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10-26-2011 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Yule
I heard some guy called Frankie Flowers a sp*** (Derogitory term for hispanic people), and then Frankie Flowers put a MMA choke hold on the guy.

Frankie Flowers got the Foxwoods “lifetime” ban.
I heard a similar story, but can't confirm if it's true.
10-26-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by 78 SOOTED
I heard a similar story, but can't confirm if it's true.
No! Say it ain't so! Frankie keeps the 5/10 games lively/fun, and always a fun guy to chat with or go grab a drink/club.

Granted, he's definitely one to do this.
10-26-2011 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by DangleSauce
Thinking about trying Prime or Craft in the next few weeks... Any suggestions on which to choose? Also what are everyone's must haves off of the menu for steak. Lastly, can you use your dream points at either of these places to foot the bill?
If you're going to one of the steak houses but don't want a steak - the best option, far and away (and one that I've recently been picking OVER steaks) is David Burke's braised short rib over cavatelli (sp?)with mushroom truffle sauce. I first came across this dish at Burke's Townhouse in NYC, and was ecstatic to see it on the menu at FW, and reasonably priced/allowed to pick in the 3 course pri fix.

I've done a lot of good dining across the US and Asia, and this is probably a top 10/15 dish for me.
10-26-2011 , 11:52 AM
i have made 7 trips this year for 11-13 hours of 4-8 and got the free room offer, just booked pequot for 11/9, $0 and no resort fee FTW
10-26-2011 , 01:01 PM
I witnessed a rather odd thing.

These two regs who were cousins were playing at my table. This one guy was a loud guy so he was needling him.

Well the loud guy busts his cousin in a pretty crazy hand. His cousin felt he embarrased him so he walks over to him and says to him something along the lines of "I hope I outlive you so I can piss on your grave." And he also said some racist stuff but I was too far away to hear it. Of course he comes back later and they shout at each other again. It was pretty crazy/hilarious.
10-26-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by shuinthehouse
i have made 7 trips this year for 11-13 hours of 4-8 and got the free room offer, just booked pequot for 11/9, $0 and no resort fee FTW
For some reason I couldn't get my 2 nights on the 8th and 9th to show as complimentary. Only one did. Whatever, I'll print out the email and bring it w/ me on check in and demand my 2 complimentary rooms as I don't want to cancel for fear of getting shut out. Calling is too much hassle. Am I missing some stipulation?
10-26-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
For some reason I couldn't get my 2 nights on the 8th and 9th to show as complimentary. Only one did. Whatever, I'll print out the email and bring it w/ me on check in and demand my 2 complimentary rooms as I don't want to cancel for fear of getting shut out. Calling is too much hassle. Am I missing some stipulation?
My guess is they were out of free rooms on the 2nd night. Don't wait until you show up to take care of it. Calling may be a hassle but it's better than the alternative. Demanding your 2nd complimentary room will get you nowhere, there are a limited number of them at each hotel for any given night.

ETA: You're right, don't cancel, as your 1st night may now be sold out of free rooms, you don't want to lose it. Call them.
10-26-2011 , 05:58 PM
the Foxwoods “lifetime” ban = 6 months to a year; penalty = 1 page essay.
10-26-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by IOnlyPlayJunk
I played 2/5 last night and witnessed this young player go on the heater of a lifetime. For 12 hours, he was in every single pot, hitting draws, sets, flushes, straights and quads every other hand. He would be calling off anywhere from $300-$500 most hands, then get it right back chasing hands down and hitting absolutely everything. I've seen people go on serious heaters, but this kid is the sickest I have ever seen. His stack would constantly fluctuate from $800 to $2500. He refused to chop, and he also shot an angle in a pot against a guy who flopped quads against him where the floor supervisor had to be called over and watch the tapes. He thought long and hard about calling an All in on the river, then he said "There's too much in the pot for me to fold" as he was motioning forward with a stack of green chips in his hand. As soon as he did this, The guy with quads flipped his hand over, and the heater kid said "Whoa whoa whoa......I didn't act yet"

He ended up having to pay the $318, but the point is that the poker Gods kept rewarding him for bad poker etiquette by letting him get smashed in the face with the deck. I watched him for 12 hours in disbelief, and of course It ended with me flopping T2P with KJ off and him chasing a gutterball calling massive overbets and hitting it. He pushes on river and I gave my stack to him just in complete disbelief that he did it yet again.

I swear if I even ever run 1/10th as good as I saw this kid run, I'll take it happily.
I watched an old arrogant woman sit down with $170 and run it up to $2600 in 2 hours. I've never watch someone run so good and she insisted she was a good player. That's so easy to say when the deck hits you so hard, but it was amazing to watch. She got lots of action because she was so bad, just very lucky.
10-26-2011 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by 78 SOOTED
I heard a similar story, but can't confirm if it's true.
I havent played with Flowers in Foxwoods on a regular basis in 5 years...

But could totally see him still doing this...
10-27-2011 , 10:41 AM
Hey.... If anyone is interested I'll be trying to start a 15/30 HORSE game this afternoon/tonight... Good luck if your playing in the Main event
10-27-2011 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Pauky
I watched an old arrogant woman sit down with $170 and run it up to $2600 in 2 hours. I've never watch someone run so good and she insisted she was a good player. That's so easy to say when the deck hits you so hard, but it was amazing to watch. She got lots of action because she was so bad, just very lucky.
Play long enough at the lower levels (cash) and you will see this over and over again. These luckboxes will soon give all the money back, but likely not to the folks they took it from. LOL Just part of the normal flow of Casino low stakes games IMHO
10-27-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by fiveman103
Hey.... If anyone is interested I'll be trying to start a 15/30 HORSE game this afternoon/tonight... Good luck if your playing in the Main event
I want to learn how to play stud
10-27-2011 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by MorseStreet
I want to learn how to play stud
You should. It's alot of fun
10-27-2011 , 03:16 PM
It's confirmed, Allen Kessler is at FW playing in the 10k.

Allen if you bust out can we play some Video Poker?
10-27-2011 , 03:58 PM
10-28-2011 , 02:39 AM!/JonAguiar rips into Foxwoods, talking about mass collusion in an Act 3 and the floor letting it go
10-28-2011 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
If you normally play 12 hour sessions, simply playing a tournament is bad. That means you normally have 18 pt gaming days and then suddenly have a 1.5 pt day (or however many you get for a tourney). Playing cash afterward would help.

Well the gaming day begins/ends at 6am, not midnight. But yeah, if you have a 12 hour session from 7pm-7am, that's going to show up as 16.5 pts the 1st day and 1.5 pts the 2nd day, for a 9 pt average.

I don't know where the line is. Believe me I wish I did. Sure you can do that and *might* get some mid-week rooms, but of course you'd only be using them once/month.

Yes tournaments count. Room rates are based on your casino player rating, which are based on a number of factors, most importantly point average and point total. Everything revolves around the points you earn.
Thanks for the info mate it helps. Also explains why I don't get rooms since I normally do 1 or 2 tourney trips only. Time to rethink now lol
10-28-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by Army Eye!/JonAguiar rips into Foxwoods, talking about mass collusion in an Act 3 and the floor letting it go
yep, this I have actually witnessed this in ACT 3's before. about 3 years ago, when we were 3 off the seat's, this stuff started going on. Luckily at that time the floorperson dealt with it albeit not in very forceful way, but enough to get it to stop. Then two years, ago I was asked repeatedly if I knew "how to play it" when we got down to the bubbles again. In that instance the floor was very passive and it made me extremely uncomfortable. It's always the grimy foxwoods regs of course, just as John says.
10-28-2011 , 12:02 PM
never seen lenny c be anything but a straight up shooter and nice guy..aguiar calls him a foxwood legend then calls him a colluder???was he joking?
10-28-2011 , 07:17 PM
if anyone there can throw a weather update from anyone coming from boston/worcester , thinking of driving down then coming back up in early morning with this storm coming in for weekend
10-28-2011 , 09:58 PM
Ok. Im a 2/5'er and want to take a shot at 5/10 this weekend. What should be my split of red and green when buying in. Say for 1500 and for 2000
10-28-2011 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by bmoney
Ok. Im a 2/5'er and want to take a shot at 5/10 this weekend. What should be my split of red and green when buying in. Say for 1500 and for 2000
Personally I wouldn't buy in with any red but if you insist, no more than $200
10-29-2011 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by bmoney
Ok. Im a 2/5'er and want to take a shot at 5/10 this weekend. What should be my split of red and green when buying in. Say for 1500 and for 2000
IMO if you are that worried about moving up and your chip denomination you prolly shouldn't be at that level.

your already looking at yourself as out of place and will continue to try to "play like that are to compete" with your atitude. just my opinion from a psychology stand point. good luck to you.

If it was me id take all red so u can be a boss and have the most chips now thats psychology hhaahah, do what you want man, I like to get all red almost always with 2/5 and then just color up as i go
10-29-2011 , 07:56 AM
What's the max buy in for 5/10nl at Foxwoods? Will be making a trip out there to see ya guys soon enough.
