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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-07-2017 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I just get the meltdown in quoted posts, which might be better.
Yeah like just getting the highlights package rather than having to watch the entire thing
02-07-2017 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
This seems to be true.

The reality is there is no far left. There are liberals and everyone else to the left.

To the right of conservative, however, exists many different varieties of far right.
The difference lies in that most everyone to the left of liberal acts in a consistent manner.

The distance between the left and conservatives is indeed quite wide.
this is, ofc, complete bs.

I mean, you guys immediately jumped behind donald trump whose plan utterly conflicts with supposed sacred conservative values of small govt, lower taxes, and less business regulation.

but ofc there is no dissent. everyone gets in line.
02-07-2017 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
this is, ofc, complete bs.

I mean, you guys immediately jumped behind donald trump whose plan utterly conflicts with supposed sacred conservative values of small govt, lower taxes, and less business regulation.

but ofc there is no dissent. everyone gets in line.
I suspect your one of the left I wrote about. Remember, the left all think and act in a consistent way. I can see why you would respond this way and your non understanding of what is a spot on description.
02-07-2017 , 11:46 AM
Suspicious suspicion suspecting is like something heard on talk radio.
02-07-2017 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I suspect your one of the left I wrote about. Remember, the left all think and act in a consistent way. I can see why you would respond this way and your non understanding of what is a spot on description.
Then why was Bernie vs hillary closers and fought longer than trump vs the entire field? These premises are just so, so stupid and so easily debunked.

Mong will obviously never provide reasoning or evidence of this bs. This is one of the ways the right acts.
02-07-2017 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Remember, the left all think and act in a consistent way.
Try telling that to the British Labour Party. Even the leader's old girlfriend Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, ducked out of the three-line-whip vote on Article 50 pleading a migraine. Nobody believes she actually had a migraine.

Large numbers of Labour MPs tried to remove the leader last year. If it were up to them, he wouldn't be leader at all. He was only saved by his new-entry followers in the non-parliamentary membership, who are idiots. Labour has always been divided between the sensibles (as represented by Clem Attlee and, latterly, Tony Blair) and the right-ons like the current leader, all beard and sandals, Che and Chavez, IRA and strikes.
02-07-2017 , 02:23 PM
57 on Red is actually better than a lot of the other posters.
02-07-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
What right wing ideals do I embrace? Go ahead, ask away, I will answer truthfully.

I don't consider things like supporting police right wing ideals. Maybe you do.
I don't consider supporting the police a right-wing thing.

I do detest those out there who think the police are correct every single time under any and all circumstances, though.

As far as you personally, you clearly do not come off as a liberal or a Clinton supporter. And you've been attacking lefties constantly.
02-07-2017 , 10:17 PM
wil is so immensely uninformed he literally does not know what positions fall where on the political spectrum, so debating his personal political label is sort of pointless.
02-07-2017 , 10:23 PM
Like he literally endorses martial law but only for black people, obviously has a visceral loathing of modern secular multicultural society, doesn't believe in global warming, likes Trump, hates Clinton, loathes liberals.

Again because of lol not being a reader asking him what his opinion on more complicated issues like universal health care or taxes or the minimum wage is likely going to get bogged down educating him about what the issue is before he kneejerks to exactly and precisely the opinion held by Rush Limbaugh, but when we've hinted around that, he's displayed a ton of scorn for the poor, blaming poverty on poor life decisions and so forth.

His worldview of selfishness and immense personal cowardice is bog standard right wing nutjobbery. Oh, also, liberals read books.
02-07-2017 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Then why was Bernie vs hillary closers and fought longer than trump vs the entire field? These premises are just so, so stupid and so easily debunked.

Mong will obviously never provide reasoning or evidence of this bs. This is one of the ways the right acts.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
02-08-2017 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
I don't consider supporting the police a right-wing thing.

I do detest those out there who think the police are correct every single time under any and all circumstances, though.

As far as you personally, you clearly do not come off as a liberal or a Clinton supporter. And you've been attacking lefties constantly.
I asked you to be specific. None of this was specific.
02-08-2017 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
this is, ofc, complete bs.

I mean, you guys immediately jumped behind donald trump whose plan utterly conflicts with supposed sacred conservative values of small govt, lower taxes, and less business regulation.

but ofc there is no dissent. everyone gets in line.
Trump's appeal is because he touches on many aspects that voters agree with. He didn't just capture the classic Republican vote.
02-08-2017 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Ignoring wil is the tits.
The funny thing is he doesn't realize he's actually doing me a favor.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
If you ignore wil, you might miss out on the next epic wil meltdown.
I wish you'd do the same, to be honest. Both of you as posters are absolutely worthless. He's actually a much better poster than you are, and he's awful.
02-08-2017 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
wil is so immensely uninformed he literally does not know what positions fall where on the political spectrum, so debating his personal political label is sort of pointless.
The political spectrum has shifted. The center is now the left, just as under the bush adminstration the center was to the right.

You simply didnt update your charts. You are the one out of touch, my friend. That is why you left the site for a few weeks, to take your own advice and stfu. You can downplay or deny it, but we all know it's true. It's really good that you were smart enough to realize you needed to rethink some things. It's really bad in how you decided to come back and double down on it.

At this point you are a blubbering incoherent mess when it comes to politics. Maybe you should stop posting so often and concentrate on improving other areas of your life.
02-08-2017 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
His worldview of selfishness and immense personal cowardice is bog standard right wing nutjobbery. Oh, also, liberals read books.
I'm not that selfish, in fact I consider myself generous. Speaking out against popular opinion is much more brave than not. If I was a coward I'd stay silent. It's much easier to just go with the flow. I'm sure in public you're the one who curbs your tongue, not me. I speak my mind freely. You're the one who needs to watch his mouth, right, boy?

Real life ain't a college classroom.
02-08-2017 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
I've tossed it around for years, whether it's them stumbling into a point or part of willful propaganda, and I guess like many things, it depends. But, at some point in recent history white supremacist propaganda starting taking these lines, mentioning class-not-race ideas, and specific factoids about slavery in pre-colonial Africa, or how the Dutch brought East Indian slaves to Africa, and so forth, in an attempt to sorta 'attack from the left' in a smoke-and-mirrors fashion that does actually seem to work on the uninformed. Much of it you had to have read in, like, books, or learned in a university history class, and they took these non-politicized things and weaponized them. If a person believes slavery was horrible, finding out Africans enslaved other Africans and sold slaves to Europeans shouldn't change that, logically, ethically or morally, but... it does, or at least clouds the issue enough to an impressionable mind. It's the earlier and very sophisticated, relatively, version of 'All Lives Matter!'

I've realized the best approach is to attack it at the root, like:

"Ok, you mention class struggles but you're not a socialist, or a quasisocialist or some sort of quasisocialist sympathizer, so shut the **** up... Or, wait, you like these socialist ideas but only including certain nationalities, or excluding certain nationalities, right? Yes? Well, you're in luck, we already have a word for that."
Seems the general way of the far right in Britain. The BNP and Britain First are all about the common man and protecting his working class values that everyone shares but is just too afraid to say, honest. Even UKIP have a pretence of being against the Westminster elite while being comprised of Farage ex-banker types.
02-08-2017 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Trump's appeal is because he touches on many aspects that voters agree with. He didn't just capture the classic Republican vote.
well gee, ya.

but that wasnt the discussion at all.

the way the repubs just fell in line behind him shows that they dont stand for anything, which was what mongo was asserting.
02-08-2017 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm not that selfish, in fact I consider myself generous. Speaking out against popular opinion is much more brave than not. If I was a coward I'd stay silent. It's much easier to just go with the flow. I'm sure in public you're the one who curbs your tongue, not me. I speak my mind freely. You're the one who needs to watch his mouth, right, boy?

Real life ain't a college classroom.
LOL you're making all this up on the fly but you might notice you just switched from you being on the popular side and me not knowing my side lost in the post where I made fun of your staggering political ignorance to this post, where now I am on the popular side and YOU are the one guy brave enough to be anonymously racist on the ****ing internet.

P.S. You literally won't stop posting about how afraid of bad neighborhoods you are when it's time for you to explain that you like police brutality. You a purebreed bitch. Three generations bitchmade.

in fact I consider myself generous
Something that you incredibly still haven't seem to caught up is that nobody gives a **** about your opinion on YOURSELF. You ain't an unbiased observer, and given your lack of formal education, aggressively insular worldview, obvious mental instability, and generalized ****tiness, no **** you consider yourself generous. But you also won't stop posting about is how the only thing you care about is yourself and your family when you're trying to hilariously peacock as an Alpha Male(teenage girl IG comment edition). So selfish seems pretty accurate to me.
02-08-2017 , 02:51 PM
Normally have fly blocked but I'd like to thank wil for bringing out his true colors.

You think that guy is full of hate? Perfect example, of a bigot the world should fear. You think that guy wouldn't be afraid to kill marginalized people? Fly with power and a weapon would be a very dangerous individual. He is a PERFECT example of an intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats". His hate, violent hate, for wil is palable.

Disgusting human being. Keep flying those colors bro. Your not helping your cause. Violence is not justice. You disrespect the lives of people who have fought and died for civil discourse, civil rights, and basic human decency.
02-08-2017 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Normally have fly blocked but I'd like to thank wil for bringing out his true colors.

You think that guy is full of hate? Perfect example, of a bigot the world should fear. You think that guy wouldn't be afraid to kill marginalized people? Fly with power and a weapon would be a very dangerous individual. He is a PERFECT example of an intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats". His hate, violent hate, for wil is palable.

Disgusting human being. Keep flying those colors bro. Your not helping your cause. Violence is not justice. You disrespect the lives of people who have fought and died for civil discourse, civil rights, and basic human decency.
You think because Fly yells at wil on the internet that Fly is a Nazi? That's pretty dumb.
02-08-2017 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You think because Fly yells at wil on the internet that Fly is a Nazi? That's pretty dumb.
He didn't say he is a Nazi. He said that he is an 'intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats"'.

I agree with turtletom.
02-08-2017 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
He didn't say he is a Nazi. He said that he is an 'intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats"'.

I agree with turtletom.
You can pretty much guess who ITT adheres to this:

And yes, wil is being generous although I guess he also enjoys triggering strangers over the internet. Rational people who are much less generous with their time would view responding to some of the people ITT as being a pointless waste of time and equivalent to poking a screaming mandrake with a stick.

Last edited by Morishita System; 02-08-2017 at 04:13 PM.
02-08-2017 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
He didn't say he is a Nazi. He said that he is an 'intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats"'.

I agree with turtletom.
should be "vein". Just noticed that.
02-08-2017 , 06:26 PM
They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.
