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05-07-2011 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by ShortyTheFish
Just called someone at Foxwoods asking about room availability on Saturday of Memorial weekend. Lady told me the cheapest room they had was $489.

I got a deal on Priceline. $45 for Memorial Sat night, $45 for Sunday night. 2 star, Groton area.
05-07-2011 , 06:22 PM
Going to make an effort to get a 10/20 or 10/25 started on Tuesday night, anyone else interested? It always has a good effect on the games--the game itself attracts many whales, and the 5/10 game softens up considerably for people who may wish to take a shot
05-08-2011 , 01:15 AM
Headed home, but figure I'd thank everyone itt who recommended craftsteak. Did not dissapoint. Grass fed ribeye and asparagus, and a bottle of malbec = happy camper. :-)
05-08-2011 , 02:09 AM
Just got home. Played in the $120. Geez, what is the point of a "Mega Stack" if the levels are only 20 minutes long????

Met Chunkamunk. Funny, I was expecting a fat guy I hope that we get a chance to talk sometime when I am not tired and grumpy.
05-08-2011 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by devin mac
Headed home, but figure I'd thank everyone itt who recommended craftsteak. Did not dissapoint. Grass fed ribeye and asparagus, and a bottle of malbec = happy camper. :-)
They had a grass fed Ribeye tonight? Was it boneless?
05-08-2011 , 02:15 AM
making the trip next wednesday night, staying until saturday (at least) least $300 megastack...2/5 action dabbled here and there. heading up with a fellow 2p2er Colombo, lmk if anyone wants to get food and shoot the shat with us.
05-08-2011 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
They had a grass fed Ribeye tonight? Was it boneless?
indeed. damn good, too. :-)
05-08-2011 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Just got home. Played in the $120. Geez, what is the point of a "Mega Stack" if the levels are only 20 minutes long????

Met Chunkamunk. Funny, I was expecting a fat guy I hope that we get a chance to talk sometime when I am not tired and grumpy.
lol thanks i guess? and yeah drinks or another 2p2 bowling outing perhaps.

hit Mohegan to change it up w/ Burdamania (who cannot possibly run worse at FW than he has lately) didn't go well for either of us. Make our way back to FW and in no time i made up my lost buyin plus 2.5 more. I hadn't played a saturday night in forever and forgot how incredibly soft the tables were. Also got to meet devin, good guy. Hopefully we can grab drinks next time we're both down there.
05-08-2011 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Just got home. Played in the $120. Geez, what is the point of a "Mega Stack" if the levels are only 20 minutes long????

Met Chunkamunk. Funny, I was expecting a fat guy I hope that we get a chance to talk sometime when I am not tired and grumpy.
It's really an all in fest at level 8. It's no way to play poker. I sometimes get sick of cash then go upstairs and try one, and it just gets me mad at myself for thinking things may have improved.

I'll definitely do the Mega Stack Challenge, not sure which ones yet. Even those are not great formats, but the payouts offset that part.
05-08-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Just got home. Played in the $120. Geez, what is the point of a "Mega Stack" if the levels are only 20 minutes long????

Met Chunkamunk. Funny, I was expecting a fat guy I hope that we get a chance to talk sometime when I am not tired and grumpy.
It's a deep stack not mega stack but yea they should call the 6pm a turbo and the 8pm a hyper turbo. The daily structures are night & day compare to the mega stack events or even the $400 holiday ones they run.

Brag: I can't complain cause I FT it last nite, but couldn't avoid the 10 way chop just sucks agreeing to giving 3bb guys the same payout as the 10bb guys tho I guess it's still a big craps shoot and anyones game.
05-08-2011 , 12:56 PM
How many do you guys think the shoot out will get?
05-08-2011 , 01:44 PM

But seriously, I'd never chop with these people. CAME TO GAME BABY!
05-08-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
It's really an all in fest at level 8. It's no way to play poker. I sometimes get sick of cash then go upstairs and try one, and it just gets me mad at myself for thinking things may have improved.

I'll definitely do the Mega Stack Challenge, not sure which ones yet. Even those are not great formats, but the payouts offset that part.
Yeah, I made it to the last hand of the 600/1200 level with 150? ante.
Every hand was a an all fest, I picked up 77 and shoved over limpers with 12k.
As soon as I found out that the levels were 20 minutes long, I didnt want to play it anymore. And then when I found out that it goes until at least midnight, I almost just got up and left. Walking through the poker room beforehand and finding out how juicy the games were did not help.
I plan on playing in the $300(100k guarantee) on Monday the 16th(day before my birthday, uuuggggh)
05-08-2011 , 05:00 PM
I wish they would give us 1 tourney a week with starting stack of 20K and 40 min levels.

Make it an 11am start time and $200-$300 buyin on a Saturday.

Last edited by hansmolman; 05-08-2011 at 05:01 PM. Reason: or even once a month
05-08-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Madmaniac21

But seriously, I'd never chop with these people. CAME TO GAME BABY!
you say that now
05-08-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
I wish they would give us 1 tourney a week with starting stack of 20K and 40 min levels.

Make it an 11am start time and $200-$300 buyin on a Saturday.
Amen to this
05-08-2011 , 06:11 PM
20k/40 would end up as a 2 day event, not gonna happen

also the whole point and reason the tourney series' do well is because they aren't weekly.
05-08-2011 , 10:17 PM
Alright, coming in on the Greyhound from Boston Tuesday morning. Anyone wanna give me some quick advice on where I will be dropped off, where I need to head to to play in the cash games? I'm hoping there will be a couple games going on... yes? No?
05-08-2011 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by itwassooted!
Alright, coming in on the Greyhound from Boston Tuesday morning. Anyone wanna give me some quick advice on where I will be dropped off, where I need to head to to play in the cash games? I'm hoping there will be a couple games going on... yes? No?
Just head in the direction of "Rainmaker" and look for the room closeby--it is downstairs .

What stakes do you play? There are almost always 5+ games of 1/2 NL, 2-3 games of 2/5 NL, and 1 game of 5/10 NL going on Tuesday morning.
05-08-2011 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Just head in the direction of "Rainmaker" and look for the room closeby--it is downstairs .

What stakes do you play? There are almost always 5+ games of 1/2 NL, 2-3 games of 2/5 NL, and 1 game of 5/10 NL going on Tuesday morning.

I prefer to play 2/5, but find that the 1/2 tends to be more profitable. I'll just see how the games look. My first time at Foxwoods.

Might mix it up with a couple SnG tourneys as well. If the games are looking good, I could make this a regular thing and even get into some MTT.
05-08-2011 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
20k/40 would end up as a 2 day event, not gonna happen

also the whole point and reason the tourney series' do well is because they aren't weekly.
I agree. Never going to happen on a weekly basis.

I do think there is enough demand for a tourney like this to run once a month on a saturday. I think it would still be profitable for foxwoods even if it is a 2-day event.

They will get enough bustouts to grind the cash tables on saturday night to make up for any lost profits on day 2 of the tourney, and day 2 is going to take up much less space,dealers, & floor.

Saturday would be the optimal day. Largest demo that could come back for a 2nd day. Hype it up as Foxwood's "Big Monthly Tourney" or something that is more clever.

They could start this tourney with a very small guarantee. Just advertise it with flyers in the poker room, and an email blast. Have it every 3rd sat, or whatever. Make money on satty's.

I don't believe this would be much of an impact on the tournament series they run. The tourney series is already well established, and has significant guarantees to draw players in (how many of us don't really like the structures, but are still going to play).



Give us a good deepstack tourney once a month. Please?

Last edited by hansmolman; 05-08-2011 at 10:43 PM. Reason: man i miss online mtt's.
05-08-2011 , 10:37 PM
I was there today and called to sign up for 2-5 and when I got there the seats were going fast. It was 11 on the list when I called but played 20-40 so they must have started a new game or I must have been next on the list. Limit is so tilting I should have played 10-20 if I was going to mess around until they called my name. The table was mostly rocks.

Last edited by Misohoni; 05-08-2011 at 10:50 PM.
05-08-2011 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by itwassooted!
I prefer to play 2/5, but find that the 1/2 tends to be more profitable. I'll just see how the games look. My first time at Foxwoods.

Might mix it up with a couple SnG tourneys as well. If the games are looking good, I could make this a regular thing and even get into some MTT.
Cause they can't fold.
05-09-2011 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by xbeatax
you say that now
You ever catch me making a deal in a tournament and I'll give you my winnings.

Goes for anyone.

I mean these people are just begging for you to run over them.
05-09-2011 , 08:57 AM
Is the DOJ ****ing with live players now or was there something on Bin Laden's hard drive ranting about bad beats?

Anyone know what was up with the trunk searches Saturday afternoon?

Last edited by Saul T. Nutz; 05-09-2011 at 09:15 AM. Reason: Monday morning typos...
