July Review
So the first month of the stake has come to an end (I'm including the last couple days of June) and here are the results.
This has been by far the hardest I've ever worked at poker, to nearly hit 200 hours whilst working at least 200 in the office is something I'm really proud of. There have been some highs (+£1.5k on the opening weekend) and some lows (losing £500 in a session at £1/1 and AA<KK for £1k) but I'm really happy with the results.
I'm not feeling too burnt out, I love the game as much now as I ever have and I can't wait to hit the tables hard again. I'm having to take a week off as I am deep in the application process with a couple of the Big 4 consultancies, I have my final partner interview on Monday with PwC and am sitting rounds of tests with others.
I'll finish with a few chip porn pictures from August all from £1/2, nothing too special but I'm definitely going to work on building some bigger stacks!
For reference:
Yellow = £1
Red = £5
Blue/Black = £25
Orange/Pink = £100
Large Pink = £1000 (I have had one of these in play once but didn't take a photo before I was asked to break it)
(Don't worry, I didn't wear sunglasses at the table, they closed all the roads in London for a cycling event and I had to walk to the casino)
Thanks for all the support and comments I get here, they're a great incentive to keep working hard. I should be back on the tables at the end of this week and we have the loyalty freeroll to look forward to, should be around an £80k prizepool.