we whiff is fine.

No point making it harder to play against us, let maniac fish enjoy the win.

We don't need to flop top-top to continue. Pretty much any equity at all will do when villain is barreling 3 streets with air.
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04-12-2016 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by TeamKB
just wrapped up january... about 66 hours for $7400.. roughly even split between 1/2 and 2/5

also.. couldn't agree more with ATsai's post about the keys to bankroll... work hard, be a life nit... was just about to make a similar (although much wordier post in my blog thread)

now at 302 hours for the year. $14,136 ($46.82/hr)
(1/2): 160 hrs at $26.67/hr = $4,274
(1/3): 21 hrs at $48.34/hr = $996
(2/5): 121 hrs at $73.21/hr = $8,866
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04-12-2016 , 05:14 PM
Can anyone tell me how to post a pic correctly? When I post from photobucket, there is a bar at the top of the image that takes you to my photobucket account. Thats not supposed to happen right?
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04-12-2016 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Can anyone tell me how to post a pic correctly? When I post from photobucket, there is a bar at the top of the image that takes you to my photobucket account. Thats not supposed to happen right?
<------- BBV is that way
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04-12-2016 , 06:31 PM
This is the win rate thread isn't it? I was going to post a pic of my graph
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04-12-2016 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
This is the win rate thread isn't it? I was going to post a pic of my graph
That was a lame attempt at humor. You don't want an old guy like me trying to actually answer your question.
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04-12-2016 , 06:49 PM
Use Tapatalk.
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04-12-2016 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Use Tapatalk.
To do what? Never heard of it and a quick search looks like its some sort of forum for people who share similar interests?
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