Originally Posted by cc79824
Question of the day- 30/03
In keeping with the theme of the weekend i.e. Easter.
A wise man walks up to you and tells you he lives a life of complete purity and asceticism. He denies himself all that he enjoys because he by doing so he will be rewarded with the bliss of heaven when he dies. Conversely; if he submits to earthly pleasures then hell awaits. He tells you the same goes for you.
Then another, even wiser man arrives- “What my slightly less wise friend tells you may well be true. In fact the percentage chance that he is right is... bllleeeugghhhh....” He dies of a massive coronary.
What percentage chance of true afterlife bliss is enough for you to give up earthly pleasures?
Caveat- The exact nature of heaven and hell will not be known until you get there (or not)- but they will live up to their titles.
Come on, this is BBV4L, not Science, Math, and Philosophy or whatever that group is. Dumb it down for us with some words we don't have to look up.
Does it make any difference if you don't believe in an afterlife? For me, I'd want a 100% guarantee that God and heaven existed and that I was a slam dunk on getting in. Otherwise, what it takes to get in is just opinion and conjecture, so I'm just as well to be a complete F-up and live life.
I grew up in a church that had baptism by immersion and this was one of the tenets of leading a good enough life to get in. However, my Catholic friends were baptized by christening/sprinkling as infants and they believed that was they way for them to get in. Who was correct?