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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

04-09-2013 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
Just hitting the meaningful point here: If your liferoll is 2,000, and you are about to head back to school you can't afford to play poker for real money. $2,000 is nothing. My last car repair was $1,600. I think you really need to get this up to closer to $5,000. And that's for someone with no dependents who lives at home.

I'd advise finding some friends and playing some $5 or $10 buy-in games for fun. Have an evening of fun for the cost of a movie ticket.

Also, I don't know where you live, but at least where I live you could do better than $9/hr for a part-time job if you're willing to work. Go wait some tables at Olive Garden and you'll make more than that.
I am headed back to school. My school situation is such so that I still live at home with my mom. My financial aid for school pays for a lot, and I'm not too concerned about loans since a lot of them will be covered by the state once I start my teaching career. And my friends kinda suck at poker, I don't want to take money away from them.

I know I could do better, but the job I'm at is fairly flexible. I get some health insurance, I have two weeks paid vacation, I got a promotion of sorts that looks really good on resumes. I've also been there almost 3 years and continuity looks good on resumes as well. I can name my hours pretty much. The pay sucks, but everything else is fairly cushy for a part-time job. Another year and a half and I'll be at $10/hour.
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04-10-2013 , 01:44 PM
Hey guys I remembered how to win.

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04-10-2013 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Hey guys I remembered how to win.
Am I understanding this right...That's $70K over 300 hours?

What are your main games in that sample?

How long did it take to rack up this 300 hours?

And what happened around 280 hours lol.
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04-10-2013 , 02:30 PM
Not hours, sessions, and it's pounds. That's just since I tracked on this tracker though.

EPT London happened is what happened. 25/50 HU vs french fish is always what happened.

Sample right here is about 1000 hours. As you can see hourly is not that impressive. I've got a lot of 1/2 hours there.
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04-10-2013 , 02:40 PM
Ahhh gotcha. "Session Chart". Ill try and read titles next time

I was thinking JFC that's insane.

It's still pretty sick, I am jelly for sure. So did you start at 1/2 and work up all within this 1000 hours?
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04-10-2013 , 02:46 PM
Eh, kinda I guess, but not really. It's just 1/2 games were all that I had near where I lived, until I started taking trips to London. I still have lots of 1/2 and 1/3 samples in between. I'm a real grinder. Lost an 8k pot one day and went to play 1/1 when game broke, heh.
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04-11-2013 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzbrah
I have a question about finances and the like.

I'm a 22 year old kid (kinda kid) who wants to play poker as a side income since I just get that feeling playing poker that's undescribable. It's a cool feeling. I have an Associate's degree and am going back to college in the fall to become a high school math teacher. I also have a part time job making $9/hour (work 6 days a week, 30-35 hours a week) which will go to about $9.50/hour in a couple months. (I know it's a crappy job, but it's until I graduate college. I also just got a small promotion that will look more impressive than it actually is on job resumes, so stick with it). As you guys have known, I am trying to learn and post and read books and the like to improve my game.

I took some shots at live 1/2 as it was my first ventures into live poker, and it's gone fairly bad. I've played 71.5 hours since February 15th and lost at a rate of -$8.91/hour. To be fair, there have been some bad beats (KK< 34 on a J37 flop) but there has also been some spots where I played not optimally (not cbetting KJ on a Jxx board when shortstacked in position after iso-raising). And I know I'm not a loser at 1/2. But I know I can get worlds better.

Here's my question. My BR (lolBR) trickled down to $90 after 3 brutal sessions in a row (I even tried shortstacking; I hate shortstacking even more now with a passion of a hundred burning Rigels). I have a $2,000 liferoll and I'm willing to take out up to $200 from my savings. I'm also a financial nit and rarely spend huge chunks of money for anything. I also like having a decent amount set aside for rainy days (my car has had a bunch of rainy days the last couple of years). My monthly expenses are about $400/month (I don't have rent) and I make roughly $750-800/month after taxes and putting 20% of each paycheck into savings. How much would you guys consider transferring to my BR from my liferoll, if any? And would you guys play shortstacked and build up or just play full stacked?
I decided to just try online despite in the US. I can deposit $200 fairly easily and run that up while maintaining my life roll and playing more hands. And if, for some reason, online poker gets completely shut down in the next year or so, I can part with the $200 knowing that I could have lost a lot more quicker if I used my liferoll to fund live BR.

Hopefully I can grind the $200 up to $2000 or even more and then fund my live roll that way while feeling as financially secure as a kid in college can feel.
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04-11-2013 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Eh, kinda I guess, but not really. It's just 1/2 games were all that I had near where I lived, until I started taking trips to London. I still have lots of 1/2 and 1/3 samples in between. I'm a real grinder. Lost an 8k pot one day and went to play 1/1 when game broke, heh.
now that's grinding
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04-11-2013 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Hey guys I remembered how to win.

Omg, what a gross break-even stretch from sessions ~118 thru ~305 (i.e 2/3 of your session total). Lol, I guess this is what I should be looking forward to?

Gsofarmygraphdoesn'thaveanyofthose,youknow,"downwa rdthingys"G
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04-11-2013 , 11:50 AM
i play 2/5 in a room where I feel people pay off in many situations where they shouldn't. instead of value-betting 100 into 140, I can shove 400-700 against many opponents with the nuts and get called. a lot of times I expect to see two pair or the 2nd nut flush and they show up with one pair where I should never get a call. does anyone else play in rooms like this and have a winrate over a long period of time? I feel one could make above and beyond the conventional 40-50 an hour with players such as these. over the last 350 hours im making around 80 an hour but until my hours get up to around 1500 I just don't have a good idea if its sustainable, but the way the play is at this room 65-85 seems more than possible
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04-11-2013 , 11:57 AM
gobbledy: I know you have been around the block - but the answer is yes if you are really asking...crazy crazy things happen even when you have a HUGE edge on the game. Over my last 300 hours I am up a fraction of what I believe my ev to be. It is funny b/c I am still winning at a very good clip but coolers and suck outs just get old and at the end of the day I just want my manies
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04-11-2013 , 12:01 PM
wheeldog: Yep - the benchmark of 50 is generally for vegas games. I have several buds that win in the 50's in these games. If you live in the hinterlands where NLH is reasonably new and people are making MASSIVE mistakes the ceiling can obv be much higher. Embrace it and CRANK out the hours...this will NOT last forever. Congrats on having such a game - your job now is to pound it for the next 24 months and see how much you can remove...looking foreword to hearing some insane numbers from you sir!!
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04-11-2013 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
gobbledy: I know you have been around the block - but the answer is yes if you are really asking...crazy crazy things happen even when you have a HUGE edge on the game. Over my last 300 hours I am up a fraction of what I believe my ev to be. It is funny b/c I am still winning at a very good clip but coolers and suck outs just get old and at the end of the day I just want my manies
I've had great results so far for the year and over the past ~20 or 25 sessions have been running break-even and it feels like I lost a million dollars. It's been unreal how many 95/5, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 65/35 hands I've gotten all-in and lost, along with the standard QQ vs KK or KK vs AA coolers. Winning even one or two of those pots would still look like a pretty good month, while losing almost all of them is really frustrating.

All of these are from my past 5 sessions:

A5 vs 45 AI on T55 flop, turn 4. $500 pot.
TT vs AJ on AJT5 board AI on turn, river J. $700 pot.
57 vs A8 on 567 flop AI on flop, 9 on turn. $900 pot.
AQ vs K9 AI preflop, flop K99. $700 pot.
QQ vs slow-played KK on 88T85 board. $900 pot.
KK vs slow-played AA on QJ925 board. $700 pot.

I know variance will swing it the other way eventually, but still....frustrating.
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04-11-2013 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
wheeldog: Yep - the benchmark of 50 is generally for vegas games. I have several buds that win in the 50's in these games. If you live in the hinterlands where NLH is reasonably new and people are making MASSIVE mistakes the ceiling can obv be much higher. Embrace it and CRANK out the hours...this will NOT last forever. Congrats on having such a game - your job now is to pound it for the next 24 months and see how much you can remove...looking foreword to hearing some insane numbers from you sir!!
cool, that's what I was thinking. ive had a lot of friends and dealers tell me I would hate the games in vegas bc its nothing like the games here. im trying to play 80 hours a week temporarily to get the br up but 65 might be more realistic. I don't mind the hours, I enjoy it. it isn't that no limit is new here, its just people would rather gamble than play poker. I figured if you can make 50 an hour in tight vegas games, 80 an hour in these games is reasonable
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04-11-2013 , 12:51 PM
80/hr at 80 hours per week?

You're setting up for failure.
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04-11-2013 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
80/hr at 80 hours per week?

You're setting up for failure.
80 hr/week was just the goal for april to get the br up, but its lookin more like 65. was gonna go down to around 50 a week in may, and I think that's sustainable. like I said I enjoy playing
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04-11-2013 , 12:59 PM
you wont for long
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04-11-2013 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
you wont for long
Yes he will. I guessed he was in FL b4 I saw his tag. Seriously I was typing "play in fl do we?" as a joke but then saw yes he actually does.

The games are exactly as he describes.

I shoved $300 into a $80 pot this past weekend on A71036 got snapped by A2o. I had 89 FWIW.

EDIT: ahhh, did you mean he won't enjoy playing for long? Yea I can def see that.
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04-11-2013 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
gobbledy: I know you have been around the block - but the answer is yes if you are really asking...crazy crazy things happen even when you have a HUGE edge on the game. Over my last 300 hours I am up a fraction of what I believe my ev to be. It is funny b/c I am still winning at a very good clip but coolers and suck outs just get old and at the end of the day I just want my manies
Just really gross to think about, especially for a once-a-week rec player like myself. I'm currently on a 26-3 session streak and my brain is having a hard time admitting it's even possible to lose a single session, let alone go on a sick breakeven stretch like a much better player like Sol just did. Yuck.

Gthat'sright,I'vebooked3losingsessioninmylastSIXMO NTHS;I'mnotsureIcouldmentallyhandletheoppositeG
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04-11-2013 , 02:02 PM
Sick brag gg, I have never ran that hot in a month let alone you been running hot for a year.
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04-11-2013 , 02:22 PM
ILCD - why don't you move out of the hood and move in with your parents in the burbs? Serious question - you need to get out of there man.
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04-11-2013 , 02:24 PM
.. **** wrong forum - thought I replied in chat
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04-11-2013 , 03:53 PM

Last edited by Palikari; 04-11-2013 at 03:54 PM. Reason: Sorry for no-content post.
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04-11-2013 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by wj94
I've had great results so far for the year and over the past ~20 or 25 sessions have been running break-even and it feels like I lost a million dollars. It's been unreal how many 95/5, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 65/35 hands I've gotten all-in and lost, along with the standard QQ vs KK or KK vs AA coolers. Winning even one or two of those pots would still look like a pretty good month, while losing almost all of them is really frustrating.

All of these are from my past 5 sessions:

A5 vs 45 AI on T55 flop, turn 4. $500 pot.
TT vs AJ on AJT5 board AI on turn, river J. $700 pot.
57 vs A8 on 567 flop AI on flop, 9 on turn. $900 pot.
AQ vs K9 AI preflop, flop K99. $700 pot.
QQ vs slow-played KK on 88T85 board. $900 pot.
KK vs slow-played AA on QJ925 board. $700 pot.

I know variance will swing it the other way eventually, but still....frustrating.
ugh. Been there, done that. Hope it turns around for you. Try to keep in mind that you ran hotter than the sun for the first 3 months of the year, and that you still have an absurdly high WR. IDK if that'll help, but maybe?
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04-11-2013 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
ugh. Been there, done that. Hope it turns around for you. Try to keep in mind that you ran hotter than the sun for the first 3 months of the year, and that you still have an absurdly high WR. IDK if that'll help, but maybe?
I know it happens to everyone eventually, just sucks when it hits you in the face. Had another one recently against my friend where I got in A2s against his AK on the turn on a A267 board after I raised flop and shoved turn with PSB and he spiked a K on river to scoop a $700 pot. Probably running like $3-4k under EV the past two weeks.

On a more positive note, my foray into 2/5 has gone pretty well so far with an average win of $309 over 9 sessions playing only 3-4 hours/session. Small sample size but hopefully I can keep that up.
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