**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]
, 02:05 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 373
well said , theres people on here from all over the globe and they think the bets gonna be played out as if they are sitting with there mates lol . wise up people !!
, 02:06 PM
So what you are saying is that whether or not breeezzz loses money to Gary while showing down cards it is evidence of chip dumping, and whether or not breeezzz lost money to other people it is evidence of chip dumping?
So is the evidence of chip dumping simply the fact that he lost money to Gary?
So is the evidence of chip dumping simply the fact that he lost money to Gary?
I just couldn't be bothered repeating stuff that people have said a thousand times at this stage for people who are either too lazy to read the thread or too simple to understand it.
, 02:07 PM
I don't know why you and zachvac keep using this analogy of a series of completely unrelated events to show how 'unlikely' events can happen and how it relates to this situation. The evidence in this thread is related and relevant. It is ludicrous to liken it to picking a completely random series of events.
I get what you guys are saying. It's like -
P(I'd post in this thread at precisely this minute out of the 1440 mintues in this hour.) = 1/1440
P(That the poster that posted before would be - - out of the 225K posters on 2+2) = 1/225000
P(That the poster who posted before him would be- - out of the 225K posters on 2+2) = 1/225000
The odds that those exact circumstances would arise run into the trillions. But they are completely unrelated and irrelevant events. It is utterly incomparable to the coincidences that have been raised in this thread that are all relevant and related.
Here's an example of why, from a pokersite security team PoV, your logic flawed.
Now according to yourself and zachvac, Stars, after looking at all this evidence should just say - "Well that is a series of extremely unlikely related and relevant coincidences BUT....because the odds of "the sky being blue today, the current time being 12.05pm, IBM stocks being down 3 points today, and todays newspapers saying Tiger Woods had a 7th mistress" is also extremely unlikely and proves that unlikely series of events occur we should just ignore all the highly relevant and related information that points to collusion in the above case.
That is not how it works in the real world. I hope that example finally points out the flaw in logic in the point you guys have been trying to put across. Because according to you guys all forensic analysis is pointless because extremely unlikely (but also unrelated and irrelevant) situations arise all the time.
Stars/Tilt's security team don't have video/audio evidence of people agreeing to collude and cheat, they generally don't have smoking guns. What they do have is various stats and numbers and relationships between individuals that they analyze and if what they find looks so improbable as to be just coincidence they decide that person is guilty of collusion. Same as in this case.
I get what you guys are saying. It's like -
P(I'd post in this thread at precisely this minute out of the 1440 mintues in this hour.) = 1/1440
P(That the poster that posted before would be - - out of the 225K posters on 2+2) = 1/225000
P(That the poster who posted before him would be- - out of the 225K posters on 2+2) = 1/225000
The odds that those exact circumstances would arise run into the trillions. But they are completely unrelated and irrelevant events. It is utterly incomparable to the coincidences that have been raised in this thread that are all relevant and related.
Here's an example of why, from a pokersite security team PoV, your logic flawed.
- Say someone emails stars and says he suspects two players at his 3/6 NL table of colluding and stars say they'll look into it.
- Stars finds out that the two suspects are microstakes regs with no history playing above .25/.50 (except for 19 hands at 3/6 a year ago
- Then stars discovers that of the 100 3/6 NL games running, these guys who were 4 tabling and joined many different tables during the day happened to both be on each others table at all times over 15K hands
- They discover that these two guys have been logging in/out within 2 mintues of each other for 75% of their sessions in the last year
- The discover that the suspects are from the same location, a small town in France.
- They discover that the suspects have noticeable statistical anomalies in the way they've been playing each other. They are 4 times more likely to flat call in position a raise against the other player than against a random player.
- Out of 15K hands the two players never played big pots against each other unless it's allin pf with premiums.
Now according to yourself and zachvac, Stars, after looking at all this evidence should just say - "Well that is a series of extremely unlikely related and relevant coincidences BUT....because the odds of "the sky being blue today, the current time being 12.05pm, IBM stocks being down 3 points today, and todays newspapers saying Tiger Woods had a 7th mistress" is also extremely unlikely and proves that unlikely series of events occur we should just ignore all the highly relevant and related information that points to collusion in the above case.
That is not how it works in the real world. I hope that example finally points out the flaw in logic in the point you guys have been trying to put across. Because according to you guys all forensic analysis is pointless because extremely unlikely (but also unrelated and irrelevant) situations arise all the time.
Stars/Tilt's security team don't have video/audio evidence of people agreeing to collude and cheat, they generally don't have smoking guns. What they do have is various stats and numbers and relationships between individuals that they analyze and if what they find looks so improbable as to be just coincidence they decide that person is guilty of collusion. Same as in this case.
And on top of that what if it wasn't random and they wanted to take a shot during his prop bet and outplay him?
Look I'm not trying to prove his side because frankly I'm pretty sure he's guilty now. But anyone who comes to the conclusion that he's guilty without considering the fact that it could be any reg connected through a common friend to Gary (which could be hundreds) or that they specifically could have played with him intentionally (although probably not true or they would have just said that in the thread) are jumping to conclusions without actually considering all the evidence/logic.
Also one important thing, but someone told me one of the hands (the clockwise one?) was at hand 20k. That's hardly at the end at his moment of need. Why do people keep saying both players dumped near the end when he needed it?
attempting to un-derail thread debate
It's 100% certain that the propbet has been botched by cheaters. The only thing left to debate is if OP had any knowledge or involvment.
What motives did he have to cheat on the propbet?
First, he's a losing player and he's down a ****load of money. Personal gain and greed, the most classic motive. He'd like to see this bet succeed.
Second, it's not a sure bet by far. Assuming he was playing 30k hands as he would normally, then it might be slightly +EV. Under the conditions of the bet, which is a huge grind requiring a lot of tables, dividing his attention completely, while he already sucks at poker to the point where he cannot beat the rake normally, it is definitely not +EV. He's probably playing worse and worse the more money he burns as well, as there has to be tilt involved in his huge losses.
It's 100% certain that the propbet has been botched by cheaters. The only thing left to debate is if OP had any knowledge or involvment.
What motives did he have to cheat on the propbet?
First, he's a losing player and he's down a ****load of money. Personal gain and greed, the most classic motive. He'd like to see this bet succeed.
Second, it's not a sure bet by far. Assuming he was playing 30k hands as he would normally, then it might be slightly +EV. Under the conditions of the bet, which is a huge grind requiring a lot of tables, dividing his attention completely, while he already sucks at poker to the point where he cannot beat the rake normally, it is definitely not +EV. He's probably playing worse and worse the more money he burns as well, as there has to be tilt involved in his huge losses.
IF there was side action going on, and his associates tried to fix the bet in Gary's favor to their gain, we would have heard from the people who took the other side of the bet by now, right? There's nothing wrong with people placing side bets, so why wouldn't they come forward since they have an interest in a fair outcome as well.
This. People are acting as if this is some definitive proof of Gary cheating, but all it says is that RoSeeker lied about something unrelated to the prop bet (which he's already done).
I also still don't understand why, if StoppedClock and breeezzz were just playing 200nl to dump chips to Gary, then:
- Why does StoppedClock drop a stack to someone else before playing with Gary?
- Why does breeezzz, supposedly a solid 10nl grinder that is just dumping to Gary, go play 100nl HU after dumping?
- Why does breeezzz 4bet/fold to funkeemonkee in this hand, when Gary isn't even on the table?
I also still don't understand why, if StoppedClock and breeezzz were just playing 200nl to dump chips to Gary, then:
- Why does StoppedClock drop a stack to someone else before playing with Gary?
- Why does breeezzz, supposedly a solid 10nl grinder that is just dumping to Gary, go play 100nl HU after dumping?
- Why does breeezzz 4bet/fold to funkeemonkee in this hand, when Gary isn't even on the table?
This is pretty important and will make the case against them pretty much 100%, does anyone know how many tables each Breeze and Clockwise were playing during their sessions and how many of those tables had Gary on them? Any where all 3 of them were at a table? The fact that he actually was at a table not with Gary is actually evidence against him as well because that means he was not simply trying to outplay Gary for the prop, although I guess he could have just gotten on all Gary's waitlists and didn't get on enough so added tables. Hopefully this is something Stars will check out.
as i read through this thread, at first i was thinking "wow you 2+2'ers are the biggest bunch of whiners ever for thinking the QQ vs. T7 hand is collusion." As I read it with perspective from the last few pages, however, it seems more and more obvious that Gary cheated.
Read the beginning of the the thread post-bet, and everything sounds way more suspicious, especially gary saying that he'll redo the bet (LOL).
If i were innocent after 30k hands, I'd be flipping out and would not even consider redoing the bet, and yet Gary said it nonchalantly as long as no investigation took place.
Read the beginning of the the thread post-bet, and everything sounds way more suspicious, especially gary saying that he'll redo the bet (LOL).
If i were innocent after 30k hands, I'd be flipping out and would not even consider redoing the bet, and yet Gary said it nonchalantly as long as no investigation took place.
, 02:22 PM
here is the entire post...was number 663...and yes he is fluent in english
, 02:35 PM
damn, was hoping gary would pop up with the old 'herro, me asian, me no understand ingerish'
Last edited by sjp507; 03-25-2010 at 02:35 PM.
Reason: in b4 racist ban
, 02:52 PM
zach, nanonuts, starzz
PLEASE stop writing such long ****ing posts saying the same thing over and over again. it's really ****ing annoying and none of you are going to change the other's views. i am at the point where i skim to only look for posts from jalex, gary, roseeker or stars support
PLEASE stop writing such long ****ing posts saying the same thing over and over again. it's really ****ing annoying and none of you are going to change the other's views. i am at the point where i skim to only look for posts from jalex, gary, roseeker or stars support
, 02:58 PM
fwiw, since people keep referring to the fact that he "only won by $20" - he won by $20 because he got into a position where he could fold his way to victory by being up more than $0.50 * num hands remaining. You can't really posit that without breez giving him $250, he'd have lost by $230 - he would have played the end differently and he may have won anyway, or he may have lost spectacularly, but what definitely WOULDN'T have happened is him folding the remainder of his hands while being down.
, 03:00 PM
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 2,284
this thread is killing me. i keep awaiting updates now...ugh i wish i didn't discover it until a week from now.
Also, I find Gary and Roseeker's silence in light of the mounting evidence after their passioned personal attacks earlier to be very damning.
Also, I find Gary and Roseeker's silence in light of the mounting evidence after their passioned personal attacks earlier to be very damning.
, 03:01 PM
yeah but on the other side if he was down by more, who's to say he wouldn't have breezzz or other dumpers fill in that gap? of course he's just going to get to where he's up and fold his way to victory.
, 03:05 PM
fwiw, since people keep referring to the fact that he "only won by $20" - he won by $20 because he got into a position where he could fold his way to victory by being up more than $0.50 * num hands remaining. You can't really posit that without breez giving him $250, he'd have lost by $230 - he would have played the end differently and he may have won anyway, or he may have lost spectacularly, but what definitely WOULDN'T have happened is him folding the remainder of his hands while being down.
, 03:14 PM
um he did fold his way to victory
, 03:47 PM
ok while I did say something like that earlier I admitted I was wrong/phrasing what I was trying to say wrong (and one post I typed something like what you said realized it was wrong and edited it to say what I really meant). The thing is that the poker world is so interconnected. So what I've been trying to say is that instead of taking the odds that these 2 particular people (how were they chosen? Why wasn't rongrong chosen? The answer to that last question basically is the core of what I'm trying to say)
The reason I didn't mention rongrong is because no connections have been found between him and gary. jalex thinks he's in on it too but I'm not convinced.
you need to take the odds that ANYONE connected to Gary through a common friend would have done that.
I don't know how many people Gary knows in the micro 6max community but I've said before I'm pretty sure upwards of 50% of the micro FR community (this is regs, and remember we didn't look at rongrong so we're only considering regs) could be connected either directly to me or through a mutual friend. So the odds are not that these 2 particular people did the odds are that ANYONE connected through a mutual friend or immediate friend would do this.
The facts are when you set the group of players connected to gary, directly or through a friend, against a data set as massive as the entire microstakes player pool it remains a very low chance that a player connected to him would've have ended up being under suspicion. Nevermind two players being under suspicion, and both have the same connection/background.
Now it's certainly not common for a microstakes reg to take a jump 8x their normal stakes and tilt-spew a buy-in but the odds we need to look at are the odds that any microstakes reg does this on a given Friday night, not the odds that specifically breeeze and stoppedclock (or watch, or w/e it is I forget now). See what I'm saying now?
1. What are the odds that a microstakes sng player (stoppedclock) with zero cash game history would show up on a random friday in a cash game.
2. What are the odds that this player with no cash game history would show up playing way way above his regular stake.
3. What are the odds that a microstakes cash player (breeezzz) with next to no history at 1/2 apart from 19 shortstacking hands about a year ago, would show up on a random friday night at 1/2.
When you limit the players to the ones who have zero (or practially zero) shot taking history the odds go way up that they would show up on a random friday night in a 1/2 cash game.
Something else to consider
4. Of all the shot taking microstakers playing 1/2 on this random friday night, who have basically no shot-taking history, what are the odds that two of them would be connected to each other - both students and friends of roseeker.
And on top of that what if it wasn't random and they wanted to take a shot during his prop bet and outplay him?
I bolded the important one. People keep saying they only played with Gary and I even ran some probabilities with that assumption. No one corrected me and a few people quoted me and used that as evidence against him. He obviously did play hands that were not at Gary's table so those stats are no longer relevant.
This is pretty important and will make the case against them pretty much 100%, does anyone know how many tables each Breeze and Clockwise were playing during their sessions and how many of those tables had Gary on them? Any where all 3 of them were at a table? The fact that he actually was at a table not with Gary is actually evidence against him as well because that means he was not simply trying to outplay Gary for the prop, although I guess he could have just gotten on all Gary's waitlists and didn't get on enough so added tables. Hopefully this is something Stars will check out.
Yeah I do remember that him saying I believe "if I need to I'll redo the bet". Seriously if I were innocent I would never say that in a million years. He tried to clarify that he meant if the judges forced him to he would, but that's not what that phrase means. Is Gary fluent in English? If he's not that MIGHT be a case where he meant "if I need to" differently from what it actually means. But if he speaks English fluently/as his first language there is no way any innocent person would say that.
Also what do you make of the fact that of all the people in this thread the only two to get the names of the suspects wrong were gary and roseeker. Twice gary referred to stoppedclock as stoppedwatch, twice roseeker referreed to rongrong as rongrongrong. I mean I remember the names of players from interesting hands I played 4 years ago. I can't see how you could get the names wrong of people involved in hands that could cost you thousands of dollars and ruin your reputation, in hands that you only played a week ago and whose names you have been reminded of on a continuous basis in your prop bet thread.
, 03:49 PM
zach, nanonuts, starzz
PLEASE stop writing such long ****ing posts saying the same thing over and over again. it's really ****ing annoying and none of you are going to change the other's views. i am at the point where i skim to only look for posts from jalex, gary, roseeker or stars support
PLEASE stop writing such long ****ing posts saying the same thing over and over again. it's really ****ing annoying and none of you are going to change the other's views. i am at the point where i skim to only look for posts from jalex, gary, roseeker or stars support
, 03:56 PM
as i read through this thread, at first i was thinking "wow you 2+2'ers are the biggest bunch of whiners ever for thinking the QQ vs. T7 hand is collusion." As I read it with perspective from the last few pages, however, it seems more and more obvious that Gary cheated.
Read the beginning of the the thread post-bet, and everything sounds way more suspicious, especially gary saying that he'll redo the bet (LOL).
If i were innocent after 30k hands, I'd be flipping out and would not even consider redoing the bet, and yet Gary said it nonchalantly as long as no investigation took place.
Read the beginning of the the thread post-bet, and everything sounds way more suspicious, especially gary saying that he'll redo the bet (LOL).
If i were innocent after 30k hands, I'd be flipping out and would not even consider redoing the bet, and yet Gary said it nonchalantly as long as no investigation took place.
First post in thread but been reading daily and amazed that statement didn't get more attention.
, 03:56 PM
Bjorn, Shane, & Ben,
Check out this website:
Your names could be up in lights sooooon. Better come clean if you don't want future employers Google'ing your name and finding interesting things.
How about you Gary, nothing else to say about your buddy being proven to be a scumbag? I noticed you logging in this morning....
Check out this website:
Your names could be up in lights sooooon. Better come clean if you don't want future employers Google'ing your name and finding interesting things.
How about you Gary, nothing else to say about your buddy being proven to be a scumbag? I noticed you logging in this morning....
Quoted for second attempt....and so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
, 04:04 PM
I know a lot of people who when they lose money they think the answer is just grinding volume out. So many people when they run bad decide they have to grind through it so decide to either do hand pools, small side prop bets, etc. to motivate them to play more hands. This is not unusual for someone running bad and the fact that he is going for sne also makes it plausible. Honestly I think assuming he did cheat that he wasn't intending to at the start.
But since Gary is a big loser how is it logical to just say oh I can't win and i'm running bad and if i add more volume I will become a winner.
Sorry Zac but that logic doesn't pass for Garys situation imo.
, 04:04 PM
, 04:16 PM
I also know plenty of people that think this way. I'm actually one of them. However, the reason that we think that volume will cure variance is because we are winners over a large sample size. So when I'm running bad I can expect that with volume I should start to have hands hold up and even maybe get lucky to make up for all of the bad run.
But since Gary is a big loser how is it logical to just say oh I can't win and i'm running bad and if i add more volume I will become a winner.
Sorry Zac but that logic doesn't pass for Garys situation imo.
But since Gary is a big loser how is it logical to just say oh I can't win and i'm running bad and if i add more volume I will become a winner.
Sorry Zac but that logic doesn't pass for Garys situation imo.
gary wouldn't be the first poker player to have at least small delusions he's better than his winrate suggests
**** i think im better than my winrate suggests
, 04:28 PM
and thats fine if we can at least agree thats its being delusional at worst.
, 04:31 PM
I hope that a friend of Gary's didn't mention to a couple his micro stake friends that Gary had a big volume propbet going -- and would be hugely exploitable at the tables or something.
They see he is up xxx dollars and shove stupid hands (because they look at the wrong progress report, like when he was up tons, and think he's folding a ton).
Anyway, there's a couple different scenarios that allow for friends of friends to come to the table, play weird, and look all like they're colluding when in fact they're just there and playing the guy in the big prob bet.
They see he is up xxx dollars and shove stupid hands (because they look at the wrong progress report, like when he was up tons, and think he's folding a ton).
Anyway, there's a couple different scenarios that allow for friends of friends to come to the table, play weird, and look all like they're colluding when in fact they're just there and playing the guy in the big prob bet.
, 04:39 PM
I hope that a friend of Gary's didn't mention to a couple his micro stake friends that Gary had a big volume propbet going -- and would be hugely exploitable at the tables or something.
They see he is up xxx dollars and shove stupid hands (because they look at the wrong progress report, like when he was up tons, and think he's folding a ton).
They see he is up xxx dollars and shove stupid hands (because they look at the wrong progress report, like when he was up tons, and think he's folding a ton).
, 04:58 PM
Alright I'll keep it short.
ok after thinking about this more I think you're right. But you also have to consider the fact that he's lost to multiple people as well. Were the 2 found to be connected and rongrong the only people investigated by Jalex? If so then yeah I guess it's the odds that 2 of 3 of the suspicious accounts were in the pool of people connected by a mutual friend out of the overall 200nl 6max pool that night. If he investigated more it's a bit more likely. But still we're getting into details that don't really matter. I think we both agree it's to the point where it's pretty unlikely to happen by chance, it's just whether it's 0.001% or 0.0001% lol.
First off with fpps he's a winner right? If he's going for sne obviously he'd want to grind. He probably thought he could at least break even and with all the fpps and vpps towards sne that's how he'd get out of his downswing. Then he makes a prop bet.
And this. Back like 2 years ago I was an fpp pro too so I can pretty much relate. Every few thousand hands you convince yourself that you were running bad before and you finally discovered what you're doing wrong or that you are going to really concentrate on not spewing or any other excuse you can use to convince yourself that you really don't suck at poker. I did a very similar thing to Gary was going for 200k milestone so did small $500 side bet with another reg who was as well we had to play 100k 200nl hands and if we both did it the person with most profit won. Since I'm not a cheater I didn't have people dump and ended the month negative money but hit the milestone (and obv lost the bet). Although it's a little different because there was no PTR at that time but I still used HEM lol. I'm almost positive I know exactly what Gary was thinking and why he'd take this prop bet even if he was an honest person. It just looks like unfortunately when he realized this time he wasn't going to win to have people dump to him.
But Jalex/Black/whoever what was the status of the bet when the hands at the 20k mark were dumped? If he was down money at that point I'd be ready to say it's 99.9% there was dumping involved. Right now it's only like 99%
This is wrong though. We are not just considering regs here. They don't need to be regs to be involved in this. Stoppedclock wasn't a reg. The entire pokerstars microstakes player pool is the data set that the chip dumpers could have come from. Anyone with a pokerstars account. Now of all the hundreds of thousands of microstakes players that could have been the ones under suspicion, it turns out that both of them are connected to gary. And BOTH of them have the exact same background and CONNECTION - friend and studends of Roseeker.
I also know plenty of people that think this way. I'm actually one of them. However, the reason that we think that volume will cure variance is because we are winners over a large sample size. So when I'm running bad I can expect that with volume I should start to have hands hold up and even maybe get lucky to make up for all of the bad run.
But since Gary is a big loser how is it logical to just say oh I can't win and i'm running bad and if i add more volume I will become a winner.
Sorry Zac but that logic doesn't pass for Garys situation imo.
But since Gary is a big loser how is it logical to just say oh I can't win and i'm running bad and if i add more volume I will become a winner.
Sorry Zac but that logic doesn't pass for Garys situation imo.
But Jalex/Black/whoever what was the status of the bet when the hands at the 20k mark were dumped? If he was down money at that point I'd be ready to say it's 99.9% there was dumping involved. Right now it's only like 99%
, 04:59 PM
I hope that a friend of Gary's didn't mention to a couple his micro stake friends that Gary had a big volume propbet going -- and would be hugely exploitable at the tables or something.
They see he is up xxx dollars and shove stupid hands (because they look at the wrong progress report, like when he was up tons, and think he's folding a ton).
Anyway, there's a couple different scenarios that allow for friends of friends to come to the table, play weird, and look all like they're colluding when in fact they're just there and playing the guy in the big prob bet.
They see he is up xxx dollars and shove stupid hands (because they look at the wrong progress report, like when he was up tons, and think he's folding a ton).
Anyway, there's a couple different scenarios that allow for friends of friends to come to the table, play weird, and look all like they're colluding when in fact they're just there and playing the guy in the big prob bet.
, 05:06 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 8,210
It would be cool if someone could make possibly objective list of events which are evidence against OP.
Please make it without comments and emotions. It should be like:
"Connections: X knows Y, X coached Z etc.
Suspicious hands: "Folded QQ on KKxx board to X, got it in with QQ vs T7 vs Y
Credibility of people involved: Z multiaccounts on 2p2 and Stars etc."
Maybe if it's all put in one place people could make better judgment. At least idiotic conclusions will be cut off a bit.
I would really appreciate if someone could do that. It will be beneficial for the case.
Please make it without comments and emotions. It should be like:
"Connections: X knows Y, X coached Z etc.
Suspicious hands: "Folded QQ on KKxx board to X, got it in with QQ vs T7 vs Y
Credibility of people involved: Z multiaccounts on 2p2 and Stars etc."
Maybe if it's all put in one place people could make better judgment. At least idiotic conclusions will be cut off a bit.
I would really appreciate if someone could do that. It will be beneficial for the case.
, 05:09 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 8,210
Bjorn, Shane, & Ben,
Check out this website:
Your names could be up in lights sooooon. Better come clean if you don't want future employers Google'ing your name and finding interesting things.
How about you Gary, nothing else to say about your buddy being proven to be a scumbag? I noticed you logging in this morning....
Check out this website:
Your names could be up in lights sooooon. Better come clean if you don't want future employers Google'ing your name and finding interesting things.
How about you Gary, nothing else to say about your buddy being proven to be a scumbag? I noticed you logging in this morning....
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