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Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010

03-16-2010 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by _AceBluff_
Your explantion on the computer is bogus. You have $100,00+ plus online and you can't spend money on a 2nd computer? A +ev purchase if there ever was one. Why not? Cause you didn't need it when your the only one playing. You said you had prior debts-makes things tight-not buying the poor routine. You still have $100,000+.
I'm sorry you feel that way. But just because we have 100k online does not mean that finances are not tight. Are you married with three kids? If not, then maybe when you have a 5-person family you would understand that finances can be tight even if you have 100k online. Plus, I already said we could have gotten a computer if we felt we needed one. However, please understand that we had already fallen into a poker routine wherein we would play poker together and sweat each other's sessions. So, since our poker routine was working for us, we did not feel a compelling need to get another computer.

Originally Posted by _AceBluff_
You said in the OP:

"The next morning, I received an email from Full Tilt saying my account is suspended. My wife got the same email:"

and before that

"At first, Full Tilt did not even say why the accounts were closed—simply that the accounts were being investigated. I immediately asked them and Sean what was going on."

If I got my 6 figure account closed I would be e-mailing immediately so fast the keyboard would catch fire. But you DIDN'T!! Your first e-mail you showed was 16+hrs after FT sent theres. You said you recieved it that morning but didn't responed until the next day. Either there are more e-mails or you were busy making up a story.(by the way-what e-mail program do you use?)
Dude, settle down. That's the time stamp that was placed on the email that was received by us. However, we didn't actually open the email until much later that night. That is, we didn't even know it was there. If you must know, we were both up all night before. In the morning, though we had not yet slept, we helped our children for school. We were not on the computer at the time the email was received. Then we went to bed ourselves and slept during the day. We woke up when our children came home from school. We did not get on the computer. We spent the rest of the day with our kids. It wasn't until after they went to bed that night that we finally got on our computer to play a poker session. That's usually the time we find best to play poker. It was then that we discovered the email. I assure you that we were shocked, bewildered, and confused the moment we read the email. It was shortly after that we sent our reply.

Take a moment to realize that someone's situation may be different from yours. And, if you don't have kids, then I assure you that our lives are a lot different. Just because something wouldn't have been the way for you, does not mean that it wouldn't be the way for us.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:08 AM
Something strange is definitely going on here. Will be interesting to see how this one plays out.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:12 AM
AceBluff, and the occasional other doubter, I'm not seeing what OP's angle would be here. I can see only 3 possibilities:

1) He's cheating in some completely different way and has made everything up. Botting, illegal software, etc. But then making up a story like this wouldn't help him in any way.

2) He's cheating in a way more directly related to his posts, like colluding, soft-playing, etc. But again, I'm not seeing how this thread would benefit him. He claims not to play with his wife (or other account for you cynics); FT would catch this lie pretty quick looking at the account histories.

3) He's in control of both accounts, and playing on them exactly as he says he is. This is the only angle that makes any sense, because FT will know exactly when the accounts have played, if they played together, etc. This is certainly plausible. But what is OP's advantage here? Two accounts so regs don't know who they're playing? But then why go back and forth between the two? I just don't see a big enough advantage to be gained here for OP to risk his funds by doing this. Am I missing something?

There needs to be a motive. What is it? I can't see a reasonable one.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players’ accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:18 AM
18. Here's my latest email I sent in reply to Full Tilt's Security's last email:

From: Add contact
To: Full Tilt Poker - Security <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 22:59:33 -0600

Dear Full Tilt,

I added my wife as "Cc" to this email as we don't see the point in
us emailing you the same thing in separate emails. We both feel the
same way about this investigation. So, please include her in the
"Cc" in any correspondence you send me.

Please know that it is very hard for us to respond to your email
for we feel that we are not given a fair opportunity to respond to
anything specific. All we have is your vague reference to
"significant technical data [of] chat histories, login histories,
transaction details & gameplay." But, we are given no specifics.
So, we are left to make guesses at what you mean by that and then
try to answer as best we can. If you have found anomalies, then
tell us what they are and we will try to explain why those
anomalies are there. We again assure you that we are not trying to
do anything wrong.

It is also difficult for us to respond because it feels like you
are putting us in a Catch-22. You seem to want us to confess to
something that we know we haven't done. And yet if we don't
confess, we get the impression from your email that you will punish
us more harshly. How are we supposed to respond to that? It is so
difficult that I decided to post a thread about this whole ordeal
on Two Plus Two. I would ask that you take a look at the thread to
so you can see why we feel we are being treated so unfairly and why
it is so hard for us to respond to your latest email. Here's the
link to that thread:

In that thread, I stated as follows:

"My wife and I don't even know what to say to that email. It
reminds me of the Inquisition. People in the Dark Ages would be
accused of worshiping the devil. Many of the accused were
completely innocent. Yet, in their zeal to persecute devil
worshipers, the inquisitors did not seem to care if many innocent
people were tortured and killed. Before final sentence was
delivered, the accused would be told that their punishment (i.e.,
their torture) would be less severe if the person would confess
their guilt. This left the accused in a very odd situation. On the
one hand, the person knew they were not devil worshipers. On the
other hand, the person also knew that they had already been judged
a devil worshiper by their inquisitors and that if they did not
admit to it, they knew they would be severely tortured and killed.
Often times a person would confess (to something they did not do)
and be tortured, but at least they save their life.

My wife and I feel like Full Tilt has put us in a similar Catch-22.
On the one hand, we know we have done nothing wrong. Yet, on the
other, we feel like Full Tilt has already made up its mind that we
are guilty. To Full Tilt, it's just a matter of us confessing (to
something we know we didn't do), or face the consequences of being
dealt with in a heavier manner by Full Tilt Poker. What are we
supposed to do?

Full Tilt's whole process begs for due process. I mean Full Tilt
wants us to confess to something without even showing their
supposed evidence against us or giving us the opportunity to answer
or explain it after seeing the evidence. Once again, Full Tilt is
judge, jury, and executioner. Neither of us feel like we even have
a fair chance to explain ourselves. This is an absolutely horrible
situation that I hope none of you are ever put in."

With that said, we will try to give you a response to our best
guess as to why you mean by "significant technical data including,
but not limited to... chat histories, login histories, transaction
details & gameplay).


We have no idea what you are talking about here. We both try to
remain polite and courteous in any chat either of us makes in the
chat room. If you would like to tell us what you are talking about,
we would be happy to respond.


We are guessing you a referring the close proximity of logging off
one account and logging on the next. We believe this is a false
positive as there is a very good explanation for this. We tried to
explain this to you before and we will try again.

When we play poker, most of the time we sit down to play poker
together. One of us logs in while the other sweats that person.
Then, that person logs out and the other starts playing. We do our
poker sessions together like this almost every day. So, yes, we are
going to have close login/logout times.

We also have access to one another's account so that when our
family needs some money, one of us will often quickly login to one
account, cash some money out, logout and then quickly login to the
other account to cash out as well. Or, one of us might just be
checking the account balances in both accounts and updating our
family worksheets. We know these create close proximity
login/logout times. However, when it comes to the actual play of
the hand, it is my wife that is sitting and clicking the "fold"
"call" or "raise" buttons when she is logged into her account, and
it is me that is sitting and clicking the action buttons on my
hands when I'm logged into my account.

We really feel like you are creating a false positive on this one.


We're not sure what you are referring to here. We can tell you how
we cash out. Our family budget is combined. Really, our poker
bankroll is combined as well--we feel these are family funds that
we both should have access to. So, when our family needs some
funds, ONE of us will log in to BOTH accounts. That one person will
make the withdrawal from both accounts. Or sometimes, we will make
the withdrawals at the end of our session. Again, just one of sits
and makes the withdrawals. So, in that sense, one of us does have
control over both accounts. However, we have given each other the
authority to do that in our respective accounts.

We also try to cash out for slightly different amounts. This helps
our own accounting records. It helps us keep one check identified
with the other. And, if there is ever a problem with a check, it is
easier for us to reference.

If we are doing something wrong by the way we cash out, then we
apologize. We would be happy to cash out in a different way if you
tell us what way you would prefer. Despite one of us accessing both
our accounts to cash out, we assure you that when it comes to the
actual play of the hands, it is [my wife] that is at the mouse on
poker hands in her account; and it is me that is at the mouse on
poker hands in my account.

We do not know if you have any issue with the fact that we have
transferred funds on a couple occasions to each other. We admit and
acknowledge that we have made these transfers. When I first started
playing on Full Tilt, it seems like [my wife] may have transferred me
some money--though we're not certain and obviously can't open our
accounts to even look at the transaction details. We do know that I
transferred $15,000 to [my wife] on or about September 29, 2009.
However, we're not sure what the problem would be with that. We are
married and feel that our resources really are just combined
resources. So, when one of us felt low on our personal poker
account, we saw no problem in getting a transfer from the other.

Again, if there is problem with transferring money one to the
other, we apologize.


We assume you refer to the fact that we have very similar game
style. We again feel this is a false positive, as there is very
good explanation. When we play poker, we do it together. We sit
down in the computer room together and one of us logs into their
account. The other sweats that person. We give advice, strategy,
and tips to each other while we play. As a result, we know that our
play style tends to be very much the same. For example, when I am
playing, and my wife calls out, "I'd fold that hand!", I generally
do. And when she says, "You can bluff him off his hand", I
generally give it a shot. If I disagree with her, I'll usually go
into the time bank and we'll talk quickly about the hand to see if
can come to a quick resolution. Usually, one of us quickly sees the
point of the other. So, yes, we acknowledge that we end up playing
hands very near the other. If that is an inappropriate way to play
poker, then I apologize. But, if it is inappropriate, then that has
never been clear to either of us. And if that's inappropriate, then
all the various training sites and coaches (like Cardrunners--
partner with Full Tilt) need to stop doing videos wherein one party
is being sweated during actual play.

We also study poker together and develop poker strategies together.
For example, we recently developed a fold/shove chart when short
stacked. It is our own personalized chart we created (we haven't
seen it in any of the literature). We both tend to follow this
chart pretty closely, so it would not surprise us in the least to
find that our actual gameplay style would also be very similar. We
also created charts for deeper stack play, although we are still
tinkering quite a bit with the deep stack charts. Nevertheless, we
both tend to follow the charts we developed together, so once again
it would not surprise us to find that much our play is the same.

We talk about poker a lot and have come to conclusions about how to
treat different poker situations. For the most part, we tend to
arrive at one way of thinking about a hand. On top of that, we
normally sit with each other while we are playing. So, it would be
no surprise for either of us to find that the other played a very
similar style. In fact, to find out otherwise would actually shock
both of us a lot more.


Without knowing what the other factors are, it is pretty much
impossible for us to respond. We can take a guess at a couple of
items. One thing we both use is TableNinjaFT. This is a program
that uses quick keys to make preset bets. Right now, we have preset
keys that will bet one of four set amounts preflop, on the flop, on
the turn, and on the river. It will also click the timebank button
for us once we select the table. So again, it would be very normal
for our bet sizes to be about the same as well as pressing the time

On a side note, you might want to look at our results over the past
six months. Over the last 6 months, I am -~$30,000; meanwhile
[my wife] over the last six months is +~$70,000.


We are willing to talk about possible resolutions. Ultimately we
would like you to reopen both accounts and let us both to continue
to play at Full Tilt.

However, suppose you decide to close down one account and
consolidate all the funds, points, and medals into one account. If
you do that, we request that be [my wife]'s account. [My wife] is doing a
lot better than me lately and she would like to still be able to
play at Full Tilt. Also, her account is the first one created at
Full Tilt.

However, if that is done, what am I supposed to do? Does that mean
that when I play I should play on her account? Or does that mean
that I can never play at Full Tilt again?

We really do want resolution of this matter. Our family is relying
on the funds in our accounts. In addition to ourselves, we have
three children to support. We cannot go a long time without those

If there is any other way we can help, please let us know. And
please get back with us at your earliest convenience.



Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Andronicus
I am not sure there is an equivalent OPTAH rule for online play as there is in live play. Here's a link to Full Tilt's terms and conditions:

Nowhere in these rules do you find something that says "one player to a hand." Rule 10.2 on collusion states that players [those at the table] cannot share hole cards, chip dump, or talk about the hand before action is completed. Other than that, I can't find anything that would even remotely relate to OPTAH. I think the very reason there is a lot of videos with sweating is precisely because there is not an equivalent online OPTAH rule.

If you still want to argue, I'd rather not. Let's agree to disagree. If you want to discuss further, PM me, or start a new thread to talk about whether there should be an equivalent OPTAH rule for online play.
I know this is a ftp thread but a stars rep when i said sweating videos wasn't right said they didn't enforce the 1 player per hand rule because they couldn't enforce it.

I don't agree and think it is wrong. But I am pretty sure if just one of you is playing then it is okay.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:50 AM
19. Inspired by Nofx Fan's post, we sent FTPSean an apology:

March 16, 05:25 AM


My wife and I want to offer you an apology if we accused you of ill or malicious intent. We hope and tend to believe that you didn't actually mean to harm us. We understand that this was triggered when you submitted my name to Full Tilt Security, but we tend to think you did not do it maliciously. At least that is our hope.

It just gets pretty stressful when your accounts (that you depend on for your livelihood) get shutdown. This is especially true when we really feel like we were doing nothing wrong. I guess in hindsight, we could have done a few things differently.

It was very unfortunate that we got thrown into the ring like this, but hopefully this will turn out okay in the end. We do appreciate any help you have been able to give us in this regard.


20. FTPSean responded:

March 16, 2010, 06:35 AM
FullTilt Support Representative


Firstly, I appreciate your apology. Thanks.

I can totally understand your concerns, and how you may have felt that the time line of the situation seemed that I somehow maliciously (for whatever reason) had the security team close your accounts.

I can assure you that my only mission is to ensure that everyone gets the best possible service from us.

Like I said, I asked the security team to look at all the accounts that were impacted by the 'spam' issue to see if they could find any similarities between them that may aide us in figuring out how this happened.

During this time, they came across information that has led them to believe that you may have acted outside of the terms and conditions of the site.

I am continuing to follow up.

21. To which we replied:

March 16, 2010, 06:42 AM


Thanks! Any help you can get us on this is greatly appreciated. I cannot underestimate how much stress this has put on our family. Right now, we mostly just want to see a quick resolution.

Kind Regards,


Last edited by Andronicus; 03-16-2010 at 06:57 AM.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:55 AM
FWIW, I don't think you are allowed to post PMs from other people. Not really a big deal as it pertains to your case, but just saying for future reference.....
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 07:00 AM
They are doing it not by choice. He's been around here long enough to know that he has to be 100% honest and show all the facts.

I'm really feeling pretty bad for them now and the word that keeps crossing my mind is invasive, and this really must be.

I hope for a quick and speedy resolution to this as well, and I have faith in FTP and their security that it will be.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 07:26 AM
I really hope this will get resolved soon and that you and your wife get your accounts and/or money back at least.

I'm guessing you don't want to disclose your wife and your screennames, because I didn't spot them written out in this thread. If you do, some 2+2 members playing the same limits as you might be able to look into stats and playing patterns which might differ. If you are tracking your hands on a seperate database, you can obviously do this yourself and show us graphs/stats from the last 6 months, which might speed up the process of showing that there are 2 different people behind these 2 accounts.

Evidence-based support in the community will hopefully help your case imo.

Even though fulltilt has done some sketchy stuff in the past when it came to their security, I think most of the situations that seemed to be legit resolved themselves in the long run. And they can definitely not afford additional sketchy stuff to skew their image (in this community) even more, and I think they are aware of that, even though it seems they don't care at all.

Wish you the best of luck resolving this.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 07:44 AM
I totally agree with nofx fan and i wish every ftp or stars froze my account thread was like the op's here

Op have you got the emails you sent to ftp about the iron man tornament?

Have you got any pt screenshots of yours and your wifes account?

Fwiw i do belive you and hope this get solved asap

Oh and sean needs a gold medal for the work he does on here )
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
AceBluff, and the occasional other doubter, I'm not seeing what OP's angle would be here. I can see only 3 possibilities:

1) He's cheating in some completely different way and has made everything up. Botting, illegal software, etc. But then making up a story like this wouldn't help him in any way.

2) He's cheating in a way more directly related to his posts, like colluding, soft-playing, etc. But again, I'm not seeing how this thread would benefit him. He claims not to play with his wife (or other account for you cynics); FT would catch this lie pretty quick looking at the account histories.

3) He's in control of both accounts, and playing on them exactly as he says he is. This is the only angle that makes any sense, because FT will know exactly when the accounts have played, if they played together, etc. This is certainly plausible. But what is OP's advantage here? Two accounts so regs don't know who they're playing? But then why go back and forth between the two? I just don't see a big enough advantage to be gained here for OP to risk his funds by doing this. Am I missing something?

There needs to be a motive. What is it? I can't see a reasonable one.

maybe he runs a bot and wants to play a ton of hours without looking suspicious?

Maybe ratholing games that there is usually only a table or two of?

I agree that nothing really stands out as a motive. I think if we had more access to their playing history (like ftp does), hours, etc a clearer motive may present itself.

I'm sort of getting a weird vibe from the OP though. His replies to full tilt seem somewhat fishy.

For some reason I think if he said that the amounts held was a few hundred or a thousand dollars, his statements would look less suspicious. It seems odd to me that someone with a that much money online would have someone over his shoulder on a daily basis. It also seems weird that it was brought up in the first place, like preemptive that he knew the stats were going to look awfully similar.

I think I am biased by his over abundance of information, wording, and storytelling. A lot of it doesn't seem like it would come from someone with 10's of thousands of dollars in their online account. Like mentioning you wish your wife was around one time last year when you tilted.

Anyways, next time you should prob just click the report spam button in our email client and leave it at that
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Andronicus
I am not sure there is an equivalent OPTAH rule for online play as there is in live play. Here's a link to Full Tilt's terms and conditions:

Nowhere in these rules do you find something that says "one player to a hand." Rule 10.2 on collusion states that players [those at the table] cannot share hole cards, chip dump, or talk about the hand before action is completed. Other than that, I can't find anything that would even remotely relate to OPTAH. I think the very reason there is a lot of videos with sweating is precisely because there is not an equivalent online OPTAH rule.

If you still want to argue, I'd rather not. Let's agree to disagree. If you want to discuss further, PM me, or start a new thread to talk about whether there should be an equivalent OPTAH rule for online play.
Im not wanting to argue, what i am pointing out is that you have clearly played as a team with your wife and that is you gaining an unfair advantage over other players.

The poker rule is 100%, 1 player per hand. Just because it doesnt spell it out in ABC in the TOS doesnt mean that it isnt a rule. as an "avid" poker player surely you know the rules?

You have benifited to the amount of $100k+ through playing as a team with your wife and as such that is unfair on the people you are playing against.

Do you think if Joe Bloggs turns up on tilt and wins $2million off Durr and then reveals that he had Ivey, Hellmuth and Brunson sitting behind him debating all the big decisions before he acts that Joe Bloggs should get to keep his money?

to quote FTP TOS: -


In the event that we discover that you have engaged in fraudulent, unlawful, dishonest or improper activity while using the Software or playing the Games, including without limitation, engaging in any of the activities described above or any other game manipulation, or the making of any fraudulent payment, including without limitation, use of a stolen credit card or fraudulent chargeback or money laundering, then, unless otherwise required or directed by the AGCC in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Alderney eGambling Regulations 2006, we shall be entitled to take such action as we see fit. This might include denying you access to participate in any tournament or to play the Games, terminating your account with us, seizing all monies held in the relevant real money account held with us, disclosing such information (including your identity) to banks, credit card companies and/or any person or entity that has the legal right to such information, and/or taking legal action against you.

Ive bolded the important parts.

Originally Posted by TheRaiderr
I know this is a ftp thread but a stars rep when i said sweating videos wasn't right said they didn't enforce the 1 player per hand rule because they couldn't enforce it.

I don't agree and think it is wrong. But I am pretty sure if just one of you is playing then it is okay.
Just because they cannot actively track it and enforce it does not mean when someone comes out admitting to doing it that they cannot punish it.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
Just because they cannot actively track it and enforce it does not mean when someone comes out admitting to doing it that they cannot punish it.
So the honest players get punished... If FTP handles that rule the same as stars, this would be pretty ridiciulous.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:43 AM
Andronicus, you seem legitimate to me.
I wish you the best of luck to get this case solved soon.

P.s.: You are a lucky guy for having found a wife who shares the same enthusiasm for poker. Cool thing.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
The poker rule is 100%, 1 player per hand. Just because it doesnt spell it out in ABC in the TOS doesnt mean that it isnt a rule. as an "avid" poker player surely you know the rules?
According to the OP, they have been playing like this for 3 years or more, on the same site. He has also stated he has been completely open and honest with Full Tilt on this matter, and they have never had an issue before.

Furthermore, an unwritten rule is just that, unwritten. If it is not written in black and white, then it cannot be enforced. Taking into account the OP says he's been completely open with the way he and his wife play, Full Tilt would not simply be able to generalize on your bold point(s) in their ToS. In a court of law, doesn't matter where, the question of why they didn't take action against the account when they were informed of the way they play, 3 years ago.

Now, this all of course assuming the OP is being completely honest, which by the amount of detail given, we can only assume that he has been. Add to that that there has been no "official" response by anyone from Full Tilt that would prove the OP is lying. So far, the information provided by them is merely "well, we tracked this that and the other thing, and we have evidence but we're unable to tell you what it is".

Now, flip this around and look at it from another angle... if Full Tilt were violating their own privacy policies, or someone from within their organization is, then perhaps someone somewhere thought the best course of action would be to try and cover their tracks. Covering their tracks in this instance would be the instant banning/locking the account of the person who brought the privacy policy violation to light. It doesn't make sense to 95% of anyone of us here, but it doesn't need to. There have been worse cover up attempts throughout history than this.

I'm not saying that is the case, but you have to look at both sides of the picture... and right now, anyone truly looking at this from the outside in would have to side with the OP. Now, if/when Full Tilt decides to be as open and forthcoming as the OP has been until now, and are able to prove he is lying, cheating, stealing or what have you; while actually disclosing evidence and not just saying "we have it", then we would have reason to doubt the OP.

The truth will eventually come out.. whether it be in the OP's favor, or against him.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by lemming
So the honest players get punished... If FTP handles that rule the same as stars, this would be pretty ridiciulous.
No you're right. Just because he admitted it means that he should get away with it. Sigh.

Ill repeat what i said previously and maybe you can comment on that...

Do you think if Joe Bloggs turns up on tilt and wins $2million off Durr and then reveals that he had Ivey, Hellmuth and Brunson sitting behind him debating all the big decisions before he acts that Joe Bloggs should get to keep his money?

Originally Posted by cjhmdm
According to the OP, they have been playing like this for 3 years or more, on the same site. He has also stated he has been completely open and honest with Full Tilt on this matter, and they have never had an issue before.

Furthermore, an unwritten rule is just that, unwritten. If it is not written in black and white, then it cannot be enforced. Taking into account the OP says he's been completely open with the way he and his wife play, Full Tilt would not simply be able to generalize on your bold point(s) in their ToS. In a court of law, doesn't matter where, the question of why they didn't take action against the account when they were informed of the way they play, 3 years ago.
This is not 100% accurate is it. In fact its 0% accurate. You are claiming that OP has emailed Full Tilt previously and has told them that he and his wife sit and play together and discuss hands whilst they are playing. If the OP can show us an email prior to this incident where he has said this then i will apologise, but the only time this information has actually come out is since the investigation started.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by cjhmdm
Furthermore, an unwritten rule is just that, unwritten. If it is not written in black and white, then it should not be enforced.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:23 AM
People still give their primary email accounts?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
This is not 100% accurate is it. In fact its 0% accurate. You are claiming that OP has emailed Full Tilt previously and has told them that he and his wife sit and play together and discuss hands whilst they are playing. If the OP can show us an email prior to this incident where he has said this then i will apologise, but the only time this information has actually come out is since the investigation started.
At this point the OP has seemingly been nothing but open and honest. If he were lying about anything he's stated, Full Tilt would be bale to call him on it, and actually show proof. They have yet to do this. So far all the OP has been told is "I'm looking in to it" by Sean, and "We have evidence that proves we're right, we're just not able to actually produce said evidence" (in a nutshell) by Full Tilt Security.

So unless they can provide any actual evidence whatsoever that the OP is indeed lying, then I see no need for him to dig up 3 y/o emails. And thus far he has been more than open and seemingly honest about his side of this situation.

If he is lying, it will come out, but as of right now Full Tilt has all but remained completely silent... IMHO the generic auto replies he got from Sean and the "Security team" do not count as Full Tilt actively communicating...
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Exceptional
No you're right. Just because he admitted it means that he should get away with it. Sigh.

Ill repeat what i said previously and maybe you can comment on that...

Do you think if Joe Bloggs turns up on tilt and wins $2million off Durr and then reveals that he had Ivey, Hellmuth and Brunson sitting behind him debating all the big decisions before he acts that Joe Bloggs should get to keep his money?
I'm not saying as a general statement that one should get away with a crime when admitting to it. I'm just saying this whole rule is ridiculous if that would be the way they are treating it.

Also, I would assume a lot of pros are doing this constantly. If FullTilt wanted to endorse this rule completely, they should treat these incidents differently. And not just randomly punish someone who they accidentally discover. Coaching and sweat sessions, everyone does it. You can do it if you want to. Call Ivey and Durr and invite them to a beer or something while sweating you.

Your example sounds nice and one would say: omg this is unfair! Just because it's 2 million bucks and because everyone is a durr-fanboy. But come on. Ivey, Hellmuth and the like would
a) have their time better spent doing something else,
b) would probably never do this to other highstakes regs, they have a reputation and are on familiar terms with each other for the most part (assumption)
c) even those guys are coaching each other and sweating each other... So yeah, they're doing it as we speak. You gonna punish them? You think a pokersite should treat their pros differently than someone who supports a large family? (family > durr fanboy - argument imo, haha )

I don't even know why I'm arguing with you, I just think the rule is a bit ridiculous if they can't control it they shouldn't put it into effect. Don't know how you think randomly punishing people who are openly admitting to a thing that they were even asking for permission to do, should be justified.

/semi-Offtopic, sorry for the rant

Any news OP?
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:43 AM
OP seems like way too big of a life nit to cheat. If OP is a cheater then WP sir. The real issue to the community is not that OP is being investigated(That would seem standard in this situation). The real issue is how Full Tilt is going about this investigation. These Vague e-mails with veiled threats are simply not good customer service. If OP did break the T&C provide some evidence, and lay it out in a well thought out form. This is exactly why I left Full Tilt, their customer support is just atrocious. OP I can't believe you still want to play at Full Tilt. Do yourself a favor. Contact stars support, tell them exactly what you plan on doing with your accounts and move on.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 12:00 PM
lol at people thinking that his wife sweating him is wrong. sorry but you guys are clueless. Sweatign sessions happen all the time especially at higher limits. I would guess that at least 90% of top players have been sweated or have sweated someone. Its a major part of online poker. There are post on twoplustwo about setting up sweat sessions... Also the whole FTP controversy was about sharing hand databases not sweating... Why do you think teamviewer is so popular on training sites and with coaches? Teamviewer would be banned software if sweating is not allowed. Oh ya and not too mention the half dozen of week long training camps where coaches sweat you live...

As for OP the whole one computer thing sounds beyond strange. There are so many reasons why playing this way is negative EV. I would imagine you could easily increase your family income by getting a cheap second computer. That being said if what you have posted here is true you will be fine.

The only way here that I could ever see OP cheating would be if he is running a bot from second account while not playing. My guess though is as I first suspected, that transactions deals between the two accounts brought up major red flags.

Last edited by acethiest; 03-16-2010 at 12:11 PM.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 12:15 PM
Hire a lawyer right now.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 12:19 PM
Anyway something smells bad.

I can't belive that with a 6 figure account in FT, you only have a computer at home:

"We have one computer in our home, so we can only normally play one at a time"

If both of you are good, I can't understand why don't you play at the same time.
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
03-16-2010 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
AceBluff, and the occasional other doubter, I'm not seeing what OP's angle would be here. I can see only 3 possibilities:

1) He's cheating in some completely different way and has made everything up. Botting, illegal software, etc. But then making up a story like this wouldn't help him in any way.

2) He's cheating in a way more directly related to his posts, like colluding, soft-playing, etc. But again, I'm not seeing how this thread would benefit him. He claims not to play with his wife (or other account for you cynics); FT would catch this lie pretty quick looking at the account histories.

3) He's in control of both accounts, and playing on them exactly as he says he is. This is the only angle that makes any sense, because FT will know exactly when the accounts have played, if they played together, etc. This is certainly plausible. But what is OP's advantage here? Two accounts so regs don't know who they're playing? But then why go back and forth between the two? I just don't see a big enough advantage to be gained here for OP to risk his funds by doing this. Am I missing something?

There needs to be a motive. What is it? I can't see a reasonable one.


but seriously, as suspicous as OPs behaviour is, somebody deliberately constructing this story would not be so stupid as to access both accounts within minutes to make two withdrawals when he could easily spread them out over a couple of days/weeks...
Full Tilt wrongfully suspends long-time players&#8217; accounts (inquisition in progress) - from 2010 Quote
