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06-27-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Tues is the worst night to go to Shrine. It is Industry night and packed
Nobody goes to Shrine on Tuesday nights. It's too crowded.
06-27-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Tues is the worst night to go to Shrine. It is Industry night and packed
So if it's full of bitties isn't that a reason to go?
06-27-2011 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Madmaniac21
So if it's full of bitties isn't that a reason to go?
Oh Caleb! You know that I dont speak gangsta. I have no idea what this means
06-27-2011 , 04:28 PM
Busted quick in the300 Mega, playing in the daily 120$. Anyone else playing? I'll be in a white north face T
06-27-2011 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by mrzblue
How many for the 300?
550 at end of level 4.
06-27-2011 , 09:44 PM
How bad are the waitlists for 1-2nl on these mega days? Was thinking of going thursday, I see they have another $400 one.
06-27-2011 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
VERY slow.

I played an hour at a shorthanded must move and left because it was not worth staying in.
Heard some Spanish kid walked out with 20k last week.
06-28-2011 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Madmaniac21
So if it's full of bitties isn't that a reason to go?
Kinda the line of thinking I had
06-28-2011 , 09:09 AM
Made it to day 2 of the $300. 396k stack, and of course the 4 bigger stacks are at my table. They really need to not weigh one table down, but hey if at least I can win the chips at my table. Had the sickest hand of my life last night with 70 people left. Guy on button had raised my bb 5 hands in a row. Had around 190k to start the hand. Blinds 2k-4k. He raises to 19k. I call with jd9d. Flop comes Kd10dKc. I check he bets out 20k. I call. Turn comes Qd. I check, and while he is hollywooding, I wink to the guy across the table, he shoves all in, I snap call. He had tt. Flopped the full house, and I turned the straight flush. Huge hand.

22 people left. Let's get this.
06-28-2011 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Made it to day 2 of the $300. 396k stack, and of course the 4 bigger stacks are at my table. They really need to not weigh one table down, but hey if at least I can win the chips at my table. Had the sickest hand of my life last night with 70 people left. Guy on button had raised my bb 5 hands in a row. Had around 190k to start the hand. Blinds 2k-4k. He raises to 19k. I call with jd9d. Flop comes Kd10dKc. I check he bets out 20k. I call. Turn comes Qd. I check, and while he is hollywooding, I wink to the guy across the table, he shoves all in, I snap call. He had tt. Flopped the full house, and I turned the straight flush. Huge hand.

22 people left. Let's get this.
Very nice! Good luck Ed. Take it down. Do you have any idea what the average chip stack is?

I should be down around 2 today, so I'll look for you then.
06-28-2011 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Made it to day 2 of the $300. 396k stack, and of course the 4 bigger stacks are at my table. They really need to not weigh one table down, but hey if at least I can win the chips at my table. Had the sickest hand of my life last night with 70 people left. Guy on button had raised my bb 5 hands in a row. Had around 190k to start the hand. Blinds 2k-4k. He raises to 19k. I call with jd9d. Flop comes Kd10dKc. I check he bets out 20k. I call. Turn comes Qd. I check, and while he is hollywooding, I wink to the guy across the table, he shoves all in, I snap call. He had tt. Flopped the full house, and I turned the straight flush. Huge hand.

22 people left. Let's get this.
06-28-2011 , 01:10 PM
fun couple days at the woods. played all sun. booking a decent win at 5/10 although i made a couple ridiculously tight folds which i'm not too happy about. ended up staying sun night at two trees for $100 which at last minute wasn't too bad. so i wasn't really planning on playing again yesterday but i was with my friend and he wanted to stay so i'm like w/e i'll play 2/5 for a couple hours and leave since the main 5/10 game had a list and the must move just broke.

within 10 minutes at 2/5 i get stacked with trips vs a boat in a straddled pot and stack someone with QQ vs AK, K hi flop, Q on riv. Out of nowhere the 5/10 must move now has 7 ppl so I run over with my 1k in chips and before my chips are even on the table or I sit down i'm being dealt cards. i look down at AA and before adding another 1k in bills i raise (figured I couldn't add on bc i was dealt in but could I have?) call, guy 3bets, I make it 350, 3bettor calls. flop J92 i bet, guy shoves and has JJ and i'm glad I didn't have time to add another 1k. Ended up making it all back + more in a few hours but am still beating myself over a few pretty bad folds.

also watching james woods flip out trying to get a guy's hand called dead was pretty funny it was like straight out of any given sunday/the specialist.

Last edited by drexah; 06-28-2011 at 01:16 PM.
06-28-2011 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
fun couple days at the woods. played all sun. booking a decent win at 5/10 although i made a couple ridiculously tight folds which i'm not too happy about. ended up staying sun night at two trees for $100 which at last minute wasn't too bad. so i wasn't really planning on playing again yesterday but i was with my friend and he wanted to stay so i'm like w/e i'll play 2/5 for a couple hours and leave since the main 5/10 game had a list and the must move just broke.

within 10 minutes at 2/5 i get stacked with trips vs a boat in a straddled pot and stack someone with QQ vs AK, K hi flop, Q on riv. Out of nowhere the 5/10 must move now has 7 ppl so I run over with my 1k in chips and before my chips are even on the table or I sit down i'm being dealt cards. i look down at AA and before adding another 1k in bills i raise (figured I couldn't add on bc i was dealt in but could I have?) call, guy 3bets, I make it 350, 3bettor calls. flop J92 i bet, guy shoves and has JJ and i'm glad I didn't have time to add another 1k. Ended up making it all back + more in a few hours but am still beating myself over a few pretty bad folds.

also watching james woods flip out trying to get a guy's hand called dead was pretty funny it was like straight out of any given sunday/the specialist.
I probably just missed you on Sunday--I could only play until 2ish before heading home. That must-move was abysmal in terms of quality, so I think it was wise to just play 2/5.

And when it comes to tight folds, I am the poster child
06-28-2011 , 01:36 PM
yeah i was surprised to not see you iwsj. tbh the 2/5 table i was at was prob worse than both 5/10 games that were going at the time heh.

so what are the rules/procedures on adding on to your stack? i went from a 2/5 table with 1k to 5/10 and was dealt in before i even put my chips down. can you not add on if you have cards in front of you? i didn't realize i hadn't put another 1k down until after i raised (was holding up the game and was rushed) and then i was like **** i have aces and forgot to add on the other 100bb. i'm assuming if i clearly hadn't looked at my cards no one would have a problem with me adding on...
06-28-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
yeah i was surprised to not see you iwsj. tbh the 2/5 table i was at was prob worse than both 5/10 games that were going at the time heh.

so what are the rules/procedures on adding on to your stack? i went from a 2/5 table with 1k to 5/10 and was dealt in before i even put my chips down. can you not add on if you have cards in front of you? i didn't realize i hadn't put another 1k down until after i raised (was holding up the game and was rushed) and then i was like **** i have aces and forgot to add on the other 100bb. i'm assuming if i clearly hadn't looked at my cards no one would have a problem with me adding on...
I think the rule is once you look you can't add on for obvious reasons. If i'm just sitting down at a table and want to buy in and play that first hand I'll announce it to the table/dealer how much I'm playing while i get situated so it doesn't slow the game down.
06-28-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by drexah

so what are the rules/procedures on adding on to your stack? i went from a 2/5 table with 1k to 5/10 and was dealt in before i even put my chips down. can you not add on if you have cards in front of you? i didn't realize i hadn't put another 1k down until after i raised (was holding up the game and was rushed) and then i was like **** i have aces and forgot to add on the other 100bb. i'm assuming if i clearly hadn't looked at my cards no one would have a problem with me adding on...
Just say "2000 behind" as you are getting situated and there shouldn't be an issue.

Or if I'm reloading/topping off and cards are coming out before I have the money out I just say "And another $X behind"
06-28-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
Enjoy the break, and have fun in Vegas! Jealous of all the good food spots you are in for.

o0ch and I are going to have to eat 5xs per day to fit every place in!!!
06-28-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
o0ch and I are going to have to eat 5xs per day to fit every place in!!!

I am def ready to do the 5x meal a day plan... as long as theyre all steak houses

who's playing the 1200 on saturday? I wish I could afford the buy in the structure looks awesome... either way the cash tables will be juicy I hope
06-28-2011 , 05:01 PM
thx for the responses. glad i know that now and not yesterday as it would have cost me another thousand.
06-28-2011 , 05:39 PM
Chopped the $300. 10k each. Had a 1.5 mil in chips, blinds 20k-40k. 6 limpers I had 33. Flop comes J 7 3. checked around like a donkey. Turn 4. Someone bets, I shove, he calls with 1.2 mil and of course turned the straight. Cut me right down to 300k. So stupid. Wasn't happy taking a 500k pot, had to try to get fancy. Either way pretty happy with the chop.
06-28-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
I am def ready to do the 5x meal a day plan... as long as theyre all steak houses

who's playing the 1200 on saturday? I wish I could afford the buy in the structure looks awesome... either way the cash tables will be juicy I hope
i might play. it's a little outside my roll for sure and the other thing is that it's a much tougher field compared to the 600's where there is plenty of bad players. PLus im heading out to vegas soon so as tempting as it is to take a shot........
06-28-2011 , 05:50 PM
Might play fixed limit for 1st time soon.....(play tons of NoLimit, but never tried limit) i believe 2-4 is the lowest limit game offered at FW ?? How much of a stack do you need to sit down for a limit session ?? Whats the typical average pot size in the games ???
06-28-2011 , 06:02 PM
It amazes me truly how bad people play in those megas going broke level 1 with ust top pair, saw it a few times actually saw 1 guy limp aces then open shove 14900 into 5 other limpers into a 500 pot then cry about getting unlucky when he got called by middle set...

anyway sick hand behind my table on day 1, A24 flop 2 turn 4 river... 3way allin, the hands: AA 22 44, siiiiiiick
06-28-2011 , 06:04 PM
For limit, I usually sit with 25BB with a little extra in my pocket. Pot size will vary on the nittyness of the game. Expect to be playing no-foldem.
06-28-2011 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by PardoG
i might play. it's a little outside my roll for sure and the other thing is that it's a much tougher field compared to the 600's where there is plenty of bad players. PLus im heading out to vegas soon so as tempting as it is to take a shot........
if there's ever a 1200 to take a shot, it's this one. and imo, they are not that tough, plenty of donkeys at every table.
