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**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] **** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]

03-23-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
Quick? Jalex and I have spent a combined 20+ hours looking into this. know what judge means right? By definition judges make decisions.

No there isn't a signed confession or anything. There is a pattern of occurrences that when put together form what I believe to be pretty solid evidence against Gary. Stars has access to more information than I do, and I trust that they will investigate thoroughly.

I've been accused at being biased towards Gary. Now to the bettors. I guess I'm doing my job then.
I think what he was trying to say by bolding the beginning of your post was that you seem to have already determined that Gary was dumped to. If you have determined that Gary has been dumped to, why wait for Stars if you've already made that decision. Just ship it to the bettors then.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by cbrash
Thanks dude.

Pretty sure I brought up something that hasn't been discussed yet. But feel free to ignore that.
I was talking about people in general, not only you. But thanks for letting us know that you think 3betting trash is not very unusual. I mean, it's not like this has been mentioned a million times already.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:24 PM
You really expect anything different on a public forum?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by OreosAndMilk
Yes this is fine, like I said I would prefer not to be involved at all which is why I deleted these people from my weaktight thing. I did notice that you posted a link to me but I just wanted to be left alone.

However, now that I'm out in the limelight I am happy to answer peoples questions regarding the whole thing and what not.

EDIT: I am still annoyed that I have been dragged into this whole prop bet I have no interest in but I will make sure my name is not slandered etc.

Could you explain how you came to know of Gary Neville? In what way were you introduced to who he was through RoSeeker?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by biggetje
I was talking about people in general, not only you. But thanks for letting us know that you think 3betting trash is not very unusual. I mean, it's not like this has been mentioned a million times already.
With your reading abilities, I can see why you want fewer posts in this thread.

Originally Posted by cbrash
I'm still curious whether RoSeeker has any action on one side or another in this prop bet.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by OreosAndMilk
Yes this is fine, like I said I would prefer not to be involved at all which is why I deleted these people from my weaktight thing. I did notice that you posted a link to me but I just wanted to be left alone.

However, now that I'm out in the limelight I am happy to answer peoples questions regarding the whole thing and what not.

EDIT: I am still annoyed that I have been dragged into this whole prop bet I have no interest in but I will make sure my name is not slandered etc.
1. why did you not explain your history with roseeker/breezzzz?

2. if you didn't want to be dragged into this, why did you bother responding in the first place when you're fully aware of your connection to roseeker/breezz?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:48 PM
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:48 PM
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:58 PM
At first I thought this was silly and that Gary should be awarded money... but regardless of my opinion.....

How interesting would it be if his friend was the only escrow??? As it started out at first....

(and what about the money he did escrow)

this whole thing seems to be falling apart for Gary.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 11:06 PM
Interesting thread. I am undecided on this matter, Leaning towards Gary won, but it's close.

I think some of the posters ITT are confused about the weaktight friend thing. (or maybe I am) It was a guy that knows a guy that knows Gary deleted a friend link on Weak tight. As far as I can tell, Gary has no link to the "dumpers". In fact, if they were dumping, they did it pretty badly.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but some good detective work and some poor conclusions ITT.

I am curious if Stars will find transfers from Roseeker to Breeeze etc...

Good read.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 11:08 PM
is it possible that the two chipdumpers were not chipdumping, but were just soft playing a bit? if that's the case, there's just no way to concretely distinquish between soft play and bad play.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-23-2010 , 11:25 PM
I just want to post ITT to assure everyone that I'm still keeping track of this bet and fully intend to fulfill my job as an escrow. I've been on vacation for the past few days and was unable to get to a computer for more than a few minutes.

I just caught up with the thread and of course I'm shocked at the evidence here against Gary. I have nothing to add to the discussion that hasn't been written in this thread, thanks especially to jalex's hard work on the judging investigation. I hope that nobody infers the wrong things from my posts earlier in this thread in support of this bet, because I never had and still have no information with respect to the possibility of chip dumping during the prop. My relationship with Gary irl will not interfere with my payment of escrowed money to the proper place.

If it's been lost in this thread, I'm holding:
$400 for lemming's bet ($300+$100)
$800 for hellokittery's bet ($600+$200)
$400 for BoC34's bet ($300+$100)
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 12:35 AM

You could get Gary to confess and the old-timers of this website would still be saying:

Great find adding even more shadiness on top of shadiness.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-27-2010 at 08:26 PM.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Yeah this is exactly why I called for judges in background in statistic/mathematic.
Guys here don't have a clue how to weigh evidence. It doesn't matter that 'it seems shady to you". It needs to be 10000x (or whatever a priori probability for him cheating we assign) more probable for it to happen to the cheater than to honest person to even consider it evidence.
Some stuff was posted which really isn't even extraordinary. Some stuff which was EXPECTED was presented as evidence. I think investigators here should be well advised to just prepare a raport with claims/amount of evidence and some unbiased, and educated (in statistic and logic) people should make the judgement.

To start with you can check this link:

But really you should pass your rights to make final judgement to some educated people if you have no experienced in reasoning on this kind.
Listen buddy I dont care if you have 3 gazillion posts, everyone who is a member of this site has their right to draw inferences from the facts. You don't have to be a rocket scientist or math magician to draw reasonable conclusions. We trust juries of laypersons every day across America to find fact and render verdicts with the assistance of expert testimony.

It would be nice if we could have some experts in probability chime in, but that never should replace the right of everyone on here to state their position in a reasonable manner.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by ItsOnlyChips
Also another interesting tidbit of info. I was sweating the last 1500 hands on the webcam. Every time gary won a 200bb pot he would fist pump and get very excited. On the QQ vs T7 hand, there was no reaction. I found that strange, as if he were trying to hide it (even tho every1 exploded on chat and noticed it right away).
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz
It would be nice if we could have some experts in probability chime in, but that never should replace the right of everyone on here to state their position in a reasonable manner.
Insofar as you have the "right" to post anything on 2p2, yes, you can post whatever you want ITT. However the only opinion that actually means anything is that of the actual judges of the bet. And if someone posts some compelling evidence they can look at that, but to think the mob opinion of 2p2 wrt guilt or innocence in this bet is at all comparable to a jury's decision in a court of law is laughable.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Brian O'Nolan
Insofar as you have the "right" to post anything on 2p2, yes, you can post whatever you want ITT. However the only opinion that actually means anything is that of the actual judges of the bet. And if someone posts some compelling evidence they can look at that, but to think the mob opinion of 2p2 wrt guilt or innocence in this bet is at all comparable to a jury's decision in a court of law is laughable.
I'm not trying to say the function of a jury in a court of law is identical to the poker community weighing in on this prop bet. I'm saying juries weigh evidence to find fact, and that is what people are doing ITT.

Instead of ridiculing your opponent's position as "laughable" when you can't think of anything substantive to argue, take an extra moment to argue points on the merits. You'll be adding to the discussion that way.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz

Instead of ridiculing your opponent's position as "laughable" when you can't think of anything substantive to argue, take an extra moment to argue points on the merits. You'll be adding to the discussion that way.

Don't go outside tonight, the Irony Train might run you over.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 01:24 AM
wow unreal. I dunno how anyone could possibly support gary after seeing the evidence him. hope he doesn't get any of the bettor's money.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by kaedin
Don't go outside tonight, the Irony Train might run you over.
k thanx
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 02:40 AM
Anyone got cliffs (w/o too much bias)?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 02:45 AM
if you search for jalex's posts, that should do it...he also responds to opposing arguments with quoting them so you can see what other people are saying
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-24-2010 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz
Instead of ridiculing your opponent's position as "laughable" when you can't think of anything substantive to argue, take an extra moment to argue points on the merits. You'll be adding to the discussion that way.
You're right, you really shouldn't keep giving this stuff away for free.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
