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Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010

03-17-2010 , 05:22 AM

Prophetic words in my opinion:

Originally Posted by Andronicus
The outrage comes NOT from FTP trying to protect their players. The outrage comes from most of us believing in at least some rudimentary form of due process. Namely, OP at least ought to know what he is being accused of and have a chance to defend himself. FTP gives these players none of that. It is very bothersome.

How do we know that FTP banned OP for suspected botting? We don't. FTP makes these bannings without giving any disclosure whatsoever. What would it hurt for FTP to state, "We suspect your account was a bot" or whatever else was the reason? And, why would it hurt to give OP a chance to defend himself? If they think he was a bot, and he can show chat he made, pocket aces and quads he folded, and other human-like mistakes, surely that should be enough to defend himself.

FTP has taken on the role of judge, jury, and executioner. As judge, jury and executioner, FTP provides no explanation for what OP is being accused of or what their reasons are for coming to their decision. Many of us simply want FTP to tell their players what they are being accused of and give their players a chance to defend themselves. That's all. Is that really to much to ask?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by RockardGB
How could you possibly get at the same table if you only have one pc with one account logged in at any time?
This is the main point here and something that it appears we have missed. The OP quite clearly states...

Originally Posted by Andronicus
If we do get on the same table, this is more a matter of there being a limited number of tables at the stakes and/or a table has a good player/flop ratio or high avg pot size. Neither of us wants to play with just a bunch of regs. But, even if we saw a table that the other was on that had a good player/flop ratio or a good avg pot ratio, it would be difficult to get on. Most tables tend to have wait lists. So, if one of us signs up on a wait list on a table the other was on, it's difficult to get on that table anyhow.
This needs explaining further because...

Originally Posted by Andronicus
two to three years ago we
both qualified for a free Iron Man tournament. My wife borrowed
a laptop from a friend so that we could both play. However, several
days before starting the tournament, we sent Full Tilt an email
stating that we were married, that we both had qualified for the
same free Iron Man tournament, and asked if that would be a
problem. Full Tilt told us it would not, and simply advised us that
if we ended up on the same table to not share any hole card
information or other collaboration. Of course we agreed and we
would never do that anyhow. Anyhow, we never ended up on the same
table and both got knocked out before making the money. Since that
time, we both decided it would be better to never play in the same
tournament, nor on the same table just to avoid any possibility of
suspicion. As a result, that is the only tournament that we were
both signed up together for. We have never signed up for the same
tournament since. And, we have not played a single hand together on
the same table (since we never played a hand together even in that
tournament). And, we never play together at the same cash together
It seems that the more you actually look into what the OP has written, the more little details conflict with each other.

IMO the OP is losing more and more peoples support in this thread as time goes on.

I believe if the OP was truely completely innocent he would have no issues with revealing both his and his "wife's" usernames as this would almost instantly clear up this whole debate. If he is innocent, and 2p2 can proove it, which is possible once we get the usernames, then FTP would have very little choice but to re-instate and pay that man his money.

Originally Posted by RockardGB
Also you stated earlier that you played in the same tournament(iron man freeroll i think?) and emailed to see if that would be alright.How could you do this off one pc if you have had the same set up for 3 years?.
He already stated that he borrowed a laptop for this occasion.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by Andronicus

We also came up with charts/ways to play regular or deeper stacks. We try to follow these beforehand ideas as much as we can, but we find we are constantly changing and tweaking the things we have come up with.
Is this the way pros play poker i doubt this. The argument with the chart can also be taken as a reason why both accounts have same player stats/ style...
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by RockardGB
How could you possibly get at the same table if you only have one pc with one account logged in at any time?.
Yeah, OP's gonna need to explain that one because that little paragraph alone puts a whole new twist on the entire issue.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by RockardGB
... you stated earlier that you played in the same tournament(iron man freeroll i think?) and emailed to see if that would be alright.How could you do this off one pc if you have had the same set up for 3 years?
Guys if you are going to post opinions and questions then at least read the thread.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-17-2010 at 07:15 AM.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:09 AM
So, no, we can't just go out and buy a similar computer for $400. If we end up buying another computer, we are going to spend a lot more than that.
On what? Another two monitors can be bought for $300-$400. So that's $800 in total. And for that $800 you get to double your income. It's a no-brainer.

We have set up and devoted our office and our computer to poker. It doesn't make sense for us to have a whole other setup when this one works just fine for us.
Did it never cross your minds that you would nearly double your income with a second machine? How did that conversation go?
You: "Honey maybe we should spend a couple of hundred on a new machine and we can make an extra 100K+ this year?"
Her: "What?? Thats a terrible idea"

Quite frankly, our office is not that big, and it would be really difficult to try to fit two setups like the one we have now into our office space. At the very least, it would make it extremely crowded.
So why not put it in another room if there isn't space in the office. For the amount of money at stake I'd be playing in the hallway if I had to.

Also, if we were to get some cheap $400 computer, neither of us is going to want to play on that computer when we have such a nice setup on the one we have now. Neither of us would even want to play on a laptop. You are not going to have two huge monitors playing on a laptop.
Why do you even need two monitors anyway, you play like 3K hands a week. That is an extremely low number for a multitabling poker pro.

When we do get another computer, it's not just going to be a $400 setup. It will be a similar setup to the one we have now.
What magical features does this computer of yours have that makes it so great? Powerful pcs are only needed for games, video/music/image intesive editing work. They are certainly not needed for playing online poker. All you have to do is buy a machine and get two monitors and you are good to go. Although I don't see why someone playing 3K hands a week would need two monitors anyway.

I just think it is completely ludicrous a husband and wife online poker playing team with 3 kids have one fricking pc in the house. My parents are 60 years old, grown up children have moved out, and are techno-phobic yet they have two laptops in their house. I have aunts and uncles whose kids are also grown up and have moved out, and who are even more completely useless when it comes to pcs, and yet they have two machines in the house.

Your excuse for not having another machine doesn't add up at all. Why are you going on about how you will have to spend 'alot more than $400' (yeah, you'll need $300 for two monitors and thats it), when you it enable you to make an extra 100K+ over the year. I don't think for a second people who are smart enough to beat today 5/10 games are so dumb that they can't see the obvious sense in buying another machine. Therefore I don't believe your story and I think you are playing on both accounts for whatever reason - there have already been speculations from others on that so I'm not gonna go into it.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Guys if you are going to post opinions and questions then at least read the thread.
at least reference who you are aiming this at?

I think the last few posts, mine included, questioning OP on his comments about playing at the same table as his wife are very important and completely justified in asking/commenting.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
at least reference who you are aiming this at?

I think the last few posts, mine included, questioning OP on his comments about playing at the same table as his wife are very important and completely justified in asking/commenting.
sure, I'll clutter the thread for you

They borrowed a lap top to play in the one game that was mentioned.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
sure, I'll clutter the thread for you

They borrowed a lap top to play in the one game that was mentioned.
ty, now take your own advice and actually read the questions and points that were raised in my previous post.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
at least reference who you are aiming this at?

I think the last few posts, mine included, questioning OP on his comments about playing at the same table as his wife are very important and completely justified in asking/commenting.
Please try reading the whole thread

I can see why ft have flagged your accounts if your wife logs in straight after you and hopefully all is back to normal in a couple of days
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:25 AM
omfg, why did I let you suck me in to this. What exactly ever made you think I was talking to you anyway? Can't you see what my post was referencing? Well if you can't, we can just continue to post until you get it. Why not
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by cjhmdm
How sexist is that? So women can't be professionals, in this case poker, and a good parent at the same time? You seriously need to step outside of that little box you live in...
Come off it, pineapple has a very valid point. Who is this superwife raising 3 kids and crushing 5/10 at the same time. The vast majority of online poker pros are men and highstakes online cash games are the probably the most male dominated form of poker of all. Tell me how many high stakes online cash game pro women you know of....I know of absolutely zero.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by wigan rl
Please try reading the whole thread

I can see why ft have flagged your accounts if your wife logs in straight after you and hopefully all is back to normal in a couple of days
LOL. I think you will find i have pretty much been here since the OP and have read the entire thread.

Instead of just making posts like this why not spend your time actually reading the posts like you ask others to. If you do this you will find many inaccuracies in the OP's story which is why this debate is continuing to rage on.

For reference see my previous post a couple up about how he claims to have never played a single hand on the same table as his wife, yet in another statement he clearly talks about what happens if him and his wife do sit at the same table. All of this whilst only owning 1 computer, and only ever having borrowed a laptop 1 time to play 1 tourney together during which they didnt get seated at the same table?!?

Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
omfg, why did I let you suck me in to this. What exactly ever made you think I was talking to you anyway? Can't you see what my post was referencing? Well if you can't, we can just continue to post until you get it. Why not
ok my apologies. i wasnt attempting to suck you into anything and thought your post was aimed at me. i dont know who/what you were referencing but will leave it as this. apologies again./
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:38 AM
OP - personally I think something is off here, to many things that arent quite right.

but - lets not go into that @ the moment,

have you spoken to the site on the phone yet? personally if it was me I would of called the office 100 times a day till I got hold of someone $100K is a lot of wedge chap. have you thought about maybe flying over to there offices?? its not as if they are a shady little company - I mean if what you are saying is true, anyone would of tried these options if it means getting your families money back.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
LOL. I think you will find i have pretty much been here since the OP and have read the entire thread.

Instead of just making posts like this why not spend your time actually reading the posts like you ask others to. If you do this you will find many inaccuracies in the OP's story which is why this debate is continuing to rage on.

For reference see my previous post a couple up about how he claims to have never played a single hand on the same table as his wife, yet in another statement he clearly talks about what happens if him and his wife do sit at the same table. All of this whilst only owning 1 computer, and only ever having borrowed a laptop 1 time to play 1 tourney together during which they didnt get seated at the same table?!?

ok my apologies. i wasnt attempting to suck you into anything and thought your post was aimed at me. i dont know who/what you were referencing but will leave it as this. apologies again./
Did a good job i see care to explain why you needed to ask how op and his wife played at the same time?

Yeah he said they played one torney together off a BORROWED comp/lap

Show me where he said him and his wife have sat at the same table?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:47 AM
Exceptional, your reading comprehension is nil. He clearly said that when one signed out and the other signed in they rarely played on the same table the previous one was on. To explain further what you don't understand, if husband is on table A then leaves and wife signs in she doesn't attempt to get back to table A. But sometimes it may happen if there are not that many tables going as she joins the wait list if no tables are open.

He never said they were playing together at the same time. They only have one computer for poker and he didn't say anything that would suggest he has two computers.

Do you comprehend this yet?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by wigan rl
Did a good job i see care to explain why you needed to ask how op and his wife played at the same time?

Yeah he said they played one torney together off a BORROWED comp/lap

Show me where he said him and his wife have sat at the same table?
Originally Posted by Andronicus
If we do get on the same table, this is more a matter of there being a limited number of tables at the stakes and/or a table has a good player/flop ratio or high avg pot size. Neither of us wants to play with just a bunch of regs
to be fair i have quoted him from someone else quoting him so it could be taken out of context, but if that is the case then it needs clearing up.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:53 AM
lol @ this elaborate charade when you would have most likely gotten a warning. lol i bet your wife is f- pissed. she's probably going on and on about how she knew this was a bad idea and how you have just listened to her. the ftp red pros have been guilty of the same thing so you probably wont lose your roll.

lots of holes in your story that have been pointed out by the previous posters and lol @ not posting the sn's because youre scared to get burned.

if you want to prove your innocence you need to post the sn's and pics of your wife.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by Synergistic Explosions
Exceptional, your reading comprehension is nil. He clearly said that when one signed out and the other signed in they rarely played on the same table the previous one was on. To explain further what you don't understand, if husband is on table A then leaves and wife signs in she doesn't attempt to get back to table A. But sometimes it may happen if there are not that many tables going as she joins the wait list if no tables are open.

He never said they were playing together at the same time. They only have one computer for poker and he didn't say anything that would suggest he has two computers.

Do you comprehend this yet?
Exceptional was referring to this post by Andronicus:

Originally Posted by Andronicus
I'm sure this has happened. But, we are not trying to gain some kind of unfair advantage. We are just each trying to get our session in for the day. Like I said, we don't play HU and the very few times one of us has, the other would not then sit on that table. We don't think that would be right. If we do get on the same table, this is more a matter of there being a limited number of tables at the stakes and/or a table has a good player/flop ratio or high avg pot size. Neither of us wants to play with just a bunch of regs. But, even if we saw a table that the other was on that had a good player/flop ratio or a good avg pot ratio, it would be difficult to get on. Most tables tend to have wait lists. So, if one of us signs up on a wait list on a table the other was on, it's difficult to get on that table anyhow. Most of our sessions tend to pretty short. So, often our session is over before our name even gets called. And, even if it is called, the fish are usually long gone anyhow. Also, neither of us hardly ever plays more than one session a day. It's not like we are hopping on one account, then the other, then the first again, etc. We each just normally play one session a day. If there is a second session (rare occurrence), it is hours later.
I think the questions as to how it could be possible that they ever play on the same table, intentionally or not, are valid, when Andronicus said earlier that they only have one computer.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
to be fair i have quoted him from someone else quoting him so it could be taken out of context, but if that is the case then it needs clearing up.
You have got the wrong end of the stick here obv both cant log in from one comp at the same time think this was more he logged out she logged straight in and joined the table he just left

If you really think there are holes in his story point them out i wish all the other 'ftp closed my account' threads where started by the likes of op it would save alot of time trying to get to the truth

It's quite obv op and his wife just love playing poker in the spare time they do have and to earn some extra $$$
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:57 AM
i guess that it was taken out of context then.

Anyway, i think ill just wait for OP to respond with Tilts response from now on. Arguing amongst ourselves gets us nowhere and the truth will out in the end.

All i know is that the story doesnt add up completely and FTP support (as slow and frustraing as they are) do pretty much always get it right in the end.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by RockardGB
How could you possibly get at the same table if you only have one pc with one account logged in at any time?.
Also you stated earlier that you played in the same tournament(iron man freeroll i think?) and emailed to see if that would be alright.How could you do this off one pc if you have had the same set up for 3 years?.
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Guys if you are going to post opinions and questions then at least read the thread.
Originally Posted by cjhmdm
Yeah, OP's gonna need to explain that one because that little paragraph alone puts a whole new twist on the entire issue.
Here, to clear any confusion I was responding to : the person above me, who also quoted the post of the person who did not read the thread. I've been pointed out that this was confusing on my part, so here's for everyone that was confused.

Here, for your reference: I said "read the thread" to the person who posted 3 above me and to the person directly above me because he quoted him. Take a looksie. Hope this clears it up for everyone.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Exceptional was referring to this post by Andronicus:

I think the questions as to how it could be possible that they ever play on the same table, intentionally or not, are valid, when Andronicus said earlier that they only have one computer.
Mike he was on about him logging out and her logging in then sitting on the same table

Think it may have been along the lines of her sweating his session or something like that then logging in
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:01 AM
tone of msg to a non-mod...

Originally Posted by wigan rl
Please try reading the whole thread
and to a mod...

Originally Posted by wigan rl
Mike he was on about him logging out and her logging in then sitting on the same table

Think it may have been along the lines of her sweating his session or something like that then logging in
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by NANONUTS
This is the biggest load of crap I have read on twoplustwo in long time. That story is a complete crock of ****. 5/10 pro poker players, playing for the last 3 years with a combined roll of over 100K and only one computer in this expect us to buy that crap? Seriously? When I was a 5/10 reg a few years back two days before I went on a week long holiday to the U.S. I went out an bought a laptop purely just so I could play 2 hours a day in the evenings while on the holiday - I didnt even have to give the purchase a moment's thought, it made so much sense financially. Yet when it comes to you and your 'wife', rather than buying another pc/laptop and automatically increasing your annual income by at least 75%, you guys need to sit down and hold each others hand while you are playing, like a pair of ******s in a .10/.20 game. Sorry but the game's up pal.
The fact that one computer makes so little sense makes this story look like being actually true. I have an impression that OP and his wife are good naive people. I would guess they try hard to comply with all rules not only in poker but in general in their lives and expect that it is sufficient to avoid being accused of wrongdoing.

What would you do if you wanted to multi-account without being caught?

Yes, this is exactly what you should do OP! Get the second computer. Get the second internet connection. Always make sure you adhere to one account - one computer - one internet connection rule. And last but not least - play together with your wife. It seems neither of you have to make those hard decisions too frequently, so the other one will be available to help most of the time anyway.

Good luck.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
