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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,508 34.88%
5,615 55.84%
933 9.28%

04-03-2009 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
Come on dude, get original how many times have you posted that poster?
About 100 times less often than you have posted your crackpot theories.

Still I dont know how a new player could come on this site and expect to believe or think that it's not rigged b/c they can't prove that it is?
And once more in English, please.

I'm not bashing the industry...I'm bashing you and your objectives...I think you guys are a bit obsessed or have your own agenda to push. That would be making sure that any bad press for online poker is immediatly shot down...why is that?
Lack of evidence.

Lack of critical thought on the part of those proposing 'bad press' ideas.

The fact that rigtards just repeat the same old nonsense over and over again.

If you Know that it's not rigged and that these sites can be trusted we would like to see some evidence of that.
Easy: Despite the investigation by large numbers of very suspicious people and obsessive questioning of data by rigtards not one single shred of evidence has been shown that credibly suggests any site is rigged.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
So, again you beat around the bush and can't answer the your so smart, you can use your spell check to use big words but you can't answer somebody's honest question. Are you going to troll the PPA forums too on this topic? How about the other forums? So who and why can we trust those organiZations that over see poker sites? What makes them so trust worthy? and again which poker site are you employed by. I think the public deserves to know your true motives....
He's quite an amusing little tyke, really, isn't he?

Not a clue in the world but all the tenacity of an Amazonian leech.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Markusgc
I've posted it exactly twice now.

this is not a question.

you think people might come to 2+2 hoping to find evidence that it IS NOT rigged?

you really are having trouble with this, aren't you?

again - not a question. what is your problem with punctuation? (see? that was a question...)

so you're telling me that if some random yahoo on the street tells you that your local bank is crooked you'd immediately withdraw all your money from it?

sounds a bit naive to me, but hey, it's your money.

maybe it that twisted organ you use for a brain that makes sense, but most folks look for proof of wrong-doing before taking unfounded rumors as fact. especially when they come from a source as obviously unreliable as yourself.

yes you are. and I'm bashing your blatant stupidity. just 'cause it's fun to me. not for any other reason, tbh.
The....? Would mean you answer that for me. Notice the "..." lol come to america and learn some common sense...No, since this is one of the most popular online poker forums in the world. They come here looking for help on answers. Not to have you trolls belittle their posts on behalf of your business. Again, you avoid the simplist question. You can post threads that you plagerise from another site on varience and all that. None of you can answer a question that every single player should know before they deposit. Should I invest my money in a stock that people on a chat forum tell me that i should? And if i question it they tell me how dillusional i am? I am now questioning your integrity.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by qpw
About 100 times less often than you have posted your crackpot theories.

And once more in English, please.

Lack of evidence.

Lack of critical thought on the part of those proposing 'bad press' ideas.

The fact that rigtards just repeat the same old nonsense over and over again.

Easy: Despite the investigation by large numbers of very suspicious people and obsessive questioning of data by rigtards not one single shred of evidence has been shown that credibly suggests any site is rigged.
Woa? Where's your evidence. You want the world to believe that we should play there based on your word? Where's your evidence that it can be trusted? over 1million players play online so it's not rigged...? Again before I invest in anything I want to know everything about the stock. What financial security do I have? Is the stock even real? 2+2 equals your a troll....
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
I would love for you to explain to the readers(with out them thinking your a shill. Or have alternative motives.)why you truely feel this way. I used to love playing madden 2008 for ps3, If anybody told me that game sucks and the computer cheats, I would never get this mad....However if i owned stock in madden and people were saying that it sucked, I would do exactly what your doing. Your proving my point.

Wining players do own stock in online poker, ducy. If you want to prove people wrong its easy, get proof.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
The....? Would mean you answer that for me. Notice the "..." lol come to america and learn some common sense...No, since this is one of the most popular online poker forums in the world. They come here looking for help on answers. Not to have you trolls belittle their posts on behalf of your business. Again, you avoid the simplist question. You can post threads that you plagerise from another site on varience and all that. None of you can answer a question that every single player should know before they deposit. Should I invest my money in a stock that people on a chat forum tell me that i should? And if i question it they tell me how dillusional i am? I am now questioning your integrity.
In that miasma of fetid drivel it's hard to discern anything very meaningful.

I suppose you think you're saying something but the only people who have a realistic chance of saying for certain are busy trying to decipher the Dead Sea Scrolls (which at least have the advantage, from their POV, that they were written by an intelligent lifeform).
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
The....? Would mean you answer that for me. Notice the "..." lol come to america and learn some common sense...
I am American, dummy. And this jumble of words is as nonsensical as the rest of your jibberish.
No, since this is one of the most popular online poker forums in the world. They come here looking for help on answers.
Are you implying that you are giving answers?
Not to have you trolls belittle their posts on behalf of your business.
Myself, I have offered many good explanations, but when rigtards like you continually ignore them and are unable to grasp that there is no proof that online poker is rigged, thus it can't be proven THAT'S when I belittle and "talk down" to you/them. If you think it's rigged with only your gut feeling, great, but until you can show evidence, no reasonable person is going to take your word for it.
Again, you avoid the simplist question. You can post threads that you plagerise from another site on varience and all that. None of you can answer a question that every single player should know before they deposit. Should I invest my money in a stock that people on a chat forum tell me that i should?
I'm telling you on a chat forum to drink copious amounts of drain cleaner. Perhaps some others will say that's a good idea. Will you do that? I have no evidence that it's good for you, but what does that matter? It's on a forum, right?
And if i question it they tell me how dillusional i am? I am now questioning your integrity.
Delusional is believing something which is not based in fact. You, are delusional. And I've been questioning your integrity since you said that your 80 percenters are losing more than 20% of the time. Do you have data to support this claim? No, you're a delusional liar, severely lacking in integrity.

Where's this bomb shell you threatened to drop yesterday?

Someone with integrity wouldn't say something like that and leave it unresolved. But I wouldn't expect honorable behavior from a troll such as you.

Try the drain cleaner thing, and report the results, would ya?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
Woa? Where's your evidence.
What, that you've posted your crackpot ideas hundreds of times?

Spewed all over the threads on this forum.

You want the world to believe that we should play there based on your word?
Are you completely insane?

How many poker players have even heard of me?

No one is playing poker based on my word.

over 1million players play online so it's not rigged
No, you're getting a bit ahead of yourself.

Over 1 million people play online and would almost certainly have come up with some credible evidence if it were rigged.

It is not certain that it is not rigged. There is just a very, very, low probability that that is the case.

Ahhhh, yes, probability.

I can see why you are having such problems.

...? Again before I invest in anything I want to know everything about the stock. What financial security do I have? Is the stock even real? 2+2 equals your a troll....
Witter on, little rigtard. Twitter away in your paranoid 'empire of the mind'.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 01:56 PM
tk, if you want to go around thinking that everything bad that can be done is being done to you all the time - that's certainly your right.

however, for a second, please consider that maybe people/organizations are singling you out for this bad treatment solely because you are such a perfect victim.

you are annoying, so no one would feel bad for you when abused. you are not too bright, so folks are less inclined to take your accusations seriously. and finally, you seem to assume that everybody is out to get you, so you've got a "boy who cried wolf" thing going too, making your constant flood of theories regarding policy-driven malevolence towards you background noise from an otherwise unremarkable fellow.

just ponder that for a moment, would ya?
Again before I invest in anything I want to know everything about the stock. What financial security do I have?
you have no security in anything. you have to take your chances with the local grocery store when they say the meat is fresh, your auto mechanic when he says your car needs a new radiator and your boyfriend when he says he doesn't have herpes.

If you don't believe them, what you do is have the meat tested for dangerous microbes, take your radiator out yourself and see if it's broken or drag Lance to the doctor for a check-up. Then you'd have PROOF. Why don't you understand that?

Otherwise, just stay in your trailer and STFU.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Markusgc
tk, if you want to go around thinking that everything bad that can be done is being done to you all the time - that's certainly your right.

however, for a second, please consider that maybe people/organizations are singling you out for this bad treatment solely because you are such a perfect victim.

you are annoying, so no one would feel bad for you when abused. you are not too bright, so folks are less inclined to take your accusations seriously. and finally, you seem to assume that everybody is out to get you, so you've got a "boy who cried wolf" thing going too, making your constant flood of theories regarding policy-driven malevolence towards you background noise from an otherwise unremarkable fellow.

just ponder that for a moment, would ya?

you have no security in anything. you have to take your chances with the local grocery store when they say the meat is fresh, your auto mechanic when he says your car needs a new radiator and your boyfriend when he says he doesn't have herpes.

If you don't believe them, what you do is have the meat tested for dangerous microbes, take your radiator out yourself and see if it's broken or drag Lance to the doctor for a check-up. Then you'd have PROOF. Why don't you understand that?

Otherwise, just stay in your trailer and STFU.
Again you didnt answer the question. If the poker sites RNG and their daily operations are operated behind closed doors, how can we figure that out? Also tell your boyfriend that anybody can download a theasaurus, anybody can download a spell check. So writing a sentence then using a theasaurus to replace the words with big words does not classify you as inteligent! Does not make you credible. You guys need to come up with a new game plan. What's QPW trying to prove anyways? That he uses big words with the help of references? And i think people that you comparing the security of online poker to that of a grocery store is the most "epic failure" you've ever endeavored on this site! I don't need to elaborate.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:28 PM
Trailor? lol...I'll tell you this much, You could account for everysingle dollar that you've made from online poker and it still wouldn't come close to my capital.....
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
okie asked for's comin...
It's been 26 1/2 hours now. Any hints as to when it May be coming? Soon, perhaps?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:29 PM
clearly pokerstars is rigged and thats why they are blocking results

why else am I ALWAYS taken out by someone who has played 2 games?

Yeah explain the one Markusgc (aka Mr.Smarty pants who uses wit and logic to make other look dumb)
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by qpw
In that miasma of fetid drivel it's hard to discern anything very meaningful.

I suppose you think you're saying something but the only people who have a realistic chance of saying for certain are busy trying to decipher the Dead Sea Scrolls (which at least have the advantage, from their POV, that they were written by an intelligent lifeform).
I think it's more possible to think that online poker would rig their sites then extreterrestrial beings writing the dead sea scrolls. Your so smart, how could you make such a comparison? Lemme guess there wasn't a third party program to help you?

Last edited by tk1133; 04-03-2009 at 02:49 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:33 PM
I think it should be the opposite You prove it's legit...Billions of reasons why...
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:35 PM
Yet another genius joins in the fun. TK why don't you start a club?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
I think it should be the opposite You prove it's legit...Billions of reasons why...
this is probably the only smart thing these rigtards have said, except its not 2+2 its the websites themselves that should......

oh wait a stud was recently conducted ...... link around here somewhere

try the search feature
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:36 PM
Cliffnotes: I dont understand probability at all, and I lost some money over a small sample of games. The sites reward bad play and they are rigged.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
I think it should be the opposite You prove it's legit...Billions of reasons why...
I cant prove that it's legit or rigged. now what?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
I think it should be the opposite You prove it's legit...Billions of reasons why...
So you do not believe in the foundation of British and American justice?

Innocent until proven guilty?

You want to turn that on its head and assume guilt until innocence is proven?

You some kinda commie, boy?

You wanna go and live in France?

You'd be happy there. That's the way the Napoleonic code works.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I cant prove that it's legit or rigged. now what?
If you can't prove it's not rigged. Then how can you guys treat the ones that do think it's rigged in such a manner? oh, oh, oh, I know, I know...pick me to answer....pick me... B/c it's bad for business!!!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:44 PM
I'm surprised the owners of this site let you act in such a manner. This site should be For Poker Players, not For Poker sites! I guess i was wrong when i signed up at this site....
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
If you can't prove it's not rigged. Then how can you guys treat the ones that do think it's rigged in such a manner? oh, oh, oh, I know, I know...pick me to answer....pick me... B/c it's bad for business!!!
Because you are like the a boy who cried wolf in a long line of boys who cried wolf ,you cant except not to be mocked.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by tk1133
Again you didnt answer the question. If the poker sites RNG and their daily operations are operated behind closed doors, how can we figure that out?
it's been asked and answered numerous times. you honestly haven't seen this study??

Here it is in a nutshell for ya:
The study is entitled “Statistical Analysis of Texas Hold’Em” and dated March 4, though news of its data and results were not released to the public until March 25. Analysis was conducted and compiled by Cigital, Inc. and Rational Entertainment Enterprises Limited (REEL) through a series of 103 million hands of Texas hold’em played on the PokerStars online poker website.
Originally Posted by tk1133
Also tell your boyfriend that anybody can download a theasaurus, anybody can download a spell check. So writing a sentence then using a theasaurus to replace the words with big words does not classify you as inteligent!
Then how come only smart people do that? When was the last time you managed to spell an entire sentence without an error? Also, you just used the same joke I did - what is that, I'm rubber/you're glue?
And i think people that you comparing the security of online poker to that of a grocery store is the most "epic failure" you've ever endeavored on this site! I don't need to elaborate.
Really? You don't see the pattern there? I see one though - you stealing my jokes.
Originally Posted by tk1133
Trailor? lol...I'll tell you this much, You could account for everysingle dollar that you've made from online poker and it still wouldn't come close to my capital.....
I also believe that most trailers don't have dictionaries or thesauruses. Not to mention the rest of your statement is most likely a lie based on your track record of tall tales.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-03-2009 , 02:50 PM
I'm still anxiously awaiting news on this when AAAj gets off of banishment sometime today.

(a compilation of several posts)
Originally Posted by AAAj
Friend of Mine used to work for FTP

He just got back today...and after hearing what he has told me about how they operate I will never play there again.
He told me some details...and a lot of technical jargon that I dont understand. He basically told me not to play there b/c it is not a standard fair game like you would expect.
I cant even begin to repeat the technical stuff he said. Bunch of programming lingo. He was high level in operations there. Although he did end up leaving abruptly over some kind of problem with management. He basically told me that ....yes it is rigged, the random deal is is set up b4 hand to make certain players win. Not on ALL hands, but on certain hands. He also mentioned something about people that work for FTP playing on the site. Mostly Med. levels. They can see hole cards too. Maybe ill get him to post here tomorrow.

BTW...not an april fools thing if thats what youre thinking
Im low limit player. Im acually up overall there. He came back earlier today and told me all this stuff. After hearing I just went and donked off my last $75 without care. Now I will NEVER deposit there again, after hearing what he told me. Basically comfirms my suspicion on FTP being unfair game especially. Even though there are winning players, he said they make it so that they dont win as much as they should. He also states even if you have an edge...they can make it so you lose over long run. He has worked there for 4 years and quit last week. Ill talk to him some more and try to get clearer details.
another thing, he mentioned is that they have caught numerous users with a program that can see hole cards. They did however confiscate their money for cheating, but he also siad there is a possibility of 1000s more having this program. and there is not much they can do about it now.
Im just relaying the information I was told, from a friend of mine I known for 20+years. Who has worked for FTP for about 4 years. Who has extensive programming knowledge, and management experience over at FTP. Also, he is not the type to april fools joke anyone. He basically said, be ready to have this be blown wide open in a very short time. Laugh now. But, from now on I will play only on STARS. If I choose to play at all.
I thought this might be good fodder for those who didn't see it before it was merged to this thread.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
