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07-19-2010 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by o0ch
have you paid any visits to the roulette wheel or craps table lately by any chance? lol, whatever you did, keep it up

lol ya. when i played like 2 months ago they ****ed up my points and gave me way too many for what i was betting. but then i didnt get any offers after that and i went back again and now im getting tons of free stuff lol
07-19-2010 , 02:46 AM
They somehow recycle the air through the casino. I donno how. I don't think Stadium is relocating, but if I hear anything I will post on here.
07-19-2010 , 10:03 AM
Very solid 1st post... sounds like you are familiar w/ New England poker We prolly have played with each other
Thanks. We probably have crossed paths. I hope you didn't get too many of my chips.

In Ohio on vacation right now and getting ready to head out to Casino Hollywood.

Probably will play the Mega tourneys at FW in Aug.

Good luck to you
07-19-2010 , 10:32 AM
+1 to being disappointed about Stadium closing. It was a great place to get a drink and chill while watching a game... especially Sundays in the fall, when you get to see nearly all of the NFL games. I did find their service lacking on Friday and Saturday nights the few times I went over the past year or so. Perhaps that was an early indication that something was wrong with operations.
07-19-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
Around 8:00 Sunday night, at a 4/8 game...

Player: Hey floor, we have 2 open seats

Floor: Open seating 4/8

30 secs later...
They call three 4/8 players to a different game over the speakers...

*Floor walks by again*

Floor: It should have been open seating

I rarely comment on floor people, but this really bothered me. How much effort does it take to ask the desk if there is a list for 4/8? And how can you say it "should" have been open seating? Are you not going to let people sign up? C'mon...
Look at it from his point of view. At 8pm on a Sunday night it absolutely "should have been open seating" at 4/8...

And yes, I've had a near identical experience playing various games there in recent months. This is particularly annoying since I am a recent convert to the Church of I Don't Want To Play Short Handed.

And what the * is up with Stadium closing? Dagnabbit, that's just one more reason not to drive 10 miles further than I need to in order to play poker.
07-19-2010 , 11:48 AM
Hey guys,

So i read on the website that you could use your dream points to buy gift cards (gas/shopping etc.) and also possibly buy a gift certificate to MGM grand in Vegas.

I tried searching the dream rewards gallery online but they have no such things listed. Is there a physical store at foxwoods that would sell these?

Any info would be appriciated.
07-19-2010 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by LotsOfOuts69
Hey guys,

So i read on the website that you could use your dream points to buy gift cards (gas/shopping etc.) and also possibly buy a gift certificate to MGM grand in Vegas.

I tried searching the dream rewards gallery online but they have no such things listed. Is there a physical store at foxwoods that would sell these?

Any info would be appriciated.
Yup! For gas/shopping cards, you can get them at the Dream Rewards store, which is located in the Rainmaker casino area (near Hard Rock). For the MGM/Mirage cards, go to Grand Effects in MGM (at the corner of the casino towards Junior's and the hotel front desk). Just be aware that the $-pt ratio for any of these is not 1-1.
07-19-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Yup! For gas/shopping cards, you can get them at the Dream Rewards store, which is located in the Rainmaker casino area (near Hard Rock). For the MGM/Mirage cards, go to Grand Effects in MGM (at the corner of the casino towards Junior's and the hotel front desk). Just be aware that the $-pt ratio for any of these is not 1-1.
The store for the MGM cards is called Grand Effects.
07-19-2010 , 12:09 PM
Thanks guys.
07-19-2010 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Yup! For gas/shopping cards, you can get them at the Dream Rewards store, which is located in the Rainmaker casino area (near Hard Rock). For the MGM/Mirage cards, go to Grand Effects in MGM (at the corner of the casino towards Junior's and the hotel front desk). Just be aware that the $-pt ratio for any of these is not 1-1.
What is the ratio for Gas cards, and where can they be used?

Is there anywhere that you get 1:1 or close to 1:1? (Other than restaurants)
07-19-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by hulk3rules
What is the ratio for Gas cards, and where can they be used?

Is there anywhere that you get 1:1 or close to 1:1? (Other than restaurants)
The cards are 87.5 points for a $50 card. I know some of the stores have been working on lowering some prices. You can even find some things now that are MSRP, you just have to know what you're looking for.
07-19-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by hulk3rules
What is the ratio for Gas cards, and where can they be used?

Is there anywhere that you get 1:1 or close to 1:1? (Other than restaurants)
It's 87.5 pts for a $50 Shell gas card (or 175 pts for $100), so 7:4 ratio. The MGM Mirage cards are 3:2.

I should correct my previous statement. Everything is 1:1, in the sense that if something cost $10, you can pay for it with 10 points. But, everything is marked up well above regular retail prices BECAUSE you can use points... the price/value ratio if far worse. If you paid for a $50 Shell gas card with cash, it would still cost you $87.50, so obviously you'd never do this.
07-19-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
It's 87.5 pts for a $50 Shell gas card (or 175 pts for $100), so 7:4 ratio. The MGM Mirage cards are 3:2.

I should correct my previous statement. Everything is 1:1, in the sense that if something cost $10, you can pay for it with 10 points. But, everything is marked up well above regular retail prices BECAUSE you can use points... the price/value ratio if far worse. If you paid for a $50 Shell gas card with cash, it would still cost you $87.50, so obviously you'd never do this.
Everything on here is correct, except the cards are for Exxon/Mobil, not Shell.
07-19-2010 , 01:42 PM
You're never going to be playing gas station prices (or even standard store prices - $3 for a bottle of soda? lol) when you're paying with your club cards. It's just like at Mohegan, the price of gas costs about $1 more per gallon.
07-19-2010 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by xbeatax
You're never going to be playing gas station prices (or even standard store prices - $3 for a bottle of soda? lol) when you're paying with your club cards. It's just like at Mohegan, the price of gas costs about $1 more per gallon.
Yeah. If you know you'll eventually end up eating meals or staying in the hotel, it's best to save them for that instead of merchandise.
07-19-2010 , 02:20 PM
Buying merch and gas with your comp points seems to be the equivalent of paying 10k tickets you get at dave and busters for a big teddybear, highly -EV.

Food, shopping, etc. Seem to be better ways to spend your points. It would be nice if there was some sort of banana point ..purchase...system...errr....what was I talking about again?
07-19-2010 , 11:26 PM
Started playing 1/2 around 11pm last night until about 7am this morning. Had one of those guys at my table who thinks he is the best player in the building. Constantly talking, and berating everyones play. Saying how dumb and stupid people are right to their faces. I couldn't believe it. Never got into any pots with me however so he never critiqued my play. He kept saying all night how he is the tightest player at the table and doesnt understand when he raises how everyone comes after him, then points to me and says that i am the second tightest at the table and everyone folds to me when i raise. The guy clearly doesnt understand that if you are literally gonna talk **** to someone and tell them how bad they are , while playing 1/2, that they are more than likely are gonna try to come after you and dirtbag you.

I don't talk much at the tables, I dont really feel the need to. This guy was clearly trying to play some meta games with people by talking so much and telling everyone he lost a hand to, how badly they played it. Not realizing that 75% of the people who play 1/2 at foxwoods don't pay attention.

Of course he read everyones two hole cards correctly throughout the evening (at least in his mind) almost always saying "i knew exactly what you have, you dont have to show"

I guess he plays there quite often, especially in the summertime, a heavy set guy with black parted hair, and glasses. Anyone know him?
07-20-2010 , 12:05 AM
I think I know who you are talking about, back when I used to play 1/2 I might have been on his right. Solid player who didn't talk alot back then and cbet almost every flop that he was involved in and got a massage. Maybe not idk.
07-20-2010 , 12:46 AM
I have a room @MGM for Wen-Thur paying regular price. However, i couldn't book it for Fri (they sold out). What is the best way to get them to extend the room? I will be playing mostly 20LHE or 40 if it goes and some BJ but nothing balla. DO i have a chance?
07-20-2010 , 08:24 AM
i know who you're talking about. i am surprised he is still there. if you beat up on him enough and show him that he can be outplayed, he realizes he can't talk as much and requests a seat change when he sees you. its pretty funny
07-20-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
I have a room @MGM for Wen-Thur paying regular price. However, i couldn't book it for Fri (they sold out). What is the best way to get them to extend the room? I will be playing mostly 20LHE or 40 if it goes and some BJ but nothing balla. DO i have a chance?
Honestly, not really. But continue checking throughout the week. Sometimes sporadic openings will pop up due to cancellations.
07-20-2010 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
I have a room @MGM for Wen-Thur paying regular price. However, i couldn't book it for Fri (they sold out). What is the best way to get them to extend the room? I will be playing mostly 20LHE or 40 if it goes and some BJ but nothing balla. DO i have a chance?
Cancellation is 24 hours in advance so I'd start pounding the phone and bugging the host at about 2pm Thursday. Floor will do some legwork for you but I think your best bet is to bug the host when they can see that you've ground some hours in the previous day or two.

I'm not going to be there those days (maybe fri night). I have two suspects for who you are and was hoping to confirm sometime soon. Oh well.
07-20-2010 , 05:07 PM
FWIW, latest rumor on foxwoods.................big layoff predicted for
September 2010........maybe as much as 1500 to 3000 employees......and closing of some of the mini casinos ( rainmaker etc etc ).......dont think it will affect poker room....but who knows.
07-20-2010 , 05:13 PM
It sucks that they are a sovereign nation so they can't declare bankruptcy, and that also means that banks can't foreclose on property lol, GG foxwoods
07-20-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by tomddxx
FWIW, latest rumor on foxwoods.................big layoff predicted for
September 2010........maybe as much as 1500 to 3000 employees......and closing of some of the mini casinos ( rainmaker etc etc ).......dont think it will affect poker room....but who knows.
Where are you hearing these rumors from?
