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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-13-2020 , 04:41 PM
I can't believe Trump is a real person, we have to be living in a simulation, this is unreal
03-13-2020 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

I would imagine the current state of the corporate world is people in board meetings scrambling hand over fist to be the first to resign and lawyers and executive officers are interjecting over the speaker phone yelling "Everybody shut up and NOBODY's resigning" in very angry tones.

Things like that might help explain how certain unbelievable and obviously impossible-to-sell decisions might be occurring in large businesses.

I would imagine there are a lot of backs against a lot of walls that we wouldn't necessarily be privy to.
03-13-2020 , 04:53 PM
I'm also happy to learn that by Sunday I might know a date for a date for when a test might be available to me if approved by my doctor and the CDC after I type in symptoms on their website and it tells me I am eligible for a test.

I'm glad that they're able to come up with such a streamlined efficient system.

We should be blowing past S. Korean testing numbers in no time.
03-13-2020 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
I can't believe Trump is a real person, we have to be living in a simulation, this is unreal
He is Our Cartoon President, just like the show.

03-13-2020 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
I'm also happy to learn that by Sunday I might know a date for a date for when a test might be available to me if approved by my doctor and the CDC after I type in symptoms on their website and it tells me I am eligible for a test.

I'm glad that they're able to come up with such a streamlined efficient system.

We should be blowing past S. Korean testing numbers in no time.
An abject failure by the Trump administration every step of the way. Thousands more will needlessly die because of how inept our leadership is. SMH.
03-13-2020 , 05:25 PM
JFC who the f cares about testing. By this point it should be obvious to everyone in the US that you most likely have been, or will be exposed to COVID-19

The test are just for numbers and testing. All of the quarantines, cancellations, etc. are simply an attempt to spread out the impact. If everybody comes in to the hospital this week we're f'd. If every comes into the hospital at some point over the next 6 months we're less f'd, test or no test. Nobody ever was better or worse off vs COVID-19 due to a test or no test. We're only attempting to treat symptoms in really bad cases.

As far as the death rate: Nobody knows. Ohio estimates might be 100k cases. 50 or so reported. Has nobody ever considered sample size? not that we even know what that is.

I was in the "WTF are all these cancellations about" camp, but the real understanding is not that we're going to prevent anything by these drastic measures, but that we can spread out the impact of X number of clinical cases over a few months rather than a few days or weeks.
03-13-2020 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by '-'_@_
JFC who the f cares about testing. By this point it should be obvious to everyone in the US that you most likely have been, or will be exposed to COVID-19

The test are just for numbers and testing. All of the quarantines, cancellations, etc. are simply an attempt to spread out the impact. If everybody comes in to the hospital this week we're f'd. If every comes into the hospital at some point over the next 6 months we're less f'd, test or no test. Nobody ever was better or worse off vs COVID-19 due to a test or no test. We're only attempting to treat symptoms in really bad cases.

As far as the death rate: Nobody knows. Ohio estimates might be 100k cases. 50 or so reported. Has nobody ever considered sample size? not that we even know what that is.

I was in the "WTF are all these cancellations about" camp, but the real understanding is not that we're going to prevent anything by these drastic measures, but that we can spread out the impact of X number of clinical cases over a few months rather than a few days or weeks.
You're right tests are stupid. We should eliminate all testing for everything whether it be cancer, diabetes, HIV, pregnancy because it's just a waste of time and money. Either you got it or ya don't you know. You can't change reality.
03-13-2020 , 05:33 PM
Like all threads eventually, this thread has reached its half life of usefulness.

Someone plz wake me up when WSOP announces something.
03-13-2020 , 05:36 PM
03-13-2020 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
2+2 can't decide that they don't want to allow obvious asses to continue to post their obvious assery? (with the line as to what is too far being drawn at their own discretion)

Of course they can. I'm merely arguing that they shouldn't.

03-13-2020 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
You're right tests are stupid. We should eliminate all testing for everything whether it be cancer, diabetes, HIV, pregnancy because it's just a waste of time and money. Either you got it or ya don't you know. You can't change reality.
Suppose I just got tested, and I'm virus-free. I'm in the clear now and I can do whatever I like, right?

This is nothing like the other test examples you've mentioned because in all of those there is a well known course of action after a positive or negative test. There is next to nothing known about COVID-19 after a positive or negative test.

Honestly, from a forum dedicated to agame based on probabilities and statistics this is an easy question. Of course you don't test sick people, or presumably-exposed people, and base your actions on that. It's the definition of results-orientated. We would choose a random sample to see the rate of infection and the health impact compared to a control group.

But if it makes you feel better, stock up on toilet paper (if you can find it) and get straight to a testing center to see if you're ok
03-13-2020 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by '-'_@_
Suppose I just got tested, and I'm virus-free. I'm in the clear now and I can do whatever I like, right?

This is nothing like the other test examples you've mentioned because in all of those there is a well known course of action after a positive or negative test. There is next to nothing known about COVID-19 after a positive or negative test.

Honestly, from a forum dedicated to agame based on probabilities and statistics this is an easy question. Of course you don't test sick people, or presumably-exposed people, and base your actions on that. It's the definition of results-orientated. We would choose a random sample to see the rate of infection and the health impact compared to a control group.

But if it makes you feel better, stock up on toilet paper (if you can find it) and get straight to a testing center to see if you're ok
huh no everybody should stay home regardless of if they test positive or not, am I missing something?
03-13-2020 , 05:50 PM
Testing helps to determine the number of asymptomatic cases, which is important.

I did not hear anything in that press conference about fast-tracking either treatments or vaccines. I predict that regulatory barriers to both treatment and vaccination will be much much more harmful than the government's idiocy w/r/t testing.

You heard it here first.
03-13-2020 , 05:59 PM
03-13-2020 , 06:20 PM
From pictures I have seen of this place its wall to wall people

03-13-2020 , 06:27 PM
03-13-2020 , 06:34 PM
It's only a smallish live festival (the main event has a buy-in of about 2000 euros) but Unibet is changing their Open event in Tallinn (Estonia) into an entirely online festival.

The WPT is doing something similar (running an online series). Obviously the WSOP is a much bigger "festival", but one would hope they are at least planning to expand the online offerings.
03-13-2020 , 06:41 PM
I would imagine that all the casinos in Vegas will shut down once Sheldon Adelson has got a pledge from Trump that they will receive a govt bail out.
03-13-2020 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
I prefer to have an intelligent discussion in an idiot-free forum as much as possible, but thanks for telling me what I should think.
Not telling you what to think, If you are opposed to free speech that is your prerogative.
03-13-2020 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I would imagine that all the casinos in Vegas will shut down once Sheldon Adelson has got a pledge from Trump that they will receive a govt bail out.
Sounds about right. He did guarantee $1.5T in stimulus so I'm sure they'll be fine. America however... What's another $1.5T of magic monopoly money on the current debt load? Almost nothing. Everything will be fine though. No consequences.

03-13-2020 , 08:00 PM
We did it!

03-13-2020 , 08:02 PM

I don't see the tournament in the NV client yet. Maybe they haven't even added them.
03-13-2020 , 08:17 PM

They said they will be up in the poker client tomorrow with structures!

Last edited by parisron; 03-13-2020 at 08:22 PM.
03-13-2020 , 08:29 PM
Saw on twitter, likely true but unconfirmed, that Mirage poker room will close for 3 weeks starting Monday.
03-13-2020 , 08:30 PM
