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07-15-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Your stance on this issue will singularly undermine the building of MA casinos. It will be all YOUR fault!

They missed another payment deadline yesterday. Analysts predict they will shut down part of the casino within 2 years... the oldest sections going first, which means Rainmaker. If they do this they'll expand the gaming area at MGM. They'd have to move the poker room too, not sure where though.

I will admit that a MA casino would probably allow for me to play on weeknights too, since making the FW trip during the week isn't practical.
This is all the more proof that new casinos in MA won't be successful long term. If Foxwoods (who currently has at least 60+% of the cash game business in New England) can't even make payments how are new casinos supposed to profit? I agree that new players will show up, due to the shortened drive, but in the end you will need a LOT of new players to even match what foxwoods wasn't earning.

Don't get me wrong nothing would make me happier than to see all these current and future poker rooms thriving with the elusive donkey-fish but I just don't see this being the right move long term.

Just because it is a shorter drive for some people does not mean that this will be what is best for everybody. I'll def be frequenting any and all new poker rooms that pop up between me and the woodz/ MS tho... that's for damn sure!

I love the feel of brand new casino chips
07-15-2010 , 07:20 PM
Sigh. one thing you can count on is they will build the new casinos in a place that is hard to get to. Like FW, why put it near the highway when we can have it 15 min away?

Oh I heard a 'tribe' got Fed recognition in Long Island and will plan to build a casino there. The CT places are done if their markets get local casinos.
07-15-2010 , 07:25 PM
Quick question that I'm sure has been asked many times

Lets say I walk in to Foxwoods around 2PM on a Friday, what are the chances I can get a poker rate or room comped if I play 8+hrs? I keep hearing that Foxwoods easily comps rooms for poker players but I'm just wondering how hard it is if I have never played there before
07-15-2010 , 07:38 PM
You wont get one Fri night. The compd rooms for poker players are Monday thru Thursday or maybe Sunday thru Thursday.

You'll probably get the special rate Which is like 80 bucks for MGM. 40 something for two trees and I think 60 something for Pequot.
07-15-2010 , 07:48 PM
I just got my free points for the month in the mail...

I used to get 25 points a week, then they changed it to 10 points a week and free shows... NOW I get 10 points 2 weekends a month, literally Thursday-Sunday 2 weekends a month. What gives?!?!
07-15-2010 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
Quick question that I'm sure has been asked many times

Lets say I walk in to Foxwoods around 2PM on a Friday, what are the chances I can get a poker rate or room comped if I play 8+hrs? I keep hearing that Foxwoods easily comps rooms for poker players but I'm just wondering how hard it is if I have never played there before
there are aloooot of people who walk into foxwoods on a friday at 2pm and play for 8+ hours... try maybe a wednesday at 2pm and you might have more luck

Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
I just got my free points for the month in the mail...

I used to get 25 points a week, then they changed it to 10 points a week and free shows... NOW I get 10 points 2 weekends a month, literally Thursday-Sunday 2 weekends a month. What gives?!?!
Have you been playing consistently? I have no idea how the bean counters choose who gets what comps but I would guess it has to do w/ a decreased amount of play.
07-15-2010 , 08:21 PM
When the casino's finally come to MA., there's absolutely going to be one in Palmer. Palmer's a small town five miles from Springfield with an exit right off the Mass Pike (Route 90) within a half mile of thier property.

Mohegan had an option on the site for 4-5 years before signing a 99 year ground lease a little over two years ago. This lease WILL be paid for the next 97 years to come.

Most likely the Legislature and Governor will have everything agreed upon and pushed through before the end of the year.
07-15-2010 , 08:21 PM
meh if im gonna make the drive up i might just throw the 80 bucks for the nice mgm hotel. ill be good to get that 80 dollar rate on a friday im assuming?
07-15-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
meh if im gonna make the drive up i might just throw the 80 bucks for the nice mgm hotel. ill be good to get that 80 dollar rate on a friday im assuming?
If you book far enough in advance, maybe. Tomorrow is sold out, next Friday is sold out, etc.
07-15-2010 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
I just got my free points for the month in the mail...

I used to get 25 points a week, then they changed it to 10 points a week and free shows... NOW I get 10 points 2 weekends a month, literally Thursday-Sunday 2 weekends a month. What gives?!?!
My point amounts haven't changed, and they're still every week. But, I did receive the change to Thurs-Sun as well.
07-16-2010 , 02:40 AM
ya they changed my points next month too mine went from 10 points a week to 50 points thu - sun lol
07-16-2010 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Rambo
ya they changed my points next month too mine went from 10 points a week to 50 points thu - sun lol
Haha you definitely did something insane then.
07-16-2010 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by o0ch
there are aloooot of people who walk into foxwoods on a friday at 2pm and play for 8+ hours... try maybe a wednesday at 2pm and you might have more luck

Have you been playing consistently? I have no idea how the bean counters choose who gets what comps but I would guess it has to do w/ a decreased amount of play.
I increased my play in Apr/May/June and so far in July, and my points in Aug went from 10 points a week to 10 points for 3rd and 4th week only thur-sun.
07-16-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Your stance on this issue will singularly undermine the building of MA casinos. It will be all YOUR fault!

They missed another payment deadline yesterday. Analysts predict they will shut down part of the casino within 2 years... the oldest sections going first, which means Rainmaker. If they do this they'll expand the gaming area at MGM. They'd have to move the poker room too, not sure where though.

I will admit that a MA casino would probably allow for me to play on weeknights too, since making the FW trip during the week isn't practical.
My $0.02

It all depends on what will be offered in MA and the Casinos proximity. I live in MA on the NH border and the Milford Poker Room, The River, is a 20 minute drive for me. I play tournaments there all the time (rake = ~20-25% depending on buy-in). The rake at FW on a $120 Sit & go is $20 (~20%). Not that different. My drive time to FW is a little less than 2 hours so in gas, time and money, I choose to play tournaments in NH.


If I want to play a bigger tournament (MegaStack) with a bigger field or cash games, I go to FW and usually stay for 3 days. Cash games (Limit only - $4 max) in NH are not worth the time, No Foldem Holdem with a horrible rake. If NH offered at least $5/10 Limit, I would play cash games there although I prefer NL.

BTW - I noted a few people not wanting to play with bad players which I do not understand. At my present skill level, I like to play with bad players and there is an abundance in NH. I expect to do well when I play there. Their donations are appreciated.

If Ma Casinos do not offer NL cash games or at least higher level Limit cash games, I will continue frequent The River in NH and FW. Of course, I lost my free rooms at FW which I am yet to factor into my equation.

So in summary, it all depends.....
07-16-2010 , 02:42 PM
On my to foxwoods right now and this traffic on I95 is killing me. If any of you driving from nyc, stay home bc its going to take 5hrs to get there.
07-16-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch

I'm not sure about a whole new crowd to be honest, I'm def open to new fish at my tables but I don't think the difference will be noticeable. I play in the NH poker rooms for the donkaments every now and then and most of those guys are set in their ways w/ FW/MS. But only time will tell it seems like they will be making these new casinos regardless (as long as they legally can).
I know about 50 people 20 mins north of Boston that make it to foxwoods maybe once a month or every other month. I guarantee with a short ride they will be frequenting at least once every week or 2 and some more than that
07-16-2010 , 04:59 PM
I play baccarat at the rainmaker at foxwoods and the place is packed with Asians when the busses come in from boston and NYC playing bac, pai gow
sic bo etc etc etc

When the buses go back to Boston and NYC, the place is EMPTY and I am the only Carbon based life form playing in the joint.

As posted above, foxwoods owes 2 $ Billion and missed their last debt service payment.

If they open casinos in Mass or RI, they will be in be in deep yogurt because they will have lost most of the Asian business...... and will probably have to close a good part of the casino.

What will happen to the poker room is anyone's guess.

This will be real bad news for Connecticut since they will lose thousands of jobs and many millions of revenue which the casinos give to the state.

Real bad management and disappearing money by the tribe running the joint is the major cause of the problem.....but it seems too late to fix it.

Foxwoods and Atlantic City may both be on morphine drip.
07-16-2010 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Rambo
ya they changed my points next month too mine went from 10 points a week to 50 points thu - sun lol
have you paid any visits to the roulette wheel or craps table lately by any chance? lol, whatever you did, keep it up

Originally Posted by ssbn610g
It all depends on what will be offered in MA and the Casinos proximity. I live in MA on the NH border and the Milford Poker Room, The River, is a 20 minute drive for me. I play tournaments there all the time (rake = ~20-25% depending on buy-in). The rake at FW on a $120 Sit & go is $20 (~20%). Not that different. My drive time to FW is a little less than 2 hours so in gas, time and money, I choose to play tournaments in NH.

If I want to play a bigger tournament (MegaStack) with a bigger field or cash games, I go to FW and usually stay for 3 days. Cash games (Limit only - $4 max) in NH are not worth the time, No Foldem Holdem with a horrible rake. If NH offered at least $5/10 Limit, I would play cash games there although I prefer NL.

BTW - I noted a few people not wanting to play with bad players which I do not understand. At my present skill level, I like to play with bad players and there is an abundance in NH. I expect to do well when I play there. Their donations are appreciated.

If Ma Casinos do not offer NL cash games or at least higher level Limit cash games, I will continue frequent The River in NH and FW. Of course, I lost my free rooms at FW which I am yet to factor into my equation.

So in summary, it all depends.....
Very solid 1st post... sounds like you are familiar w/ New England poker We prolly have played with each other

Originally Posted by flavio321
On my to foxwoods right now and this traffic on I95 is killing me. If any of you driving from nyc, stay home bc its going to take 5hrs to get there.
I got stuck in ridiculous traffic coming from North of Boston, seems like its a busy day to be on the roads

Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
I know about 50 people 20 mins north of Boston that make it to foxwoods maybe once a month or every other month. I guarantee with a short ride they will be frequenting at least once every week or 2 and some more than that
hehe I live right in that area, we prolly know some of the same people. I completely agree that with a shorter drive some of if not the majority of people will stop frequenting foxwoods and go to the new poker room(s). Even with the increased visits though, the MA poker rooms won't be drawing in the players who live in/south of Providence. I also still think that some people who are set in their ways who live in MA/NH will continue to go to FW/MS so in the end we just have a bunch of half full poker rooms... in my opinion.

only time will tell because it looks like they are bound and determined to make them regardless... I wish the best success to all the new poker rooms/casinos!
07-16-2010 , 05:47 PM
On another sad note, the Stadium Bar & Grill has closed down. Not sure what is going to replace it, if anything. They have even already removed it from
07-16-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Future Pro
On another sad note, the Stadium Bar & Grill has closed down. Not sure what is going to replace it, if anything. They have even already removed it from
WOW! Has that place be open for even a year? Guess thats what happens when you charge $18 for a Hamburger.
07-16-2010 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Common Sensei
WOW! Has that place be open for even a year? Guess thats what happens when you charge $18 for a Hamburger.
It was open before I moved here 2+ years ago. I know it hasn't been as busy in there when I've eaten there, but didn't realise it was that bad, if indeed it is due to slow business/finances.
07-16-2010 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Common Sensei
WOW! Has that place be open for even a year? Guess thats what happens when you charge $18 for a Hamburger.
I have spent many MNF's there as well as Super Bowl parties. I would only sit on chairs with BLUE backs to represent the YANKEES and not the stink sox. I'm sorry to hear it close. They gave 10% off to WPT card holders.
07-16-2010 , 09:07 PM
Does anyone know the "wash" rule for Foxwoods? (i.e., how much time you have to wait before re-joining a game after leaving a table of the same stakes)
07-16-2010 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
I know about 50 people 20 mins north of Boston that make it to foxwoods maybe once a month or every other month. I guarantee with a short ride they will be frequenting at least once every week or 2 and some more than that
This is the boat I am in. I am 20 minutes south of boston. Takes me and hour and 20 minutes to get there. If it was a half hour away I would be there a hell of a lot more often.
07-16-2010 , 09:39 PM
i haven't played down there in a couple years and i plan to become a reg again starting in a week or so. where can i get a poker room points card?
