I decided to put in the next gear yesterday. Made two
very dubious post flop plays. Will definitely start to simulate postflop more. How strong are for example two pairs? Bottom pairs, and open ended straight non-nut draws with a pair (plus some bad low potential) probably don't have enough power to be profitable when fold equity is added, naturally depends on the stacks, blinds and number of players, but... got burned yesterday, must have been lucky earlier. Got a small shock when simulating even against random hands! There are some rules that can be applied even in the hypers. You already knew those hands are bad.
And I'm also into really looking at preflop hand strengths, what to play at different stages of the game and in different situations. Making (short!) lists. For fun naturally
Reading three books simultaneously: Theory of Poker, Moshman's sng and Tenner-Krieger. Only a few pages semi-daily, but anyway. Hoping to get the greater picture, we'll see.
Apfelstrudel can be fascinating too!
Last edited by plaaynde; 06-29-2014 at 11:57 PM.