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NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT)
View Poll Results: Who Will Win The Most $ (two weeks)?
Tom Dwan
146 37.73%
Patrik Antonius
59 15.25%
Howard Lederer
56 14.47%
Eli Elezra
11 2.84%
Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies
17 4.39%
Phil Ivey
98 25.32%

09-16-2009 , 02:26 AM
Ivey 10-8 re-raise ftw! I came.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:27 AM
Wow, just wow
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:30 AM
Apparently this is the eating edition of PAD...
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:36 AM
wow phil and eli getting at each other
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:39 AM
did Ivey just fold a straight to howard's shove preflop?

the hand where Ziggy bet the flop with TPTK and Lederer had the flush draw.

I barely caught what Ivey had.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:41 AM
ivey had top pair with a gutshot.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:41 AM
Wow, Howard does the right thing. Good job Howard!
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by BarrySanders
did Ivey just fold a straight to howard's shove preflop?

the hand where Ziggy bet the flop with TPTK and Lederer had the flush draw.

I barely caught what Ivey had.
What did you just type? Phil had 97o, TPNK.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:44 AM
Sorry, I meant howards shove on the flop.

I thought Ivey flopped the straight, so it confused me to see him fold. But I guess I just misread it.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:48 AM
lol @ Ivey's balk
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:48 AM
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:48 AM
Durrrr gets paid off.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:49 AM
I like Dwan's little "I think I'll bet, oh wait, I'll check" (typically a sign of weakness) move there followed by the checkraise on the turn.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by amoeba
I like Dwan's little "I think I'll bet, oh wait, I'll check" (typically a sign of weakness) move there followed by the checkraise on the turn.
That move, coupled with the second pair on the board, got him paid off.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by nih han
its not a limp utg/3b and then original raiser 4betting. who the hell limps utg to put in a 3b w/ deuces? maybe you but certainly not PA or a reasonable player.
So it's your contention that it's very unlikely for Antonious to have 22-TT any amount of the time pf? I've already given a myriad of very good reasons why this is a faulty way to look at it, and your reply is simply a shallow rhetorical assertion. And then an insult. Very well done.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:04 AM
I wanna do leanne so hard
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:11 AM
So who wins in a fight Ivey or Eli? Eli is older but he is a ex Israeli commando so I give him the edge.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Veil
So it's your contention that it's very unlikely for Antonious to have 22-TT any amount of the time pf? I've already given a myriad of very good reasons why this is a faulty way to look at it, and your reply is simply a shallow rhetorical assertion. And then an insult. Very well done.
lol.. just stop doing it please
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by nih han
wat are u taling about. your comparing apples w/ chop liver.

patrick 3b tony g's open and the guy in late position puts in a 4b where its only 3500 more to PA when the 4bettor started the hand with over 65000
Actually, PA started the hand with about 40k. And in Pad the 4bettor started with about 135k and PA needs to call 12k (?) more... ...what was your obvious point again?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:01 AM
LOL Ziigmund just chunked off almost another buy in with a bad timed bluff again.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:09 AM
Call Sahamies, I wanna see Howie take a big loss
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
So who wins in a fight Ivey or Eli? Eli is older but he is a ex Israeli commando so I give him the edge.
There would be no fight, just a brutal beating. Eli is one tough MFer, and he even looks the part.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by Veil
Actually, PA started the hand with about 40k. And in Pad the 4bettor started with about 135k and PA needs to call 12k (?) more... ...what was your obvious point again?
If those are the stacks and the pot, then it's an obvious stop-and-go, which actually requires one to be out of position. Please stop.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:20 AM
Someone get Dwan his wasabi sauce
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
So who wins in a fight Ivey or Eli? Eli is older but he is a ex Israeli commando so I give him the edge.
Where did you pull that one out of?
I doubt Ivey could beat up Durrr let alone an "Ex Israeli commando"
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
