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05-08-2017 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Absolutely not. A bet was made and one party made it in good faith. Someone is paying, period.

I've already said if I'm ruled against I will pay, as agreed. We can take it to arbitration in an agreed manner but if you think I'm letting it go you're nuts.

Jalfrezi got himself into this mess and even if he does manage to slither his way out of it I'll leave it to the judgment of the members of this forum to decide what kind of person he is. I'm an honorable and honest man, I expect some sort of decency out of people I make a wager with. As much as I dislike multiple people here I would never do what he just did, and this being a gambling forum makes it even more distasteful.

Jalfrezi, name terms and we will come to a satisfactory way to end this issue, but one of us is paying.
LAMO, of course wil won't let it go. He has a history of trying to welch on bets and now he is just doubling down on being an awful person to bet with. It's laughable. It's even more obvious than being LG telling him he knew what he made on the salary bet, all wil had to do was cut and past "propogandist" into the search box, but SMH to the for again and he ****s it up. Was he even drinking this time? Him being sober and falling into this is just super amusing.
05-08-2017 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Jalfrezi is the one who thought he was shooting an angle and it didn't even work and he lost the bet. Jalfrezi owes wil $200. Jalfrezi is the one who is refusing to pay and calling Wil the welcher. Wil at least had the decency to say he would accept a ruling.

Only one person involved in this has been a scumbag, and it is Jalfrezi. The fact he also owes Wil $200 in my mind (and 4/4 people I asked about the spot) is just bonus humorous icing.
How is this shooting an angle again? He said "I bet you you've never been called this string" and he hadn't. What more should he have done? "I bet you've never been called this string and notice how it is a slight misspelling of a word you don't' understand to being with?" Who does that?
05-08-2017 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
Nobody is looking out for petty things like misspellings when making bets or timezones or similar. It is an an ugly angle shoot, defending it reflects poorly on you, pulling such BS on the wrong people in the real world could end up pretty badly.
LOL, the way you verify the bet is to copy and paste the string into the search box, how is that angle shooting? Why didn't Wil say, oh do mean this spelling, instead of just jumping at the bet? Again, what is the angle?
05-08-2017 , 02:28 PM
One dishonorable person defending another. Wow, that's surprising.
05-08-2017 , 02:29 PM
Wil, you've never been able to show how I was dishonorable, but why didn't you search for the string he was betting you on before taking the bet?
05-08-2017 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is a lie perpetuated by leftists. Everyone wants freedom and human rights. They are granted to you by the Constitution and if you are an American citizen that Constitution protects you.

People like you feel you have the moral high ground so it drives you to keep pushing agendas no matter what type of actual evidence you come across that questions your policies. You use words like "equality" yet you are willing to take from one group to give to another, which drives anger and resentment.

For example, no honest person would say that the left cares at all about the welfare of Asians in this country. No one. Not even Asians care. That's fine, and it's how I prefer it. But at least be honest with yourself that you would feel enormously better if a well deserving Asian student didn't get into a college to make way for a black student. That would just be a blatant lie. Why would a poor immigrant family from Bangladesh be less worthy of your sympathy than a poor black kid from Detroit?

You are the ones who need to question your morality. You do and support things because you are taught that's the morally correct thing to do and then pull any evidence, no matter how flimsy, to support your argument while ignoring all that questions it.

Your way of thinking is downright dangerous. At least some people can see through the bias, while people like you cover it up under a false sense of Justice.
the liberals are the ones that absolutely try to stand up for the poor immigrant from bangladesh.

and no, I dont think they are less worthy of sympathy or welfare than the black kid from detroit. no one does. you are simply mistaken in your characterization of the left.
05-08-2017 , 02:34 PM
So Wil is contending that all those people in the airports protesting the muslim ban were conservatives?
05-08-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
LAMO, of course wil won't let it go. He has a history of trying to welch on bets and now he is just doubling down on being an awful person to bet with.

Taking out the LG fiasco and this current Jalfrezi situation, I'm willing to make a large wager that you can't find a single person who I've ever had a problem with financially on this website. How much would you like to wager?

Obviously we will need rules and escrow. Name your price.
05-08-2017 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
the liberals are the ones that absolutely try to stand up for the poor immigrant from bangladesh.

and no, I dont think they are less worthy of sympathy or welfare than the black kid from detroit. no one does. you are simply mistaken in your characterization of the left.
Nonsense. Google "Stuyvesant testing" and report back.
05-08-2017 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Taking out the LG fiasco and this current Jalfrezi situation, I'm willing to make a large wager that you can't find a single person who I've ever had a problem with financially on this website. How much would you like to wager?

Obviously we will need rules and escrow. Name your price.
Professor, your history of welching on bets IS LG and Jalfrezi. It's like John Wilkes Booth saying, other than Lincoln I never killed another President. Idiot.
05-08-2017 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Taking out the LG fiasco and this current Jalfrezi situation, I'm willing to make a large wager that you can't find a single person who I've ever had a problem with financially on this website. How much would you like to wager?

Obviously we will need rules and escrow. Name your price.
05-08-2017 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Professor, your history of welching on bets IS LG and Jalfrezi. It's like John Wilkes Booth saying, other than Lincoln I never killed another President. Idiot.
I never welched on LG. He was paid immediately, and I was well aware of me absolutely losing the bet but I went along with it because I deserved to lose and I felt it was dishonorable for me to back out at that point.

You have no idea what you are talking about because you want to bismirch me. I've done business with many people on this website and never had an issue with any of them. It seems the only issues I ever really have are the ones from people from the politics forums. I wonder why?

While we may disagree with each other and have a genuine dislike sometimes, some of us choose to act in an honorable and honest fashion. You seem to lack that self-respect to carry yourself with a least a semblance of dignity.
05-08-2017 , 02:51 PM
I don't think jalfrezi ever intended on collecting so it wasn't so much of an angle, as it was a stupid prank. That said, if it went in front of arbiters, the only one who'd stand a chance at losing would be jalfrezi.

Kerowo's string of letters argument is absurd.

And wil, you have no authority to claim 'someone's gonna pay,' so you should probably just let it go.
05-08-2017 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I never welched on LG. He was paid immediately, and I was well aware of me absolutely losing the bet but I went along with it because I deserved to lose and I felt it was dishonorable for me to back out at that point.
Speaking of honor and paying immediately, let us not forget what happened before all that...

Originally Posted by wil318466
You chose I answered. If the documents aren't there in 56 minutes I win.

1000 dollars by Sunday midnight eastern or perma.

I would never let wookie down.
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Huh? No I'm sending them tomorrow morning wtf are you talking about? I don't even have chez email yet and I'm not in the office now.
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
This is a really weird approach from someone who claims they want to avoid a ban above all else.

I explicitly said I'll send them tomorrow morning.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Documents sent. Proof of purchase is sent. Send your paypal info and I'll send your g pack.

Since you have been involved in this discussion, I expect my terms to be accepted. You have have until 11:19 EST or you owe me 1,000 USD or perma-ban.

I'm sorry to trouble both chez and wook.
Originally Posted by wil318466
We all have phones that can take pictures. It's 2015. Will you claim you don't have running water now?

Let it be known that I've given more than ample time for this bet to be honored.

You have 12 minutes. I took pictures with my Galaxy S5 and uploaded them to Chez, as you requested.

You owe me 1,000 or you should be perma-banned. Let it be known in public.
Originally Posted by wil318466
It is now 11:20 EST. My information was sent to the mutually agreed 3rd party.

Chez, I will send you 100 dollars USD sometime within the next 400 hours. The only reason I say 400 is because of my inebriation. It will probably sent within 18 hours.

Let it be known that Chez insisted in PM that he not get anything, but I insist he gets at least 2-5 drinks (depending on his home country) for his trouble.

The rest of you can honestly look at yourselves in the mirror and ask if you are an honorable man. (hint : you aren't)
Originally Posted by wil318466
It doesn't matter, I won.

I expect my 1,000 dollars by Sunday at midnight (or perma-ban, me or letsgambool).
My information is known to our mutually agreed party.

(Chez, confirm or don't, either is fine by me).
wil's 2017 revisionist history: "I knew I deserved to lose and paid immediately"
05-08-2017 , 02:53 PM
A bet was made and someone is paying. I'm not letting a thing go.

Jalfrezi absolutely intended on collecting, I don't know what posts you were reading.
05-08-2017 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Speaking of honor and paying immediately, let us not forget what happened before all that...

wil's 2017 revisionist history: "I knew I deserved to lose and paid immediately"
I explained exactly my line of thought there. I saw no reason why there would be a delay in proof, as I could access my pay history at home and thought he was doing something shady. I was wrong and apologized. I might have been drunk when I posted most of that, also.

The truth is I simply don't trust many of you, especially the "liberals" here. Time and Time again you prove yourselves to be deceitful and dishonest. This jalfrezi bet is just another example of why so many of you are scum. Sorry goofy, but you're included in that group.
05-08-2017 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Absolutely not. A bet was made and one party made it in good faith. Someone is paying, period.
This has gone on a lot longer than I expected, but it's been interesting.

As others have stated, the bet was about whether or not you would spot the difference between your misspelling of a word and the correct spelling, following several posts of mine that even repeated the mistake for you to see.

That it became obvious to you only in hindsight that you'd been bound to lose (in contrast to how clear it was to others at the time) offers you no excuse not to pay up, though it is evidence of what a stupid person you are.

This bet was intended to be fun (which is why I agreed to your suggested sum instead of trying to take you to the cleaners), and I'm happy it's given people here something to laugh/argue/rant about.

That is why after winning the bet I decided I'd prefer you to send the $200 to a LGBT charity (after all of your hateful and ban-earning comments about transgender people itt that I expect won the approval of your fellow far right deplorables HaterDan, marn and BS, who as if by magic have turned up here to support your lost cause).

That is what I expect you to do because I'd have honoured the bet if, somehow, you'd found a post describing you as a propogandist.

Finally, if you're incapable of discerning the terms of a bet maybe you should stay away from betting in future.

So long, tosser!

Last edited by jalfrezi; 05-08-2017 at 03:06 PM.
05-08-2017 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I agree with all of this, with the caveat that if I were arbitrating I would just declare the bet void and tell everyone to move on. It's obvious that jalfrezi is intentionally leaning on the misspelling in setting up the bet but I don't think you actually have a bet when the two sides aren't in agreement on the terms. The fact that it's obvious the two parties understood the bet differently seems enough to just decide that no bet was actually made.
Yeah, this is fair enough. I wasn't aware of this 'meeting of minds' principle, seems reasonable.
05-08-2017 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
I wasn't aware of this 'meeting of minds' principle
Well, I arbitrarily (no pun intended) decided it should apply to bets :P
05-08-2017 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
This has gone on a lot longer than I expected, but it's been interesting.

As others have stated, the bet was about whether or not you would spot the difference between your misspelling of a word and the correct spelling, following several posts of mine that even repeated the mistake for you to see.

That it became obvious to you only in hindsight that you'd been bound to lose (in contrast to how clear it was to others at the time) offers you no excuse not to pay up, though it is evidence of what a stupid person you are.

This bet was intended to be fun (which is why I agreed to your suggested sum instead of trying to take you to the cleaners), and I'm happy it's given people here something to laugh/argue/rant about.

That is why after winning the bet I decided I'd prefer you to send the $200 to a LGBT charity (after all of your hateful and ban-earning comments about transgender people itt that I expect won the approval of your far right mates HaterDan, marn and BS, who as if by magic have turned up here to support your lost cause).

That is what I expect you to do because I'd have honoured the bet if, somehow, you'd found a post describing you as a propogandist.

Finally, if you're incapable of discerning the terms of a bet maybe you should stay away from betting in future.

So long, tosser!
This is not how it's going to work, sorry. As far as I'm concerned you owe me the money, not the other way around.

I'm willing to go to a 3 man arbitration to end this bet but you claiming you won in this situation is disputed. Name your terms of coming to a conclusion here and if acceptable I will agree. They can be 3 well respected regulars that don't frequent this forum or have any ties with us and I'm ok with it as long as a neutral 3rd party picks them.

Choose your terms but your current demands are unacceptable.
05-08-2017 , 03:28 PM
Well you know something, Gene, if these jabronis were Real Americans, they'd settle the score in a steel cage match at Summerslam 2017. The only arbitrators the Hulkster needs are these 38" pythons and a folding chair.
05-08-2017 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by auralex14
Kerowo's string of letters argument is absurd.
05-08-2017 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Because, as Flynn pointed out, it's not very typical (at least for non-computer-programmers :P) to interpret the word "literal" in jalfrezi's proposition to be a reference to a "string literal", rather than a reference to the word "propagandist". When people misspell words, we don't tend to assume that they actually intended the misspelling, if we even notice. The most reasonable interpretation of the proposition is not that it's making a claim about people calling wil a "propogandist" (a specific string of characters, as opposed to any other string of characters) but that it's a claim about people calling will a "propagandist" (a word, as opposed to any other word).

That is, it's far more natural to interpret "literally a propogandist" as indicating the idea that someone wrote specifically that wil is a propagandist, using exactly that word and not some other word like "shill", with spelling mistakes ignored, than it is to interpret the sentence as a claim that someone typed that specific string of characters, where the meaning of words is entirely ignored. The function of the word "literal" more naturally picks out the specific word choice, not the specific spelling.
05-08-2017 , 04:41 PM
Lol kerowo
05-08-2017 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Because, as Flynn pointed out, it's not very typical (at least for non-computer-programmers :P) to interpret the word "literal" in jalfrezi's proposition to be a reference to a "string literal", rather than a reference to the word "propagandist". When people misspell words, we don't tend to assume that they actually intended the misspelling, if we even notice. The most reasonable interpretation of the proposition is not that it's making a claim about people calling wil a "propogandist" (a specific string of characters, as opposed to any other string of characters) but that it's a claim about people calling will a "propagandist" (a word, as opposed to any other word).

That is, it's far more natural to interpret "literally a propogandist" as indicating the idea that someone wrote specifically that wil is a propagandist, using exactly that word and not some other word like "shill", with spelling mistakes ignored, than it is to interpret the sentence as a claim that someone typed that specific string of characters, where the meaning of words is entirely ignored. The function of the word "literal" more naturally picks out the specific word choice, not the specific spelling.
This just seems like a lot of handwaving for someone not paying attention. At some point the person agreeing to the bet has to take responsibility for what's being bet and the literal wording of a written bet seems like a low bar to set.
