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NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT)
View Poll Results: Who Will Win The Most $ (two weeks)?
Tom Dwan
146 37.73%
Patrik Antonius
59 15.25%
Howard Lederer
56 14.47%
Eli Elezra
11 2.84%
Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies
17 4.39%
Phil Ivey
98 25.32%

09-16-2009 , 07:11 PM
Ivey stone cold ignores Dwan when he comes up with his "No-Limit Omaha + Props" idea. Kinda funny how Dwan behaves in this situation.

Good action btw.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Kclclclclfhg
He said so in the 2+2 Pokercast.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:00 PM
so they played about 10 hours str8 with some breaks in between? dwan said how he got little sleep the days beforehand
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:15 PM
Can anybody answer me a quick question about the props? When the players declare doubles, I'm assuming the payout on the prop is doubled because of something on the flop, either the cards coming in some sort of certain sequence, or a certain card being the high card or something else, can anyone tell me if I'm right or wrong, and if I'm wrong what are doubles?

Sorry if this is a really dumb question or has been asked loads of times before.

Thanks in advance.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:25 PM
wat is Ivey saying just before calling off durr with AJ ??
I hear "you know guys I call this double right, just wanted to clear that up"
Im I right? Not sure wat he means tho.Is he really making a comment on the props while contemplating such a tough call?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Vendatte
the intro gets cornier and cornier everytime i watch it
jenn harman's boobs gets bigger and bigger every time i watch it
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by NicksDad1970
I'm not saying you're wrong but I'm curious, do you know he's set aside a lot of cash or are you guessing?

ilari stated on 2p2 pokercast that he has put a lot of money away
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by playinpoka
wat is Ivey saying just before calling off durr with AJ ??
I hear "you know guys I call this double right, just wanted to clear that up"
Im I right? Not sure wat he means tho.Is he really making a comment on the props while contemplating such a tough call?
I believe PA, Ivey, and Eli all have 1 or 2 specific cards that count as double if they come on the flop.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by peterpjames
EDIT: You sound like a grumpy nit who plays AA/KK faceup, has somebody stack you with "a dominated hand" because your range is so obvious, and then complain about "them damn interwebs players".
Are you kidding me? I don't hate them, I love them. They pay my bills. Please keep them interwebs players coming. Oh, and by the way you missed the point.

Struck a nerve?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck
jenn harman's boobs gets bigger and bigger every time i watch it
So does Phil Helmuths ManBoobs
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Timmehhh
It's really annoying for Durr to have someone with I believe like 400bb deep to have position on you. Howard won't play much , so a lot of times it's just Durr vs Ivey headsup while Ivey having position. Also it's not that difficult for Ivey to make that play. They are playing like 400k. If Ivey makes it 84k there isn't much Dwan can do besides call with his good hand JJ+ and AQ, some connectors and fold everything else. He can't make it 200k or something because that would be half the stack, and would be a way too costly bluf.
Actually, it's pretty much shove or fold for Dwan after Ivey makes it 84k.

That's the beauty of the play. For 84k he can make Dwan make a 400k decision.

Calling with AQ, JJ, or any connectors would be absolutely horrible. It's almost 25% of the stack. LOLOLOLOL.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by chinz
Who's Patrick and why would he borrow money to ziigmund? And why wouldn't Ziigmund rather use $3.55 millions he's won at FTP since HSDB started logging... and/or the money he's won before that or playing on euro sites?
If he won 3.5 million online, he lost 30% of that on HSP and PAD combined in basically 2's weird.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by peterpjames
I like Eli check calling A9o on KJx board and then folding later in the hand, good lord he spews money OOP with no plan in a hand or any initiative.

Also potting it with AQo in the 3bet pot vs Ivey and PA, wow he is really bad.
The cold call of 3bet with AQ was as bad as the 88, so this time he donked back the money eh won with the 88.

Interestingly enough, if Ivey doesn't flop a set, that 50k bet takes it down. However, a 35k bet would've done the exact same.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Qsoumha
he himself admits he's a fish in nlhe
Pretty bad at making financial decisions then too perhaps, since coming on these shows, playing terrible, and losing a half million each time is pretty stupid.

I wouldn't want to play a game on TV with some of the world's best if I sucked at it. It would be embarassing. The mysterious Zigmund had some allure, now he just looks like a donk.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Veil
It's quite weird how you keep getting fundamental things wrong. In a standard single raised heads up hand, generally, what you say is fine. However here Eli can get both opps off of all mediocre 1 pair hands or maybe even middle pair+ straight (or maybe even low flush draw)draw type hands a lot more easily with a 50k bet than a 35k bet. Or even a hand like 77 is folding more easily and of course 55, etc, etc. It obviously generally shows that Eli is much more serious about the pot. Ivey nor Pat is going to get away from, say any top pair everrr to a 35k position bet in that spot.
How do you analyze every hand, and get each one wrong, its quite amusing..
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Pretty bad at making financial decisions then too perhaps, since coming on these shows, playing terrible, and losing a half million each time is pretty stupid.

I wouldn't want to play a game on TV with some of the world's best if I sucked at it. It would be embarassing. The mysterious Zigmund had some allure, now he just looks like a donk.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kclclclclfhg
I'm not going to evaluate his skills since I'm not capable of doing that
More people itt need to start their posts this way. Then, they need to stop typing.

Originally Posted by pkrplr68
Are you kidding me? I don't hate them, I love them. They pay my bills. Please keep them interwebs players coming. Oh, and by the way you missed the point.

Struck a nerve?
What was your point? That hot and cold preflop equities are all that is important, and anyone that makes a call preflop from an equity disadvantage is just lucky if they win money?

Your example didn't really clear things up, because it was about putting money in bad, and getting lucky to win. But, then the hand you talk about shows durrr putting like 2.5k in bad in a 120k pot.

It's all just a little confusing...
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-16-2009 , 11:10 PM
Hey Veil - how many times have you posted in this thread? Maybe time to give someone else a chance?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-17-2009 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Zajebisty
Hey Veil - how many times have you posted in this thread? Maybe time to give someone else a chance?
haha okay sorry, won't post much anymore. But everyone keeps responding to me. And the funny thing is, they respond telling me how wrong I am with "every" hand, yet don't offer up any rebuttal - just an assertion that I'm wrong. Yet I'm also just discussing very fundamental things too I thought
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-17-2009 , 02:07 AM
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-17-2009 , 02:20 AM
"excuse me can i get a rum and coke? on the rocks"
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-17-2009 , 02:29 AM
Can anyone enlighten me as to why Eli keeps calling Howard "Bob"?
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-17-2009 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by thoth_hermes
Can anyone enlighten me as to why Eli keeps calling Howard "Bob"?

Short for Bubba.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-17-2009 , 02:51 AM
Patrick using a fork for sushi ..

hes not perfect
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
09-17-2009 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by Montius

Short for Bubba.
Are you sure? It sounds like "Bob" to me and as far as I can remember he's only said it when referring to Howard.
NEW Poker After Dark - "Top Guns" - Weeks of Sept. 7 - 14 Who Wins The Most $? (Spoilers ITT) Quote
