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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-09-2017 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
You said a lot of things. But you seemed angry, maybe you don't remember.

The first instance was about whether you should punch a nazi. I said no.
Jesus Christ. Maybe I'll cut you a break since English isn't your first language.

Let's take this very slowly.

Milo could actually be a white supremacist while I am just not very articulate. It just seems more likely, to me, that some people are too quick to smear others who don't agree with them.
What do the "some people" smearing Milo disagree with Milo about?
02-09-2017 , 08:34 PM
Trump? That's probably a big one.

They would be right in that case.
02-09-2017 , 09:48 PM
This is a step in the right pun intended.
02-09-2017 , 09:57 PM
02-09-2017 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Okay people cannot stop talking about Milo all over this forum and the country apparently. So much for shutting him down. NPR just did a long segment. Anyway, two claims have surfaced that I've been searching for evidence to help justify the constantly repeated assertions he's a fascist.

1) He planned to out undocumented immigrants at his UC Berkley speech. Someone ITF just claimed even Breitbart reported it so it must be true. However,

2) Someone in P claims he has openly encouraged genocide.

The first claim would be despicable if true, but I've seen zero evidence. In fact, I have seen no evidence even any of the deplorables on the alt right have ever done this. Where are these lists of outed undocumented immigrants? The second claim would satisfy my longstanding request for evidence he is a fascist. I'll keep looking.
This is the danger of the left. There are so many young undeveloped minds that are easily brainwashed by these thugs. The result is a riot. All based on misinformation. Many in this forum are all for the riots. I think Milo should invite Bikers for Trump to his speeches. Lets see how tough these thugs are now.
02-09-2017 , 10:01 PM
You mean like the milo fan who shot someone in Seattle?
02-09-2017 , 10:45 PM
absolutely hilarious to see the usual suspects that engage in endless pissy fights actually want to stay on topic and talk politics when madcap presents weak arguments

don't worry madcap, think it through and figure it out, youre on the right track. when you sharpen your pov they will shift away to personal attacks. these are just failures at life venting in a way that makes them feels morally justified. its hard to convince yourself that kicking a puppy is ok but labelling people racists, phobes, child abusers, over and over like they have turrets and justifying anger/hate is probably therapeutic. you should go over to P, theres a lot people that need you over there. the last guy to show up with weak arguements that he hadnt thought through presented a pov in the form of bill and ted the trump supporters scenario which captivated them for weeks. they actually stayed on topic with someone they disagreed with. it was the golden age of lefty debate
02-09-2017 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
what "obvious reasons" would that be?

What constitutes a "real American," in your foreign view?
Pretty sure it's one too dumb to not know the difference between "were" and "where."
02-09-2017 , 11:04 PM
Juan Valdez doesn't know the difference between "turrets" and "tourette's syndrome"
02-09-2017 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
Are you asking what values have been eroded or what values are worth protecting?

Assuming you are going for the first thing, its not something I think I have to worry about living in the US and so I don't. No values have been eroded and they are not likely to be eroded in the future.

To keep you from having to write the next post: I think Milo is wrong about a lot of things but that doesn't mean I have to think he is secretly a white supremacist.
Ok I have no idea what that last paragraph is about, but for the question, I'm asking either. Really, just anything that constitutes a unique western value that could possibly be eroded.

If you were good at post predicting you would've guessed I'd say, whelp, I'm not surprised we couldn't up with a specific example here.
02-09-2017 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Juan Valdez doesn't know the difference between "turrets" and "tourette's syndrome"
Sais the guy who supports criminals.
02-09-2017 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Sais the guy who supports criminals.
"Sais." Sick burn bro.
02-09-2017 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
what "obvious reasons" would that be?

What constitutes a "real American," in your foreign view?
1) California and NY are highly highly populated ridiculously liberal states. California wants to sesede from the country. California wants to become a sanctuary state.

2) A real American loves his country and would never kneel during the national anthem.

You also have to look at the quality of people who voted and whom they voted for.
02-09-2017 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
"Sais." Sick burn bro.
I'm just trying to speak your language.
02-09-2017 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
1) California and NY are highly highly populated ridiculously liberal states. California wants to sesede from the country. California wants to become a sanctuary state.

2) A real American loves his country and would never kneel during the national anthem.

You also have to look at the quality of people who voted and whom they voted for.
****ing idiot troll
02-09-2017 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
what "obvious reasons" would that be?

What constitutes a "real American," in your foreign view?

Going socratic with monistat won't end well.
02-10-2017 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Juan Valdez doesn't know the difference between "turrets" and "tourette's syndrome"
Even your attempt to be clever in correcting me are a logical failure. You know exactly what i meant and my use of the syndrome was correct. My spelling was wrong. Congrats, you corrected my spelling. I guess shortly after i start paying attention to grammar on forums i will shift my focus on to spelling medical conditions. You are accelerating my evolution while demonstrating you are a better spller, unfortunately your post was logically feeble and furtherd my point about all the outraged oxygen thieves on this forum accumulating absurd post counts. Its becoming as stereotypical as white men cant jump. The angry failure manifesting in to 10's of thousands of post of finding targets to rage/hate. The moral superiority and bitterness aren't a coincidence
02-10-2017 , 01:55 AM
Juan continues to destroy everyone.
02-10-2017 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
1) California and NY are highly highly populated ridiculously liberal states. California wants to sesede from the country. California wants to become a sanctuary state.

2) A real American loves his country and would never kneel during the national anthem.

You also have to look at the quality of people who voted and whom they voted for.
So things that are Unamerican:

1. Being liberal.
2. Not wanting to deport illegal immigrants.
3. Failing to follow protocol during a symbolic song.

All of this is wrong. You're not even American, man. How would you know?
02-10-2017 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I'm just trying to speak your language.
LOL, sure is a sick burn bro!! Haha

Wp, gg
02-10-2017 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Ok I have no idea what that last paragraph is about, but for the question, I'm asking either. Really, just anything that constitutes a unique western value that could possibly be eroded.

If you were good at post predicting you would've guessed I'd say, whelp, I'm not surprised we couldn't up with a specific example here.
Yeah, mea culpa. I thought you were going to point me back to a video where Milo disagreed with what I wrote. It was dumb of me to do that.

First, I should start by pushing back on the word unique. I don't think I ever used that word and I wouldn't make the claim that any value is inaccessible to any other culture.

I think people are afraid of the erosion of free speech or the progress we have made in the west on things women's rights or gay rights.

I do not have the answer to the question about how likely it is that our societies regress in these areas as immigration increases.

Originally Posted by juan valdez
My spelling was wrong. Congrats, you corrected my spelling.
Poor spelling doesn't invalidate your claims, of course. (You were right, I'm pretty dumb) But you have to admit that telling someone they have "weak arguements" is, if nothing else, pretty funny.
02-10-2017 , 01:25 PM
Juan valdez railed against campus culture for weeks in the other thread despite never having a single college credit. Juan, you're not evolved. You're a Canadian conservative who will slurp up an O'Leary vote the second you can. You never argue honestly, you can't spell at an 8th grade level. Any time you're asked for citations, you can't get anything beyond alt right youtube videos.
02-10-2017 , 01:49 PM
The value of being inclusive enough to genuinely merge culture is not being treated like it is first among equals, though it persists.
02-10-2017 , 02:21 PM
Wait juan is also not American? LOL looks like the real American vote in this thread is a ****ing clean sweep
02-10-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
You mean like the milo fan who shot someone in Seattle?
You mean, of course, the nutcase Trump supporter who shot and wounded an anti-Milo protester and was indulgently let go by the Seattle PD, where in my town, London, the Met would have deployed a tactical firearms unit and shot the bastard, hunting him down to his home address for the purpose if necessary. We would consider that kind of behaviour to be terrorism, whereas in Murrca it passes for normal as long as the offender is white.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 02-10-2017 at 03:19 PM.
