Originally Posted by MCAChiTown
Here's an idea for you to while you wait to hear back from the network...Go live stream and record yourself playing multiple, consecutive 20+ hour sessions on another network on Twitch, or another streaming site, for a week. It might help people here get behind your cause a little more.
So far, there is no real feedback from the network. All I know at the moment is that the reasons for my freezing according to the security service were, they are even afraid to say what exactly. Your idea is bad, because you don't take into account that I was ready to record my game on video after the first freeze for entering a quick captcha - I was told that this is not necessary. Playing in this mode brings losses - I showed my results, but if I am unfrozen - I will definitely write down how I win a weekly promotion for combinations and play several sessions for 20 hours, although at the moment I think there are absolutely no real charges from the network to me and I am just a formal victim
I also think people who are not on my side, after all that I wrote - these are people because of whom the network allows itself to create lawlessness
In this regard, a good example is that DivineofGlory, was going to leave the site because they increased the number of tables? although this person actually froze me and I lost $ 3,750, the network went to crime to satisfy such a public. My goal is to constantly support this topic and let everyone know about my story, if a person thinks a little - he will understand who is right and will know that in this network, such cynical and monstrous things are possible and you will not have any tools to prove your case
Briefly: I was frozen on January 15 for the first time for 15 hours (for quickly entering captcha lol) and unfrozen on a phone call, told that the video should not be recorded !. Paid money after this story (I was afraid to keep a lot) on January 23, blocked again, at the end of the action, the dates coincide with the activity on the forum. This can't be happening if the security service was working properly, but it didn't have any complaints about me before. I was removed from the leaderboard a day later, although the investigation was allegedly conducted until January 31. I was given access to sports and all the money - which in case of fraud is complete nonsense. On February 1, I was unblocked and notified by mail about this, after I raised the question of where my prizes were-I realized that the hype was not profitable and it was easier to freeze them permanently for fictitious reasons. Even on these public most superficial things-everything should be clear