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10-16-2013 , 01:33 PM
is vaike posting here ? that guy is constantly flaming me on every table i think (can't realy tell as i'm stacking tables but it seems like)
10-17-2013 , 12:26 PM
haters gonna hate (wadzon and Juice)
10-17-2013 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by wadzon
vs Juicy_J_93 ]
nice hand wp as always...I insta knew what hand it was going to be as it was the last hand I played yesterday and the perfect ending to a ****ty day so I remember it well

Last edited by Buzz; 10-17-2013 at 04:54 PM. Reason: deleted link copied from post above.
10-17-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
nice hand wp as always...I insta knew what hand it was going to be as it was the last hand I played yesterday and the perfect ending to a ****ty day so I remember it well
What hand is that?
10-17-2013 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by streityboy
What hand is that?
This is the hand that wadzon posted

PokerStars - $57.66+$2.34|40/80 Ante 8 NL Hi/Lo (6 max) - Omaha Hi/Lo - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

wadzon (SB): 1,470
ozenc (BB): 146
Juicy_J_93 (BTN): 1,384

3 players post ante of 8, wadzon posts SB 40, ozenc posts BB 80

Pre Flop: (pot: 144) Juicy_J_93 has K K Q 7

Juicy_J_93 raises to 1,376 and is all-in, wadzon calls 1,336, fold

Flop: (2,856, 2 players) 4 2 3

Turn: (2,856, 2 players) 4

River: (2,856, 2 players) 6

wadzon shows A 3 K 3 (High: Full House, Threes full of Fours, Low: 6432A) (Pre 57%, Flop 96%, Turn 93%)
Juicy_J_93 shows K K Q 7 (Two Pair, Kings and Fours) (Pre 43%, Flop 4%, Turn 7%)
wadzon wins 2,856
10-17-2013 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
This is the hand that wadzon posted

PokerStars - $57.66+$2.34|40/80 Ante 8 NL Hi/Lo (6 max) - Omaha Hi/Lo - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

wadzon (SB): 1,470
ozenc (BB): 146
Juicy_J_93 (BTN): 1,384

3 players post ante of 8, wadzon posts SB 40, ozenc posts BB 80

Pre Flop: (pot: 144) Juicy_J_93 has K K Q 7

Juicy_J_93 raises to 1,376 and is all-in, wadzon calls 1,336, fold

Flop: (2,856, 2 players) 4 2 3

Turn: (2,856, 2 players) 4

River: (2,856, 2 players) 6

wadzon shows A 3 K 3 (High: Full House, Threes full of Fours, Low: 6432A) (Pre 57%, Flop 96%, Turn 93%)
Juicy_J_93 shows K K Q 7 (Two Pair, Kings and Fours) (Pre 43%, Flop 4%, Turn 7%)
wadzon wins 2,856
I may be getting back in to these, but my god that is an awful call.

No money in hypers, it's full of solid Ruskis
10-17-2013 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by streityboy
I may be getting back in to these, but my god that is an awful call.
please don't tell wadz
10-17-2013 , 07:54 PM
If only there was different options to shove or fold
10-17-2013 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
If only there was different options to shove or fold
you still have to learn a lot... there are no other options versus a capable player
10-17-2013 , 08:30 PM
lol @ that
10-17-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
lol @ that
please go ahead and present your genius play that makes you so arrogant. I'm listening
10-17-2013 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
This is the hand that wadzon posted

PokerStars - $57.66+$2.34|40/80 Ante 8 NL Hi/Lo (6 max) - Omaha Hi/Lo - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

wadzon (SB): 1,470
ozenc (BB): 146
Juicy_J_93 (BTN): 1,384

3 players post ante of 8, wadzon posts SB 40, ozenc posts BB 80

Pre Flop: (pot: 144) Juicy_J_93 has K K Q 7

Juicy_J_93 raises to 1,376 and is all-in, wadzon calls 1,336, fold
wadzon only needs 46.8% equity (something like that) to have favorable odds to call the steal attempt in a cash game.
  • Here's my math
I think Juicy_J_93 needs to have a hand in the top 9% (something like that) of starting hands for wadzon's hand to not have enough equity to continue in a cash game. Tournaments are different because of the prize pay outs (which are unknown here)... and this looks like a tournament. ozenc wants to somehow win second place, so that he should be delighted when Juicy_J_93 goes all-in and wadzon calls.

Juicy_J_93, in the meantime, really wanted to go up against ozenc because if ozenc calls the raise and Juicy_J_93 scoops, Juicy_J_93 wins the tournament.

• (1) wadzon can't want Juicy_J_93 to steal the blinds and
• (2) neither can wadzon want ozenc to go all-in against Juicy_J_93.

Therefore I think wadzon is more or less forced to call Juicy_J_93. He does, and meh.

Interesting hand and situation.

wadzon - Sorry for being somewhat of a prick to delete your post, but if you'll look at the "please read before posting" sticky for this forum, you'll see we have clearly asked that you not post links to hand histories. (There are good reasons, from my perspective, for wanting hand histories posted directly here rather than having to click on links to hand histories located at sites that are strange and unknown to me). We don't have many posting rules and those we have are for the good of readers and posters to this forum. Enforcing forum and 2+2 rules can be an odorous task. We ask for your cooperation in this endeavor. Thanks.

10-18-2013 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
If only there was different options to shove or fold
Not sure whether you are trying to get a rise as a WUM and are therefore joking or whether you would actually make this atrocious call?

Originally Posted by Buzz

wadzon only needs 46.8% equity (something like that) to have favorable odds to call the steal attempt in a cash game.
  • Here's my math
I think Juicy_J_93 needs to have a hand in the top 9% (something like that) of starting hands for wadzon's hand to not have enough equity to continue in a cash game. Tournaments are different because of the prize pay outs (which are unknown here)... and this looks like a tournament. ozenc wants to somehow win second place, so that he should be delighted when Juicy_J_93 goes all-in and wadzon calls.

Juicy_J_93, in the meantime, really wanted to go up against ozenc because if ozenc calls the raise and Juicy_J_93 scoops, Juicy_J_93 wins the tournament.

• (1) wadzon can't want Juicy_J_93 to steal the blinds and
• (2) neither can wadzon want ozenc to go all-in against Juicy_J_93.

Therefore I think wadzon is more or less forced to call Juicy_J_93. He does, and meh.

Interesting hand and situation.

wadzon - Sorry for being somewhat of a prick to delete your post, but if you'll look at the "please read before posting" sticky for this forum, you'll see we have clearly asked that you not post links to hand histories. (There are good reasons, from my perspective, for wanting hand histories posted directly here rather than having to click on links to hand histories located at sites that are strange and unknown to me). We don't have many posting rules and those we have are for the good of readers and posters to this forum. Enforcing forum and 2+2 rules can be an odorous task. We ask for your cooperation in this endeavor. Thanks.

Sorry Buzz.

This isn't a cash game.

EV and $EV is rather an important distinction. Not rather. It is THE distinction.

You don't even need to have an understanding off it in this spot. Stack sizes and blinds are a rather a big hint.
10-18-2013 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by Brunolf
please go ahead and present your genius play that makes you so arrogant. I'm listening
This hand may be fairly rare but a perfect example. Min Raising or even limping this hand is always going to be better than shoving, no matter who is in the blinds but even more so with Wadzon in the sb. When we min raise

a)Wadzon can not bluff in this spot so "you still have to learn a lot... there are no other options versus a capable player" is just wrong.

b)With anything but premium hands in this spot sb should be just flatting, then bb has to complete, most likely to then see hand checked down unless your crushed.

c)When we min raise, sb shove, bb is going to be calling alot wider. When he folds we can easily fold.

Im not knocking J as he said before his reasons behiind playing a shove/fold game and in current game conditions its giving him the best hourly he can achieve. I just find it funny (though i guess its a blessing) how weaker players take it as thats the way the top winners play so its the optimal stratagy in these games.

Sod replying to that doughnut above me who can't even comprehend a one sentance post.
10-18-2013 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
This hand may be fairly rare but a perfect example. Min Raising or even limping this hand is always going to be better than shoving, no matter who is in the blinds but even more so with Wadzon in the sb. When we min raise

a)Wadzon can not bluff in this spot so "you still have to learn a lot... there are no other options versus a capable player" is just wrong.

b)With anything but premium hands in this spot sb should be just flatting, then bb has to complete, most likely to then see hand checked down unless your crushed.

c)When we min raise, sb shove, bb is going to be calling alot wider. When he folds we can easily fold.

Im not knocking J as he said before his reasons behiind playing a shove/fold game and in current game conditions its giving him the best hourly he can achieve. I just find it funny (though i guess its a blessing) how weaker players take it as thats the way the top winners play so its the optimal stratagy in these games.

Sod replying to that doughnut above me who can't even comprehend a one sentance post.
No, seriously you have no clue. wadzon is a capable player and should/will most likely bomb any 4 once juicy limps or min raises. I'd do it and I think most capable regs would. there is no such thing as "trapping" wadzon should be afraid of. let's assume juicy has AA23ds, what's his best option preflop? ship it and no limp(min-raise)/calling as this would be way worse ICM wise. should wadzon therefore be afarif juicy does limp/minraise with montsers? no.
please play a little more with capable regulars and you will see that in this spot no other option is viable. I'd shove J922 in wadzon's shoes there knowing that juicy is well aware of ICM.
and btw, I don't like a shove there. I'd just fold, but a shove is always better than a limp/minraise vs wadzon or any other regular in the SB there.
10-18-2013 , 07:26 AM
I don't like the shove. Prefer fold to anything else. Wadzon makes these calls pretty often in my experience.
10-18-2013 , 11:03 AM
• (2) neither can wadzon want ozenc to go all-in against Juicy_J_93.
J is ahead of ozencas 100% range if wadzon folds, this is good for wadzon. Priority for both J and Wadzon is to get rid of the short stack. This is why if J limps or min raises Wadzon should be calling really wide as it severly decreases ozencas equity in the hand and scoop chance, also increasing his chance of busting.

Originally Posted by Brunolf
No, seriously you have no clue. wadzon is a capable player and should/will most likely bomb any 4 once juicy limps or min raises. I'd do it and I think most capable regs would. there is no such thing as "trapping" wadzon should be afraid of. let's assume juicy has AA23ds, what's his best option preflop? ship it and no limp(min-raise)/calling as this would be way worse ICM wise. should wadzon therefore be afarif juicy does limp/minraise with montsers? no.
please play a little more with capable regulars and you will see that in this spot no other option is viable. I'd shove J922 in wadzon's shoes there knowing that juicy is well aware of ICM.
and btw, I don't like a shove there. I'd just fold, but a shove is always better than a limp/minraise vs wadzon or any other regular in the SB there.
If you want a seriously disscusion you really shouldnt start a post with "No, seriously you have no clue". So i wont respond to your post but my gosh what a load of drivel.
10-18-2013 , 11:15 AM
Limping and min raising do not work as like brunolf said wadzon is just going to jam any 4 if I do so. Folding is certainly an option given that its wadzon is in the sb. Every other reg folds almost 100% of the time from that spot at the 60$ level except for maybe yoeyonfire (where has he been lately?) wadzon still folds a majority of the time and its not like he didnt know it was a bad call at the time. He knew and made the call anyway to spite me so he could post it on 2+2 and have a laugh at my expense if he busted me which is fine. I got a laugh out of him posting it also. As long as wadzon is having fun at the tables Im pretty sure I will be having fun at the tables.

I dont know how often Wadzon actually makes these spite calls at the higher buy ins and saying its a fold maybe a little results oriented although I wouldnt blame anyone for just folding.
10-18-2013 , 11:29 AM
Shakey seriously the scenario you are talking about where I raise wadzon flats and we check it down to see if ozenc bust is a scenario that I just dont see happen in 60s/100s. I mean im sure it happens occasionally but I would expect a min raise to be 3 bet jammed on a ton by most regs in wadzons spot.
10-18-2013 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
Shakey seriously the scenario you are talking about where I raise wadzon flats and we check it down to see if ozenc bust is a scenario that I just dont see happen in 60s/100s. I mean im sure it happens occasionally but I would expect a min raise to be 3 bet jammed on a ton by most regs in wadzons spot.
exactly my point, and I'm sorry shakey if you feel belittled by me. but as I said: you still have to learn a lot if you think that limp/minraising is a viable option. First priority for juicy and wadzon is to get ozenc's chips and other blinds, not making sure he busts (true, that will happen a lot in 3.50s, but as long as you have regs sitting there: no chance)
10-18-2013 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
Shakey seriously the scenario you are talking about where I raise wadzon flats and we check it down to see if ozenc bust is a scenario that I just dont see happen in 60s/100s. I mean im sure it happens occasionally but I would expect a min raise to be 3 bet jammed on a ton by most regs in wadzons spot.
Well i think this is a mistake, by maybe exploiting the reg on button a little sb is dumping a **** load of ev to the bb in doing so. At diff stack sizes i can see the logic if say sb had 500 chips more than you then continuing the bubble is to his benefit if he splits/loses to bb.

exactly my point, and I'm sorry shakey if you feel belittled by me. but as I said: you still have to learn a lot if you think that limp/minraising is a viable option. First priority for juicy and wadzon is to get ozenc's chips and other blinds, not making sure he busts (true, that will happen a lot in 3.50s, but as long as you have regs sitting there: no chance)
If you think it is in either Js or Wadzons interest for bb to survive when they are both pretty much equal in chips then i would like you to tell me where the massive amounts of ev the bb is picking up is coming from?

Also can you please explain to me why bb would bust more in $3.50s than higher? Does the maths change? Besides i dont play the $3.50s. why do you keep mentioning them? You address every post with, wont work higher, gl against regs etc. I see the intent behind these beliitlements, but they mean nothing and are irrelevant.
10-18-2013 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
yoeyonfire (where has he been lately?)
either gone for good or on a very long break.
apparently there are more things to do after work than just playing poker

Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
This is the hand that wadzon posted
that is very thin ice you are walking on there and a lot of shark smilies waiting below it (^^^)

Last edited by booink; 10-18-2013 at 01:01 PM.
10-18-2013 , 01:00 PM
Lol what a doughnut, and i thought shorty busted more in $3.50s dammit.

    Poker Stars, $14.41 Buy-in (30/60 blinds, 6 ante) No Limit Omaha H/L Tournament, 3 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20063131

    BTN: 246 (4.1 bb)
    SB: 1,740 (29 bb)
    Hero (BB): 1,014 (16.9 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with T 6 5 5
    BTN raises to 240 and is all-in, SB calls 210, Hero calls 180

    Flop: (738) 3 6 J (3 players, 1 is all-in)
    SB checks, Hero checks

    Turn: (738) 4 (3 players, 1 is all-in)
    SB bets 360, Hero folds

    River: (738) 7 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: 738 pot
    Final Board: 3 6 J 4 7
    BTN showed K 6 Q 3 and won 369 (123 net)
    SB showed 2 3 A 4 and won 369 (123 net)
    Hero mucked T 6 5 5 and lost (-246 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    10-18-2013 , 02:08 PM
    Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
    Well i think this is a mistake, by maybe exploiting the reg on button a little sb is dumping a **** load of ev to the bb in doing so. At diff stack sizes i can see the logic if say sb had 500 chips more than you then continuing the bubble is to his benefit if he splits/loses to bb.

    If you think it is in either Js or Wadzons interest for bb to survive when they are both pretty much equal in chips then i would like you to tell me where the massive amounts of ev the bb is picking up is coming from?

    Also can you please explain to me why bb would bust more in $3.50s than higher? Does the maths change? Besides i dont play the $3.50s. why do you keep mentioning them? You address every post with, wont work higher, gl against regs etc. I see the intent behind these beliitlements, but they mean nothing and are irrelevant.
    where did I say they want to continue to play on the bubble and keep ozenc alive? I only stated that it is not the first thing a player (juicy or wadzon) should be after. btw, BB has less than 2BBsm your hand doesn't matter in a match-up versus him. you always (or 97% of the times excluding 2222 type hands) want to be in the hand versus him, but heads-up!

    In 3.50's there will be in more cases a limp by BTN and SB and they will check it down, but not even there when BTN and SB are regulars. get over it, I'm not paying homage to anyone, punishing limps is just the better thing to do.
    10-18-2013 , 02:10 PM
    Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
    Lol what a doughnut, and i thought shorty busted more in $3.50s dammit.

      Poker Stars, $14.41 Buy-in (30/60 blinds, 6 ante) No Limit Omaha H/L Tournament, 3 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20063131

      BTN: 246 (4.1 bb)
      SB: 1,740 (29 bb)
      Hero (BB): 1,014 (16.9 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is BB with T 6 5 5
      BTN raises to 240 and is all-in, SB calls 210, Hero calls 180

      Flop: (738) 3 6 J (3 players, 1 is all-in)
      SB checks, Hero checks

      Turn: (738) 4 (3 players, 1 is all-in)
      SB bets 360, Hero folds

      River: (738) 7 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

      Results: 738 pot
      Final Board: 3 6 J 4 7
      BTN showed K 6 Q 3 and won 369 (123 net)
      SB showed 2 3 A 4 and won 369 (123 net)
      Hero mucked T 6 5 5 and lost (-246 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
      haha, SB is just so much better and doing the right thing on the turn at least. your call is crying for getting punished. that's what he did to you, time to learn why this happens.
