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06-28-2011 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by chromakey
For limit, I usually sit with 25BB with a little extra in my pocket. Pot size will vary on the nittyness of the game. Expect to be playing no-foldem.
by BB.....would that be 25 Big Blinds or Big Bets ???
06-28-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by bullmoose
by BB.....would that be 25 Big Blinds or Big Bets ???
Big Bets, so $100 for 2/4. Avg pot size would probably be like $30 - $40
06-28-2011 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
Big Bets, so $100 for 2/4. Avg pot size would probably be like $30 - $40
txs Kurn.....and Crom....
06-28-2011 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by bullmoose
Might play fixed limit for 1st time soon.....(play tons of NoLimit, but never tried limit) i believe 2-4 is the lowest limit game offered at FW ?? How much of a stack do you need to sit down for a limit session ?? Whats the typical average pot size in the games ???
Is 2/4 limit even beatable with the rake?
06-28-2011 , 08:30 PM
Be back down Tomorrow night for the $400.. Last Longer!?!? I'm down to run one...
06-28-2011 , 08:30 PM
Congrats to EdBratz on a nice cash today in the mtt. I was the one at the cage when u were up there if you didn't realize it.

Also, come on floor. You got to be better than what you displayed tonight. The 2/5 PLO hi game broke and me and another guy wanted to start up 10/20 HORSE on what is now a dead spread. The floor refused to allow us to play HU to get it going. So the dealer ended up sitting at a dead spread. I don't get it. Even a half raked game is better than no game for them. Or so I thought.
06-28-2011 , 08:56 PM
Dont play 2-4. play $4-$8 instead. The rake is the same $4+$1 they take up through $10-$20.
06-28-2011 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Munga30
Dont play 2-4. play $4-$8 instead. The rake is the same $4+$1 they take up through $10-$20.
hmmmm......a bit confused on how the rake works in Limit I guess.
Its the same in 2-4 as 4-8 ??

They take $4+$1 up through $10-$20 ??
06-28-2011 , 10:24 PM
Not sure for the 10 game, but as someone who was somewhat of a 4-8 reg for a while, the rake is the same and 2/4 will just make you want to jump off a tall building.

4/8 min buy in is $60, 2/4 is $20. You can buy in at 4/8 for $100-$200 and make quite a nice profit doing so.

2/4 is more of a "I want to get drunk and have fun game" more then a I want to make any decent money playing this game.

I would say the average pot is closer to $20, they are taking $5 from it and you will most likely tip.

As far as skill difference there is not much of a leap, the 4/8 players will buy in deeper and have a better understanding of the game, but it is still easily beatable.
06-28-2011 , 10:28 PM
Here is a ruling that happened in the tourney. What are your takes on this?

I am in seat 9. Seat 1 goes all in for a decent stack, seat 2 much shorter goes all in. Folds to me I ask for a count. Dealer says 69,000. I say ok I call. Seat 1 says whoa, I have 110,000. Dealer counts it again and says 69,000, my chips were already in front of me. The floor comes over they count the chips its 110,000 cause he had a few dirty stacks. Floor says I have to keep the 69k in the pot, and I can call or fold. Says its my responsibility to know what the player has. From seat 9 I have to physically get up and go count the guys chips to know what he has. Of course I called and hit runner runner straight, cause I was running good, but what if it was like 700,000 then I am out 69k. Such a joke. Bad rule.
06-28-2011 , 10:32 PM
That's the right ruling. Any chips put out in a tourney must stay, no matter what. It's your responsibility.
06-28-2011 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Here is a ruling that happened in the tourney. What are your takes on this?

I am in seat 9. Seat 1 goes all in for a decent stack, seat 2 much shorter goes all in. Folds to me I ask for a count. Dealer says 69,000. I say ok I call. Seat 1 says whoa, I have 110,000. Dealer counts it again and says 69,000, my chips were already in front of me. The floor comes over they count the chips its 110,000 cause he had a few dirty stacks. Floor says I have to keep the 69k in the pot, and I can call or fold. Says its my responsibility to know what the player has. From seat 9 I have to physically get up and go count the guys chips to know what he has. Of course I called and hit runner runner straight, cause I was running good, but what if it was like 700,000 then I am out 69k. Such a joke. Bad rule.
As far as I know........this is true.....glad you sucked out thou
06-28-2011 , 10:50 PM
After being called every name in the book by the PLO8 table (half of them), I would like the opinion of the forum. Here's is the hand - betting is immaterial to the discussion - on the river, I have KKAT in my hand and make Kings full, 9 seat has 99 in his hand to make quads. Five hundred dollars in the pot more or less, but again this is immaterial to the discussion. At the showdown, I table my hand and announce kings full...9 seat states quad 99s, and I look at my stack to see how much I am going to have to shell out... when I look back up, 9 seat has only 2 cards in front of him - the 99s. Someone asks" "Where's the rest of his hand?"...well apparently, the rest of his hand either was mucked by the dealer, or he threw it into the muck (unclear), but the other two cards were never tabled OR shown to anyone. So, my understanding is that at foxwoods (or anywhere else), a player must show a complete hand to claim a pot on the river after a bet has been called. I called over the floor, and the floor ruled with the 9 seat and said he should get the pot even though he only showed two cards. I called the shift supervisor, and he also agreed. I play poker often and I have fun playing, but I play for profit..... and I feel that this is the incorrect ruling. A player must protect his hand at all times, and a player must show a complete hand in order to win in a showdown. Any thoughts on the validity of this ruling and/or how much of an Ahole I am to try to claim the pot would be appreciated. I am a regular at the tables and I had never seen the 9 seat before if that matters at all..... very curious as to the opinion of others on this matter.
06-28-2011 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Not sure for the 10 game, but as someone who was somewhat of a 4-8 reg for a while, the rake is the same and 2/4 will just make you want to jump off a tall building.

4/8 min buy in is $60, 2/4 is $20. You can buy in at 4/8 for $100-$200 and make quite a nice profit doing so.

2/4 is more of a "I want to get drunk and have fun game" more then a I want to make any decent money playing this game.

I would say the average pot is closer to $20, they are taking $5 from it and you will most likely tip.

As far as skill difference there is not much of a leap, the 4/8 players will buy in deeper and have a better understanding of the game, but it is still easily beatable.
thanks stueycal (and others). based on this think i will give 4-8 a try vs 2-4 to stick my toe in the limit world.
06-28-2011 , 10:56 PM
pretty sure you can play and win with 1 card in hold em, probably no different with 2 cards in omaha
06-28-2011 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Winkito
After being called every name in the book by the PLO8 table (half of them), I would like the opinion of the forum. Here's is the hand - betting is immaterial to the discussion - on the river, I have KKAT in my hand and make Kings full, 9 seat has 99 in his hand to make quads. Five hundred dollars in the pot more or less, but again this is immaterial to the discussion. At the showdown, I table my hand and announce kings full...9 seat states quad 99s, and I look at my stack to see how much I am going to have to shell out... when I look back up, 9 seat has only 2 cards in front of him - the 99s. Someone asks" "Where's the rest of his hand?"...well apparently, the rest of his hand either was mucked by the dealer, or he threw it into the muck (unclear), but the other two cards were never tabled OR shown to anyone. So, my understanding is that at foxwoods (or anywhere else), a player must show a complete hand to claim a pot on the river after a bet has been called. I called over the floor, and the floor ruled with the 9 seat and said he should get the pot even though he only showed two cards. I called the shift supervisor, and he also agreed. I play poker often and I have fun playing, but I play for profit..... and I feel that this is the incorrect ruling. A player must protect his hand at all times, and a player must show a complete hand in order to win in a showdown. Any thoughts on the validity of this ruling and/or how much of an Ahole I am to try to claim the pot would be appreciated. I am a regular at the tables and I had never seen the 9 seat before if that matters at all..... very curious as to the opinion of others on this matter.
could be wrong but i would assume it would be the same as in NLHE if there were 3 Aces on the board and you only showed 1 card the case A...

your hand should be dead but I guess if thats FW's rule then that is what they will go by...
06-28-2011 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
pretty sure you can play and win with 1 card in hold em, probably no different with 2 cards in omaha
NO. You have to show 2 to win in NL. Why wouldnt you have to show 4 in PLO?
06-28-2011 , 11:05 PM
if you get 2 cards to start a hand and the dealer accidently mucks 1 you can keep playing and win the hand.
06-28-2011 , 11:13 PM
WInkito, i will tell you my opinion on the matter and the rulling i would have made if i was the floorguy. I am certain the ruling is you need to show 4 cards for the hand to be live and legal, you cant just show half your cards and gain the pot. THe floor in this case made a bad"official ruling" Altho i am ok with it, BECAUSEEEEEE the best hand won the hand,he had quads... he deserved to win the pot, altho if you want to be techincal you should have gotten the pot cuz he has to show his full hand. Yes you'd be a major scum to take a pot that clearly wasnt yours when you KNOW you are beat, i dont blame you tho for complaining, you got shafted on the deal, floor made horrible ruling but the (morally correct ruling)
06-28-2011 , 11:19 PM
I can understand that point of view Mark. Another would be that because I put 250 in the pot and went to a showdown on the river, I should be entitled to see what this person was playing with. Did he bet the pot on the turn with bottom set? Or did he have a straight to go with it... or a flush draw? This is information that I was deprived of by his cards going into the muck. This is one reason WHY they have this rule to show all four cards. I understand the moral issue also...I've lost pots before because I deviated from the official rules... in my opinion it goes around and comes around.. and if a person doesn't protect his hand, then its really his own fault. Plus like I said I didn't know the guy so I don't really care about him...if I knew him (im a regular) then its a different matter - at least for me....but poker played with strangers is a viscous, cutthroat game where people are trying to literally rip money out of the others pockets.. and I'm fine with that...
06-28-2011 , 11:23 PM
@ winkito: I like to see the best hand win in these types of situations. But in order to protect myself from potential cheating, if I were in your situation I would ask that the deck be squared to make sure there was no funny business going on with your opponent's hand. Once the dealer verifies that the deck has not been tampered with, then the pot gets shipped to the quads.
06-28-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Winkito
So, my understanding is that at foxwoods (or anywhere else), a player must show a complete hand to claim a pot on the river after a bet has been called. I called over the floor, and the floor ruled with the 9 seat and said he should get the pot even though he only showed two cards. I called the shift supervisor, and he also agreed. .... very curious as to the opinion of others on this matter.
Yes, that is Foxwoods' rule (though NOT everywhere else, BTW), and the Floor could have ruled in your favor. But FW also gives its Floors discretion to deviate from the rules in the best interests of the game, as do many other places (this is also in Robert's Rules of Poker). As long as there's no indication of cheating or tampering with the deck, IMO, Floor used discretion and made the right call (and I wish this kind of call were made more often). Better hand won, and we should all concentrate more on playing Poker, not Gotcha....
BTW, I also disagree with your characterization of cash poker as "vicious and cutthroat". Some players do play this way, but that's a choice. You can play as tough a game as anyone, but without shooting angles, bending the rules, or trying to catch people on technicalities, if you so choose. The difference in winrate is negligible (and maybe even positive if people like and trust you at the table).
06-29-2011 , 12:30 AM
The situation makes a big difference. We need to know what happened to the other two cards, and what he says should be verified by the floor looking into the deck. Winkito is correct, he was deprived of the information that he paid for of exactly how the opponent played the hand. While I suppot floors having the right to use discretion, in this case I feel the floor should have made the player say what the other cards were and the floor should verify that by looking in the muck.
06-29-2011 , 12:42 AM
8 or 9 other people at the table and no one saw what happened to the other 2 cards?
06-29-2011 , 01:56 AM
How have the Madness MTTs been? Has there been a lot of entrants, overlays, soft fields?

I primarily grind online and I'm thinking about taking some shots at those deepstack events that run till July 4th. About an hour north of woods..thinking a trip is definately neeeded.
Anything you can say would be +EV , thanks.
