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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

01-15-2017 , 04:00 PM
Well there's another issue where because of the media bubble conservatives live in they don't understand that there are people further to the left than Martin O'Malley. They like to tell themselves a bizarre fairy tale where the only people with left wing views are politicians and professors and entertainers.

NOPE. Not only are members of the public sometimes Democrats, many of us actually regard the Democrats as INSUFFICIENTLY left wing.
01-15-2017 , 04:02 PM
Conservatives are in a media bubble?

Hahah. I take my last statement back, you are in fact an idiot.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
Uh, he's going to lose by like 8-12 points, wil.
01-15-2017 , 04:06 PM
Maybe if your ideas are so terrible that even with police protection you don't feel safe sharing them in public you should re-evaluate your ideas
01-15-2017 , 04:08 PM
There are places where being an atheist or believing in evolution can get you physically attacked. You make no point.
01-15-2017 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
There are places where being an atheist or believing in evolution can get you physically attacked. You make no point.
Those places are bad.

Team Zero Hours of College Credit Combined over here keeps on trying to do this ****, some sort of bizarre value neutral view. No, man, some things are good, some are bad. It's called having principles. Fascism= bad. Racism= bad. Sexism= bad.

Bad things should be opposed vociferously. Good things should be supported. People disagree about what counts as good or bad, those are their principles. The struggle between people who disagree about principles is called "politics".
01-15-2017 , 04:13 PM
Also wil your country ass is 100% going to be talked into creationism by 2018 because liberals keep complaining about the GOP trying to "teach the controversy"
01-15-2017 , 04:15 PM
Your places are bad. You and yours choose to attack, intimidate, and take away people's livelihoods. You are dangerous not only physically, but socially and professionally. There is literally no place to hide from you people.

And you are OK with that?

Bad ideas mean you lose debates, it shouldn't mean you lose your job. If someone wants to believe in Bigfoot then so be it, let them bring the evidence forward and we can discuss it. When they fail to bring that evidence forward then we can effectively end the argument. To go after their livelihood for it is an overreach. Apparently this is something you can't understand because you demonize and hate those that may not only disagree with you, but those who are willing to allow others to harbor those opinions.

You are part of the problem, whether you will admit it or not. You are just as bad as the conservative nutjob right, the bible thumpers, the gay haters. You are the same thing, just on the other side.
01-15-2017 , 04:16 PM
P.S. wil thinks black people need to be regularly subjected to violent oppression by the police, even innocent ones, because that violence is for the greater good of low crime.

So like, this pacifist act is bull****. Transparently so.
01-15-2017 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Also wil your country ass is 100% going to be talked into creationism by 2018 because liberals keep complaining about the GOP trying to "teach the controversy"
We can bet this if you wish. By the end of 2018, nationwide. I'm willing to lay 10-1 up to 1k. Let me know.
01-15-2017 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
P.S. wil thinks black people need to be regularly subjected to violent oppression by the police, even innocent ones, because that violence is for the greater good of low crime.

So like, this pacifist act is bull****. Transparently so.
750 people were murdered in Chicago last year. You got what you wanted, be happy.

feels hollow, doesn't it?
01-15-2017 , 04:19 PM
You want to bet me about... your own self-reported views? Buddy I can see an angle there! No no no. I'ma let you forget about this. Then I'm going to start a thread about school choice or vouchers or some **** and I'm gonna bait your uneducated ghetto ass into arguing against the liberal academia tyranny that oppresses the pro-intelligent design views.
01-15-2017 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You want to bet me about... your own self-reported views? Buddy I can see an angle there! No no no. I'ma let you forget about this. Then I'm going to start a thread about school choice or vouchers or some **** and I'm gonna bait your uneducated ghetto ass into arguing against the liberal academia tyranny that oppresses the pro-intelligent design views.
I'm admittedly ghetto. I come from nothing, I've always freely admitted that.

I see no reason for you to point that out. I'm actually kind of proud of it. My family was poor and uneducated, if you think that's a good argument, so be it.
01-15-2017 , 04:21 PM
wil when was the last time you read a book
01-15-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
wil when was the last time you read a book
Many years. I don't feel the need to. Most ideas are learned very quickly and I don't feel the need to read regurgitated nonsense in another form. There are very few new ideas. I did read a lot when I was younger. I rarely read anything outside of fiction for entertainment at this point, and even that is rare.

I read about current events almost exclusively at this point. Almost no books.
01-15-2017 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Your places are bad. You and yours choose to attack, intimidate, and take away people's livelihoods. You are dangerous not only physically, but socially and professionally. There is literally no place to hide from you people.

And you are OK with that?

Bad ideas mean you lose debates, it shouldn't mean you lose your job. If someone wants to believe in Bigfoot then so be it, let them bring the evidence forward and we can discuss it. When they fail to bring that evidence forward then we can effectively end the argument. To go after their livelihood for it is an overreach. Apparently this is something you can't understand because you demonize and hate those that may not only disagree with you, but those who are willing to allow others to harbor those opinions.

You are part of the problem, whether you will admit it or not. You are just as bad as the conservative nutjob right, the bible thumpers, the gay haters. You are the same thing, just on the other side.
Who is losing their job for believing in bigfoot? What are you even talking about?
01-15-2017 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Who is losing their job for believing in bigfoot? What are you even talking about?
Shh, be quiet.
01-15-2017 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Many years. I don't feel the need to. Most ideas are learned very quickly and I don't feel the need to read regurgitated nonsense in another form. There are very few new ideas. I did read a lot when I was younger. I rarely read anything outside of fiction for entertainment at this point, and even that is rare.

I read about current events almost exclusively at this point. Almost no books.
This turned out even better than I hoped, that question was rhetorical lol
01-15-2017 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Many years. I don't feel the need to. Most ideas are learned very quickly and I don't feel the need to read regurgitated nonsense in another form. There are very few new ideas. I did read a lot when I was younger. I rarely read anything outside of fiction for entertainment at this point, and even that is rare.

I read about current events almost exclusively at this point. Almost no books.
01-15-2017 , 06:38 PM
Grunching, but, there was a 4k post thread explaining this to Foldn.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Would you consider literally shutting down a speech to be a good representation of liberal or illiberal ideals, Fly?
01-15-2017 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Shh, be quiet.
Ahh, no one. That makes sense, Wil is lying again to make a point.
01-15-2017 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by StevenPoke
Every time someone says hate speech I picture them as that crazy college student screaming about hate speech and failing horribly at attacking some religious nut holding a sign. That or Jigglypuff.
Welll, FoxNews and the even more absurd-right outlets are good at what they do.

Even better example:

Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Perhaps the only good thing to come out of the whole SJW craze of the past few years is forever putting to bed the notion that the left was somehow the political movement of tolerance or understanding or science or anything else their propaganda machine ever spun.

Authoritarian leftists are every bit as bigoted, hateful, and violent as authoritarian right wingers or any other warped political ideology.

Last edited by 5ive; 01-15-2017 at 06:49 PM.
01-15-2017 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
First, I don't give a pass to conservatives who attempt to stop liberals speech. Conservatives, especially religious conservatives, have been the worst historically.

But again, you can't seriously be comparing a university, a place of learning, where diverse even highly controversial opinions should be welcomed, to an NRA meeting.

Do you understand why I was clowning that milo video now? The one where the brave soul from the audience was denied a microphone?

How was his "controversial opinion" welcomed? By abject cowardice, as milo and his ladyfriend both could've easily passed their microphones. Through acoustic default, the young man was "silenced".
01-15-2017 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is a terrible and awful attitude out of you.

What's next? Should we ban speakers who support Israel because there are students who are offended? What if it works in reverse? How about banning scientists who believe in evolution from schools that teach creationism?

It's amazing to me that you people can't see the road you are headed down. I really can't believe the things I'm reading out of the people on these boards. This mind virus going around has to stop.
No, it actually isn't. And no one was banned. And the bolded is virtually always what people think when they read your and ToothSayer's posts.
01-15-2017 , 08:02 PM
Somebody doxxed a prominent Alt-Right guy("Mike Enoch", who runs The Right Stuff website and hosts The Daily Shoah podcast. Yeah, you read that right. **** these people) and he ended up being a dumpy IT dude in NYC with a Jewish wife.
01-15-2017 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
No, it actually isn't. And no one was banned. And the bolded is virtually always what people think when they read your and ToothSayer's posts.
I don't think that's really the case at all. Sure, some of you may feel that way but it's not the vast majority. You'd be surprised how many people agree with me.
