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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-12-2020 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
so that people can get refunds for their bookings?
What bookings are refundable now but not on May 1?
03-12-2020 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
You are dreaming bro. There will be no wsop this year, no shortened schedule, nadda. Caesars should do the right thing and cancel it already.
Let's wait and see...for two months.
03-12-2020 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
You are dreaming bro. There will be no wsop this year, no shortened schedule, nadda. Caesars should do the right thing and cancel it already.
Caesars could well be busto by May
03-12-2020 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Great, now they just said MLB will be suspending all operations by end of day.

That is it NO SPORTS left!
Golf and Nascar with no live fans continues as of now.
03-12-2020 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
Golf and Nascar with no live fans continues as of now.
How much money gets bet on NASCAR compared to the NBA? 4 games worth? 5 games worth?
03-12-2020 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
Golf and Nascar with no live fans continues as of now.

Shutting down sports with no shutdown on stuff like subways, movies, and casinos seems senseless.

I can understand no fans at games, but shutting it all down reeks of overreaction. The one exception is NBA pause as some players are affected, so quarantine and test and resume imo.
03-12-2020 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Shutting down sports with no shutdown on stuff like subways, movies, and casinos seems senseless.

I can understand no fans at games, but shutting it all down reeks of overreaction. The one exception is NBA pause as some players are affected, so quarantine and test and resume imo.
It's all about slowing the bell curve for smoother peak. If they do nothing then it will shoot up like a rocket.
03-12-2020 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
You know how Italy put 10 towns into lockdown two weeks ago, with 50,000 people effectively cut off from the rest of the world? Those towns have had no new cases in the last couple of days. None. Zero. [BBC source]
Quarantines work. Two weeks of lockdown/social distancing will potentially save thousands of lives.
This is an extremely hopeful outlook on what quarantining might be able to accomplish!

Originally Posted by akashenk
But the global reaction to COVID-19 is many orders of magnitude different that the last pandemic. What has changed in 10 years?
I think they realize that a lot more people could really die if they don't quarantine and respond quickly, and that quarantining is working in other countries. If they're telling the truth, and I think they are, they're worried that tens of millions of people around the world could die. And it seems that they're actually following the lead of China, South Korea and Italy and limiting social exposure early. The health professionals are essentially saying that this is the worst pandemic since the 1957 H2N2, and could possibly be almost as bad as the spanish flu from 1918. And it seems that the authorities are actually listening.

Originally Posted by Korona Killer
1. Is it possible for the coronavirus to cause influenza? If so, then we are really really ****ed.
In a real way, sort of yes. It seems that the coronavirus is infecting the respiratory tract and lungs in such a way that the body is unable to fight off incoming bacteria that it can normally handle. People end up catching pneumonia. And so it seems that people aren't actually dying from coronavirus but probably from the pneumonia itself which the coronavirus is causing. If a person were exposed to flu while suffering from coronavirus, it's much more likely that the flu would kill them. The coronavirus won't actually cause the flu, but if you're exposed to it then it is likely to be much, much worse.
03-12-2020 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
It's all about slowing the bell curve for smoother peak. If they do nothing then it will shoot up like a rocket.
I know the reason but a crowded subway that runs endlessly during the day will shoot up the bell curve 100000X more than 40 healthy hockey players in quasi hazmat suits playing in an empty arena

It’s an overreaction in sports considering other things that are running
03-12-2020 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by IMDABES
Whatever the name of the last guy on Sam Harris’s pod said that viruses hanging in the air for extended periods isn’t really possible m, because gravity. He said 6 seconds.
Depends on the micrometer measurements of the droplet sizes. Some droplets from sneezes and coughs are small enough to remain airborne; others fall to the ground. The study apparently found that the SARS-CoV-2 virus hangs out in both.

Originally Posted by Korona Killer
Two questions to those who know:

1. Is it possible for the coronavirus to cause influenza? If so, then we are really really ****ed.

2. What has caused more states to not be able to join Nevada, New Jersey, and Delaware under the umbrella? If even just California could be legally included, an online wsop 2020 would really be viable in terms of very high participation.

Simple answers requested.
1. Influenza is caused by the influenza virus. CoVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), one of the eight known coronviruses that can infect humans.

2. Mostly, follow the money. Land-based casinos have been afraid of the effect on their foot traffic, especially Indian casinos that monopolize many markets. Also, there is big money opposition on moral grounds (anti-gambling) by conservative right and by Sheldon Adelson.

Originally Posted by akashenk
I continue to be baffled by what's going on with this outbreak with regards to how it’s being viewed by much of the public and by governments. I am fine with a cautious approach and there is somewhat of an "unknown" (or at least lesser-known) factor with COVID-19 that certainly leads to apprehension and even greater emphasis on caution...blah, blah, blah, blah...
For a comparable pandemic disease, check out the Spanish Flu, which killed an estimated 17M to 50M people worldwide:

Governments are trying to prevent a repeat of history. And actually, this one could be worse by a factor of 10 due to the much larger world population (about 4x) and the potential wider spread due to modern methods and patterns of travel.
03-12-2020 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Halo_P1
Im a med student from Ireland, I had my finals pushed forward from the end of the semester to literally yesterday but still had to go and examine the patients inside the hospitals. Word on the street is that there is at least 5x the actual number of known positive cases than what is being reported in the media.

Ya boi woke up with a dry cough this morning. Rip me. Got swabbed and cant leave my room. Two people in my class had positive tests. Feels like Ive leprosy or something.

Was supposed to head to Vegas for three months from May to the end of the WSOP and I dont think Ill be even allowed come in now. This is sucks.
Good luck mate.
03-12-2020 , 09:58 PM
03-12-2020 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by ProRailbird
How much money gets bet on NASCAR compared to the NBA? 4 games worth? 5 games worth?
No clue. I wasn't talking about money. I just mentioned the two sports that are still happening. Maybe you answered your own question.
03-12-2020 , 10:18 PM
I would say today has been a fairly bad day overall
03-12-2020 , 10:22 PM
lol our premier is in isolation now. Good thing trump didn't get it despite handgrabbing everyone he sees of any importance. Smart man.
03-12-2020 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
so that people can get refunds for their bookings?
They give no shits about that and who can cancel now but not on May 1st?
03-12-2020 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
Golf and Nascar with no live fans continues as of now.
Golf is done now, they cancelled the Players championship as of now mid tournament.
UFC still on this weekend but I'm not holding my breath.
03-12-2020 , 10:31 PM
At least they look to be doing ok so far.

03-12-2020 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
At least they look to be doing ok so far.

Unfortunately, Tom Hanks is a super nice and social guy who according to Entertainment Tonight, which I am currently watching, shook hands and did selfies with hundreds of locals down under.

I wish them luck and I'm happy they're fine.
03-12-2020 , 10:48 PM
What I’m hearing (from one of the ICU docs I’m pally with), is that the reason it’s killing people isnt so much the pneumonia. It’s that it’s causing a linear atelectasis that seems independent of oedema caused by inflammation, which is pretty abnormal for treating someone with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. He was also saying that the L strain seems to have an affinity for the ACE-2 receptor in your lungs. Cardiovascularly, this is actually a major player in controlling your blood pressure and it’s an enzyme targeted by a lot of first line blood pressure medications and it seems to be causing it’s own unique cardiomyopathy on top of that. He showed me some of the worst CTs they had in the ICU at the moment and some of them are pretty nasty. So if you have a comorbid cardioresp issue prior to this, I really would close down the hatches as the severe end of this disease spectrum is pretty bad even though most people will hardly feel a thing. If you don’t care about avoiding the casino for your own health do it for grandma.

Last edited by Halo_P1; 03-12-2020 at 10:56 PM.
03-12-2020 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Halo_P1
What I’m hearing (from one of the ICU docs I’m pally with), is that the reason it’s killing people isnt so much the pneumonia. It’s that it’s causing a linear atelectasis that seems independent of oedema caused by inflammation, which is pretty abnormal for treating someone with Acute Respiratory Distress. He was also saying that the L strain seems to have an affinity for the ACE-2 receptor in your lungs. Cardiovascularly, this is actually a major player in controlling your blood pressure and it’s an enzyme targeted by a lot of first line blood pressure medications and it seems to be causing it’s own unique cardiomyopathy on top of that. He showed me some of the worst CTs they had in the ICU at the moment and some of them are pretty nasty. So if you have a comorbidity cardioresp issue prior to this, I really would close down the hatches as the severe end of this disease spectrum is pretty bad even though most people will hardly feel a thing. If you don’t care about avoiding the casino for your own health do it for grandma.
Plain english please.
03-12-2020 , 10:53 PM
If your old and have breathing problems then your ****ed.
03-12-2020 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Korona Killer
Plain english please.
Infection= bad lung + heart. Isn’t killing people like normal pneumonia.
03-12-2020 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Halo_P1
What I’m hearing (from one of the ICU docs I’m pally with), is that the reason it’s killing people isnt so much the pneumonia. It’s that it’s causing a linear atelectasis that seems independent of oedema caused by inflammation, which is pretty abnormal for treating someone with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. He was also saying that the L strain seems to have an affinity for the ACE-2 receptor in your lungs. Cardiovascularly, this is actually a major player in controlling your blood pressure and it’s an enzyme targeted by a lot of first line blood pressure medications and it seems to be causing it’s own unique cardiomyopathy on top of that. He showed me some of the worst CTs they had in the ICU at the moment and some of them are pretty nasty. So if you have a comorbid cardioresp issue prior to this, I really would close down the hatches as the severe end of this disease spectrum is pretty bad even though most people will hardly feel a thing. If you don’t care about avoiding the casino for your own health do it for grandma.
Dr. Peter Attia did a series of Q&A vids last night (all worth watching) and addressed the mechanism some more in the second half of the first Q&A vid here...

03-12-2020 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Halo_P1
Infection= bad lung + heart. Isn’t killing people like normal pneumonia.
Too plain and overly simplistic. Can you amp up on the technical and the complexity please. But only by a little. Not as complex and technical as the first time. Thanks.
