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Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010

03-17-2010 , 07:04 PM
I really don't understand the majority of the posters in this thread. You seem to bring up points which are either irrelevant or just make you look stupid. You are asking for evidence when there is really no evidence to prove whether OP is controlling both accounts. The only thing would be FTP getting in contact with both parties and asking them questions about the limits they play and some thoughts on the games. Although I don't know OP I don't see why he would go to so much effort to try and prove otherwise. If he really was controlling both accounts then he wouldn't have posted this thread and gone to so much effort just to bring more attention to himself.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by tcs
I really don't understand the majority of the posters in this thread. You seem to bring up points which are either irrelevant or just make you look stupid. You are asking for evidence when there is really no evidence to prove whether OP is controlling both accounts. The only thing would be FTP getting in contact with both parties and asking them questions about the limits they play and some thoughts on the games. Although I don't know OP I don't see why he would go to so much effort to try and prove otherwise. If he really was controlling both accounts then he wouldn't have posted this thread and gone to so much effort just to bring more attention to himself.
This happens almost every day on 2+2
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by The_Admiral
It's also (sexism aside just plain stats) unusual to find a female high stakes player let alone one that successful.
This keeps on being brought up - my question is, how would you know?

Just because I call myself BigDick87 doesn't mean I'm not female. The assumption is that the ratio of m/f online players mimics that of live play. That assumption may well be flawed.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
But I am pretty sure that the emphasis that some of you are placing on the fact that they only have one PC is silly, to put it as politely as possible.
The OP has among others things said these two things:

1. Stated that "they" have only one computer and have only been playing on one computer (except once, to play a single tournament on a borrowed laptop).

2. Stated that they try to avoid each other at the tables and that even when one of them was playing at a table and the other was on the waiting list for the same table it would be hard for them to both end up playing at the same time as the fish would be gone by the time the waiting-list player was given a seat.

Now this is what in my mind busted OP's story:

You can't get on the waiting list for a table without being logged in.
You can't log out (but you can close the client and when doing so you're of course removed from any tables and waiting lists).
Thus, for one of them to be playing at the table and for the other to be on the waiting list, they have at least two computers.
There's also the direct admission of them being "on the same table" due to "limited number of tables", see quote below.
Thus, the OP story is a lie.

End of story and bye-bye $100,000 for OP, while a pretty difficult (this has been going on for several years?) redistribution of the same $100,000 to the victims is about to take place.

Relevant OP quotes below:

Originally Posted by Andronicus
We have one computer in
our home, so we can only normally play one at a time (we'd have to
borrow someone else's laptop or computer if we both wanted to play
at the same time).
Originally Posted by Andronicus
I'm sure this has happened. But, we are not trying to gain some kind of unfair advantage. We are just each trying to get our session in for the day. Like I said, we don't play HU and the very few times one of us has, the other would not then sit on that table. We don't think that would be right. If we do get on the same table, this is more a matter of there being a limited number of tables at the stakes and/or a table has a good player/flop ratio or high avg pot size. Neither of us wants to play with just a bunch of regs. But, even if we saw a table that the other was on that had a good player/flop ratio or a good avg pot ratio, it would be difficult to get on. Most tables tend to have wait lists. So, if one of us signs up on a wait list on a table the other was on, it's difficult to get on that table anyhow. Most of our sessions tend to pretty short. So, often our session is over before our name even gets called. And, even if it is called, the fish are usually long gone anyhow. Also, neither of us hardly ever plays more than one session a day. It's not like we are hopping on one account, then the other, then the first again, etc. We each just normally play one session a day. If there is a second session (rare occurrence), it is hours later.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:32 PM
He was responding to a question in regards to one of them joining a table that the other just left (when they changed users on the computer). Thus, the second player would be at the "same table," that the previous person was just on.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:33 PM
even if he is multiaccounting he should be able to keep all of his money and still be allowed to play on the site

just like all the other red pro multiaccounters
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Folds cheques
End of story and bye-bye $100,000 for OP, while a pretty difficult (this has been going on for several years?) redistribution of the same $100,000 to the victims is about to take place.

Nothing that has come to light thus far leads me to believe that having the funds confiscated is even being considered by FTP nor IMO should the funds be confiscated...At this point it's the simplest/minor multi accounting scheme possible...Opinion may change as more info is made available...

IMO this will end with one of the accounts being closed and OP being given a stern warning..PTS and medals will likely be forfeited on the closed account...
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Folds cheques
The OP has among others things said these two things:

1. Stated that "they" have only one computer and have only been playing on one computer (except once, to play a single tournament on a borrowed laptop).

2. Stated that they try to avoid each other at the tables and that even when one of them was playing at a table and the other was on the waiting list for the same table it would be hard for them to both end up playing at the same time as the fish would be gone by the time the waiting-list player was given a seat.
Read from about post #266 on.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by KEW
Nothing that has come to light thus far leads me to believe that having the funds confiscated is even being considered by FTP nor IMO should the funds be confiscated...At this point it's the simplest/minor multi accounting scheme possible...Opinion may change as more info is made available...

IMO this will end with one of the accounts being closed and OP being given a stern warning..PTS and medals will likely be forfeited or the closed account...
What if they decided to remove all the extra bonuses/rewards that he has received over the years from having the 2nd account? Surely that would add up to a large chunk of that 100k.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Folds cheques
The OP has among others things said these two things:
You most definitely need to re-read this thread

1. Stated that "they" have only one computer and have only been playing on one computer (except once, to play a single tournament on a borrowed laptop).

2. Stated that they try to avoid each other at the tables and that even when one of them was playing at a table and the other was on the waiting list for the same table it would be hard for them to both end up playing at the same time as the fish would be gone by the time the waiting-list player was given a seat.

Even if he was in fact playing both accounts;
End of story and bye-bye $100,000 for OP, while a pretty difficult (this has been going on for several years?) redistribution of the same $100,000 to the victims is about to take place.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:37 PM
If the stake is a six figure amount, shouldn't you consider legal action against Full tilt?

It is not the first time that I have heard that FTP is acting as if it is both the accusator and the judge, and by doing so is clearly leaving very little chance to the person to defend him/herself.

Personally I wouldn't hesitate to drag FTP in front of a court if they were to act in this kind of arbitrary way with me (even for 100 $).

Having said that, this would however be possible if everything is clear on your side.

I do hope that you find a rapid issue to this and hope the best for you and your family.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by jmillerdls
What if they decided to remove all the extra bonuses/rewards that he has received over the years from having the 2nd account? Surely that would add up to a large chunk of that 100k.
The only "extra" bonus he would have gotten was Iron Man. Not that is not a "large chunk" of $100K
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by EfromPegTown
The only "extra" bonus he would have gotten was Iron Man. Not that is not a "large chunk" of $100K
Really, mid-year, end-year bonuses wouldn't be extra? Even if it is taken out of rakeback, he had access to more than others would.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by dieuluimeme
If the stake is a six figure amount, shouldn't you consider legal action against Full tilt?

It is not the first time that I have heard that FTP is acting as if it is both the accusator and the judge, and by doing so is clearly leaving very little chance to the person to defend him/herself.

Personally I wouldn't hesitate to drag FTP in front of a court if they were to act in this kind of arbitrary way with me (even for 100 $).

Having said that, this would however be possible if everything is clear on your side.

I do hope that you find a rapid issue to this and hope the best for you and your family.
Which court?

Also, who other then Full Tilt would act as Judge and Jury?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by dieuluimeme
Personally I wouldn't hesitate to drag FTP in front of a court if they were to act in this kind of arbitrary way with me (even for 100 $).
Good luck with that.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by jmillerdls
Really, mid-year, end-year bonuses wouldn't be extra? Even if it is taken out of rakeback, he had access to more than others would.
Aren't year end bonuses part of Iron Man?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by EfromPegTown
Which court?

Also, who other then Full Tilt would act as Judge and Jury?
I'm not a specialist of the US legal system so I will not be able to help with this.

But in France, the issue would easily be dealt with in a court :
Full tilt would have to provide all the evidence that they have gathered, an independent investigator would probably be appointed and the person would have access to all the data used by FTP for the acusation and thus defend himself. Delay might however be long (1-2 years).
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by jmillerdls
What if they decided to remove all the extra bonuses/rewards that he has received over the years from having the 2nd account? Surely that would add up to a large chunk of that 100k.
I could see this...But even at the current highest Iron Man rate the amount is not near 100K..

Assume 36 months at iron..

36 X 1,000pts =36,000medals(not even possible just using for illustrative purpose)

36,000pts buys 12 $600 bonus= 7,200
Mid year and YE end $1,200 x 3) $3,600
Plus other random bonus I can not estimate

These numbers are higher then what could have occurred since the Iron medals are stepped...Yes it's a nice chunk but not life altering money to a 5/10+ pro...

FWIW at this point this is what I believe op was doing...Hope no more duplicate account come to light...
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by dieuluimeme
If the stake is a six figure amount, shouldn't you consider legal action against Full tilt?

It is not the first time that I have heard that FTP is acting as if it is both the accusator and the judge, and by doing so is clearly leaving very little chance to the person to defend him/herself.

Personally I wouldn't hesitate to drag FTP in front of a court if they were to act in this kind of arbitrary way with me (even for 100 $).

Having said that, this would however be possible if everything is clear on your side.

I do hope that you find a rapid issue to this and hope the best for you and your family.
Good luck with that...
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:55 PM
OP you sound pretty innocent as far as I can tell. I think it would be best for you if you don't mention things like "my wife and I feel the same about X" it just makes it sound more and more like there's only one real person involved.

Can you describe your play habits? Do you for instance play for an hour then log off and your wife logs on right after and plays for an hour and then switch again etc? Do you ever log off and your wife goes right to the table you just left? Do you guys use HEM or PTR and share a database?

They mentioned chat in the email. Do you often chat on FTP while you play? Do both of you use very similar phrases and in general speak the same way? Do you ever mention each other's account when you chat?

How about transaction history? Do you transfer money between accounts? Do you transfer with any other players? Do both accounts transfer to/from the same 3rd party account?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Speedy5044
OP you sound pretty innocent as far as I can tell. I think it would be best for you if you don't mention things like "my wife and I feel the same about X" it just makes it sound more and more like there's only one real person involved.

Can you describe your play habits? Do you for instance play for an hour then log off and your wife logs on right after and plays for an hour and then switch again etc? Do you ever log off and your wife goes right to the table you just left? Do you guys use HEM or PTR and share a database?

They mentioned chat in the email. Do you often chat on FTP while you play? Do both of you use very similar phrases and in general speak the same way? Do you ever mention each other's account when you chat?

How about transaction history? Do you transfer money between accounts? Do you transfer with any other players? Do both accounts transfer to/from the same 3rd party account?
Jesus, read the thread at least before asking questions the OP has already answered.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by KEW
I could see this...But even at the current highest Iron Man rate the amount is not near 100K..

Assume 36 months at iron..

36 X 1,000pts =36,000medals(not even possible just using for illustrative purpose)

36,000pts buys 12 $600 bonus= 7,200
Mid year and YE end $1,200 x 3) $3,600
Plus other random bonus I can not estimate

These numbers are higher then what could have occurred since the Iron medals are stepped...Yes it's a nice chunk but not life altering money to a 5/10+ pro...

FWIW at this point this is what I believe op was doing...Hope no more duplicate account come to light...

if 27% RB for each account..... adds up pretty good there
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by SuperHog
if 27% RB for each account..... adds up pretty good there

2 accounts playing half time with 27% rakeback generate the same amount of rakeback as 1 account playing full time.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 08:33 PM
Still no word from Full Tilt; though, we did send them an email trying to get this resolved. My wife and I talked and we decided that what was most important in all of this is that access to our bankroll is restored and that we both get to play poker again. So, if what Full Tilt needs is to close one of our accounts to avoid any hint of impropriety, then we are willing to accept that. For whatever reason, I cannot seem to be able to beat the games at Full Tilt. I don’t know if the regs are too tough or what. But, my wife can still beat the game. So, if what we need to do to resolve this is play on different sites from now on, then that’s what we’ll do. Let my wife play at Full Tilt; restore our bankroll; and consolidate our funds. I’ll go play at another site—probably PokerStars. If Full Tilt wants to close my account and leave my wife’s open, then fine. I mean, we feel we weren’t trying to do something wrong and that both our accounts should be fully restored, but if what is needed is to close one of our accounts to avoid any suspicion of impropriety, then we’ll accept that. At least we’ll have access to our bankroll—something our family needs pretty bad right now. And, at least we’ll both be able to play poker again.

22. So, to facilitate some kind of resolution in all this, we sent Full Tilt the following email:

From: Add contact
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 23:29:41 -0600

Dear Full Tilt Security:

Thanks for the reply and giving us the heads up on the time frame.

We have talked about it and we are fine if you want/decide to close
one account. I(XXXXXX) can go play elsewhere. If you do this, we ask
that you close my account (XXXXXXX's account, xxxxxxxxxx) and transfer
the funds, points, and medals to YYYYYYYYY’s account (yyyyyyyyyyy). I
can't seem to win on Full Tilt anymore anyhow. But yyyyyyyyy has been
doing well and would like to continue to play at Full Tilt.


Also, a bit of advice to anyone that has two people playing poker in their home: play on different sites. Trust us, you don't want to go through what we are going through. I mean, we didn't think we did anything wrong, but now we're in this mess. Even if you play on two computers, it is still not worth the risk of a site suspending your accounts because they are suspicious of two accounts in one home. Even if you both like one site and both want to play at it, it's just not worth the risk of having to go through an investigation. It's pretty stressful. So, if two people are playing in your home on one site right now, one of you should start playing on another site instead. You'll avoid the risk of having to go through all kinds of heart ache.

And, I will be making responses to people's posts since I was on here last. Please give me some time.

Some people on here have suggested that since few women are good poker players, it is unlikely that my wife is a good poker player. It seems like someone said something like they couldn't even think of a single female that played mid-stake online poker well. Off the top of my head, Vanessa Selbst and Annette Obrestad are names that I think people would recognize. Here's a list of some other good female poker players:

Also, people are committing a fallacy when they say, "It is very unlikely for a woman to be good poker player. Therefore, it is very unlikely for OP's wife to be a good poker player." This fallacious thinking. It is sometimes referred to as the Prosecutor's Fallacy. Here's a good explanation of it:

There are plenty of women that play poker well. These women may not be in your circle of male dominated friends does not mean they are not there.

Originally Posted by punter33-3
If you are telling the truth, I wish it gets settled in your favor and you buy a couple of computers for your wife and your children. Surely after 3 years you have enough points and iron man medals to get a laptop from the FT store.
Thanks. After this, I don't think we'll every play on the same site again. And yeah, we'll get another computer.

Originally Posted by punter33-3
I don't see how you can get burned again by posting your screenames here. Only good can come of it, if there is nothing to hide, as you will have the 2+2ers here looking yours and your wifes play up, and will conclude that there is nothing fishy going on. You will then have the backing of a large majority here who would have your back and fight for you.
Merely by posting our graphs we start getting criticized right and left. Some people think we play too little hands. Other people think my wife plays too many hands to also be a mother. Some people start criticizing our win rates. Other people criticize me for still playing poker when I've been losing for the past six months. It gets tiresome.

There's also the problem of lots of people studying our game and seeing how we play in different situations. I wonder if either of us could still be a winning player after that? Some pros that have made strategy videos of themselves have had a much harder time winning after that. I think one reason that happens is because everyone starts learning their game. You think my wife and I want that to happen to us?

I could go on and on about other reasons, but I think those reasons are enough by themselves. And also, I didn't think there would come any wrong from me giving FTPSean my screen name. I was wrong on that, wasn't I?

And, on the criticism of my wife playing too many hands to be a mother, I find it extremely sexist that people criticize her but for some reason don't think I play too many hands to be a father. That is just so wrong. I spend just as much time with our kids as my wife does. We both devote a lot to our kids, and we both parent equally. If you think she plays too many hands, then you should be criticizing me as well.

Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
I just want to throw my support out there. I'm also a little surprised at the last few pages and responses.

No we don't have all the info but based on what he has told us(witch IMO is almost EVERYTHING) it's obvious to me that this is what it is. I've read a lot of these threads guys, I am pretty much in the zoo 99% of my time on 2+2. OP is also aware of these threads in the past and that's why he has been so open about everything, and again, I believe it's everything.

I'm also of the opinion that OP, his wife, and Family are a tight, loving, Family unit. It's not surprising that people here can't relate to that.

I am almost positive the decision will be made in their favor. The only thing I personally would like to come out in this is FTP telling them they can no longer sweat each other or share databases/computers (if the data sharing is happening)

GL OP, see you in a day or two all back to normal.
Thanks Nofx. We appreciate the support.

Originally Posted by MI_turtle
call 1-888-tilt-pay and demand to speak to Ryan. They will say sorry this is not Full Tilt just payment processing, but they are in the same office and if you raise enough stink, will get someone on the phone for you.
My wife and I have called this number and the Dublin number with no success. My wife called the Dublin number and got a directory message. She said the computer directory asked her to type in the name of the person you want to contact. She said she didn't know a name to type in, but she said she was able to leave a message. We'll see if anyone calls us back.

I called the above number and spoke to someone named Kevin. I tried to talk to someone about our situation, but he just kept saying we had to contact Full Tilt support via email. I even mentioned the name Ryan, but he would not connect me to anyone. He said it was impossible for me to talk to someone in person. He did however give me Full Tilt support's email address. Gee thanks.

Originally Posted by Voltaire
BTW, why aren't you playing on PokerStars? I realize there are many good and legitimate reasons. Just wondering.
We both liked the layout and feel at Full Tilt better. Also, with the number of hands we play, we'd get more rakeback from Full Tilt than we would from the PokerStars player rewards system.

That said, we now realize that whatever benefit we gained from both playing on Full Tilt was not worth it. From now on, we'll play at different sites. It might mean a little less rakeback, but it is worth it to avoid any suspicion of wrong doing.

Originally Posted by Dire
If you're down 30k and your wife is up 70k why were you the one transferring her 15k?

Or were your results both massively different prior to the graphs you posted?
That transfer happened before I began losing. My wife used to cash out most of the money for our family expenses. I cashed out some too; she just did more. At some point she said to me that it wasn't fair that she had to cash out and pay for the majority of our family expenses while my account just continued to grow. So, I transferred her 15k, and started cashing out a lot more myself. It's after that that I started to just lose no matter what I tried to do. At first, I just thought it was a downswing. Six months later, I realize it may be something more. I'm trying to study my game to see what is wrong, and I watch my wife closely to try to see what she is doing that I am not.

Originally Posted by Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow, my wife was with me when I changed the email/password information. It's not like anything was happening without her consent. I was acting as her agent. She was in the room with me and helping me figure out why we both couldn't log back in after we changed our email and password. It was simply administrative details and we didn't think it was a big deal who was actually on the keyboard while the changes were being made.

When Full Tilt first said our accounts were closed, we thought it simply had to do with us changing our passwords. So, that's what we were trying to find out. We weren't even thinking about who was technically in control of the keyboard when the passwords were changed.

However, once Full Tilt sent us another email, they specifically asked us about the possibility of one person controlling both accounts. That's when we realized that they probably wanted to know every technical incident of either of us logging into the account of the other (even if it was just for administrative things on the account). So, that's when we spelled out exactly who was at the keyboard when the passwords/emails were changed.

Originally Posted by callcallcallmuck

Originally Posted by TheMagnet
This is the problem I have with your story, you keep making a point about wanting to do the right thing, her making an account and not playing on yours because it's the right thing to do, it's all BS, you would just let her play on your account, no one would ever know, don't give me "oh I wouldn't be able to sleep at night" BS you're a poker player you deceive people every day.
You may not do this, but we do. I'm sorry, but everyone does not think like you do.

Try to think back to every single occasion your "wife" borrowed a laptop and played when you did, how many excluding the tourney you both played are there? ZERO?

Originally Posted by RockardGB
How could you possibly get at the same table if you only have one pc with one account logged in at any time?.
Also you stated earlier that you played in the same tournament(iron man freeroll i think?) and emailed to see if that would be alright.How could you do this off one pc if you have had the same set up for 3 years?.
My quote was taken out of context. I was specifically asked if one of us had logged out and then the other had logged in and joined the table that the other person use to be on. I acknowledged that this has happened. But, we have not EVER been on the same table at the same time. I guess what I wrote could be confusing (especially when taken out of context). Hopefully this clears this up now.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-18-2010 at 09:33 AM.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by AUGUY55
I grew up with two sisters. One older and one younger. My mother was a stay-at-home mom. I remember growing up she barely got any time to relax because she was always taking care of us, whether it be helping us with school, taking us to sports practices, rehearsals, and making us dinner, etc. When we were at school, she would clean the house and prepare for us to get off from school.

If I grew up in this decade, I just can't imagine my mother doing anything else but the same thing she did in the 80s when I grew up. In other words, I just cannot see her putting any time aside to do something (like play online poker for example) to make and supplement an income because she just didn't have the time.

Thats why she stayed home and my father went to work. Taking care of kids is a FULL TIME JOB in itself.

I suppose it's possible for two parents to raise 3 kids and both play online poker for a living but goddamn, they must not ever get any sleep.
Some people are so completely shallow it's amazing you guys even know there is a huge world that extends beyond the block you live on.

I mean seriously... just do a few google searches like "work from home moms" or something similar. While yes, the first several pages are now filled with a **** load of scams these days, there is such a huge demand in this market it isn't even funny. Just because YOUR mom couldn't hold a job and raise her kids (no pun intended, just saying), doesn't mean other moms can't either.

I don't know why some of you keep harping on the fact that they have 3 kids and both play poker online... FROM HOME WHICH MEANS THEY DON"T HAVE TO TRAVEL LIKE YOUR AVERAGE WORKING CLASS DOES... lol

And, from the sounds of it, one of their kids is older.. probably 18 or older by now. The OP has also stated that his kids are in school... now, I dunno where you come from but kids in school generally means ~8 hours of free time; in which the OP has said they are usually sleeping during the day since they're up at night playing poker.

You guys seriously need to come off it.. if he's lying it'll come out.. but just because his wife excels at playing poker and has 3 kids doesn't make her some kind of super mom, or super woman, or anything of the sort...

At the end of the day you types sound very insecure with yourselves and are probably flabbergasted and highly upset that a woman is playing poker better than you. Poker, a "man's" game... no freaking way a woman should be playing good right... right?!?!?!?!
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
