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04-24-2011 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
haha sick did you stay all weekend? just at 5/10 or did higher run? wish i could have stayed. once school's over i'll def be spending a few weekends there.

sportsjerseys - i had white tee/black hoodie. think i saw you when i was leaving the next morning (you 4b me with AK right?)
That 4b I did, if you were indeed the one who everyone wanted me to call a string bet against in that other hand (which I still think would have been a total d-bag move on my part >_<).

Higher did run (10/25 NL uncapped), and the game was sick, as well! I did stay all weekend, and it was nice playing with you, as well.
04-24-2011 , 04:10 PM
heh yeah i was worried for a sec that you would call it on me, def did not mean to do that at all (i should have just shoved anyways) but thanks for not, as i wouldn't have done so either. good playing with you guys though i hope i'm back soon and for longer next time.

pretty pissed i missed out on that 10/25 game, by any chance was that craps guy w 70k in his pocket playing? the night i was there he started the game got stacked within 5 mins and left. i didn't play bc i had been running bad and didn't have that much cash on me.

was that me who tried to bluff you off an overpair or was that someone else?

oh and if i get more offers for 2 free rooms i'll post here (or if anyone else has an offer and is looking for someone to go/stay with)


Last edited by drexah; 04-24-2011 at 04:17 PM.
04-24-2011 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
heh yeah i was worried for a sec that you would call it on me, def did not mean to do that at all (i should have just shoved anyways) but thanks for not, as i wouldn't have done so either. good playing with you guys though i hope i'm back soon and for longer next time.

pretty pissed i missed out on that 10/25 game, by any chance was that craps guy w 70k in his pocket playing? the night i was there he started the game got stacked within 5 mins and left. i didn't play bc i had been running bad and didn't have that much cash on me.

was that me who tried to bluff you off an overpair or was that someone else?

oh and if i get more offers for 2 free rooms i'll post here (or if anyone else has an offer and is looking for someone to go/stay with)

Nah, the 10/25 game was mainly regs, no superfish to be found.

But the overpair story is interesting, I put an opponent on QQ on JT5r after I 3bet, was cbet, and was called on flop and led into weakly on the turn. I raise big and he cannot get off his QQ. Everyone thought I had AA or a set of Js...except villain >_<. At least my AK had outs .
04-24-2011 , 06:38 PM
any info on a poker room rate or something simliar? really looking to stay for as cheap as possible.

thanks for any information.
04-24-2011 , 08:01 PM
The 'Woods was PACCCCKKKED yesterday! I think at the high point there was 8 $2-$5 NLHE tables and 35 $1-$2 NLHE tables.

There was also $1-2 PLO8 and $5-$10 PLO running all night.

I arrived around 6pm and started with a great $1-$2 table where there was a fish with $2k in front of him that had been playing for 14 hours. Picked the seat to his left and after 2 hours managed to work my $300 buyin up to $700 despite not getting a chance to play a real pot with him. Then he left to play black jack. After an hour or so the floor started getting ready to pull his chips, but I asked the excellent floorman (whose name I am apparently not allowed to say on this board for some reason), but I asked him if he could leave his chips there a little longer (tried tipping him, but apparently at FW floor can't accept tips?)

Anyway, after another hour they finally pulled his stack, which was fine since it had been long enough. By now I was no longer up $400, maybe only up $200 or so... shoulda switched tables but didn't. Put in another 2 hours at that table before finally leaving up only $100 at midnight to have dinner.

Then it was $2-$5 time. My first table was decent... my stack went up and down, up and down. Played with a hilarious guy from Canada and his friend from Chelsea/Manhattan. When the Spanx informercial came on the table talk was priceless Eventually we broke around 4am and I joined an outer $2-$5 table up only $50 that jpsychlady was at - who didn't remember me from the last time we played together Then I met IWearSportsJerseys and he sat down at our table too.

I only played the table for 30 minutes or so, but managed to win $1000 from it, all from 2 big hands. First I double through a guy with A-A on an ace-high all-diamond flop when holding the 9-3 of diamonds. For some reason he wanted to get it all in even though i was 150bbs deep and he was 200. Very next hand I had 4-6 of diamonds, flopped a straight, and got paid off on every street for another $300 or so.

Good times

Last edited by The Mind Reader; 04-24-2011 at 08:20 PM.
04-24-2011 , 08:07 PM
skill game amifreakingrite
04-24-2011 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Then it was $2-$5 time. My first table was decent... my stack went up and down, up and down. Played with a hilarious guy from Canada and his friend from Chelsea/Manhattan. When the Spanx informercial came on the table talk was priceless Eventually we broke around 4am and I joined an outer $2-$5 table up only $50 that jpsychlady was at - who didn't remember me from the last time we played together Then I met IWearSportsJerseys and he sat down at our table too.

I only played the table for 30 minutes or so, but managed to win $1000 from it, all from 2 big hands. First I double through a guy with A-A on an ace-high all-diamond flop when holding the 9-3 of diamonds. For some reason he wanted to get it all in even though i was 150bbs deep and he was 200. Very next hand I had 4-6 of diamonds, flopped a straight, and got paid off on every street for another $300 or so.

Good times
Hey, I only saw you from the right side a few weeks ago. I could not see your ear hair from the front ;P

Nice brag about calling a $25 raise with 9d3d
04-24-2011 , 10:10 PM
best hand won
04-24-2011 , 10:11 PM
+1, a flush beats 3 of a kind ainec.
04-24-2011 , 10:45 PM
What's the biggest nl game that's run there also biggest ever game?
04-24-2011 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by riskybiz23
What's the biggest nl game that's run there also biggest ever game?
About a week ago, a 100/200 NL was running, but it was HIGHLY out of the ordinary. 10/25 NL is the norm for "reach" games on weekends.

Biggest ever? A 25/50 PLO ran this weekend, and a 200/400 limit OE has been going, as well.
04-24-2011 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
About a week ago, a 100/200 NL was running, but it was HIGHLY out of the ordinary. 10/25 NL is the norm for "reach" games on weekends.

Biggest ever? A 25/50 PLO ran this weekend, and a 200/400 limit OE has been going, as well.
04-24-2011 , 11:32 PM
basically the highest no limit game that goes on a regular basis (for the most part) is 10/25 uncapped. Generally the highest limit game that goes is 75/150. Last week there was a lot of 100/200, 150/300, and 200/400 games going and I expect to see a lot more of those games going.
04-25-2011 , 02:19 AM
please please please more plo high only games running there... it'd make me wanna make the drive more thats for sure
04-25-2011 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by DaCus3
please please please more plo high only games running there... it'd make me wanna make the drive more thats for sure
I have a feeling between online poker shutting down and them playing it on Poker After Dark it's popularity is about to blossom.
04-25-2011 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by riskybiz23
What he means is that while you can expect a 5/10 game to run on the weekends by simply putting up an interest list, getting a 10/25 game going usually requires regulars to work the room to gather enough of players to make it a go. Anyone interested is already sitting down at a 5/10 table and isn't looking at the interest boards.
04-25-2011 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
I have a feeling between online poker shutting down and them playing it on Poker After Dark it's popularity is about to blossom.
It would be great, and I hope that's the case. However, I'm cautiously optimistic. I think it'll take some more "influence" and "prodding" from TV to get some more "regular" games going in the PLO arena. For instance, if High Stakes Poker had a whole season devoted to PLO, or even rotation of PLO and NLHE. Even if the interest was for PLO8, it'd still be a good thing in terms of getting more regular games going. There might be a short term influx from PAD, but I don't know if it'll be sustained. I truly hope it will, but I'm not holding my breath.

Last edited by CaptObvious; 04-25-2011 at 09:59 AM. Reason: edited for bad grumatikal handlingz
04-25-2011 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Nice brag about calling a $25 raise with 9d3d
Haha, yea, you're right, I know.... but still, the hand would have played out the exact same way if I held K-Q of diamonds
04-25-2011 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Haha, yea, you're right, I know.... but still, the hand would have played out the exact same way if I held K-Q of diamonds
But you had
04-25-2011 , 10:43 AM
Yes. I paid 5bbs to see a flop in late position against 5 callers with 9d3d when I was up for the day and brand new to a table. Sue me!
04-25-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Yes. I paid 5bbs to see a flop in late position against 5 callers with 9d3d when I was up for the day and brand new to a table. Sue me!
I don't see anything wrong with that play, especially the way I've heard it play out. : ) Something similar happened to me last week. I'm in the 10 seat, late position, with 93, 3 limpers, I raise get 1 caller and it's heads-up. Flop comes 9-3-x. I bet, he raises, and I move all-in, he calls. Wash.Rinse.Repeat. : )
04-25-2011 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Yes. I paid 5bbs to see a flop in late position against 5 callers with 9d3d when I was up for the day and brand new to a table. Sue me!
Not one of these seems like a good reason for playing that hand. Saying it would have played the same as KQd is like saying 72o plays the same as AA on a A222 board.
04-25-2011 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Yes. I paid 5bbs to see a flop in late position against 5 callers with 9d3d when I was up for the day and brand new to a table. Sue me!
FWIW I was just kidding, 93 sooted is obviously the nuts, worst case scenario you just outplay the guy with AA

GL at the tables
04-25-2011 , 11:25 AM
Yea I wasn't ever trying to say I out-played the guy with my skillz, just that I got lucky by flopping the joint twice in a row, and getting paid off from people who couldn't fold their hands.

Just trying to explain the kind of general level of play that was at the 'Woods on Saturday, that's all
04-25-2011 , 11:55 AM
i just don't really think you described the level of play at all.
