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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-12-2020 , 01:31 PM

03-12-2020 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by DBurg
Close down big/medium sized events/gatherings. Smooths out the curve in regards to number of people needing hospital care in 'x' time span to 'y' time span. This is good thing; because, virus-overwhelmed hospitals cannot perform usual care (heart attacks, strokes, car accidents, cancer, etc.) at anything resembling normalcy (given 'x' time span), thus adding to the overall mortality rate.

Yet, when restrictions are lifted, won't that simply allow the virus to take off again, as significant portion of population will not have gotten the virus (due to initial measures taken)?

So, all the math whizzes out there (hopefully with some measure of medical knowledge), what's the length of the initial shutdown? Will there be more than one? And why are people who have built up antibodies to the virus and fought it off, getting it again only weeks later?
the idea is that this restriction should stay in place until a vaccine is available I assume?
03-12-2020 , 01:35 PM
Cruise ships are nothing but floating Petri dishes.
You’d need body bags as well as chip bags.
03-12-2020 , 01:37 PM
03-12-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by NoSoup4U
No one really knows how much immunity you will get after catching it. Some coronavirus infections can be caught over and over and you get no long-lasting immunity. There is at least one documented case of reinfection in Japan already.
or so I've heard but it seems to be a few exceptional cases, otherwise if nobody can develop immunity they're just going to be sick over and over and over again until it reaches the lungs and they get pneumonia and either recover or die, rince and repeat, that seems like an unlikely doomsday
03-12-2020 , 01:53 PM
Sporting events and Football leagues getting postponed in every country across Europe. Meanwhile, in the UK

03-12-2020 , 01:58 PM
03-12-2020 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
or so I've heard but it seems to be a few exceptional cases, otherwise if nobody can develop immunity they're just going to be sick over and over and over again until it reaches the lungs and they get pneumonia and either recover or die, rince and repeat, that seems like an unlikely doomsday
Yeah, that's not the take-away. There is some kind of limited immunity in the short-term at a minimum. But there are a number of viral infections for which one does not maintain life-long immunity. For instance, you can get the common cold (often from a coronavirus) over and over and over in your lifetime. COVID-19 may be one of those or it may not. No one knows yet.
03-12-2020 , 01:59 PM
So what do people think/believe about the articles that PX posted about the virus remaining in the air for up to 3 hours. So just by walking into a room an hour after someone positive coughed you could catch it.
03-12-2020 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
“You can’t have these players — even if there’s no fans in the stadium — you can’t have these players breathing on each other for two weeks. Even if they’re at a hotel, they’re going to be at different cities around the country. I hate to say it — I probably shouldn’t say it because I work for CBS — I think we’re going to shut down March Madness until we know more.”
I think a lot of players will drop out. Not many of them have much at stake if they've been there before.
03-12-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by NoSoup4U
Yeah, that's not the take-away. There is some kind of limited immunity in the short-term at a minimum. But there are a number of viral infections for which one does not maintain life-long immunity. For instance, you can get the common cold (often from a coronavirus) over and over and over in your lifetime. COVID-19 may be one of those or it may not. No one knows yet.
I read that it doesn't mutate as quickly, isn't this why we get the cold over and over again? cuz it keeps mutating
03-12-2020 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Yeah, mine just announced similar in the last hour or so. Not that I'm down there, but my co-workers are/were.
03-12-2020 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
the idea is that this restriction should stay in place until a vaccine is available I assume?
The idea is to keep the infection rate/time low. The idea is not necessarily to reduce the total number of infected people. The goal is a higher survival rate as a result of the greater availability of resources at any given time.

tl/dr: sick people can't help other sick people.
03-12-2020 , 02:16 PM
US President met with a Brazilian press secretary who tested positive a few days later. Hope he enjoyed that shot with his hat and the press secretary was not the one that handed it to him.
03-12-2020 , 02:36 PM
I just noticed that Poker Atlas on twitter has stopped blasting out the tournament schedules for the small donkaments around town every few hours like they used to.
03-12-2020 , 02:37 PM
Relax everyone, Pelosi is making sure we get free tests. Glad that's over.
03-12-2020 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by '-'_@_
Relax everyone, Pelosi is making sure we get free tests. Glad that's over.
This would seem to me to be the only real way to tackle this at this point.
Korea has done much more widespread testing than the US, and the results seem almost miraculous. Though their initial outbreak was orders of magnitude worse than ours, they are now seeing far fewer new cases than the US.
03-12-2020 , 02:48 PM
03-12-2020 , 03:10 PM
People often forget how much it fkn sucks being sick, yet alone really sick.
03-12-2020 , 03:33 PM
Casino stocks getting absolutely slaughtered. El Dorado down 38% at the time I'm posting this. This virus is going to crush a lot of places.
03-12-2020 , 03:34 PM
I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime. Every sporting event cancelled and all foreign flights stopped? Entire countries shut down? It's like straight out of a movie. I'm highly concerned.

Originally Posted by DBurg
Yet, when restrictions are lifted, won't that simply allow the virus to take off again, as significant portion of population will not have gotten the virus (due to initial measures taken)?

So, all the math whizzes out there (hopefully with some measure of medical knowledge), what's the length of the initial shutdown? Will there be more than one? And why are people who have built up antibodies to the virus and fought it off, getting it again only weeks later?
Yes, if restrictions are lifted, we could see another wave of infections. No one really knows what the outcome of this virus will be. Even the most highly educated infectious disease specialists say there are many potential outcomes. As a result, no one can truly approximate what the longevity of the shutdowns are.

For people who've been cleared to return home and have gotten sick again, it's reported from many sources that the virus seems to progress in stages. People who have gotten very ill and have made a full recovery have said that it starts off as a cold and you'll get better. Then a few days later it'll feel like the flu and that will eventually go away. Then it can progress into a full blown pneumonia days later. So it's very likely that the people who are relapsing are getting the virus in progressive stages. It can take 3-6 weeks for the virus to go from its first symptoms to critical.

It's also possible that the virus can cause reinfection which is one of the worst case scenarios. A lot of disease specialists believe that once you cure the virus you will be immune. Other disease specialists say reinfection might be possible. If it ends up being the worst case, yet unlikely scenario, that there's no immunity and that continual reinfection upon exposure occurs, then we need full quarantine and isolation even more than before.
03-12-2020 , 03:41 PM
Bay 101's main event started yesterday and organizers went ahead and ran it despite there being 45 cases of Corona in the county, along with health officials and local government ordering cancellation of mass gathering of people. The cancellations specified no groups of over 1000 which technically the tournament was under. Either way very irresponsible of them to go ahead and run the tournament.

WPT as of now is still planning on running their tournament at the Venetian starting tomorrow. This would be a very irresponsible move by WPT and the Venetian if they continue with this. Wynn too is running some events and have not made any indication they are going to alter. The situation is bad enough and at this point there is enough info out there that tournament organizers should be cancelling/ postponing their series.
03-12-2020 , 03:52 PM
03-12-2020 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
This would seem to me to be the only real way to tackle this at this point.
Korea has done much more widespread testing than the US, and the results seem almost miraculous. Though their initial outbreak was orders of magnitude worse than ours, they are now seeing far fewer new cases than the US.
well the results are miraculous bc infected South Koreans were showing near 100% self quarantine compliance

widespread testing won't help much if instead of staying home infected people are still going about their lives
03-12-2020 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Korona Killer
Change of subject: With all of those cruise ships getting tied to the shore, why not hold the WSOP in one of them? Participants to sign an agreement to be locked down in a cruise ship in international waters for 2 months.
Remember when Jamie Gold promoted poker cruises off the coast of Florida?
I'm sure he'd jump at the chance of helping to promote a 60-day stay in a floating jail. Live poker and the cruise ship industry can both be saved! (With just a few casualties).
(Carnival cruises are ceasing operations for two months).
