Didn't have a great evening last night, lost a couple of hands and the downswing is picking up some pace.
1) First hand of the night against a middle aged recreational player.
UTG limps, 2 callers, MP raises to £4, CO flats, I flat in the small blind with JTo, UTG flats and so does the one of the original callers.
Flop: JT8hh
I lead out for £10 and get raised by UTG to £25. It folds around to me and I ship in for £100 and he calls.
2) Hands vs aggressive player who was on £1/2 PLO list but decided to stay on our table.
I open 86dd from MP to £5 and he 3bets on the button to £15, I call as we are £200 deep. Flop comes A87r, I check and he checks behind. At this point I'm putting him on KK-TT, some aces (although I think he bets these sometimes as well) and a small percentage of random bluffs.
Turn comes a 5 completing the rainbow. I lead out for £20 with second pair and an open ended straight draw. He minraises me and I feel I have the equity to call and take his stack if I hit and get away from it if I miss.
River comes a second 5, I check and he bets around £60 pot.
Also lost an AIPF flip (AK vs QQ) vs a mid stack and lost the minimum with AJ on a AK9T7 board vs QJ who flatted my open pre and tried to trap me.
I've got some negative momentum at the moment. I can't really string some winning sessions together and my bankroll is hurting. There is a real chance I could go busto which would be incredibly frustrating. I feel (hope) I beat these games and I want to make progress. I'm tightening up a little preflop to try and reduce the variance and eliminating and frustration play while still looking for opportunities to get my money in good.
I have a cricket dinner tonight so I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get a session in but I hope I can. I'm loving my poker at the moment and I want to get this slide stopped as soon as possible and work on getting the bankroll in a more healthy position. I might wait a while until my next £1/2 shot as this downswing has reminded me how fragile my bankroll really is and how fast it can get depleted!
Best of luck at the tables!
Obligatory meeting picture: