Hey guys, hows it going?
Been a long while but it's time to revive the old thread! My new job is absolutely kicking my ass, I've played live once or twice since September
I'm dipping my toes back into the online game to keep playing, I deposited $100 this weekend to start at 2nl and won 25 buyins by last night, will move up to 5nl this evening.
I managed to up my run to a 10k Randall! I need to get back on the fitness as busy season for us at work is coming to an end, no more 15+ hours days
I've also just reread the post that Randall quoted above about how I wanted to improve my career, financial and physical health. I've made some good progress I feel. I'm in an awesome new job at a Big 4 Accounting/Consultancy firm, I've really cut down on my drinking and I'm taking steps to get back into decent shape. I'm eating a lot better, doing 3 meals a day which is something I really didn't do in the past and drinking mainly water. I still have a couple (very small non-poker) debts from uni but they should be gone by the end of the summer. I'm hoping with a much more solid foundation in my life and being generally a lot happier (although I've never really been unhappy) I can push on with a bit of online poker among everything else.
It's good to be back.
Last edited by Parsons Grinder; 03-14-2016 at 04:51 AM.