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07-16-2010 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Does anyone know the "wash" rule for Foxwoods? (i.e., how much time you have to wait before re-joining a game after leaving a table of the same stakes)
i'm pretty sure it's an hour. was there the other day in a must move and a guy was told if he didn't want to move to the main game he had to wait an hour and he could resit (if he even got his seat back)
07-16-2010 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by sweetride
i haven't played down there in a couple years and i plan to become a reg again starting in a week or so. where can i get a poker room points card?
Ummm, the card room...

Seriously, when you get on a table, give your license to the floor and ask them for a poker room card.

See you all at the 20/40 LHE on Sunday.
07-16-2010 , 10:48 PM
If they put a casino on the Suffolk Downs property right outside Boston the foot traffic will be insane imo. The NH,ME,VT,RI, and MA crowd, the huge asian populations a couple miles away. GG CT. NH already voted on casinos and threw the bills in the trash so don't worry about NH opening any casinos.
07-17-2010 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Future Pro
On another sad note, the Stadium Bar & Grill has closed down. Not sure what is going to replace it, if anything. They have even already removed it from
Are you sure? It was open Wednesday?
07-17-2010 , 02:13 AM
foxwoods was crazyyyyy busy tonight

over 1hr wait for 1/2 2/5
07-17-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by ssbn610g
My $0.02

It all depends on what will be offered in MA and the Casinos proximity. I live in MA on the NH border and the Milford Poker Room, The River, is a 20 minute drive for me. I play tournaments there all the time (rake = ~20-25% depending on buy-in). The rake at FW on a $120 Sit & go is $20 (~20%). Not that different. My drive time to FW is a little less than 2 hours so in gas, time and money, I choose to play tournaments in NH.


If I want to play a bigger tournament (MegaStack) with a bigger field or cash games, I go to FW and usually stay for 3 days. Cash games (Limit only - $4 max) in NH are not worth the time, No Foldem Holdem with a horrible rake. If NH offered at least $5/10 Limit, I would play cash games there although I prefer NL.

BTW - I noted a few people not wanting to play with bad players which I do not understand. At my present skill level, I like to play with bad players and there is an abundance in NH. I expect to do well when I play there. Their donations are appreciated.

If Ma Casinos do not offer NL cash games or at least higher level Limit cash games, I will continue frequent The River in NH and FW. Of course, I lost my free rooms at FW which I am yet to factor into my equation.

So in summary, it all depends.....

How often do you play at the river?
07-17-2010 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Peztastic
Ummm, the card room...

Seriously, when you get on a table, give your license to the floor and ask them for a poker room card.

See you all at the 20/40 LHE on Sunday.
haha thanks. i knew it would be in the card room, i didn't know if they put a player club booth right in the room for it, if they did them at the sign in desk, etc. i used to play 3-5 days/nights a week for prob 5 years. i'm not a noob
07-17-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Are you sure? It was open Wednesday?
I'm positive. I heard a rumor it might happen so I had lunch their Wednesday and the waitresses confirmed the rumor and said they were closing Friday. When I walked by yesterday, the TV's are gone and its locked up mid day.
For those of you who were big fans of the bartenders, I heard a few of them went to Hard Rock.
07-17-2010 , 11:29 AM
The Stadium's gone!? Aww, come on. Excellent bartenders, awesome TVs, cool atmosphere. Still, the food ain't special, and certainly not worth the prices ($11 for potato skins? Screw that). So I can see why it's gone. Still, FML

I'll probably see you guys tomorrow morning. Anyone know anything about 9AM Sunday tournies?
07-17-2010 , 11:36 AM
stadium is closed, confirmed

sad because it was the only place in the building you could watch out of market baseball
07-17-2010 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Future Pro
On another sad note, the Stadium Bar & Grill has closed down. Not sure what is going to replace it, if anything. They have even already removed it from

That sucks ass, that was one of my fav places to relax and have a drink.

I hope they don't keep closing all these places down. Foxwoods needs to step there **** up and do more business ughh. If they close down Panera I will riot.

Although the stadium never seemed to be super busy in terms of turning over tables, oh well.
07-17-2010 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Future Pro
I'm positive. I heard a rumor it might happen so I had lunch their Wednesday and the waitresses confirmed the rumor and said they were closing Friday. When I walked by yesterday, the TV's are gone and its locked up mid day.
For those of you who were big fans of the bartenders, I heard a few of them went to Hard Rock.
That sucks I was planning on going there Monday for the 25 cent wings
07-17-2010 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Future Pro
On another sad note, the Stadium Bar & Grill has closed down. Not sure what is going to replace it, if anything. They have even already removed it from
Probably the Nestle choclatier. They already replaced the Foxwoods logo oriented store with the M&M candies store.

On the crowds yesterday... one floor person suggested that the Atlantic City power outages problem drove some New Yorkers to come to Foxwoods instead.
07-17-2010 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Peztastic
See you all at the 20/40 LHE on Sunday.
Wish I was still there.... Great game with some sick lineups last night $$$$

Moved over to 2/5 NL and the Must move games were crazy action... I got my KK beat by 96... O ya 96 is good for $100 preflop ??? So then I had to take it out on another player... 72 won a nice $600 pot with runner 2 2 Yes I was on tilt and played 72 for a reraise :0
07-17-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Common Sensei
WOW! Has that place be open for even a year? Guess thats what happens when you charge $18 for a Hamburger.
It wasn't that much for a burger no way. Their prices were semi reasonable imo. Hard Rock on the other hand not so much.

Their location certainly didn't help them I am sure as it was tucked all the way in the back over there. I did like the bartenders there as well. I am disappointed to hear it closed down.

Oh well.
07-18-2010 , 10:40 AM
The location was horrible, but the burger was no where $18, lol.

The bartenders were good, but I dont think itll pursuade me to go to Hard Rock. I like chilling at the atrium, closest bar to the poker room behind the waterfall if I am not mistaken. Good envirorment, the bartenders can be slow, semi ******ed sometimes but still a nice place to chill.

Anyone been to shrine recently? I am in the mood for some poker and good sushi.
07-18-2010 , 11:44 AM
A few names on the 5/10 HORSE interest list. Let's get it goin one time!
07-18-2010 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by chromakey
A few names on the 5/10 HORSE interest list. Let's get it goin one time!
I started a 5/10 SHOE list Friday night around 7:00pm, by midnight there were 2 names on the list...
07-18-2010 , 03:02 PM
Just short of the money again. Why must you hate on such a loyal customer, Foxwoods?

By the way, I wasn't able to confirm this, but I heard a rumor that the Stadium is NOT closing, just relocating.

Also, if you're going down there in the near future, bring a sweatshirt. The air conditioning was insane today, my toes practically caught frostbite
07-18-2010 , 05:02 PM
Is it air conditioning, or a combination of air conditioning and pumping in/recirculating oxygen? Im pretty sure all casinos do the oxygen thing.
07-18-2010 , 06:06 PM
Doubt it
07-18-2010 , 06:42 PM
Sad to hear Stadium closed down, only place i enjoyed going to there. Prices were very reasonable IIRC. Back in football season two of my buddies and I went to Stadium to watch the pats game. Needless to say by the time we left we racked up a $250 bar tab. But we all had the WPT Foxwoods card and that got us 10% off everything. Between the 3 of us it was 33 Bud light drafts, 15 shots, and 30 wings....very reasonable IMO.

Ill be there tonight playing some 1/2. Check for me ill be wearing my "You can go south, but your mom is riding west" anti lebron james t-shirt!
07-18-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Is it air conditioning, or a combination of air conditioning and pumping in/recirculating oxygen? Im pretty sure all casinos do the oxygen thing.
i highly doubt that any of them do the oxygen thing. between the cost of oxygen, the amount of tanks they would need, swapping them, etc would be astronomical. i've found that the weather is night and day depending on where you're seated in relation to the ceiling vents. i've been hot or cold at a table and moved to the other side of the table when a seat opened and it was perfect
07-18-2010 , 10:50 PM
Around 8:00 Sunday night, at a 4/8 game...

Player: Hey floor, we have 2 open seats

Floor: Open seating 4/8

30 secs later...
They call three 4/8 players to a different game over the speakers...

*Floor walks by again*

Floor: It should have been open seating

I rarely comment on floor people, but this really bothered me. How much effort does it take to ask the desk if there is a list for 4/8? And how can you say it "should" have been open seating? Are you not going to let people sign up? C'mon...
07-19-2010 , 12:52 AM
I guess the oxygen thing is a myth, anyways 4/8 and 1/2 seem to be the one of the smoother operating games, shame to see the floor is slacking when it comes to seating/calling seats and checking the board, hopefully they step there **** up.
