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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

04-24-2020 , 03:00 PM
herd immunity would be great if there was evidence that you can become immune to the disease.

or if there were no long term effects due to getting the disease (e.g., ir-repairable damage to the lungs, brain)

if not, then the concept is a bad idea.
04-24-2020 , 03:17 PM
Oh you should be immune to this. What you are not immune to is the next viruses as they always evolve.

You will have damage from all lung or brain diseases but you are able to recover.
04-24-2020 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by DefNotRsigley
herd immunity would be great if there was evidence that you can become immune to the disease.

or if there were no long term effects due to getting the disease (e.g., ir-repairable damage to the lungs, brain)

if not, then the concept is a bad idea.
Having immunity from the disease once you’ve gotten it is the very basis for the antibody studies, as well as the search for a vaccine.

And we seen lots of evidence for immunity:

- We have almost 3 million confirmed cases worldwide, and only anecdotal evidence of recovered patients testing positive, all of which have much easier explanations than independent reinfection.

- Chinese doctors have demonstrated that they are unable to reinfect monkeys once they’ve gotten the virus.

- Plummeting infection numbers in Northern Italy suggest herd immunity at work.

- And the mere fact that we can measure antibodies suggests some immunity.

If people don’t develop some immunity to this after being infected, human civilization is probably basically over regardless of what we do.
04-24-2020 , 03:30 PM
Idaho Casino opening May 1st, COEUR D’ALENE CASINO

Some of the rules,

Efforts include but are not limited to:

Masks will be required for all guests and employees on the property. Customers should be prepared to provide their own mask, as a limited supply will be available to customers.

In addition to routine cleaning, the property has implemented enhanced cleaning procedures including increasing the frequency of disinfecting restrooms to every hour, sanitizing gaming machines multiple times during shifts, as well as sanitizing door handles, doors, courtesy phones, tables, chairs, handrails, and other high touch and high traffic areas multiple times a day.

The property currently has 35 hand-sanitization stations for employee and guest use. There will be two at each entry.

The property will be closed from 3 to 7 a.m. every day for property-wide deep cleaning. This includes the Coeur d’Alene Casino as well the Conoco gas station; gas pumps will remain open 24 hours a day. Gas pumps will be sanitized every hour as well.

Side entrances will be closed in order to control high traffic areas and contact on surfaces. During those times visitors can enter through the Mountain Lodge, Spa Tower, and Main entrances where a gloved staff member will greet them and open doors.

Guests can expect markings on the floors in front of cage cashiers, Coeur Rewards Club, hotel front desks, bingo admissions, kiosks, ATMs, gift shop, and beverage stations, Deli, cigarette machine, Nighthawk bar and Wolf Den indicating six-foot distancing.

Restaurants, Nighthawk lounge, and bingo will now have spaced, limited capacity seating.

Plexiglass shields will be placed in close contact areas including Huckleberry Deli, Cage, Coeur Rewards Club, and front desks.
04-24-2020 , 03:32 PM
Boom there it is!
Akashenk You're alright bro. Just your
Mile long text were a bit over the top.

You keyboard gets broke and my brain on smoke!

Why invest so much energy in politics? When this wasn't even the politics section.

Ps. Nowadays people want to invest as little time as possible with the greatest outcome.
So Twitter has a limit. So are videos failing on YouTube that are over a minute long.

Last edited by washoe; 04-24-2020 at 03:37 PM.
04-24-2020 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
Mayors are elected as LEADERS of Cities. The City of Las Vegas has a unique and extremely problematic set of health/economic problems/circumstances. The Mayor should be LEADING by working with Governor and Casinos to come up with a plan.

Yes she is relevant. Not sure where you live, but yes the story is relevant to many people here in the US.

You have been careful to mask your political bias but it is starting to show through this crack. you really need to let this go, or risk coming fully out of the closet. Contrary to what one person has lead you to believe, the Media is not the enemy here.
To my knowledge the Mayor is not a member of any political party. If those attacking her are not engaging in politics, then I don't see why suggesting those attacks are unwarranted is engaging in politics. And I am not careful to mask anything. I believe in fairness, in how we judge our politicians, the media, and each other.

As for the relevance of the story, clearly that is in the eye of the beholder. But again, one can only talk about it in certain arenas if one believes a certain way.
04-24-2020 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by DefNotRsigley
herd immunity would be great if there was evidence that you can become immune to the disease.

or if there were no long term effects due to getting the disease (e.g., ir-repairable damage to the lungs, brain)

if not, then the concept is a bad idea.
I lean towards this way of thinking. At least I don't think we know enough about COIVD to say that following a heard immunity track is the best way to go. Seems like there are too many unknowns about why it affects some people so strongly and others not at all.
04-24-2020 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Boom there it is!
Akashenk You're alright bro. Just your
Mile long text were a bit over the top.

You keyboard gets broke and my brain on smoke!

Why invest so much energy in politics? When this wasn't even the politics section.

Ps. Nowadays people want to invest as little time as possible with the greatest outcome.
So Twitter has a limit. So are videos failing on YouTube that are over a minute long.
I'm definitely not concise. Sorry.

Anyhow, I'm fine with no politics. I would just like some consistency.
04-24-2020 , 03:48 PM
Gets re-instated and already 3 posts in a row lol
04-24-2020 , 03:51 PM
I thought I was right until I was on the same side as akashenk

I retract my previous statements.
04-24-2020 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Idaho Casino opening May 1st, COEUR D’ALENE CASINO

Some of the rules,

Efforts include but are not limited to:

You picked what may be the only "casino" in the US that has no table games, race book, sports book, or VP.
04-24-2020 , 04:08 PM
It is the 1st casino I have heard about opening that early(May 1st). I have never heard of the casino and know nothing about Idaho except they have Potatoes there.
04-24-2020 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
Poor akashenk, just when he was giving Ron a run for 1st place lol.

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 4,205
User Name Posts
parisron 521
akashenk 262
Bobo Fett 195
washoe 144
Gzesh 121
ArtyMcFly 106
Mr Spyutastic 99
Xenoblade 91
Eponymous 91
Not if you count the WORDS he is not.
I bet you 5 yo 1 that he is no1 in words.

Phd assertions have about 90 pages?
I think akashenk has more than this.
This thread was looking like the autobahn
All grey and sometimes akashenk on the left just like some mile markers. I didn't even know where to start.
04-24-2020 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Not if you count the WORDS he is not.
I bet you 5 yo 1 that he is no1 in words.

Phd assertions have about 90 pages?
I think akashenk has more than this.
This thread was looking like the autobahn
All grey and sometimes akashenk on the left just like some mile markers. I didn't even know where to start.
I am going to have a high volume in short stints. There are times of the day when I am free to read/post. And others I am not. I have a country to run. I can't just sit here monitoring this forum all day long.
04-24-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
You were right. Apparently talking about how this non-story is such a big story is a no-no on this thread. Ok. Fine with me.

It does seem sort of confusing what is and is not tolerated. People call each other nasty names all the time. But I break character and insult somebody one time and I'm warned. And apparently politicians can be brought up and slandered here, and then others pile on. But if you suggest that the level of slander is really unjustified, apparently its too political.

Anyhow, I certainly don't need to discuss anything here regarding politics. I just wish the moderators would be a little more even-handed. Either discussing politicians is fair game or its not.

BTW, a person can actually learn something by reading PhD dissertations. But no one has to, of course.
I have nothing against you man but you need to realize people don't want to read a book in every post of yours. Coming from me I felt like you were hijacking this thread and your posts go on and on and I get a headache trying to read them. Hey once in a while we all have a lot to say but your posts have gotten more and more argumentative and rambling. Slow and steady slow and steady.
04-24-2020 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
I have nothing against you man but you need to realize people don't want to read a book in every post of yours. Coming from me I felt like you were hijacking this thread and your posts go on and on and I get a headache trying to read them. Hey once in a while we all have a lot to say but your posts have gotten more and more argumentative and rambling. Slow and steady slow and steady.

I'll try to be more concise, especially when there is a back and forth on a subject which is well-tread. But I honestly don't get what the problem is. If there's someone who's opinion I don't value at all (very few, of those) I don't read their posts (skip!). Its not hard to do. And if there were someone whom I didn't even want to see their posts (no one like that), I could block them. I would suggest anyone who has such a hard time even seeing my name next to a post do that. I will not take offense.
04-24-2020 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
I am going to have a high volume in short stints. There are times of the day when I am free to read/post. And others I am not. I have a country to run. I can't just sit here monitoring this forum all day long.
No offense taken by you I hope.
I just wanted to help you understand why I
Couldn't read through all of your text. It was just too much I remember. I imagined someone just furiously pounding his keyboard. Lol and not stopping. Do you know how many words you typed? It was after that I learned that you actually were talking about Las Vegas
Politicians because they are the ones responsible for the reopening of poker tables. I didnt understand what's with all the politics and honestly felt a bit shenked.
Now it makes more sense but probably as one said still was too much text (PhD assertion) this is news and gossip, people want light bites I think.

If I had to skip I would have to change pages. Bc you were 90% dominant on some pages, often it seemed 3 pages in are
Row. Hard to escape really.

As I understood this is not illegal maybe annoying,
Morso insults as a result of misunderstanding.

What country are you running or in what way?

Last edited by washoe; 04-24-2020 at 04:41 PM.
04-24-2020 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
No offense taken by you I hope.
I just wanted to help you understand why I
Couldn't read through all of your text. It was just too much I remember. I imagined someone just furiously pounding his keyboard. Lol and not stopping. Do you know how many words you typed? It was after that I learned that you actually were talking about Las Vegas
Politicians because they are the ones responsible for the reopening of poker tables. I didnt understand what's with all the politics and honestly felt a bit shenked.
Now it makes more sense but probably as one said still was too much text (PhD assertion) this is news and gossip, people want light bites I think.

If I had to skip I would have to change pages. Bc you were 90% dominant on some pages, often it seemed 3 pages in are
Row. Hard to escape really.

As I understood this is not illegal maybe annoying,
Morso insults as a result of misunderstanding.
I don't take great offense to much. No worries.

BTW, you just used a lot of words to tell me you didn't understand what I was writing because I was being too verbose. Just sayin'.

Anyhow, I gotta run. I'm sure I'll have more to say in response this weekend.
04-24-2020 , 04:48 PM
Also people pointed me to here if I wanna knock myself out with politics. There are the more political people I think. Not as responsive but politics.
04-24-2020 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Idaho Casino opening May 1st, COEUR D’ALENE CASINO

Some of the rules,

Efforts include but are not limited to

Guests can expect markings on the floors in front of cage cashiers, Coeur Rewards Club, hotel front desks, bingo admissions, kiosks, ATMs, gift shop, and beverage stations, Deli, cigarette machine, Nighthawk bar and Wolf Den indicating six-foot distancing.

It occurs to me that keeping safe distance at cigarette machines is Just about the supreme irony.
04-24-2020 , 05:19 PM
acka is backa !!!!

Originally Posted by akashenk
I have a country to run.
go on...
04-24-2020 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by rbmadd
It occurs to me that keeping safe distance at cigarette machines is Just about the supreme irony.
What, you think smokers might as well not worry about getting covid bc they already smoke?

Like, is it ironic to see a guy wearing a seatbelt while smoking in a car? Hes already smoking so might as well die in a crash right?
04-24-2020 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by kerr
lol @ following Sweden's approach of doing nothing, their numbers make the US look good.
To be clear, I wasn't advocating for that - and it's too late now anyway. Also, they didn't do nothing - I know that's the way it's been portrayed in a lot of media, because Sweden is an outlier with their approach. Older grades are not in school. Nursing/care homes closed to visitors. Social distancing measures in place. BUT restaurants and most stores open (with distancing rules), lots of people out in public, so it's definitely a LOT less strict than most countries.

As for their numbers making the US look good, they have substantially less cases per capita, and more fatalities, but I believe they're further along than the US, and fatalities are a trailing indicator. Of course, as you've also since acknowledged, probably not a great comparison country anyway.

Originally Posted by PTLou
are all 34 minutes and 53 seconds thought provoking or are there one or two you might want highlight ?
My biggest takeaway is that he feels that when this is all over, you'll be able to look at countries that took a wide variety of measures, and the results won't vary that much. He's suggesting that the heavier lockdown measures don't make a lot of difference. But he also isn't advocating for anyone to change what they're doing now - it's far too late for that.

I think to summarize anything can do the video a disservice, as it's easy to oversimplify things out of context.

I'm not convinced he's right about everything, and certainly a Scandinavian country comparison doesn't look good for them at the moment. One reason for that might be one he suggested - he admitted that they were slow to close down their care/nursing homes. A number of outbreaks in homes like that will mean a lot more fatalities. I mostly just appreciated getting a better understanding of how it's working in Sweden, and what their thinking was behind their approach, given how they've taken a noticeably different one.

Originally Posted by washoe
You can't really compare NZ or Australia to the US as it has way less density in population. (Space between people living grounds)
As has been alluded to by others, it's a lot more complicated than that. US is actually in the bottom 1/4 of population density by country, but of course has population very concentrated in urban centres. But that's even more so in Australia, one of the least densely populated countries in the world. Every country's different, and we have to keep that in mind when we directly compare numbers.

Originally Posted by washoe
I just used wordometer an filtered by total cases.
If you have worldometer in front of you, you can sort by cases per capita rather than doing so by total cases and then throwing in your own estimations of population.

Originally Posted by washoe
I think you mean that the coming fall might be a challenge for Australians.
I wouldn't expect that's what he means, considering it's fall in Australia right now.
04-24-2020 , 06:18 PM
If casinos can open while requiring guests to wear masks at all times, does that mean that smoking would be prohibited? Because it seems like smoking with a mask on would be difficult, and taking off the mask to smoke would violate the mask wearing requirement. If you could take off the mask to smoke, could you take off the mask for other reasons? What about drinking and eating? If you order a drink while playing slots, can you take off your mask to drink? Same with eating. How does a person eat, drink and smoke with a mask on? All this seems silly. If conditions require that people wear masks in the casino, then it is not really safe enough to open, unless nobody eats, drinks or smokes.
04-24-2020 , 06:20 PM
an unrelated aside: How would hearing impaired people who rely on lip reading skills be able to function in environments where masks are required? just wondering...
