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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-08-2017 , 06:28 PM
Seriously sounds like some special snowflakes need a safe space where they pretend that liberals don't disagree with them about ****ing fundamental issues of equity and justice. Nope! We do! And we think poorly of you for getting those incredibly easy questions wrong.

You guys spend so much time cloistered in this racist cesspool of alt-right internet trolling-as-discourse. This **** isn't a game. Politics isn't a ****ing fanboy thread between Xbox and PS4 adherents, politics is deciding who lives and who dies.
02-08-2017 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
He didn't say he is a Nazi. He said that he is an 'intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats"'.

I agree with turtletom.
Originally Posted by turtletom
should be "vein". Just noticed that.
Are you even trying to pretend to be different guys?
02-08-2017 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL you're making all this up on the fly but you might notice you just switched from you being on the popular side and me not knowing my side lost in the post where I made fun of your staggering political ignorance to this post, where now I am on the popular side and YOU are the one guy brave enough to be anonymously racist on the ****ing internet.
I am, without a doubt, on the unpopular side as far as internet forums and our discussions go. In public, it depends on the atmosphere. In universities, you are definitely on the popular side. In the working world or social events, it would depend. I do know your behavior of denouncing people and shouting down people doesn't go so well.

As far as political ignorance, I'd put myself higher than you on the level of understanding when it comes to the populace. As far as being a racist, you seem to be more racist than I am. I want people to achieve their potential. You just want everyone to know you REALLY like black people, and in doing so, treat them like children with mental disorders who can't do the most simple things. It's condescending and insulting, and again, I'm glad Asians aren't treated like that in our society. If whites treated me like they did blacks I'd laugh in their face.

P.S. You literally won't stop posting about how afraid of bad neighborhoods you are when it's time for you to explain that you like police brutality. You a purebreed bitch. Three generations bitchmade.
I live in a pretty bad neighborhood, you know "the hood". I most likely live in a worse neighborhood than the majority of posters on 2+2. I'm not so much afraid of them, I'm just tired of seeing the kids there throw their lives away. I am tired of it because I see it, because I live next to them and I watch them grow up as nice young boys and then go to jail before they are 16. Between 17-25 is when they are getting murdered or murdering someone else. It just gets old, and people like you aren't helping. You make it worse.


Something that you incredibly still haven't seem to caught up is that nobody gives a **** about your opinion on YOURSELF.
Admittedly, this may be true.

You ain't an unbiased observer, and given your lack of formal education, aggressively insular worldview, obvious mental instability, and generalized ****tiness, no **** you consider yourself generous.
I graduated college, I do not have an insular worldview, I am not mentally unstable, I may sometimes be ****ty (admittedly), I consider myself generous because other people tell me I'm exactly that. I didn't pull it out of my butt. Maybe I'm not, but I'd bet a lot of money most of my friends would agree with that statement, that I'm a generous person.

But you also won't stop posting about is how the only thing you care about is yourself and your family when you're trying to hilariously peacock as an Alpha Male(teenage girl IG comment edition). So selfish seems pretty accurate to me.
In the end, that's what I care about the most, I agree. That doesn't mean I don't care about anything other than that at all. If I was truly a racist, I'd stay silent and let it continue. Let the blacks and latinos kill each other, what do I care? They are worthless people and they are doing us a favor by staying poor and murdering each other at horrific rates. That would make sense if I was truly a racist. A real racist would rub their hands together and laugh at 740 people being killed in Chicago last year, I mean, it's not like it's happening on the white side of town, right?

Everything you claim is either wrong or misleading. You're a miserable person, Fly. Fix your own self first, because at this point you're a broken human being. I hope you find peace one day. I doubt you ever will.
02-08-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Seriously sounds like some special snowflakes need a safe space where they pretend that liberals don't disagree with them about ****ing fundamental issues of equity and justice.
SJW Liberals need safe spaces. Normal people don't.

Nope! We do! And we think poorly of you for getting those incredibly easy questions wrong.

You guys spend so much time cloistered in this racist cesspool of alt-right internet trolling-as-discourse.
No we don't.

This **** isn't a game.
Really? It looked like a game on election day, with all you guys posting memes and laughing at Trump supporters. It appeared like a game to me, the way you guys were treating it. Unfortunately, it was a game you lost. (boohoo)

Politics isn't a ****ing fanboy thread between Xbox and PS4 adherents, politics is deciding who lives and who dies.
Then maybe you should adjust accordingly.

It's going to be a long 8 years for you, buddy.
02-08-2017 , 07:07 PM
Why do you live in the hood if you're so successful?
02-08-2017 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
He didn't say he is a Nazi. He said that he is an 'intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats"'.

I agree with turtletom.
This is just as dumb.

But it's emblematic of the problem. The people who are tutting the "SJWs" are outraged at breaches of decorum, yet many argue that they are actually in agreement with SJWs in broad policy terms. Likewise we have people complain about Fly and others who use insults and bemoan the nasty tone of arguments itf. At first I thought "okay, you prefer a polite tone. That's a reasonable point, flies and honey, etc."

But there are a few posters who go beyond critiquing the tone and who actually compare college "SJW" protesters and angry liberals ranting online to Nazis and "blue hats" (whatever those are.) What? Because these people are "intolerant ideologues"? Nazis are known for their killing policy, not for their yelling and insulting people they disagree with policy.

And moreover, whatever you think of Fly, he's honest. He's not trying to butter you up. Actual Nazis hide their views and wait for the right moment. (A certain TS who once posted here adored this tactic--for a bit). Even the alt-right Nazi afterbirth movement does this bull****. Remember how they tried to woo Sanders supporters? (Just forget about those Sanders in gas chambers memes from a few months ago.)

Cliffs: The actual ideology matters.
02-08-2017 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Europa
Are you even trying to pretend to be different guys?
02-08-2017 , 07:50 PM
So, the alt right deplorables from me think Fly is a nazi because he calls the people that support Milo/Spencer/fascism out, when literally ~none of them are on record in any thread here or in Alpha, for any sort of equality that Fly has written about 300,000 words about. It's weird, how words suddenly have very different meanings here.

Wil, you're as miserable, stubborn and uninformed as ever even with a Trump win! Nothing is going to get better for you. You aren't about to get a formal education. You aren't about to actually take time to get informed about subjects before making long posts on them that are hilariously uninformed and instantly debunked. Fly will be upset when people like Sessions and DeVos roll back progress in key areas. But that doesn't hurt him more than it hurts you. It actually probably hurts you more!

Wil, can you please give me one example of a liberal here asking for a "safe space?" Lord is an anti SJW who was asking for one this week.
02-08-2017 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Why do you live in the hood if you're so successful?
People don't bother us here, and my wife bought it over 10 years ago when that's all she could afford. As anyone who lives in a major metro area knows the cost of a single home right now in a desirable neighborhood is outrageous, we've been in a race to save as much cash as possible so that if we do buy a 600k house we won't be eating ramen noodles for a decade. Housing costs are prohibitive.

We will be moving within a year, maybe in the next few months if desirable inventory comes on the market. Philadelphia is a difficult market if you need the schools. Due to our current schooling situation we need to move outside the city and pay more or stay here and send them to private. This is why school choice is such a huge deal to some people. It's literally forcing us to choose where to live.

And yes, we have a really high annual income and we still have to be extremely careful. It goes to show how out of whack income inequality really is. Top 5% doesn't mean you're loaded at all, and we are a small family. It's disheartening.
02-08-2017 , 07:56 PM
It's amazing how Wil can make fun of Fly for the next 3-8 years, yet he is the one with children, will likely have to put them in public school. The cognitive dissonance in every post he makes with complete lack of self awareness is completely worth not having him on ignore.
02-08-2017 , 08:04 PM
I have no idea what that post means. What does making fun of fly have to do with having children?

And my children won't be going to public school in the city, even though I did.

Last edited by wil318466; 02-08-2017 at 08:17 PM.
02-08-2017 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.
there are quite a few ppl in this forum who would instantly force me to take a very hard look at myself if they agreed with me or if I noticed our values overlapped.

that is a first for me.
02-08-2017 , 10:41 PM
Thank goodness I never hated fly. Still got better insult-craft than him if I wanted too.
02-08-2017 , 11:02 PM
The elision from Milo to Spencer is ridiculous and people need to stop doing that. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi.
02-08-2017 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.
What a wonderful way to go through life.
02-09-2017 , 12:06 AM
Okay people cannot stop talking about Milo all over this forum and the country apparently. So much for shutting him down. NPR just did a long segment. Anyway, two claims have surfaced that I've been searching for evidence to help justify the constantly repeated assertions he's a fascist.

1) He planned to out undocumented immigrants at his UC Berkley speech. Someone ITF just claimed even Breitbart reported it so it must be true. However,

2) Someone in P claims he has openly encouraged genocide.

The first claim would be despicable if true, but I've seen zero evidence. In fact, I have seen no evidence even any of the deplorables on the alt right have ever done this. Where are these lists of outed undocumented immigrants? The second claim would satisfy my longstanding request for evidence he is a fascist. I'll keep looking.
02-09-2017 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Okay people cannot stop talking about Milo all over this forum and the country apparently. So much for shutting him down. NPR just did a long segment. Anyway, two claims have surfaced that I've been searching for evidence to help justify the constantly repeated assertions he's a fascist.

1) He planned to out undocumented immigrants at his UC Berkley speech. Someone ITF just claimed even Breitbart reported it so it must be true. However,

2) Someone in P claims he has openly encouraged genocide.

The first claim would be despicable if true, but I've seen zero evidence. In fact, I have seen no evidence even any of the deplorables on the alt right have ever done this. Where are these lists of outed undocumented immigrants? The second claim would satisfy my longstanding request for ehvidence he is a fascist. I'll keep looking.
Both are false. Just read his speeches. He has plenty of contestable ideas but genocide? Lol. The outing thing comes from a UW Mil. speech he gave where he outed a trans student.
The student has already been "outed" bc she had filed a formal complaint against the university for not allowing her to use a womans bathroom. It was public record.
02-09-2017 , 12:38 AM
Yeah, but that trans student was in the audience and he put the picture up so it was almost like a public shaming.

That's nothing I can condone really.
02-09-2017 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Okay people cannot stop talking about Milo all over this forum and the country apparently...
lol, you've been spamming this forum about Milo for days. Let's have a contest: let's see who can go the longest without talking about Milo.
02-09-2017 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Normally have fly blocked but I'd like to thank wil for bringing out his true colors.

You think that guy is full of hate?
Perfect example, of a bigot the world should fear. You think that guy wouldn't be afraid to kill marginalized people? Fly with power and a weapon would be a very dangerous individual. He is a PERFECT example of an intolerant ideologue in the vain of the SS or the Soviet "blue hats". His hate, violent hate, for wil is palable.

Disgusting human being. Keep flying those colors bro. Your not helping your cause. Violence is not justice. You disrespect the lives of people who have fought and died for civil discourse, civil rights, and basic human decency.
"Mirth" is the word that comes to mind reading Fly's posts.

Lemme guess, I'm full of hate too?
02-09-2017 , 09:26 AM

Is this an example of wil choke-slamming people into the pavement?

Because all I see is gibberish. Glorious gibberish.

Originally Posted by wil318466
I am, without a doubt, on the unpopular side as far as internet forums and our discussions go. In public, it depends on the atmosphere. In universities, you are definitely on the popular side. In the working world or social events, it would depend. I do know your behavior of denouncing people and shouting down people doesn't go so well.

As far as political ignorance, I'd put myself higher than you on the level of understanding when it comes to the populace. As far as being a racist, you seem to be more racist than I am. I want people to achieve their potential. You just want everyone to know you REALLY like black people, and in doing so, treat them like children with mental disorders who can't do the most simple things. It's condescending and insulting, and again, I'm glad Asians aren't treated like that in our society. If whites treated me like they did blacks I'd laugh in their face.

I live in a pretty bad neighborhood, you know "the hood". I most likely live in a worse neighborhood than the majority of posters on 2+2. I'm not so much afraid of them, I'm just tired of seeing the kids there throw their lives away. I am tired of it because I see it, because I live next to them and I watch them grow up as nice young boys and then go to jail before they are 16. Between 17-25 is when they are getting murdered or murdering someone else. It just gets old, and people like you aren't helping. You make it worse.

Admittedly, this may be true.

I graduated college, I do not have an insular worldview, I am not mentally unstable, I may sometimes be ****ty (admittedly), I consider myself generous because other people tell me I'm exactly that. I didn't pull it out of my butt. Maybe I'm not, but I'd bet a lot of money most of my friends would agree with that statement, that I'm a generous person.

In the end, that's what I care about the most, I agree. That doesn't mean I don't care about anything other than that at all. If I was truly a racist, I'd stay silent and let it continue. Let the blacks and latinos kill each other, what do I care? They are worthless people and they are doing us a favor by staying poor and murdering each other at horrific rates. That would make sense if I was truly a racist. A real racist would rub their hands together and laugh at 740 people being killed in Chicago last year, I mean, it's not like it's happening on the white side of town, right?

Everything you claim is either wrong or misleading. You're a miserable person, Fly. Fix your own self first, because at this point you're a broken human being. I hope you find peace one day. I doubt you ever will.
02-09-2017 , 09:28 AM
I spoke too soon.

Now THIS is some top shelf nonsense:

Originally Posted by wil318466
SJW Liberals need safe spaces. Normal people don't.


No we don't.

Really? It looked like a game on election day, with all you guys posting memes and laughing at Trump supporters. It appeared like a game to me, the way you guys were treating it. Unfortunately, it was a game you lost. (boohoo)

Then maybe you should adjust accordingly.

It's going to be a long 8 years for you, buddy.
02-09-2017 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
It's amazing how Wil can make fun of Fly for the next 3-8 years, yet he is the one with children, will likely have to put them in public school. The cognitive dissonance in every post he makes with complete lack of self awareness is completely worth not having him on ignore.
02-09-2017 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
lol, you've been spamming this forum about Milo for days. Let's have a contest: let's see who can go the longest without talking about Milo.

Good idea. You got any other "fascists" you want to talk about?
02-09-2017 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Good idea. You got any other "fascists" you want to talk about?
Trump? Bannon?
