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04-21-2011 , 10:01 PM
From at 10pm:

5 - 10 Omaha H/L Full Kill L (1)
1 - 2 PLO M (1)
5 - 10 Omaha L (1)!

Is this a limit omaha game going? is that a first?
04-21-2011 , 10:06 PM
No I was in the 9 seat all day with a dark blue hoodie that said Brooklyn on it in yellow letters, kind of hard to miss. The 1/2 table right in the middle of the room with the most sun glare, making bad laydowns.
04-21-2011 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by xbeatax
Sorry I lied it wasn't 5/10 it was 1/2.
Thanks beata!

Glad to hear it's 1/2 cause 5/10 PLO is slightly out of my comfort zone.

Hope to see this running next Saturday or even a mix of PLO/O8 or PLO/nlh.
04-21-2011 , 11:00 PM
how do u guys recognize ppl from the forums?
04-22-2011 , 01:19 AM
Did they really resuscitate the 5/10 Omaha hilo game from 2006? Some corpses don't deserve vampire status.
04-22-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by kazor
We're playing plo high only mandatory straddle. Full game been going since noon
Mmmm, loved it. Some crazy pots were had. I was in the 2 seat with the Patriots hat on.
04-22-2011 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Mmmm, loved it. Some crazy pots were had. I was in the 2 seat with the Patriots hat on.
Remind me not to come to a PLO game with a mandatory straddle on it with a single bullet $200 buy in again, hahaha.

Also, remind me to fold pre-flop. *sigh* I actually could play worse too that's the sick part...

Though, at least I wasn't the angleshooting old guy that overplayed the crap out of his hand. So I got that going for me.
04-22-2011 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by thegreatambino
Dam, forgot it was 200 max. Thanks for the info on comps.

Just curious, what do you mean by regular play? About how many hours per week did you log to start getting free rooms? And were you playing 1/2 or a higher limit?

Play blackjack not even for much,or personally don't give your card alot..Then they will try to get you back there...They give free rooms out like candy..I usually go pay a casino rate which is like 50 bucks,then get two nights additional free. I mean three days for 50 bux...SHIP...They are desperate that place is losing money because of the economy..Rooms at mgm used to be like 600 now they give them away...I know they will do better in the poker room though...CONSIDERING INTERNET POKER=CRASH AND BURN
04-22-2011 , 03:55 AM
so they just changed the may offers from Mon-Wed to Sun-Wed...they couldn't have possibly changed it any earlier than today, maaaaaybe yesterday, yet still none of the Sundays are available to book.

i wish i could go crush blackjack or craps for like $30k then laugh in the floors face when he offers me a suite and say "nah i'ma go dump this at mohegan".
04-22-2011 , 07:48 AM
I was gonna say 5/10/20 PLO high is a pretty big game especially when 1/2 PLO never runs lol...

I think the Mega-Stacks next month are going to get a huge turnout and I fully intend to play all of the big guarantees. Anyone else?
04-22-2011 , 10:07 AM
150 - 300 PLO/Omaha 8 (1)

04-22-2011 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Mmmm, loved it. Some crazy pots were had. I was in the 2 seat with the Patriots hat on.
Were you the guy who took me out with quad nines? I was in the one seat. That was a great game! I didn't have the bankroll with me i needed to play yesterday. 1-2 plo high only plays like 2-5 nl and you need 1k to 1500 to sit in.

love to see that become a regular game
04-22-2011 , 11:16 AM
In terms of seats, personally I remember people more by what they say or look like
04-22-2011 , 12:19 PM
About to ss the 150/300 plo if I can. 4 handed right now
04-22-2011 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
Were you the guy who took me out with quad nines? I was in the one seat. That was a great game! I didn't have the bankroll with me i needed to play yesterday. 1-2 plo high only plays like 2-5 nl and you need 1k to 1500 to sit in.

love to see that become a regular game
Hah, quad nines. Nope, not me. The one seat was a young asian fella named John I believe. We chatted for a bit and even went to fist bump me after a $1k+ pot where he made a loose call with TT94 preflop (against the player who he did it against, i'd have done the same). I respectfully declined the fist bump as 2 other players just lost that huge pot. Was that you? I may have come in after you. I started PLO at 6:30 and played to 12.
04-22-2011 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by kazor
In terms of seats, personally I remember people more by what they say or look like
Thick Boston accent wearing The Clash t-shirt also a shaved head.
04-22-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Hah, quad nines. Nope, not me. The one seat was a young asian fella named John I believe. We chatted for a bit and even went to fist bump me after a $1k+ pot where he made a loose call with TT94 preflop (against the player who he did it against, i'd have done the same). I respectfully declined the fist bump as 2 other players just lost that huge pot. Was that you? I may have come in after you. I started PLO at 6:30 and played to 12.
no i was i the one seat when the game started until about 4 when the 2 seat coupld not miss anything

one thing that should channge about the plo games, high or hign low, that should have table stakes at a min of 100 bb, so the 1-2 buy in range should be 200 to 600.
04-22-2011 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by xbeatax
It was a million to one shot doc, millllllllllllllion to one
so your're the assman?????
it's fusilli jerry!!!!

never heard of a girl liking seinfeld so much. pretty awesome.

How active is foxwoods now that the online ban has occured? have you guys noticed a difference? what about mohegan? i heard it was dead before, but maybe it has gotten an influx of activity.
04-22-2011 , 02:53 PM
haven't been at mohegan but i think foxwoods is picking up. def seeing a lot of kids that could be classified as "from the internet." saw internet kid justin schwartz playing 75/150 omaha and thought it was fellow poster prizminferno.

Last edited by xbeatax; 04-22-2011 at 02:54 PM. Reason: 200/400 and 10/25 plo going on right now
04-22-2011 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by xbeatax
haven't been at mohegan but i think foxwoods is picking up. def seeing a lot of kids that could be classified as "from the internet." saw internet kid justin schwartz playing 75/150 omaha and thought it was fellow poster prizminferno.
Isn't he stealthmunk on 2p2?

Yea seems like the ban must be having an effect if 200/400 is going along with 10/25 plo.
04-22-2011 , 03:20 PM
i'm pretty sure it's half 200/400 half 10/25 plo.
04-22-2011 , 03:28 PM
I'm willing to buy .5% of your action if your trying to get in that game beata. Now you just need like $19,900 more to sit with 50 bbs.

Everyone have fun this weekend. Can't wait to get out of my office!!

Last edited by hansmolman; 04-22-2011 at 03:28 PM. Reason: Words
04-22-2011 , 03:53 PM
Im gonna be participating in the Freeroll Tournament on the 30th!!!

Anybody going?? Field should be pretty easy i hope...since its only for ppl who dont yet have a Dream Card
04-22-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Hah, quad nines. Nope, not me. The one seat was a young asian fella named John I believe. We chatted for a bit and even went to fist bump me after a $1k+ pot where he made a loose call with TT94 preflop (against the player who he did it against, i'd have done the same). I respectfully declined the fist bump as 2 other players just lost that huge pot. Was that you? I may have come in after you. I started PLO at 6:30 and played to 12.
Yeah, sucks for me that I didn't have that little tidbit of information haha. If I knew he was calling light against the angleshooter dude, I would have jammed it pre-flop 100%. Though, I doubt that really changes the action, since I only had like 140 behind, and you have to assume that the straddler calls/jams over that, giving him more than enough odds to call and he wins anyway, so.

I mean, the more I thought about it after, I should have definitely just given up the $20 and mucked it. Pretty sure someone that's opening/flatting there probably has a lot of blockers to my hand/a better hand in that spot more often than not. Especially considering I had already had the dude labeled in my head as a solid player.
04-22-2011 , 05:38 PM
Will definitely be more big PLO games up here throughout the day. On an hour lunch now but its open seating pretty much throughout, so come sit. In terms of yesterdays game which everyone is talking about I would guess the biggest winner was also the second biggest fish in that game. The guy with the glasses and shaven head I guess (hope thats no one here). The asian kid seemed to be getting in his money as a big dog every hand and hitting which allowed him to keep building pots which was nice. Cant recall too much else since were players in and out. I know dave (pretty sure thats his name-older guy) played his normal very tight solid game. Guy with the mets stuff played okay but was definitely bloating pots in high variance style but seemed to slow down after losing a couple. Id probably remember a few pots/spots if someone comments but for the most part I never remember anyone by a seat #.
