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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24

08-20-2011 , 12:39 PM
Comign down fo ra weekend in September / October - what games are usually spread on Fridays and what is the structure for tournaments? Their website doesn't say much...
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 01:00 PM
Next month promotion is 28 hours, time frame as yet unspecified, for $220 tourney or ipod. Subject to confirmation of course....
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by ne14aparty?
At 1/2 if the sole purpose is promo card first, "big" profit later, your nitty approach is the one I'd recommend. If you get a "big" profit in a session, cool, if not, grind away.

At 1/3 and 2/5 with full buy-in a swing of +/- $1000-$2000 could be normal and at that point the promo is irrelevant. I may sound like a fishy fish saying this but this is my (limited) view of the situation.

Nice to meet you, hope your night session went OK.

Red sweater out!
Good to meet you too.

...As for my night, I won my sole pot/profit off my brother's friend, which always seems to be the case on the rare occasions I bring friends to the poker room. But he grinds $100/hand black jack over in high stakes, so I doubt it stung.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Iancw1
Next month promotion is 28 hours, time frame as yet unspecified, for $220 tourney or ipod. Subject to confirmation of course....
meh, this one doesn't seem to good imo
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:20 PM
Driving down from NW Florida right now to grind 2/5 for a few weeks. Probably playing late tonight, tomorrow for sure. Is the $150 gift card promo still in effect? Will post when I arrive.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by agnostia
Driving down from NW Florida right now to grind 2/5 for a few weeks. Probably playing late tonight, tomorrow for sure. Is the $150 gift card promo still in effect? Will post when I arrive.
tonight @ midnight the hours will be back up and ready to b collected! gl sir
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by DeeKay
Eddie, in general I agree. Unfortunately I'm not rolled for anything other than shot taking at 2/5. However whatvive found is the 1/3 games have been pretty good. More action than normal and more $ in play. It is pretty easy to identify the competent ones from the fish. Value bet the crap out of big hands ISO the fish and 1/3 is very beatable.
The game plays pretty big from time to time but there's no shame in min buying for $200 and nitting it up. You'd be surprised how often people are opening hands like 25 off 67 off, or opening AJ off and bet calling for $200 on any ace flop... again, table selection is key though because there are definitely plenty of 2-5 tables that play solid enough that if you're buying in for $200 you'd make more playing 1-2 or even 1-3.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 04:39 PM
In before "read previous posts" ... sorry, I'm driving.

Do the 25 hours have to be accumulated all in one week? (Hardly matters, I plan on putting in some monster sessions) Can the prize be won multiple times?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by agnostia
In before "read previous posts" ... sorry, I'm driving.

Do the 25 hours have to be accumulated all in one week? (Hardly matters, I plan on putting in some monster sessions) Can the prize be won multiple times?
1 last week of promo for this month then something different for next month.
Starting at midnight tonight thru friday midnight, just get 25 hours in and get a $150 visa card.
You can you only earn 1 card per week.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:26 PM
Thank you, sir. I plan on knocking out 25 hrs in 2-3 days
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Iancw1
Only the 2nd time I've chased one of these promotions, despite regularly putting similar hours in with no benefits, and consider myself lucky to come out on top. I'm curious to hear how anyone else approaches these promotions. I commited myself to 5 hours/day Mon-Fri, win or lose, and despite having a mildly profitable week, was really feeling "the grind." I didn't think I could get any nittier, but I did, just trying to muddle through for the 25. Anyone else find the promotions affecting their play or approach?
Definitely. The Ipod promo month was my first losing month all year. I found myself staying longer than I liked, and sometimes not even feeling like being there. Unfortunately, that showed in my play.

I have commited to not shooting for any of the hours promo's anymore. I can make $150 on any given hand playing on most of the 2/5 tables at THR.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 09:46 PM
I think the promos are horrible and wish they would stop making hour requirements to get a promo. Overall it just makes people play longer than they are used to and it makes most of them tighten up in order to make their money last longer. The action is horrible compared to other rooms in the state. Use the jackpot money and give away high hand promotions. I play fulltime and haven't found 25 hours in a week of profitable tables and haven't earned one gas card/visa card yet. Tampa hard rock is nit infested and something needs to change. The only time it is worth playing there is friday/saturday nights in my opinion.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 10:03 PM
Yea the key to what you said is players wanting to make their money LAST.
Its really gross, Anywhere else I have played outside of Florida I have never seen so many people sitting with $12 or $32 at 1/2nl and not reloading, just trying to make it last.

As far as the promos go. when given the choice of high hands or play X amount of hours and get paid Cash/Cash value, I am picking the 2nd because luck is not a factor and I know if I put in X amount of hours I get paid.
Even without this type of promo HR 1/2nl games have turned into a bunch of people trying to make their money last so I dont really think this promo adds to that too much.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by ProWannabe10
Overall it just makes people play longer

I wouldn't mention that as part of your argument if you're trying to persuade them to not do hours based promotions.

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 11:20 PM
I was just stating what I have gathered from my experiences over the past months. If you have played at THR at all you know that they don't give a **** what the players want, they are just doing whatever makes them the most money. The promotion is making the games a lot less profitable for me, that's all.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-20-2011 , 11:49 PM
I was in Tampa playing at the Hard Rock for a couple days last week and the action was very good. I played on Wednesday night and Thursday from 2 pm to 2 am. These are not what I would normally think of as ideal times to play for a lot of action. Nonetheless, I found the action to be so good that I will be returning in September and repeatedly thereafter. The main reason for this is that the action is much better in Tampa than it is in Vegas. Vegas is where I normally make these poker trips and that is the reason for the comparison.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-21-2011 , 08:19 AM
glad to see that this thread is back to where its suppose to be, not just a bunch of fl nits giving daily IF NOT hourly updates on there "promo grind" and or there "online progress" thanks mods
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-21-2011 , 09:54 AM
Will be at the hard rock by 2:00 today, really hoping to get the 1/2/5 PLO game going...let's get the list started early.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-21-2011 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by ProWannabe10
I was just stating what I have gathered from my experiences over the past months. If you have played at THR at all you know that they don't give a **** what the players want, they are just doing whatever makes them the most money. The promotion is making the games a lot less profitable for me, that's all.

I'm just imagining the meeting where they're discussing poker promotion ideas. The guy in charge slamming his fist on the table, semi-yelling, "come on guys, give me some ideas, how can we get them to play longer?"

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-21-2011 , 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by CoachMac9999
Comign down fo ra weekend in September / October - what games are usually spread on Fridays and what is the structure for tournaments? Their website doesn't say much...
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-21-2011 , 04:24 PM
Games spread = 2/4 LHE, 1/2 NLHE, 1/3 NLHE, 2/5 NLHE, 5/10/20 NLHE, 3/6 limit omaha eight

Structure for tournaments = Terribad
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-22-2011 , 04:26 PM
Nice, for hours today the tracking system was down and still might be now. So hours don't count. They better have this fixed by tonight.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-22-2011 , 05:22 PM
Lol ridiculous....they just don't count hours? When the promotion is only 6 days long its pretty monopolistic to just tell players its their loss....
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-22-2011 , 05:28 PM
I asked one of the supervisors and she said nothing can be done. I asked if they could record via pen and paper or something if I gave my card or ID. Nothing could be done. "Maybe by tonight by the manager, they'll fix it but no hours". I'm still going to play a bit since it's not a 5-minute drive to-and-from for me.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
08-22-2011 , 05:32 PM
It just came on as I posted. Baller!!!!
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
