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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-13-2017 , 01:07 PM
acronyms how do they work
02-13-2017 , 01:11 PM
"(I am) laughing out loud zealously, internet protocol (address) check, statim"

"Topic: The Civil Rights Act.


There, now we're all up to speed.
02-13-2017 , 01:31 PM

Man I even gave you a trigger warning and everything .
02-13-2017 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Turtle just crushing fools itt.

And, aofrantic is about as dishonest as a poster as I've ever seen.
I asked you all for citations proving me wrong. Let the record show we got zero. Remember yesterday when I asked if you wanted to debate the context of hate speech within liberal democracies and because you can't actually put forth a coherent idea you just went for your usual personal attacks? Remember how you're exiled to here because you're not mature enough to have adult conversations about politics? That's your 2p2 legacy. Your dishonesty literally got you banned from a forum that only bans like, really obvious klan type racists. You're an actual adult and this is something that happened to you, while you try to claim the moral high ground.

I think turtle had an aneurysm. Slightly entertaining. Dude can't take an L

Last edited by aoFrantic; 02-13-2017 at 02:37 PM.
02-13-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
These isolated examples do not convince me that Breitbart is any more unreliable than leftist news, as a news agency they seem to operate by the same principles as any other partisan media. They seek news that fits their agenda and report it, sometimes they get it wrong, they don't have like a secret division fabricating news.
You have to have amazing cognitive dissonance to actually believe this. Just find a msm source for the recent Quebec shooting. Then go to brietbart for the same..I wonder, will the msm be accusing the brown dude with a scary last name of being a suspect after it was known the shooter was an alt right white kid? There are mainstream "left" sources who got pulitzers for recent work that was also covered by brietbart. Please, read both. I'd love for you to see the difference between world renowned journalism and white nationalist garbage.

Dan, I served it up on a tee for you to concern troll about campus sexual assaults and you just went to bat for milo and crew again? I'm shocked!
02-13-2017 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Shut up *******.
Originally Posted by kerowo
Bull****, you've been in at least one thread with the big reveal about Brietbart and played this same ****. Go melt some cheese dickhead.
02-13-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I asked you all for citations proving me wrong. Let the record show we got zero. Remember yesterday when I asked if you wanted to debate the context of hate speech within liberal democracies and because you can't actually put forth a coherent idea you just went for your usual personal attacks? Remember how you're exiled to here because you're not mature enough to have adult conversations about politics?
I was exiled from Politics for "supporting racial oppression". You are welcome to ask MrWookie about it. It's as laughable as anything he's ever done.

That's your 2p2 legacy.
My legacy will be whatever people interpret it to be. Personally, I'd like to think I curb-stomped most of you into submission, but I can't make that judgment for others.

Your dishonesty literally got you banned from a forum that only bans like, really obvious klan type racists.
I'm an honest and forthright person. I don't lie about much, and I most assuredly don't lie much on 2+2, which is part of the reason I have so many problems here. You may interpret me losing an argument as being dishonest, but that's a stretch.

You're an actual adult and this is something that happened to you, while you try to claim the moral high ground.
I am an adult. I do believe I have the moral highground.
02-13-2017 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I was exiled from Politics for "supporting racial oppression". You are welcome to ask MrWookie about it. It's as laughable as anything he's ever done.

I am an adult. I do believe I have the moral highground.
Imagine having to type out these sentences, in an internet message board as a grown ass man.
02-13-2017 , 04:43 PM
I gave up imagining wil as a grown man some time ago - his posts only make sense if you imagine him instead as a dysfunctional teenager.
02-13-2017 , 04:49 PM
I always picture him sitting there in a diaper, crapping himself and thinking, 'That'll show 'em.'
02-13-2017 , 04:53 PM
Maybe his avatar isn't his daughter, but his sister.
02-13-2017 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan

Man I even gave you a trigger warning and everything .
Oh here's another hot tip you'd only know if you ever read anything to the left of Prison Planet:

we use "trigger warning" ironically. It's one of the right wings favorite phrases, so the left sometimes sarcastically flips the script.

But reading actual liberal or progressive publications was WAY more effort than you were willing to put into this absurd farce.
02-13-2017 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Imagine having to type out these sentences, in an internet message board as a grown ass man.
Supporting police in the main forum isn't popular. I defended my position and got banned for it. You know, because racist.
02-13-2017 , 05:35 PM
wil you are racist though. That's like, not something that people just made up. Racism is like a top three character trait you have, trailing only stupidity and cowardice.

The demand here from people like wil is he gets to hold whatever beliefs he wants and nobody calls it racist because that hurts his baby-soft feelings, but whenever these guys talk about this **** they also skip over the actual ****ing substance and whether there was actual racism there.

FFS you continue to call me a goddamn race traitor because I'm not racist, you can't then flip back to this faux-naivete where you identify as liberal.
02-13-2017 , 05:42 PM
He can though because he's wil, so he's capable of holding several incompatible and even contradictory views simultaneously.
02-13-2017 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
wil you are racist though.
Is he really racist? Or is he racist in the same way that I'm a "severely autistic white supremacist?" Since 80% of posts here are people throwing around insults in order to try and claim the moral high ground, I sometimes find it hard to keep track...

Seriously, do you not see how your credibility can be called into question with every baseless accusation? Why should people listen to you? If you don't want people to listen to you, what are you doing here?

Last edited by TheMadcap; 02-13-2017 at 07:10 PM.
02-13-2017 , 07:12 PM
How long have you been reading Wil's posts?
02-13-2017 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
How long have you been reading Wil's posts?
It's not about whether Wil is actually a racist.

All I know is I am disinclined to believe anything fly says based on the things he has said about me.

Also, explaining why you think wil is racist would lead to a more fruitful discussion than just asserting it. Have you ever changed someone's mind by just telling them they are a bad person over and over again?

This **** will never lead to anything worthwhile.
02-13-2017 , 07:36 PM
So if someone you don't like has been familiar with a poster over a period of years and over that course of time have seem them say and double down on racist hate speech you would discount their opinion because you don't like them?
02-13-2017 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
Is he really racist?

Why do you need me to answer this question for you?

This is a huge ****ing tell from these guys. They act like racism isn't real, it's just a label SJWs use to hurt people's feelings on a whim, not based on any sort of context or reality.

Or is he racist in the same way that I'm a "severely autistic white supremacist?"
Uh, those are both true in the same way. They are things that are true.

Seriously, do you not see how your credibility can be called into question with every baseless accusation? Why should people listen to you? If you don't want people to listen to you, what are you doing here?
What does my credibility have to do with any of this? I'm not saying I have secret recordings of wil being racist and you need to trust me, I'm saying he's obviously racist from his extensive history of posting racist bull**** on line. If you care so ****ing much about whether one random ******* on the internet is racist, you have access to all the same tools as the rest of us.

Again, it's a tell.
02-13-2017 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Come at me trolls. I'll be here to cuck you all day and night. The slam dunk train won't stop. When you hold the untenable position of THE VIOLENT OPPRESSION OF FREE SPEECH you make it really easy on me.
Remember when this moron pretended to be a liberal? lol turtletom/Marn.
02-13-2017 , 07:47 PM
TurtleTom took a self ban, asked for 3 months.
02-13-2017 , 07:51 PM
Kero, It's not a matter of holding a grudge or not liking fly

If a poster makes a claim about me that I know is wrong and makes a similar claims about others, I would question the validity of every one of those claims.

The "credit" that he lost in my eyes could be regained over time but, yeah, I would discount his opinion for a while.
02-13-2017 , 07:51 PM
TurtleTom took a self ban, asked for 3 months.
Crawled back into his shell, huh?
02-13-2017 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Crawled back into his shell, huh?

I laughed. Pretty good.
