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04-20-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
So why are there always such huge lines at those desks? What are all those people waiting to do?
people getting free bingo stuff, free slot play, table match play, food comps, checking with their hosts etc and I think different bus comps, and some just can't handle the hard to use kiosk
04-20-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by billzfan86
hopefully this doesn't get flamed but due to the recent developments in online poker, Im considering transitioning to live for the foreseeable future. I currently live in new hampshire and cannot move permanently for at least a year but the commute is too long for me to do everyday (around 2.5 hours),
doesn't NH have a bunch of local cardrooms?
04-20-2011 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by ProlificTre
doesn't NH have a bunch of local cardrooms?
NH doesn't allow NL cash games. And the limit games only go as high as $4/4 I believe, or something like that.
04-20-2011 , 02:47 PM
beata, cool we should meet up and get a drank and some fooods

psych, prob 1/2 even tho im kind of fishy at NL, then prob some 4/8 where I always seem to make a couple hundred dollars in a hour or so

I got 10 free comp points with my name on it, hate to pass that up.
04-20-2011 , 03:05 PM
Hey guys, any reco's for a decent (I use this word loosely) motel/hotel within 20 min of Foxwoods)? Would need it for just 1 night. Thanks.
04-20-2011 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
NH doesn't allow NL cash games. And the limit games only go as high as $4/4 I believe, or something like that.
ya this.

Believe me this is not something Im excited about but im kinda in a ****ty spot and cant move out of the country to keep playing online so this is my only realistic solution for now, im definitely worried about my commute during the winter also and im also worried about being able to transition to the live game from online and make enough to live off of but I dont really have another choice as my degree isn't really useful for any job over 40-50k a year (history lol) and using poker as my only source of income for the last 6 years online has left me with a pretty huge blank space in my resume.

Anyways thanks for the serious replies i really appreciate it
04-20-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by billzfan86
ya this.

Believe me this is not something Im excited about but im kinda in a ****ty spot and cant move out of the country to keep playing online so this is my only realistic solution for now, im definitely worried about my commute during the winter also and im also worried about being able to transition to the live game from online and make enough to live off of but I dont really have another choice as my degree isn't really useful for any job over 40-50k a year (history lol) and using poker as my only source of income for the last 6 years online has left me with a pretty huge blank space in my resume.

Anyways thanks for the serious replies i really appreciate it
Before committing to rent, perhaps consider hotels/staying @ f/w? That way you can see if you can handle the live environment without signing a lease or anything. You can get comped rooms midweek fairly easily. Lots of info ITT about that. You earn enough comp points to get food/rooms. Comps are getting reduced and are less available in the summer. The 2trees midweek rate is usually pretty cheap. I get Mon-Wed free rooms and I barely play.

I'm sure you will crush with your skills/fundamentals from online. However, so few hands and the slowness of the game is tough for me. I usually go on tilt due to boredom and play too many hands/overplay hands. Its easy to deal with downswings online since you get so many hands it doesn't take that long to go thru it. I can't imagine some of the online swings I've been thru occurring live which would probably be soul crushing since it would take so long timewise to go thru.

Good luck to you!
04-20-2011 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
NH doesn't allow NL cash games. And the limit games only go as high as $4/4 I believe, or something like that.
yup, NH only has $4/$4 max in Limit
04-20-2011 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by gamble
Hey guys, any reco's for a decent (I use this word loosely) motel/hotel within 20 min of Foxwoods)? Would need it for just 1 night. Thanks.
Use Priceline's "Name Your Own Price." On a non-holiday weekend, $30 should get you a decent (used not so loosely) room. Stay away from Hotwire, which has the hell hole Flagship Inn listed as a 2 star hotel.
04-20-2011 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Use Priceline's "Name Your Own Price." On a non-holiday weekend, $30 should get you a decent (used not so loosely) room. Stay away from Hotwire, which has the hell hole Flagship Inn listed as a 2 star hotel.
I didn't mind the flagship in 2006. Has it changed for the worse?
04-20-2011 , 09:30 PM
for those of you who said the internet shutting down wouldn't change b&m play monday at fw i dealt 5-10 lo8 at two different tables, 4-8 lo8 and 5-10 horse... all in one shift. 9-5 on friday if you see me say hi
04-20-2011 , 10:28 PM
thinking about hitting juniors at MGM tomorrow, anyone been yet?
04-20-2011 , 10:29 PM
Juniors is awesome.
04-20-2011 , 11:24 PM
Hey guys, pretty new here so I apologize if this is not the right place to post this.

I'm planning on playing pretty often at the Woods this summer, assuming I don't get a real job and/or go busto too quickly. I'm just curious how the comps work. I plan on playing $1/$2 NLHE 200max 99% of the time. How many hours do I have to log to earn points for food and rooms or whatever else they have?

Sorry if this is a really stupid question. Wasn't sure where else to look for the information and figured it would be easier to post than spend time trying to find it in one of the 451 pages of posts on this thread.

04-20-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by thegreatambino
Wasn't sure where else to look for the information and figured it would be easier to post than spend time trying to find it in one of the 451 pages of posts on this thread.

lolololol noob.

only clowns have less than 50 posts displayed per page...
04-20-2011 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by hotwings18
lolololol noob.

only clowns have less than 50 posts displayed per page...
There is nothing I like about you. Stop ripping apart every post I make.
04-20-2011 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by thegreatambino
There is nothing I like about you. Stop ripping apart every post I make.
lol no worries. just being a troll
04-21-2011 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by thegreatambino
Hey guys, pretty new here so I apologize if this is not the right place to post this.

I'm planning on playing pretty often at the Woods this summer, assuming I don't get a real job and/or go busto too quickly. I'm just curious how the comps work. I plan on playing $1/$2 NLHE 200max 99% of the time. How many hours do I have to log to earn points for food and rooms or whatever else they have?

Sorry if this is a really stupid question. Wasn't sure where else to look for the information and figured it would be easier to post than spend time trying to find it in one of the 451 pages of posts on this thread.


The 1/2 is 300 max. You will get $1.50 an hour in comps. As far as free rooms, who knows? I got free rooms after 2 weeks of regular play, others take longer
04-21-2011 , 12:08 AM
Dam, forgot it was 200 max. Thanks for the info on comps.

Just curious, what do you mean by regular play? About how many hours per week did you log to start getting free rooms? And were you playing 1/2 or a higher limit?

04-21-2011 , 12:13 AM
136 pages itt.

50 ppp ftmfw!
04-21-2011 , 01:16 AM
anyone with 50 posts per page is a noob

autopage loader for google chome

this thread, and all threads, 1 page!
04-21-2011 , 01:38 AM
that's just silly. i want to be able to see my scrollbar.
04-21-2011 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by thegreatambino
Dam, forgot it was 200 max. Thanks for the info on comps.

Just curious, what do you mean by regular play? About how many hours per week did you log to start getting free rooms? And were you playing 1/2 or a higher limit?

Im sure that it is different all the time. I wish that I could crack their comp code. I just started playing 2xs per week and started getting rooms almost immediately but my husband has been playing 6xs per month or so and he hasnt gotten any room offers.
04-21-2011 , 03:07 AM
I sure am feeling the aftermath of black friday in the poker room. Crazy kids pushing every draw, never folding top pr, etc. It bit me in the ass a couple of times tonight but overall, I am way up since D-day.
I just wish that the poker room would get a clue and schedule more dealers!

ETA, I see 10 posts per page and that is fine by me.
04-21-2011 , 05:08 AM
This week is like the mirror mirror world of the poker boom.
