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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-12-2017 , 09:29 PM
That the ACLU is protecting the civil rights of Milo? Or of people with disabilities? Why? Conservatives are the ones that tend to hate the ACLU not liberals.
02-12-2017 , 11:02 PM
have ppl itt been trying to argue that milo should not be allowed to speak?

I must have missed that.
02-13-2017 , 12:28 AM
Real progressive hastendan tried so hard there...but completely fell on his face.
02-13-2017 , 12:29 AM
02-13-2017 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Trigger Warning:


NPR - The ACLU explains their support of Milo.

Feels pretty nice to be on the side of the ACLU and not the fake liberal regressives.

It's not just that they disagree with the ACLU here, it's that they think Milo deserves violence. Don't doubt for a second that some of these sociopaths would be killing people if given the right opportunity. Depending on the way this thing runs out, we may be looking back at some of these posts and wondering what made normal people murderers in the name of political ideology. Should be scary and it's important to remember how barbaric human history really can be. The worst things are not "hate speech".

Ao,kerowo, and others already admitted to being violent bigots. I don't doubt they would condone Milo getting axed.
02-13-2017 , 01:51 AM
Literally no one on this forum advocated for violence against Milo. Super shocked you're lying again!
02-13-2017 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Literally no one on this forum advocated for violence against Milo. Super shocked you're lying again!
You advocated violence against "Nazi's", a group in which I'm sure you would include Milo.

Does it really matter? No, when you advocate violence against people for freely expressing themselves you are truly the lowest and most vile scum that the earth has to offer. You, and the others of your ilk, are sewage. Pure sewage.

What's unbelievable to me is that I would defend your rights but I'm pretty sure you would want to kill me, or in reality, let someone else kill me for disagreeing with you. I don't hold cowards like you in much regard.
02-13-2017 , 02:03 AM
Yes, catching you in your lies matters. You have wasted hundreds of words itt protecting Milo from violence no one has wished against him. At the same time, you have handwaved away the cases in Baylor, Minnesota and Penn St among others in the last few years where hundreds of real victims were actually hurt, was "hysterics."

Turtle, Victor ate your lunch earlier itt. It was sad. I realize you have to lie to make you seem reasonable.

I would love to see you find a post in this entire forum, calling Milo a nazi. Please, find one. You are a liar, so you will not.

The February court filing bumped that number to allege 31 football players committed at least 52 rapes between 2011 and 2014. And these cases didn't garner sympathy from school officials, the filing says. Administrator and coach responses ranged from saying it'd be "great" if police kept "quiet" to questioning the women
"The football program was a black hole into which reports of misconduct such as drug use, physical assault, domestic violence, brandishing of guns, indecent exposure and academic fraud disappeared," the court filing said.
But remember, Milo having an event canceled or students getting a place to not be harassed is what is really wrong with campuses. Not the coverup of hundreds of sexual assaults and rapes in the last ~5 years by high level athletic programs alone! That's just no big deal! Imagine that being your actual opinion, then accusing others of having no poor morals because they laughed when a dude who has called for genocide against minorities got punched.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 02-13-2017 at 02:10 AM.
02-13-2017 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Yes, catching you in your lies matters. You have wasted hundreds of words itt protecting Milo from violence no one has wished against him. At the same time, you have handwaved away the cases in Baylor, Minnesota and Penn St among others in the last few years where hundreds of real victims were actually hurt, was "hysterics."

Turtle, Victor ate your lunch earlier itt. It was sad. I realize you have to lie to make you seem reasonable.

I would love to see you find a post in this entire forum, calling Milo a nazi. Please, find one. You are a liar, so you will not.

Dude, you're hand waving your violent bigotry. I have zero need to explain myself. You can't even deny that you want to violently oppress people's civil rights. Seriously? You are so far on the wrong side of history that it's hard to even contemplate. You want to run gotcha's at me when you STAND FOR VIOLENT OPPRESSION OF FREE SPEECH. El oh el.
02-13-2017 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
But remember, Milo having an event canceled or students getting a place to not be harassed is what is really wrong with campuses. Not the coverup of hundreds of sexual assaults and rapes in the last ~5 years by high level athletic programs alone! That's just no big deal! Imagine that being your actual opinion, then accusing others of having no poor morals because they laughed when a dude who has called for genocide against minorities got punched.
And yet more hand waving.

This thread is so easy since you and several others demonstrated your true colors. I just come in here for the slam dunks against you and your bigoted friends. Do you enjoying being consistently posterized?
02-13-2017 , 02:21 AM
How hard did you get cucked by the smart kid's in school that you want to control the world around with violence? At least the Nazi's had the WW1 loss to fall back on as an excuse. What was it for you? Were you disagreeable and a poor student? Ugly? Do tell.
02-13-2017 , 02:24 AM
Man, those anti SJW sure are tolerant! I'm sure that chez will come in and warn you immediately, like he always does for the deplorables. Every time you get caught lying you hide it with personal attacks. Still waiting for that evidence of me calling Milo a nazi.
02-13-2017 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Man, those anti SJW sure are tolerant! I'm sure that chez will come in and warn you immediately, like he always does for the deplorables. Every time you get caught lying you hide it with personal attacks. Still waiting for that evidence of me calling Milo a nazi.
Did you miss the post where I said I would defend your rights? I doubt you would do the same. I'm tolerant of you living your life and carrying your own ideas but I don't have to be nice about it. I'm not calling or advocating anyone to "punch you in the face". I'm just genuinely curious what it is that makes you hate so much you wish violence on someone? I don't care how much I disagree with you I would take punches to let you say whatever it is you want to say. That includes your distinct brand of idiocy. I tolerate radical Islam in that I don't think we should not publish books or speeches by Imams that advocate violence. Doesn't mean I'm not going to call them sewage when they say they want to throw gays off of buildings because they want to bang dudes.

Edit: Also this is a low content thread so I can name call you all I want. Sorry it's not a safe space, don't get your panties in a bundle because I can slam dunk your support of violent bigotry. I'd do the same to a Neo Nazi if they came in this thread.
02-13-2017 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
And yet more hand waving.

This thread is so easy since you and several others demonstrated your true colors. I just come in here for the slam dunks against you and your bigoted friends. Do you enjoying being consistently posterized?
Originally Posted by turtletom
How hard did you get cucked by the smart kid's in school that you want to control the world around with violence? At least the Nazi's had the WW1 loss to fall back on as an excuse. What was it for you? Were you disagreeable and a poor student? Ugly? Do tell.
Do you even know what irony is? Is this performance art?
02-13-2017 , 02:28 AM
It's a !!! thread aofrantic. Making it about the poster is allowed.
02-13-2017 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Man, those anti SJW sure are tolerant! I'm sure that chez will come in and warn you immediately, like he always does for the deplorables. Every time you get caught lying you hide it with personal attacks. Still waiting for that evidence of me calling Milo a nazi.
Also, I don't think anyone in this thread really cares if you called Milo a Nazi or not. I think they are more interested in the fact that you advocate the violent oppression of free speech and the right for someone to live a life free from the threat of violence.

For someone who walks so tough, it's hard to believe you get so hurt by words.
02-13-2017 , 02:35 AM
Turtle, just last page you were given examples of hundreds of women being sexually assaulted and their cases being covered up and you responded by saying "no big deal," yet you expect us to believe you'll actually go to bat for non white supremacists? You realize how transparent this is, right?
02-13-2017 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
You advocated violence against "Nazi's", a group in which I'm sure you would include Milo.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic

I would love to see you find a post in this entire forum, calling Milo a nazi. Please, find one. You are a liar, so you will not.

Originally Posted by turtletom
Also, I don't think anyone in this thread really cares if you called Milo a Nazi or not. .
This is one of the most impressive instances of backpedaling I have ever seen. Congratulations.
02-13-2017 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Do you even know what irony is? Is this performance art?
There is no irony, imbecile. I've said a million times I'll defend a person's free speech and I'll defend their right to be free from violence. It doesn't mean I wouldn't slam dunk Richard Spencer if he cared to join this thread. You really are a thick. Is it that hard to understand a belief held on principle?

Last edited by turtletom; 02-13-2017 at 02:42 AM. Reason: mispelled cared
02-13-2017 , 02:38 AM
Oh, it's not an act.
Well, that's embarrassing for one of us.
02-13-2017 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
This is one of the most impressive instances of backpedaling I have ever seen. Congratulations.
How is that backpedaling? Lol. Keep making yourself look dumber. Please.

I can't wait for ten years from now. People like you are going to be in for a rude awakening. You're backing the wrong horse dude. Civil rights are what makes the world a decent place to live. The most barbaric times are when people have been oppressed of those rights in a violent way. The fact that you advocate for that is abhorrent.
02-13-2017 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Turtle, just last page you were given examples of hundreds of women being sexually assaulted and their cases being covered up and you responded by saying "no big deal," yet you expect us to believe you'll actually go to bat for non white supremacists? You realize how transparent this is, right?
Lol, I said no big deal? You are so transparent.

It is true that you guys need that trigger warning obviously!
02-13-2017 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Turtle, just last page you were given examples of hundreds of women being sexually assaulted and their cases being covered up and you responded by saying "no big deal," yet you expect us to believe you'll actually go to bat for non white supremacists? You realize how transparent this is, right?
You are so ****ing stupid. You think someone that is principled enough to defend Richard Spencer's free speech and his right to be free from violence thinks that women should be raped? Lol. That's literally the dumbest ****ing thing I've ever heard. It's not much of an inference that I obviously wouldn't tolerate violence committed as an act of rape.

Slam dunk. Slam dunk. Slam dunk.

Get an argument bigot or crawl into whatever hole you came out from. Your position is the one that opens itself up to tolerating violence, considering it's what you deem "good violence". Please leave this forum. It would be better without you throwing your vitriolic hate around. If not, at least start advocating for civil rights and basic human decency.
02-13-2017 , 02:50 AM
You going to cry to Chezlaw again?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Turtle Tom is being mean to me and pointing out that I want to whack people simply because they have different ideas than me! When you support moronic, and worse, dangerous ideas I'm going to treat you like a moronic sewer rat. I do it out of respect for all the people that died simply because they had "the wrong ideas". It's important to remember why civil rights, and free speech, are important.

Last edited by turtletom; 02-13-2017 at 02:53 AM. Reason: Grammar
02-13-2017 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Real progressive hastendan tried so hard there...but completely fell on his face.
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Literally no one on this forum advocated for violence against Milo. Super shocked you're lying again!
Fancy a wager?
