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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-13-2020 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by BackingDonk
Not a "boomer" but there is no room for bigoted or racist comments. Fortuantely calling someone a moron is neither and in this case merely factual.

Ok boomer, remember to stay indoors.
03-13-2020 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
And those are conservative estimates assuming the CFR is well below 1% and we don't go over 50% infected which is optimistic imo.

The vastly differing outcomes and incubation periods are what I think make this virus problematic.

Also people just looking at cfr are not focusing on the reason why so many are concerned. There are a spectrum of outcomes that aren't great even if you don't die. And in the likely event where you are in an area where there is a chance you can't get care if you need it. Sounds like a nightmare to me. And that's not just for 70+ yr olds to worry about.
given how countries are completely shutting down lately this figure seems much less likely
03-13-2020 , 11:42 AM
03-13-2020 , 11:47 AM



Last edited by dhubermex; 03-13-2020 at 11:59 AM.
03-13-2020 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu

For a comparable pandemic disease, check out the Spanish Flu, which killed an estimated 17M to 50M people worldwide:

Governments are trying to prevent a repeat of history. And actually, this one could be worse by a factor of 10 due to the much larger world population (about 4x) and the potential wider spread due to modern methods and patterns of travel.
Modern medicine for treating flu-like symptoms is also much better today than it was in 1918. And there was also a world war going on which is going to play a role in both movement of people and governments' ability to handle health crises.

Needless to say, people can throw out all the scary statistics they want. It will be very interesting to see how COVID-19 stacks up against the several other pandemics which have occurred in recent history and also compared to the public and private reactions to them.

BTW, if you would like to quote me and reply to anything I say, be my guest. But do not alter my comments within a quote and interject your own viewpoint by putting words in my mouth. That is quite lame.
03-13-2020 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
I agree with Eponymous that 2+2 and mods need to look to ban and shutdown accounts like this (I know other forums I use have implemented these guidelines after giving the community due notice).

In the midst of a pandemic, it is downright dangerous and unethical for a forum to allow this.
Agreed. Three long-time 2+2 posters have now been banned due to their posts in this thread. Whether that reflects bad modding in the past or good modding in the present is difficult to judge.

03-13-2020 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Agreed. Three long-time 2+2 posters have now been banned due to their posts in this thread. Whether that reflects bad modding in the past or good modding in the present is difficult to judge.

I'm going to vote for the latter. Well done.

03-13-2020 , 11:53 AM
People in that Sam's club stabbing twitter thread asking questions about why people are buying water when they have functional taps at home is the stuff investigative journalism was made of.

It couldn't be because large swaths of populations everywhere feel like they're being drugged by their water supply, could it? Nevermind, this is the age of "investigative journalism is conspiracy theory" so I'll probably be banned by a MOD for spreading dangerous disinformation.

I boil and Brita my water every single day and still feel like I'm waking up with a psychotropic hangover every morning, FWIW.
03-13-2020 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
Experts estimate 250,000 - 500,000 U.S. deaths in the next year to 18 months.
Please point to your references. The word "experts" doesn't mean anything.
03-13-2020 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
So, why has Caesars NOT YET acknowledged and announced what everyone with an unbiased view seems to know, that the WSOP live events will be postponed indefinitely or cancelled?
I've been thinking about this as well.

CZR execs really dont care about WSOP. its a rounding error on their annual financials.

They are probably thinking more about what impact a WSOP cancel would have on their casino business, than any impact it would have on WSOP , WSOP attendees etc etc

If you were one of their reg casino patrons, and you heard that they cancelled WSOP because of corona , you would be even more worried about visiting the casino.

With their foot traffic I am sure taking huge hit across all properties right now I am sure they dont want to take any action they dont have to or feel morally obligated to take that will further reduce foot traffic.

and yeah... hasnt this pandemic thrown a wrench in CZR being acquired by Eldorado? Lot of debt in that deal. Corporate credit market is a mess right now. Even worse for impacted industries like travel /entertainment. That's the biggest issue on minds of CZR execs.

TLDR. WSOP managers cant do anything public right now without approval from CZR Execs. WSOP is last thing on the minds right now of CZR execs. They are in a world of hurt on multiple fronts.

Originally Posted by whosnext
Whether that reflects bad modding in the past or good modding in the present is difficult to judge.

could it be both?

Originally Posted by VforVendetata
People in that Sam's club stabbing twitter thread asking questions about why people are buying water when they have functional taps at home is the stuff investigative journalism was made of.
Totally agree. When the Great Toilet Paper scare started in Australia and people started hording , reporter went to store and asked several of them why they were hoarding toilet paper. not one could give a coherent answer

Last edited by PTLou; 03-13-2020 at 12:15 PM.
03-13-2020 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
Shut down free speech, do it. I'm sorry, are those 4.2M lives each year not worth saving? Why aren't we pulling all the stops to transition to green energy like right now?
I'm sure you know free speech isn't limitless. If you want the pertinent SCOTUS case, send me a DM and I'll send you the relevant link.
03-13-2020 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
Some first hand current evidence of how the virus / fear of the virus is affecting people's booking and attending of events decisions and behaviour.

I run an events company in London, England. Some of my events are indoors, some are outdoors, but all involve ~90% of people having to use public transport to get to them.

New bookings for all events are suddenly down by ~80%.

So far ~25% of people who have already booked have contacted us to cancel, and this figure is likely to rise.

People cancelling have mentioned general anxiousness about being in crowds or mixing with other people, but a lot of people cancelling have said that one or more people in their group that has booked has either got a pre existing medical condition, or is perfectly healthy but over the age of 65.

I've also had many people cancelling who are young (under 35 years old) couples saying they are not concerned for themselves
How long do you think your events business would last if under normal circumstances you had a 1/500 chance of death per person per event?

Alton Towers has about 2 million visitors per year and a single accident which badly injured 5 people nearly bankrupted them...

03-13-2020 , 12:06 PM
The WSOP doesn't start until the end of May. Even tho I think it will be cancelled I don't think there is any reason not to wait a couple of more weeks and see where the land lies.

I highly doubt many people are out there making their WSOP reservations right now, and even in the unlikely event that it does go ahead, the numbers are clearly gonna be way down this year for a variety of reasons so not like people have to worry about hotel room capacity.

One other reason why they might be staying silent is that they have event insurance that only pays out once certain action is taken by the state/national government.
03-13-2020 , 12:09 PM
Well i've had quite a bad cough and been sneezing a lot the past couple of days - just going to use my common sense and stay home for 7 days and if it doesn't get better i'll call NHS 111 as the advice says to do, hopefully it's just a common cold though.

Although if symptoms don't appear after 5 or so days then if I do have coronavirus then would I have had it 3 days ago when I was out at the supermarket doing the weekly shop etc, touching loads of stuff and possibly spreading it?

I'm sure i'm fine and if I do have coronavirus I will be fine, i'm a healthy (ish) 26 year old but worried about possibly spreading it.

Just using my common sense, no point taking any risks i'll stay home and see what happens
03-13-2020 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by AKyouwin
The WSOP doesn't start until the end of May. Even tho I think it will be cancelled I don't think there is any reason not to wait a couple of more weeks and see where the land lies.

I highly doubt many people are out there making their WSOP reservations right now, and even in the unlikely event that it does go ahead, the numbers are clearly gonna be way down this year for a variety of reasons so not like people have to worry about hotel room capacity.

One other reason why they might be staying silent is that they have event insurance that only pays out once certain action is taken by the state/national government.
agreed. there is absolutely not reason to cancel something that doesn't start for almost 11 weeks.
03-13-2020 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
Please point to your references. The word "experts" doesn't mean anything.
I'm going to reply to you the same way my sister replies to my 7-year-old niece. No. You do the work. You'll be a better person for it.

Last edited by ligastar; 03-13-2020 at 12:22 PM. Reason: why to way
03-13-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Agreed. Three long-time 2+2 posters have now been banned due to their posts in this thread. Whether that reflects bad modding in the past or good modding in the present is difficult to judge.

Kudos. It's the right decision.

Many forums are taking this step. Right now communities (both online and in the "real world") need reliable, actionable information and the strength to unite and support each other; not trolls, disinformation, and distractions from the heavy task ahead of us.
03-13-2020 , 12:17 PM
Anyone still blaming the media and not the administrations initial fumble and continued fumbling of this problem needs to do some serious soul searching. It will only get worse as Trump lies about everything (see 0 cases. Everyone can get a test. We have it under total control. Closed Mexican borders are helping us). The market isn’t crashing because of liquidity issues. Pumping money into it won’t help. It’s crashing because of the total obfuscation and uncertainty coming out of the White House. Not only that but our deficit, thanks to this administration, is over 1 trillion per year, without taking into account the cost of this disaster.
03-13-2020 , 12:19 PM
I have seen that in some countries the internet is crawling because so many staying home and kids home from school playing online video games. I am seeing it today, my TV's keep freezing up.
03-13-2020 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
How long do you think your events business would last if under normal circumstances you had a 1/500 chance of death per person per event?

Alton Towers has about 2 million visitors per year and a single accident which badly injured 5 people nearly bankrupted them...

I can't really compare my events with Alton Towers because mine all are based on walking at ground level and don't involve theme rides. In the area of events that I am in I have never heard of a death on one of them, which includes my events and competitors who run similar events.

Incidentally, theme parks may still do quite well in the current situation because they are open air activities that can be travelled to and from by car.

Similarly I think we'll see activities like playing games in the local park, cycling, rowing, sailing, racket sports, and rambling and hiking increase in popularity during this period.

People are definitely more concerned about enclosed, shared spaces such as planes, trains, cinemas and restaurants...… and brick and mortar poker rooms!
03-13-2020 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by PokerCrazy94
Well i've had quite a bad cough and been sneezing a lot the past couple of days - just going to use my common sense and stay home for 7 days and if it doesn't get better i'll call NHS 111 as the advice says to do, hopefully it's just a common cold though.

Although if symptoms don't appear after 5 or so days then if I do have coronavirus then would I have had it 3 days ago when I was out at the supermarket doing the weekly shop etc, touching loads of stuff and possibly spreading it?

I'm sure i'm fine and if I do have coronavirus I will be fine, i'm a healthy (ish) 26 year old but worried about possibly spreading it.

Just using my common sense, no point taking any risks i'll stay home and see what happens
apprently sneezing not part of the symptoms of covid-19, still better stay home
03-13-2020 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
I can't really compare my events with Alton Towers because mine all are based on walking at ground level and don't involve theme rides. In the area of events that I am in I have never heard of a death on one of them, which includes my events and competitors who run similar events.

Incidentally, theme parks may still do quite well in the current situation because they are open air activities that can be travelled to and from by car.

Similarly I think we'll see activities like playing games in the local park, cycling, rowing, sailing, racket sports, and rambling and hiking increase in popularity during this period.

People are definitely more concerned about enclosed, shared spaces such as planes, trains, cinemas and restaurants...… and brick and mortar poker rooms!
everything Disney has been shutdown though
03-13-2020 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
I'm going to reply to you the same way my sister replies to my 7-year-old niece. No. You do the work. You'll be a better person for it.
Maybe your 7-year-old niece should be skeptical of the things your sister says.
03-13-2020 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
Maybe your 7-year-old niece should be skeptical of the things your sister says.
Teach a man to fish feed him for a day. Feed a man to a fish. Wait... how does it go again?
03-13-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
everything Disney has been shutdown though
I guess that is to do with the hotels element of Disney, but really theme parks and funfairs are among the safer activities being mostly out in the open air.

Alton Towers does have a hotel but I think most people just visit it on a day trip.
